Mummies with 2007 babies in Sengkang

NateM - All other babies were sick , only hazel turn up for the trial!
My sis and her baby went with us. she had 2 free trials so she tried the one in tampines and the one in punggol.

My view was that tumbletots is more for babies that can crawl rather well or walk le . My hazel didn't really enjoy it as she can't really crawl.

My sis view as Tampines was better as there were bubbles playing (megan enjoyed that) , songs sang were better and there were more things to play. Punggol is alittle too small!
florence, ok, will check on e postage & let u know.

rgding tumbletot, my boy can crawl & walk w assistance, so he does enjoy trying out e various equipment. aso, they hv quite a few pp to assist us & teach how to use e various equipment. e singing is so-so, e instructors even sang wrongly for 1 particular song. hv not been to other outlets but i agree tha e plc is a bit small.
he's only on isomil...he's fine with that so we aren't going to change until the dr says so.

Btw, Jesse goes for My Gym classes at great world. he's never been to tumble tots but I reckon it's about the same his class, he's the slowest since he can't walk, can only crawl.
thanks for the updates on the trial! yah ... all sounds about the same ...
did they share with you the packages there?
Liitleoink - I cut the cheese into little bite-size pieces. It's quite soft and melts in thei mouth pretty quickly so it's ok. Mattheaus eats it like a snack...he can eat about 1/2 a babybel cheese at a time now...this evening, I also tried adding half a cheese to his dinner of potato and fish...quite nice also.

re: 1st bday traditions - my mum also said must get a pair of shoes for baby on their first bdays...some old belief I mum said cannot let them wear shoes before they turn one year old, if not they will have a tough life ahead. Haha...I just follow what they say to make them happy lor.

littlefly, littleoink, bunnybluey - I also couldnt make it on Sat because my hubby was called back to I stayed at home with Mattheaus. I called them to cancel in the morning. I think I will try to arrange another time to go for the trial.

bunnybluey - yeah...I may need some fruit jars cos those ran out already. You let me know when you getting ok? I still have quite abit of other jars left cos Mattheaus eats other cereals, baby rice and purees so I rotate. But yeah, he can eat 2 jars at 1 go. No sweat. I recently brought along 2 Aloha Mango jars to feed him lunch when we went out for lunch. Actually I have never tried feeding him solids outside before, always feed at home before going out mah, so I was a bit nervous. After finishing the first jar, Mattheaus screamed so loud that everyone in the restaurant turned to look. Only after he finished the 2nd jar did he regain his composure. Thats how much he loves his jars. I was so embarrassed.

What kind of mixed grain cereal you have? Nestle ones?

bunz - since you say that, I am really thinking of bringing mattheaus to EYS cos he still coughs every now and then, I get very scared when he coughs. If can get something to strengthen his lungs that's good, though I still have some Hou Ning left. But I think that's more for clearing phlegm right?
Btw mummies, FYI, I went to Mothercare last Friday and they were having a big big sale. They have up to 70% discounts. I bought a winter jacket at 70% discount. Their onesies and pyjamas are also on discounts. Can go and have a look
Mattmum, ah little matt has such gd appetite! I wished the same for Lex.

Bunnybluey, let me know too coz i oso wanna to join the spree for ordering the jars
I stopped solids since lex is sick and now that he's returning to his milk, i am thinking of reintro him solids again.

Mummies, how do u manage to bring ur bbies for shoppg alone? I tried cabbing w Lex to go my mum's place and was struggling to hold him, pay the fare, keep the change, and picking up after him (pacifier, hankie, etc) when we reached. It was a total diaster...
Little Fly : when I had Keith alone , I just put him in a sling whenever I wanna go shopping and I could even take him on a bus or mrt. hehe . I will put all his hankie , pacifier , small pillow on the front pouch (reachable easily) ... hehe now that I am so used to my helper , I bring her everywhere with my two kids wor.
little fly
me put my boy in the carrier and the rest of the stuff in a easily reachable bag. always have loose change/ezlink in a pocket outside so no need to fumble around. pacifier always will have clip if going out. usually cabbies are super nice when they see mums alone with babes ... the taxi uncle always tell me 'nvm, take your time'

can consider getting a good carrier or a stroller that u can manage with one hand.
hi mummies,
Me has been shortlisting childcare all located in Rivervale Crescent or Rivervale Drive cos is nearer for my mum to fetch my boy home.

