Mummies staying at Fernvale

Bernice: i check the Mamil Step 4 at Kou Fu tat Top Kang... For 900g without Immounofortis, they selling $18.20 then free 400g. The one with Immunofortis is $21.50 for 900g...

SEa8-yup 300 to 330mls. Thr was once my boy took 400mls n KO.. I think he was hungry tht nite... Hahahahahaha......

Carmen- my gf gave her kids whole milk at 1yr old..

Enne- dun wan diaper, wan read the mag.. Wan swop? i gt motherhood n bb mag tis mth.
Tks mummies for sharing ur experience...

My Bil told me to try give him some bread with milk before sleeping, havent try that out yet. keke

sure, will jio if going to get from her again. u wana pm me ur contact so that I can bzz you?
hi good morning mummies,

cosy cuddly morning... so shiok to sleep in... cool and raining...hhmmmm..

anyways, fi, your kids drinking 300 ml...wah! so shiok ah... tats y lah they so chubby chubby..

adlyn max is 270ml, only once in awhile will hit 300 or 330ml..tats oni if she didn't have her snack or eat very little lunch or dinner...

hi mummies,

juz checking, how's the plan to go for the gym thingy on the 12 nov mon?

izit still on?
Hottiemama- 300 oni nite time lah... Eh me wan go ntuc at the festival market at 10. Wan go?

Gym shud be on.. Me n Irin gng gym tmr aftn oso.. Anybody else wan go????????????????

Enne- Ok, u can have mine.... When shall we mit?
fi, cannot make it lah 10... boy still sleeping like baby, blum mandi and all you go ahead..

hey y dun you try amk ntuc hypermart.. humongous!!

I let u know if can join u tomorrow.. wat time ah..
Fi-I say no need liao, I can just give u. when I go ur house next time, pls open ur 'mother magazine' library can liao. hehehe.
Wah so shiok.... U can golek golek.. Hehehehehehahahahahahahahaha... Me wan go hougang one coz Irin say the mamy poko thr gt disc...Tmw shud be ard aft 2???
anyone of you have mamy poko L size for boys? Can buy from you 4 pcs to try out? My ds's pee a lot lately, nepia and huggies comfort cant 'tong' till morng leh. Need to invest more liao.... Tried huggies ultra, not too bad. Wana try out mamy poko again to compare. If u have losse pcs, can sell me? Tks.

~ A day tour to Gymboree @ Vivo ~
Date: 12/11/07 (Mon)
Time: 2pm (going for 3pm slot)

1) Irin + maid & 2 kids
2) Fi + maid & 2 kids
3) Crayonmum & kid
4) Sea8 & kid
5) hottiemama & 2 kids

Fi & Irin,
So are you'll driving on the 12th? hottiemama and crayonmum, you gals wana take train?
hi sea8,
ya me okie with train.. no probs

okie , i let you know tomorrow morning if i'm joining you with irin k.. now still very lazy, rainy days..hhehehehehehaha
Morning Mummies,

Wah...All ur babies are drinking so well... my boy, who is 10 mths now, only drinks 120ml max. Sigh....
Even if I prepare more.. he also stops at 120ml and refuses to drink liao. Just now, he only drank 90ml and then i use the remaining to make into cereal and he finished it.. i think he dun like to drink milk.

abt gymboree... tink u gals go ahead without me.. my boy has been very naughty since weekend.. dunno why suddenly dun want to sit in stroller and car seat.. it's like a war to strap him down the last few days when we bring him out... he can scream and cry the whole journey i seriously dun think i can handle if he starts his tantrums when we r out. :p

if u gals and babies are not tired after gymboree... can come over to my place and play somemore.. hehe..
come lah, we help each other to take care. I wont be bringing stroller, will just use the sling. hey, ur boy might be excited taking the lrt and the train and will be guai guai lah. dun worry so much, anyway, the journey quite fast. hmm... or if you wan, u can tong pang Fi or irin's car if they are driving.
ur boy have tried the playgym? He might like to play in the playgym and might be tired after that 1 hr play. Hopefully will be guai guai after an exhausted workout. keke.

u bringing stroller?
hi sea8,
yup me bring stroller for my gal and sling for my boy...easier if she wants to drink milk or too tired to walk after gym..

lets go, we help each other.. sometimes my gal also will create a scene, but when gor friends and explain to her, she will be ok.. dun worrylah.. we try to help each other..
wow mummies ..

i envy u all leh .. my gal approaching 2 yrs old liao only drink 150ml and sometimes still cant finish! she drink about 4 times in a 24 hrs cycle with 2 meals and snack .. is her milk intake too little?

