Mummies staying at Fernvale

Thx Crayonmum... Manage to mit up wif my gf for a chat.. feeling abit better now.. Thanx for ur concern.. Have been feeling a bit short tempered lA
... Thts Danial helping me.. thts y my lately looks like tht.....

hey afternoon mummies....

wah!!!! so many many posts...

u okie not... me oso go haywire...aqeel these few days also the same... normally he wakes up once and maximum twice... but ah.. these few days he is perpetuallly waking up every hour or even less... me like walking zombie @ home... so angry and petty and cranky... juz like kids not enuf of sleep....

I'm suffering from sleep deprivation.. eyes is worse than panda now... kekekekekekekeke

wah! so shiok got free cricket game to watch.. I know how loud it can be when there's a match...

our side here only during recess times with all the students running around on the field in the blazing hot sun and weekends and it will be soccer matches with angry players shouting dunno for what... worse than world cup... hahahahahahhahahahaha..... noisy...

yah.. i agree wif u abt the sleep deprivation part.. i think i never have a gd nite sleep ever since i become a mother!!

my hubby asks me wat i want for mother's day.. i told him to book me a room at a hotel so that i can have 1 night of uninterrupted sleep! ahhaha...

lukily the match stops at 2pm... just nice for ian's nap..
Hi crayonmum,
hw did u manage to regstr the timing??
i din c any timing there leh??
anyway, juz called Appletree, understand dat they hv chnge the timing for nx yr, instd 1.5hr, nx yr wl b 2hr : 9-11am / 11.15am-1.15pm...
And the tcher shd b callg us prob nx wk (if she has r'cved ur regstn) to arnge for paymnt n cnfm sessn timing...
Btw, my boy's name : Elisha not Elijah...hehee alot pple call him Elijah...
Most likely i wl choose the 9am session cos my gal wl b in 8.15am sessn for PCF nursery...(if i cn regstr her for dat timing...)
so dat i dun hv to go up n dn....

hmm.. i went to appletree website to register.. got timing there leh.. oh no... both timings are not good for ian... he wakes up fr 9am onwards.. and have lunch at 12.30pm...

oic.. paiseh.. got ur boy's name wrong... hee...
hi crayonmum,
the tcher juz called me...(happened 2b same tcher as my gal's - Tcher Janice) She said she wl hand me the app fm nx mon, and i nd 2 submit by nx fri 2gthr w fees n photocopy of BC...
hehe...i tot so...and i went to re-submit the regstn agn tinkg dat i missed out the sessn time... :p
And the tcher said i am the 1st one to regstr!!! So i tink u may wana re-submit juz in case they din r'cve ur app...
Btw, fyi, cos of the time increased fr 1.5hr to 2hr, it also means fees increased :
Fr mthly fees $125 to <font color="ff0000">$160</font>
And Misc fees half yrly $85 to <font color="ff0000">$90</font>

So, for 1st payment = $90+ $160= $250....!!!!!!

u cn start traing him to sleep/wake up earlier...

cos eventually as they grow older they dun sleep as much, prob 1 or 2 nap in the day...
I hv stopped my boy 2nd nap, so nw he oni nap once a, 11am-1.30pm...he wakes up at 7am, nite time sleeps at 7.30pm....
Thks Carmen,

Okie.. i go submit again..

My boy long ago only sleeps once a day...
between 1.30pm to 2pm.. and sleeps like the most 1.5hr.. but usually 1 hr only.. sigh..

hmm... I think I will register for the 11am class... not so rush... the earliest he has woken up so far is 8am. tried to make him sleep early like 9.30pm.. but it's always a futile effort. :p
Morning mummies!! Its a gd day today... They are back to normal... Hehehehe....

Crayonmum-if u get to go ur hotel stay, pls bring me along... I do get uninterrupted sleep but its very noisy in my bedrm.. I got big monster bside me n small monster 2m away... Both snoring monsters....

Hottiemama- wahhaahahahaha...... stone alrdy?? Hope aqeel give you best mothers day present n let you sleep...... Hehehehehe.......
hey forget to ask, any mummies using drapolene cream for bbs? I have 3 BN tubes expiring 2010. Selling at $2 each.. My monsters are using desitin now........Lemme noe..