1) My Little Cottage
2) Sparkle Stone Educare Centre
3) Young Elite
4) Ceden Childcare

Which one have you hear of good comment or bad comment huh ???
Saw my photo on your blog. Nice for including something in your blog on me...hee hee.
Yes, I was also very tired after the trial at Punggol, just like you. I realised then that I will not take my bb to those exercise will be too 'hard' on myself..:)

I went for the GUG trial yesterday, less exercise, more singing. Kind of enjoying that more...less tiring for me too...haha.
little fly,
same here lor... when he was younger I'd put him in a carrier (in a cab, bus or MRT) and make sure everything I need (like money) is easily accessible. Now that he's older, it's much easier since he can just sit on his own...but now I drive around, so different lah. But he hates the stroller so going shopping is still quite difficult since I cannot stop and browse.
Florence, NateM, AgentD, I wished Lex could walk alredi so maybe it won't be such a struggle.

Yes, I think i need a new diaper bag with many pockets (heehee, my excuses to get a new bag).
Halo Mummies

Littlefly, I was like u pray & pray for my gal to walk. NOW I have to watch her hands being so itchy, pulling everything dw when shoppin...

Walk like flying... So scare she fall :p
haven't been coming into tis thread since there was some prob w forum last wk.

mattmum, so u keen to get HT food jars again? i need to top-up, so email me your order list. e mixed grain cereal is aso fr HT.

littlefly, u keen on e HT food jars too? woohoo... really can start consolidating order now, email me your order list too. i haven't gone shopping alone w bb, so can't advise u how to manage. i tink when lex can walk, u wish tha he doesn't walk so early, cos u hv to chase aft them. i hrd fr my mummies grp, once they can walk, they like to walk on their own, dun wan us to hold on to them, in shopping malls, can be quite dangerous cos our little ones so short, most pp wun notice, scared pp wld bump into them. now, jake still can't walk on his own, i'm glad abt it cos he's aredi quite a handful w his crawling & climbing stunts, can't imagine when he can walk & run abt.

janet, haha... hope u dun mind tha i hv u in my blog. do u read my blog quite frequently? u noticed tha i put up ads by google on e top right hand corner? my colic intro me adsense, said tha it wld publish ads tha r related to e contents tha i posted & when pp visited my blog & click on e ads, i can earn some $, so i'm trying it out. quite smart, can determine by contents of e blog & put up relevant ads. u went for GUG trial on 29 jun too? i went too, a pte trial class w my mummies grp, at 2pm. wat time is urs? btw, i asked u, during e trial, did u hv arts work? u keen on ordering HT?
Lynn, Bunnybluey, oh yar..i overlooked the down side of them walking! Quite true, already a handful with crawling and standing-up stunts.

Bunnybluey, just found that the PM dont work for me coz my email server is being migrated and any emails sent after 28 Jun will not be autofwded. Expected to be up only on 5 Jul onwards. PM u yday HT orders, let me know (via SMS) if u did not rec them then I can resend to ur email acct, okie? Thanks!
any babies drinking similac follow on here? i have a $3 voucher from abbott for the purchase of a 900g Similac 2 at shop and save or guardian. if anyone wants it can PM me ok?
Yes, I went for the 29 Jun trial. but is at 4pm. no handicraft. I think handicraft is only for confirmed class not trial. Because when i signed up for the confirmed class, they told me to bring an extra set of clothes for the handicraft.

Yes, I want to order the HT. Can you give me a box of the cereal for each of the four flavours? Thanks. will collect from your house again, or otherwise can arrange another place.
janet, oic, so handicraft oni for cfmed class. u signed up for it? i din, as i wasn't impressed by it at all. was yours a pte trial class? some more, they v.inflexible, no make-up class even if child is on mc, PH aso must pay! tink i'll go for JG when jake turns 18months.
Hi Bunnybluey

Paiseh, my first time ordering HT lah...heehee went to the wrong website. Here's my orders. Any shipping charges for local delivery?

Product Name Price/Unit (Quantity)
Barley Cereal for Baby $6.90(1)
Cabana Banana $2.30(1)
Fresh Carrots $2.30(1)
Golden Pears $2.30(1)
Sweet Potatoes $2.30(1)
Aloha Mango Chicken $2.30(3)
Little Bear's Chicken Stew $2.30(1)
Grandma's Turkey Dinner $2.30(1)
Sweet Potato with Apple $2.30(1)
Total: $29.90

Thanks for coordinating the orders!
littlefly, if can get min $100 orders, free delivery + 10% disc. if can get $200 orders, 15% disc.

christine, haha... i din know e christine in my spree was u until i saw ur posting here.

mattmum, i've rcvd ur order liao.

rgding HT, besides janet, littefly & mattmum, anyone else keen?
Hi ladies, How's everyone?

Update on the renovation. I have decided not to do grills on my windows after all.
Really like the "open" look. Haaaa!!

Just getting a kitchen door done to prevent megan from going in and some simple reno to make it more child safe for her.