Carmen ..
i think shd just continue the FM till they refused as this is good for their calcium intake right?

Fi, thanks for checking the price for me.

Sea8, my gal (2 yrs) also wake up in the middle of night for milk. But my baby (4 months) sleep thru .. haha .. the older the more problematic they r .. hahaha
Crayonmum- u wanna go tmr aftn to try out? Will be gng thr then hm. So its car then carry then play then carry n car again..

Enne- Thank u thank u thank u.....
lately my girl also leh.. wake up at 330am then if lucky she dozes off within 15mins.. if not, she will stay up to 2hrs and when i go to sleep.. it's alreay 530 and 1/2 an hour later need to wake up liao...
her routine is like tat...

6+,7am - morning milk of 220-240ml
9am+ - breakfast (cornflake, bread, biscuit) in the school
11+ am take 210ml of milk
1pm+ take lunch of rice and vegetable + meat
430pm - take snack (cornflake, bread, biscuit)
730pm - dinner at home (porridge)
9pm - used to take 210ml but will wake up at 330am so i change to 110ml cause i realise she only feel like drinkin and not hungry...
12mn/1230am - 200ml of milk
last nite first time try to give her 110ml before she sleep then 1230am give her another 200ml then i managed to sleep till morning shiokly... haha
<font color="0000ff">Hi Amanda, tks for checking the price for me. Will compare price with the medical hall and see which is cheaper. tks a lot!!</font>
doink-so sorry, the drypers reserved, if the mummy give it a miss, I pass to u ok??

Fi-bu ke qi laa.. hehe. ok when to pass to u???
wow .. Amanda,
My gal as mentioned only drink 150ml and still cant finish at times. Any clue how to make sure they finish their milk or to drink more?
hi veron,
m tryin to cut dn on my gal's milk intake, so dat nx time go out no nd bring so mny bottles!!heeheee...As nw we nd to bring 4 bottles (Avent bottle), 2 for my gal n 2 for my boy...used 2 b 6, nw we cut dn as in betwn they hv snacks/porridge...
your packet of nepia still available? Can I have it?

the Fairprice at Hougang point is also hypermart Fairprice Xtra. It's nearer & easier to get parking lot there.
AMK Hub sometimes very crowded.

ya, gymboree on the 12th nov still on. Think if quit a few of us then we take train too also lor. What say u, Fi?

really can handle lah, don't worry. Join us lah.

Anyone else wanna join us for tomorrow's session?
hi irin,

i still owe you a visit to take the pills....kekekekeke,

i've been to the hougang ntuc but not amk hub, scared to go in. it looks very huge.. .

ya crayonmum,
joinlah..we'll have fun with all the kids wailing around in the train and us screaming @ them... kekekehehehehahahaha..we'll help each other k..dun worry..
Irin-Faintz............ Me got weak heart..... HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Anybody else wan join tmr?????????????????????

Enne- anyday u free..
Hi Irin,
yup, the nepia is urs.... When u want me to pass you? Tmr want? Have Pm u my hp. u bzz me and let me know ok?
Morning mummies.. nice cool day again.


Thks for asking me to go gymboree today!
but i try not to travel wif my boy without car seat.. dun want him to think it's ok.. coz there's one time i took my fren's car and i just carry him... for the next few days.. he refuses to sit in his car seat... have to "re-condition" him again.

Thks all for the assurances for the gymboree trip next week... hee.. i'm such a worrier hor? :p what time r u gals planning to take MRT?


yah.. i've let my boy played at the playgym at Vivo b4... there was only him and another toddler then... din interact much.. he seems to be very interested in crawling around chasing after the balls on the floor... haha.. gotto carry him and prompt him to climb and play the other equipment.
Bernice: no problem... so happen i need to go and collect my pants there and may as well..