My hubby also snores! But I've "trained" him to sleep on his side.. coz if u sleep on side ... u r not likely to snore. So whenever he starts snoring, I will wake him up to sleep on his side until he automatically dun sleep on his back anymore..heheh...

wah.. last nite.. ian din wake up .. slept fr 11pm to 9am today...his mother's day gift to me.. :D

c u later! hubby will bring him to class... but i will most prob be there when class ends.. hee
Hi mummies, me too recently din get to sleep well. My 1st n 3rd boy hving fever, another zombie here. Jus came back fr Doc Saw clinic, so crowded today waited abt 45mins. The clinic also closing 4 sch holidays. Haha! From 6/6/08-08/06/08 n 12/06/08-22/06/08.

Carmen - I think u hv piority cos ur girl is in the class now.
hi vivienne,
No lah, i dun tink so...
they wl based on the app fm they r'cved..., i tink...hehee

hihi all mummies,
Here's wishing to ALL MUMMIES &amp; MUMMIES TO-BE :
<font color="0000ff">A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!</font>
Morning mummies!!! Happy mother's day to one and all!!!!

Crayonmum- i tink ian has put on abit of weight.. His cheeks look fuller.. Thts gd!! I do kick Philip when he starts snoring, but aft turning he will turn back so i gave up..Hehehe.

Vivienne- hope ur boys get better soon!!!

yah.. ian put on weight... and u know wat.. he just came down wif cough.. sigh... we already avoid bringing him to crowded places.. dunno why he still came down wif cough. :p

Actually i realise that after he's on Gain IQ.. he seems to have phlegm easily and always coughs... and i'm beginning to wonder if the milk powder is too sweet.. coz i chk the ingredients and there's vanilla flavouring in it. But I'm also not sure if other brands also have flavouring.. gotto go supermart and scrutinise all the other brands..


hope ur boys r ok...

i'm tinking of brining Ian to Dr Saw tmr for his cough.. coz I find that he always dun recover when he goes to the PD at SBCC at Mt Alvernia... as in we always end up bringing him to KKH after a few days coz it gets worse..
Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

Carmen and ichigo, thks for your coupons..
Carmen, yap, got the form. Din realise my FIL has placed it on the table until few days later..anyway, thks so much! Now, we r still deciding wat timing to regtr..

Vivinenne, ok, can order Goon together to get free shipping, rite?
Morning mummies...

Crayonmum- i dunno abt gain being phlegmy.. My kids are on gain and they seem ok with it.. Then again its different with every kids.. Mayb you shud see Dr Saw, or go straight to KKH if you think their meds are better on Ian. Laest you dont have to make a wasted trip.

Doink-nope, it wasnt me on fri.. Hehehehe..
Hi mummies, my oldest son still hving fever. The doc says if till tomorrow he still hv fever then he will need to go 4 blood test.

dun worry... blood test is quite routine.. in fact if u bring to KKH A&amp;E (which Ian had already gone 3 times), urine and blood tests are done once the kid has high fever.

I brought ian to see Dr Saw today.. wow.. waited very long... at least 1 hr... hopefully ian will recover fast wif his med. If not, then the search for another PD continues....


I let Ian try Mamil Gold just 1 tin fr NTUC just now.. he drank it like normal.. hee. Cheaper somemore!

I was asking Dr Saw if there's any vitamins or supplements to give Ian to boost his immunity... then he asked me wat formula I i gve Ian.. told him Gain IQ.. then he suggested I try giving Ian Mamil Gold coz there's immunofortis.. so I'm likely to change to Mamil Gold once Ian finishes his current 4 tins of 1.8kg of Gain... now i regret stocking up so many.. hehe..
Vivienne- dun worry, thts a routine test... Juz to check if thrs infectn.. Hope ur son feels better soon though...

Crayonmum- glad to hear Ian's ok... many tins have you overstocked? Hehehehe... Hope Dr Saw's meds work on Ian....

Hottiemama- i havent died.. thot was gng to but still gng strong... Hehehehehehehe. Tmr sure i ko at hm......
i know you're not dead.. strong superwoman... kekekeke wat tomorow.. i give you another half hou sure now zombs oreadi....

hopw he will get better soo, viral fever always takes longer time to heal.. so dun worry k.. blood test all routine juz to make sure ...
Fi, hottiemama,
how was yesterday's jog?? :p I thought I read "joking" instead of "jogging". haha!!!
Dear mummies-how's everybody.. been sometime since last logged on here... hee.. me been bery tired...

