Mummies with 2007 babies in Sengkang

hi dear mummies,

thanks! the thing is, my boy boy has all along been under monitoring by nuh cos he had cognenital caracts in both eyes & had undergone 2 surgeries to remove them when he's 3 & 4 mths...

so, nw the PD there is kind of concerned as she said dat it's not dat common for babies to "cross percentitle", esp when my boy boy did put on quite alot of weight immed aft the surgery (perhaps cos all he did for dat few weeks is to cry & drink milk only)... hence, she referred us to see a dietician next week lor...

sigh... guess will wait to see wat the dietician says lor...

bunz, u din rcv my email huh? ok, i resent u e email. anyway, i reserved 1 desitin creamy & 1 original for u, can collect tis sat btwn 10am-12noon or nite aft 9.30pm, u sms me to arrange, ok? u hv my mobile #, rite? btw, dun post ur mobile # on e forum leh, wait rcv nuisance calls or got calls fr those sales/mkting pp.

littlefly, txks, feeling better liao.

enne, wish ur boy speedy recovery.

christine, my son aso dun gain much wt, he's 1yo now, still 8+kg. i tink when they r much younger, oni sleeps & drinks milk, they tend to put on wt faster but as they starts to get mobile, crawling/climbing ard, tha y quite hard to put on wt bah.
bunz, i just realised tha i left w 1 tube of desitin creamy, which i need it as a spare set as e 1 at my SIL's plc is finishing soon. is it ok if i pass u e desitin original 1st? wld be doing a drugstore spree so i can order some more desitin creamy if u r keen. paiseh abt it. oh, i still hv 1 tube of toothpaste to let go, r u keen?
Any babies now drinking Similac Follow-on milk? I have 1 tin expiring Jul 08 to give away. I stay Rivervale Drive. This is Brand new unopened, dun want to waste it... any one interested?
hi bunnybluey,

aiyo, so forgetful, i have yr hp # but i forget.haha...anyway, sms u liao.


the EYS clinic is next to mac at rivervallmall, u muz go outside of rivervale mal then u will see, its near the free shuttle bus station

i find it good and it works. nt ex too.

u can try, ian always visit the female dr. em..i cant remeber her name though. u may want to check it out.

their number is : 62836761
Platsplat - hahaha - i know what u mean, i feel like whacking him when he refuses to sleep after rocking him on for ages... I am renting an exersaucer - no maid to help alredi, IL and mum also not available to help so must find somethg to keep him amused... else he stick to me like a koala bear then i cannot do my chores

Mattmum - me outdated here - where is the motherhood fair? and what promotions do they hv?

Enne - hope ur boy recovers soon!

Christine - see what the dietician says first. Maybe its part of the growing up process for weight gain to slow down? my boy still rejects porridge tho he's alredy 9mth +. Everytime i let him sample new food, i mentally pray he won't vomit his earlier milk feed.
Enne - wish your boy full recovery by now.

Sigh! Me also pretty vexed as my girl has not been taking her solids for the past 2 weeks. No idea what's wrong, hope that her weight will not drop below her percentile on the next required visit to PD.
mattmum-no matter how tired I am, I still bring my boy home, sometimes my HB suggested to leave him at my MIL place for a nite so I can rest but I bu she de ler, whole day at work liao.. at nite hope to take care of him myself lo..

bunnybluey,Little_Fly,JJM-thanks, my boy better now but still on medication, don't know can still go for the scheduled MMR jab this week anot..

my boy not been drinking his milk but solids he takes a lot, afraid he not enuf calcim/iron?? He ok to eat cereal mixed with milk lo but give him milk he don't want.. headache lo.. hope its just for a period of time only.. he wants to EAT but not DRINK milk.
hi mummies,

gd morning! thanks for all yr assurance! will be seeing the dietician tomorrow... keeping my fingers crossed dat my boy boy will get a little fatter soon!

my boy still gives us the action of gagging (& sometimes actually throwing up) when the solids happ to be a little coarser... wonder why? he's already 9mths liao leh? sigh, real headache man!
hello all mummies,
How are you all?

Hello Smurfy,
May I know if it is advisable to add yoghurt or cheese into porridge?

Hello Littlefly,
Motherhood fair from 5th June - 8 June at Singapore Expo. Any mummy going there?

Hello bunnybluey,

May I know if I have to call up to register for the Tumbletots Trial?

Date: 21 Jun 08 (to be cfmed)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. Jen
2. Mattmum
3. Littlefly
4. florence
5. Janet
6. LittleOink
7. platsplat

Christine - any updates on what the dietician says?

Littleoink - any gd buys ? I missed the one earlire this year. Hb travelling again next week - dunno got time to go this wkend or not. haiz...
hi littlefly,

the dietician sugg for us to thicken the milk for my boy now... meaning to more formula to the same amt of water. she said this will help to provide him with more calories... so i gonna try dat now
i give yoghurt for his teabreaks. i put shredded cheese into his porridge.. some mummies oso give cheese cubes for tea breaks? the more pop. brands seems laughing cow? i use horizon organic cheese or bega shredded cheese.
florence: what time are you going? i am hoping to go on sat too! prob swing by after a church weddin ... but waiting for updates from other mummies to see if it's worth going also lah ..

I've called them a few times but no one picked up the phone, I even went to Punggol Plaza & leave my contact details, they promised to return my call but never. Finally, I got to speak to one of the staff today. Pls note that there's a limit to the # of trial slots available for each session. Therefore, the trial would be split into 2 Saturdays & only limit to the following people who have responded previously.