Simple reno already setting me back almost 3K! Scary!!

Those who asked me to check on the window grills quote, I need more info.
Please pm me your hse type and the no of rooms u wanna do.

hi bunnybluey,

yeh, it's me! heeheehee

realie so nice of u to organise & coordinate the spree. not easy man! i oradie seeing stars at the no of orders at the page!
how old is your kid?
my house also no window grilles
everytime my parents or inlaws come over they will ask when we fixing the grilles. now have to think of it ... sigh ... really like the open look and less cleaning too!
eliz, rgding e grills, hb gotten a contractor thru his cousin to do it le, so no need to bother u liao. anyway, txks for coordinating.

christine, no prob. i love to c wat others order, esp those girl stuff. luckily, i dun hv a girl, else sure v.broke cos girl stuff is simply so adorable.

florence, hv emailed u on e postage charge for e table cover, did u rcv it? r u still keen?

for those who ordered HT, i wld place order by today. sorry for e delay.
Hi Bunnybluey

Here's my payment details for HT orders:
14 Jul 2008 01:55 PM
To Account POSB Savings
xxx-05898-0 Jen Phua
Amount S$29.90
Transaction Reference 1798323005

Missed ur gap sale spree last time coz too I am slow to act. Nvm, hope to make it in time next rd.
No worries. I was very slow to response too. Haa..
But i'm very happy with my Kitchen Door

I also missed your Gap/Old Navy Spree.
Do pm me the next time u organising okie..
I saw afew items which i am interested to get for Megan.
florence, i'll send out ur item by tis weekend hor cos at 1st, u sent me e wrong addy, i looked at e blk # & postal code, dun match at all, then went to singpost to check it out, really not rite, tha y email u to ask abt e addy, luckily, i din write blindly, else wait ur item lost mail due to incorrect addy.

littlefly/janet/mattmum, i plc e HT order ytd cos was biz over e weekend, i managed to hit S$200 cos i bought quite a bit of food jars tis time, so shd hv 15% disc. but waiting for HT to cfm my order to c if all items hv stock, if not, wld need to choose other items to try to get e 15% disc, will update u gals again.

littlefly, i saw ur trsf liao, txks but there shd be excess cos shd be able to get 15% disc.

eliz, e GAP/ON spree over e US independence holiday, so hot tha i need to reject orders. then for GAP, many items OOS when they were processing e order, so sianz...
Bunnybluey : hazel's born on 20th sept 07 and keith on 21st sept 05. so we will have a joined birthday on 20th ... mayb all the mummies can dropby if they are free. anyway we stay so near and can be treated as a gathering too!
Bunnybluey, its a gd shot for Jake! He looked v happy

For HT orders, if need to top up orders due to OOS, let me know coz i can order more jars/ biscuits since got excess. Thanks for coordinating the orders.
florence, wah... they almost born on e same date if hazel waits a little bit longer.

littlefly, txks, e shot was fr an outdoor shoot. for HT, i let u know if need to top up orders.
bunnybluey (jen_phua) : keith is 3 weeks early and hazel was already overdue. hehe i think she just wanna celebrate her birthday one day early than kor kor ... haha

when shd we gather?
Hi Bunnybluey,

Let me know if you are placing order from HT again. Keen to get a few items, I can't find the HT jar at NTUC.

I'm also a Seng Kang mummy, my boy is born in Jun '07. Nice to "meet" you all here!
Welcome Tigress

bunnybluey, thanks! I would also like to order more if any OOS...let me know ok? Btw, I went to your blog and saw the entire collection of the outdoor shots. Your photographer did a very good job! Jake looked really adorable! Very nice...
Btw, hope Jake is feeling better now.

My boy is down with bronchiolitis again, been sick for more than a week already, saw the PD thrice. Sigh! I caught the cold from him too. Really stressed, hope he can recover in time by next Sunday because we're celebrating his birthday. If not, I really dunno what to do.

Eliz, thanks for offering to help on the grilles. It's ok lah, I'm not intending to fix the grilles yet...maybe will shop around and if I get a good deal, will let you mommies know.

All mommies and babies take care and stay in good health!

Hello Mummies,

I brought my boy to tumbletots to try out the trial class, but no babies turned up, so had to call it off. Didn't really like the place, as it looks a bit run down. Anyone have better recommendations? I just want to find a nice place where my boy can learn things and play with other babies of the same age. He love babies so much! I stay in Seng Kang, GUG seems not very accessible for me.

Hey Bunnybluey,

I just PM my HT orders to you, hope I'm not too late. FYI, HT is having "buy one, get one free" promotion for Chocolate, Cinnamon and Honey Graham Huggabear Cookies. You may want to confirm that upon placing your order. Thank you!