Vivienne-oops hope ur kid gets better soon.. viral fever so worrying.. my boy had that previously too.. patz patz.

crayonmum-initially my boy was on similac follow-on then realized quite phlegmy and heaty for him thus I changed to enfa and so far so good.. but I also think different for different bbs lo..
Thank you mummies. Luckily, my boy's fever has stop today. It had lasted almost a week. I was so worried, nw i can hv a good sleep.
Fi, hottiemama,

I gals went jogging????? wah..... i think the last time i jogged was 12 yrs ago... ahahhaa...

Hope u gals keep it up!


yah.. was thinking of "lelong-ing" my Gain IQ here... but my hubby said just drink finish lor since buy liao. :p


Ian was fine when he's on Similac... but I find that Gain IQ's "texture" seems to be thicker and smells sweeter.. and i realise that ever since he turns 1 yr old.. keeps getting cough..
Hello Apple, they hv deliver the diapers to me. That's fast, right. PM u my hp no, let me know when u wld like to collect.

U ordered ur diapers today and got them delivered today? Wah.. they r very efficient leh. Ur boys r using the pull-up pants is it? Gd or not?

I got 6 packs of sealer siapers at home now.. coz i shared wif another mummy to order 12 packs for free delivery... and the cost is $12.22 per pack and each pack comes wif a 30pc EQ wetwipes.
Hi Apple,

Sorrie..typo above. shd be $14.22 per pack.. i dun hve the contact coz tagged along another mummy's order... but fr the bottom of the pakaging... shd be Landom Distributors Pte Ltd... contact no. is 62789873.

Will double chk wif the other mummy and let u know.
Crayonmum - Yah lor, very efficient. My baby using the pull ups, i find it good. I can pass u some to try if u want.
The Sealer u bought is really cheap leh but my baby won't lie down to put on diaper now so hv to use pants lor.
Hi Apple,

U can contact mr gan at 90254289 if u wanna order sealer. The other mummy (nick is working mum) may wanna ride on order of wetwipes fr u if u r ordering.. have told her ur nick in this thread.

hee.. we post at the same time.. no lah.. dun need to try the pants.. managed to pacify ian to stay still to change diaper.. give him some toy or hp or anything to distract him.. then i will quickly do the job..hee.

but i have drypantz on standby when he gets cranky or i'm in a hurry.

my baby very naughty cannot stay still. Only when he is sleeping then i can use the open diaper which i also hv a pack on standby too but seldom use. Hehe!
Hi all, so long didnt post on the thread liao. keke.
my ds coughing and having bad running nose, brought him for his 1.5yrs assessment and booster jab this morng. luckily he good boy today, didnt cry and make noise during the jab.

wat medicine dr saw gave? how u find him? hope ian will recover soon. Hey, i also gave zavier drink gain as well as enfa. i find gain sweeter. keke. so usually will add more water than the recommendation.

Hottimama &amp; fi,
u gals went jogging? that's good. weather is bad so have to take care.

ur bbs drinking enfagrow now ah?

1st few mths of pregnancy is always tired and restless, take care yah, 2nd trimester coming soon?

my boy also will move and run away from me whenever i change diaper for him, but i will give him things to keep him occupied. me still prefer using tape diaper cos more absorbance lor. My huggies pull up pants still left alot, will find one day to post on the forum to lelong. keke.
afternoon mummies!

my gal also roll away nowadays when i change her diaper. like wat sea8 &amp; crayonmum do, i too distract her with a pack of wet wipes. :)

by the way, has any mummy here tried Gymboree at serangoon garden village? is it good?
thanks for sharing
Thks crayonmum, for the contact..
Tats not ex also..i just ordered Goo.n with not ordering sealer for the moment..but i have another fren interested in maybe get 2-3packs, if can gather enough then i dun mind order. anyone interested can let me knw


Dr Saw gve this 2-in-1 med for cough and flu... which is gd so that i only need to feed ian 1 shot... so far the med seems to be working fine..


u mean there's a gymboree at Sgn Gdns? New outlet is it?
Where exactly is it?


Janice fr Appletree called me last nite liao.. going to pay on 21 May..