1. Jen
2. Mattmum
3. Littlefly
4. florence
5. Janet
6. LittleOink
7. platsplat

Pls indicate your preference below. DO NOT ADD on to the number as that's the only available slots for that session. After you've indicated your preferred date, pls pm me the details - your name, your mobile #, child's name & child's DOB. Pls confirm by coming Monday, 9 Jun as I need to confirm with Tumbletots by then. Thank you.

Date: 14 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. jen

Date: 21 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

Hello bunnybluey,
Thank you so much for taking trouble to check and register for us.

Date: 14 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. jen

Date: 21 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. Littleoink (will PM you the details)

Thank you.
Hi bunnybluey
Sorry but I'm unable to go for the tumbletots trial now. Hubby would be away on business trip and I would be going to my mum's place to stay. Maybe someone else would like to take my place.
Hi hi mummies
Just came across to this thread. I am a July'07 mummy. Currently my boy is 10mths plus. Can i join here ???

I am staying in rivervale crescent. Any mummies around my area ?
Hi Bunnybluey

Date: 21 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. Littleoink
2. Littlefly (will PM/SMS you the details later)

Thanks for liaising with tumbletots on our behalf!
Date: 14 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. jen

Date: 21 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. Littleoink (will PM you the details)
2. littlefly

littleoink, hv rcvd ur details liao, txks.

littefly, waiting for u to email me ur details.

mattmum/florence/janet, how?
Date: 14 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. jen

Date: 21 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. Littleoink (will PM you the details)
2. littlefly
3. Florence
Date: 14 Jun 08 (Sat)
Timing: 4.45pm
Venue: Punggol Plaza

1. jen
2. janet

Thanks Bunnybluey for coordinating
Hmm, Blk 156 and 157 are not under the same cluster. Blk 157 is another side, is those red colouring block while mine is those yellow/blue colouring block
I need some advise here. My 10mth plus boy milk intake is really low. His last night feed at 10pm only 100ml..the 6am feed is only 120-150ml.
This have been on going for 4mths liew, ever since he start on semi solids to now 3 solids per day.

I tried many methods like change milk bottle, insert syringe, give straw, learning cup, drinking cup, all dun helps at all..... sigh !!!! Either he will not drink or he will just throw the milk out from his mouth.

Does any mummies experienced the same as me ?
Me simply very helpless !!!!!
Hello Jenn,

I am staying at blk 151 those yellow/blue color blk too. My boy also 10mths plus and gosh ... your post on your boy's milk supply ... sound so familiar to me ...

Last nite, my boy only hv 80ml milk and this morning, his intake only 140ml. When force him to drink, he will push the milk bottle away or struggle to avoid it. Yes, I also tried change the method of sterilized the milk bottle, pop a bigger hole on teat, drinking cups ... not working too ... I just leave him to be ... because as long as he is healthy and active ... I should not be worry too much. This is my friend advise to me. Hope this help.
IF your son is eating 3 solids a day already, should be ok right? Maybe that is the reason why he takes less milk.

Is his weight ok? If you are still worried, you could try to include cheese or milk in his solid.
Hi Littleoink,
Oh, so we have the same problem... ur bb also a July'07 bb ???

Last time he can take 210ml ebm yo, then suddenly dun want ebm, so i stopped my breastfeeding, switch to 100% FM... but still situtation no change at all until now.. from mar until now.

So is this problem common ? If so, i think i shld just let it be.. and let him drink whatever ml he want. I rather make lesser FM every tim, like that also wouldnt waste.
Yap, my boy is on 3 solids per days... according to my PD was to increase his solids milk and remain the 2 milk feed lor.

Hmm, yap yap, during weekend, i will definitely make corn chowder which include 2 - 3 scoops of his FM, cereal also add in milk.. i try all sort of recipes which can add in milk or cheese yo.
Mummies here,
Do you have any blogs can share with me so that i can see your babies pic ??? kee kee

BTW, our boy is approaching 1 yr soon, any mummies here going for GAIN IQ ??? (Heard got a good lobang from lorong ah soo clinic)
Any idea whether peidsure is good ?
hi jenn,

if yr boy is not underweight, then i think there's not much to worry abt, since he's hving 3 solid feeds daily. he doesn't spit/throw up his solids rite? hence, i think he's fine. dun worry
Nope, he didnt spit/throw up. Basically he is enjoying his solids than drinking his milk...

Ya lor, after reading what you all mummies had posted, me more fan xin le... shldnt worry too much
Thanks for all of your advise.
Hi Jenn,

My gal is curr at talent plus Blk 152..not bad, teacher is friendly and they got quite afew activities..reason for swapping bcos i find 2 hrs is too short for her to learn those 'messy' activities of which those longer child care has..
Oh i see, so u intend to swap your girl to a childcare ??? Glad to hear good comment regards talent plus @ BLK 152 cos when i post on another thread - HOLDING PLACE, no reply at all. At least more fan xin to enroll my boy there so that my mum can take some rest.

Me eyeing on ceden or young elite childcare when my boy turn 3 years old... ha ha ha...

Me a KS mummy, oleidi start planning where to send him... kee kee
Thanks for your blog.. my boy is already on milk strike for coming 4 mths.. Me sort of getting used but still worried that he is not getting enough nutrients from solids since his intake of milk is so low ....