Veron: hmmm actualli now at ard 2 years if they drink less is ok la... just make sure the solid they take enough lor... if not then maybe u try those fresh milk?? cause one of my fren tell me tat at 2 years they can start to take fresh milk liao... maybe ur gal find FM not tasty liao lor.. hehe...

Carmen: wow u go out bring so many milk bottle ah...hehe how come one need 2 bottle leh??

my baby also the same leh.. sit on her car seat only she cry .. wow piangz faint man .. then wanted us to carry .. if not she will keep on crying until breathless like that. How or what do u do to re-condition ur baby back to accepting the car seat?

my gal hor .. took solid also little bit .. she like scare of fat like that .. ask her to eat like asking the buddha to come .. sianz. If i force her to eat just 1 mouthful, she will throw all her food out. Then she will "reprimand" me say, eat somemore will become fat u know? (faintz) That's why i prefer her to drink more milk instead.
veron: hehe ur girl wan to maintain her shen cai la... wan to be like mummy mah.. slim slim and pretty....
maybe can try see can give fresh milk a not lor... at least more tasty and maybe she will take....
aiyo amanda,

I where got slim slim. After my 2nd baby i am still fat fat havent gone back to the pre-preggy size. must Jia You Jia You!

But then everyday drink fresh milk wont get tummy upset meh? as the milk will be served cold .. ?
Dear Veron ah.... a mummy with 2 kids like ur figure very good liao lor.... hehe.... tat day if u not like lookin for someone i wun know tat is u... hehe......

Oh ya... sorry huh... wrong infor... not fresh milk.. it's those UHT milk - packet ones like marigold that can no need to put in fridge... my tis fren study food kind so normally she will pass tis kind of infor to me...

my boy same lor.. cry until breathless... so i put lotsa toys in the car to distract him... nothing special to re-condition him.. just distract him wif toys, sing songs to him, play his fave CD... and if all else fails.. i just let him cry throughout the whole journey! hehe.. me so heartless ...:p
haha thanks amanda for ur compliment but me hor still must jian .. still got alot of pants cant wear..


me too will let her cry if after much pacifying. but then can go insane by hearing all the crying in the car, maybe i shd unwind the window down to reduce noise pollution haha
Hi Amanda,
cos we lazy to carry wat we did was, we wl fill up the amt of water in each bottle, so whn time for milk, wl juz add hot water to the r'qd amt + milk powder =shake shake cn drink liao!! hehee
And aft their feed, we dun wash the bottle immediately esp whn we r out whole day/shopping as we feel dat washg outside nt as clean (no brush or steriliser mah)..thus, we bring extra bottle for nx feed, juz in case...whn we r out more den 3hrs!!

Hi Crayonmum,
Lately my boy, who has juz learnt to walk, refuse 2 sit in pram/car seat too!! So, wat i did was, whnever i put him dn in pram/car seat, i wl distract him by sayin,"oh u see, there's a cat/dog...or......watever.."by the time he sits up to look 4 it, i alredi buckled him up...

And if he's in pram, i wud hv startd pushg him and he wl b distractd by if he's in car seat, sumtimes i let him play toy/listen to his fav songs/ talk to him, he wl b fine!! bt there wl oso b time when he cries all the way...No choice bt to let him cry lor...
tink tis is growing phase, hope they wl get pass it soon...
carmen ..

they will not pass one. U see my gal she also cry last time then as a first timer parent we carry lor, scare she overcry .. then now? what happen she dun sit on car seat ever since then.

Only lately before i give birth to my baby, keep talking to her .. that she is a grown up child cannot carry anymore as we have to carry the baby etc .. then now she sit on car seat, but at times when she ki siao .. she will also cry asking us to carry her.

And for stroller, haiz .. till now is still a NO NO to her .. she want us to carry her while shopping etc .. no prams/ stroller for her. Looks like my baby also the same .. put her on pram only she start to cry liao .. cham ..

U unwind window to block out noise pollution but u will get air pollution... hehehe...


I also do the same thing abt the water thingie... and somemore my boy drinks very little when he's outside coz distracted... so he can like drink 60ml 1st and then another 60ml in 1-2hrs time... so i always bring extra bottles too..

yah...i agree wif veron that it will not be a growing phase... tink we got to be firm and not carry coz once they know that we can give in to them.. they will try the trick everytime..


Just now I brought my boy to sit LRT to Compass Pt for the 1st time.. as a "test drive" for next Mon's trip to Vivo... wah lao... it was a disaster... he screamed and cried and even managed to stood up on his stroller while in the LRT.. i think the motion makes him scared... so embarrassing... 2 aunties were trying to help me to calm him down.. plus all the pple in the train were looking... :p

on the way back... also like that.. but not as bad coz he was busy playing wif a toy i just bot.. but everytime the train starts to move.. he will cry...

eh... i will skip the gymboree outing.. very scared liao.

Ya, jus started worked on 1st Nov... very very busy and tiring. Maybe sit at home for too many years liao, so tentatively still cannot get use to it! heee heeeee


Years ago, I saw an article fm Today's Parent, that was an Q&A article. The question was talking abt when is the best time or I shld say, the right time to stop kids fr drinking Formula Milk. The PD replied, there's no right, best or shld stop a kids fm drinking milk. It's advisable to let them drink till they refuse.

That's why, till now, my boy is 6 yrs old, I still give him milk,(Neslac Growing Up Milk) esp. in the morning before going to school(he still take his breakfast provided by the childcare everyday at 8plus) or will give him Nestle Nutren Junior formula before he goes to sleep.

My gal are currently 6 mths old, she's drinking abt 150-180ml on every 2 or 2 1/2hrs, but luckily, she was trained by my hubby (touchwood) she seldom wake up during night to drink milk. The most are only once or twice, she happen to wake to drink then after burping, she will cont'l to sleep. Maybe is bcos, our aircon are ON thru out the night(so its cooling) and without fail, classical musics, Guzhen, Piano musics are also play thru out the night till the nxt morning when we wake up then will off it.

Maybe you would like to give it a try on the music. My gal like the Guzhen esp.

Before we got the tin fm you, my sister jus stockup 2 tins, so due to storage problem, maybe she's not ordering for this mth. Will let you know if she's placing. Thanks alot for giving such a good lobang. Thanks.....

Hello friends,
Haven't come in here for quite a while..
Btw, just to inform all of u..I've given birth to bb Ashley on 4th Nov morning.

Been having problems with milk shortage, bb jaundice ('s in hospital now)
I finally got energy to on my pc after taking some rest..
veron n crayonmum
so far, both my kids we dun carry them whn in car..both wl sit in their respective car seat!! evn whn they cry, wl distract them w other stuff lor..if really bo bian, wl let them cry lor..hehe unless really got reasn, den i wl carry my boy as he's sittg w me at back whn hb drives.. :p

my gal luvs milk so much so dat at any pt in the day, she wl ask for it...regardless of her las feed wich cud b 10min ago!!
dats y i tot of "controlling" her, by giving her oni in the am n pm whn she sleeps..

Fyi, both my kids were "trained" to listen to loud worship songs sinz birth whn they nap/sleep...

hey, cngrats!!

dat day i saw u at void dk, it was arnd 2nd Nov, isit?? was stl askg u, abt to due liao, rite?
dun worri, nwadys its v common esp for asian bb to hv jaundice lor...Ashley wl b fine...

Let me noe shd i b of any help 2 u...sinz we r juz few doors awy...Shout loud loud for me, k??
meanwhile, do try r'mbr to lie dn as much as u cn..dun b like me, keep sittg up by the pc, and nw i got severe backache!!!
apple_d-congrats!! hope ur BB can be discharged soon, may all the sunshine shine on him and drive away the dreadful jaundice!!
congrats!! Don't worry too much about the jaundice. My son went thru 2 sessions of the phototherapy thingy, discharged & back to hospital again. I was pretty worried then too but eventually it'll go off. Just monitor it. Take care & enjoy motherhood!
