Mummies staying at Eunos / Bedok Reservoir / Geylang


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Hi Ladies,

This is so cool. Can inherit some gd used clothings... The old folks always say that it's gd to let young children wear old clothes. This is juz so that they grow up less fussy... easier for mums to bring them up.

talking about this... anyone got boys' clothings to pass on? hahahahah.....
hi hi

i so blur.. ipod nano.. new generation one. Hope u hv.. so that i dun need to hunt for a decent priced one.

hi ladies

i'm staying in Ubi. looking for a pre nursery class for my child.

I'm unable to find one. all around my neighbourhood are mostly childcare centres. My mum is looking after my child so I don't need childcare centre. any recommendation around ubi/ Eunos/ bedok reservoir/telok kurau area?

i prefer private schools that provide pre nursery class to I don't have to change schools for her.


No need to cook the drink in a slow cooker lah. Just use a big pot to cook e day's supply over the stove in the morning then store in a thermo flask or airpot.

U shd try to walk as much as possible now too so tat u can have a much faster delivery. All thks to my HB, always calling me a lazy bum, force me to walk, walk, walk. I delivered my ger in 3.5 hrs after the water bag broke.

but feeling v tired. especially back pain. like yst went out for grocery for 2 hrs only, my back almost break liao

oh but the oth mom told me to cook in slow cooker over nite n the next day can drink liao. how long to cook if use gas?
the black beans was cooked by mil, so i got no recipe... ask her, she also cannot say how much ingredients one... so hard to get recipe for u. =p

agree with diana, i also juz use a big pot, dump the longan n dates together to boil one big pot,, then drink straight liao... mil says dun keep overnight.

i also gain not that much during pregnancy... but was not by choice,, got serious "all day" sickness, then gestational diabetics at the end of pregancy... so throughout, didnt eat much... =p 10kg in total. u even lesser than me leh! =p

my gal early 2wks.. engaged quite early, stil no sign after 2 or 3 wks... by 38wks, she too big, so hv to induce out liao...

oh u had gestational diabetics too. i start to control my diet n bb back to average size now. last few wk bb size hit the highest chart. n i ve problem with c-section due to v low platelet count. normal delivery will scare hurt bb. headache.

I've this to share:
my ex-collq told me for smooth delivery, make sure let your window, door, drawer, wardrobe open. she took 15 mins only for first pregnancy. magic rite..

U don't have to take very long to boil the drink. I see my MIL took abt 20 mins or so nia. As long got taste can liao (according to my std)... Hahaha...

Pardon me but i find tat yr weight gain is really very little lor. I also have gestational diabetes during pregnancy and I know it's hard to resist food during the last trimester cos u feel hungry all the time. But just bear in mind tat u only need to control yr carbo intake(rice/bread/noodles), u can still take as much protein(meat/fish) as u want to. Just chg yr eating habit a little and u can still enjoy yr food during this period of time. If u want to, I can email u a copy of my meal plan given by the nutritionist @ KK. It also come with the amt of food/the type of food u can have for each meal/snack. I find it very useful lor. In the end i only gain 8+kg and i delivered my ger normally @ 38 wks cos she's bored inside my stomach already.
thx diana,

woh.. 20 mins only ah. i used slow cooker to boil for 4 hrs cos starting have low blood count liao
. i follow gynae diet plan. i tried my nutritionist plan but reading still high. pls email me your copy: [email protected]
my 3 small meal only biscuit n milk, i think my bb want to vomit liao heeee...
keep window, door, drawer, wardrobe open throughtout pregnancy or how long?? 15mins really v fast leh!!!

can email me too? u stil got my email acc? i interested to c the plan.. tat time for me, 2 plain bisciut for breakfast, readin alrdy sht up.. not juz a little, but by a lot....=( so in the end, watever i eat, all boil in plain water.... not too bad la... juz sianz n long for others soon... hahaha
btw, think ur bisciut with milk really a little under nourish.... mayb u can also try to c which type of food, really make ur count shoot up.. for me, it bread n biscuits stuffs.. i can eat a pot of vege, meat, fish, siew mai, etc... eat till full, stil within limit... but juz one bread or biscuit, die liao.....

keep all open when u abt to deliver n till bb born. i will try it out n update you all if this is true heee..
boh pian ah, i cannot eat too much. if slightly more then reading will go high liao. think, i've quite serious one.

poky - i don't have yr email add anymore, so can gimme again. Sorry. Or can i PM u instead?

jolin - eh... my meal plan allows me to have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day but all in small portion. Think gotta eat like every 2-3hrs so tat u won't feel hungry. Bedtime still can enjoy a glass of milk. But of cos the breads and biscuits u eat gotta be wholemeal or those low in GIs one so tat yr blood glucose won't shoot up suddenly. I'll email u tomm cos office scanner is much faster than home one.
ya, must update us if this method really work! hahaha, mine was 4+hrs, i hope when i hv my second one, need only less than 30mins!! hahaha

that y i mention to find out which one tat u r intolerant to... then u dun hv to "starve" urself so much le... =p

pm u liao! =) arigato!!
Morning Mummies..
MIA for so long in this thread. Hehe...

168kitty, welcome.

Jolin do post here if it works for u. So counting down already?
Hi All Mummies...Can I join ur group? I'm from India living near Eunos MRT...Mother of 3 wonderful kids aging 1 to 7yrs...pls outline the procedure for joining...and about ur group too......Thanks to all
<font color="aa00aa">kitty.168..
Ahoi!! Welcome aboard!!
hmm..not too sure of a any private school in our area that offers pre-nursery to K2 except PCF :p</font>

<font color="0000ff">babyboo..
Welcome to the club!! My mum stay eunos &amp; I frequent her place every weekend. Maybe can meet up one of these days??</font>

<font color="ff0000">Jolin..
very paiseh..very boh eng these days..will email you when I am more free yeah
Welcome to our group. There's no procedures &amp; rules.
My boy is 13mth now. At last he's able to walk by himself but not very stable yet.
Thanks for welcoming me....maybe we can meet up...but weekend usually am busy if Hubby Dear is at home.....son got enrichment classes at school...hav to attend Sunday Mass at Church also...but still we can work out something i guess
welcome new mummi.


yup, start counting down liao. bb seems v active these few days. at nite also knock knock to ask for attention


no worry. i any time at home but got to ask my maid or hubby to collect from u cos i start to ve some pregnancy rash


this group is abt everything
Oh Jolin,
Enjoy the knocking now. U will soon miss that.

yeah, everything under the sun we talked.

v paiseh leh. u giving me free n pass to me personally? dun want lah. let me know your unit. i come n collect k else meet at your void deck also can
Hi mum,

Me too long didnt read this thread. Busy with Bubbie holder.

Anyone wants to join me buy Huggies or Huggies pull up M/L/XL/XXL $13.90? <u>Eunos and Bedok Reservoir area only</u>. I send to ur void deck. PM me. Limit to 20pkt only.
Hi folks,

I have new stock on Chinese readers for pre-schoolers. flashcards attached in the books.

These are very exclusive books which u dun find retailing in shops outside. I m gonna feature them for nxt BP.

Welcome u all for sneak preview before i return them to supplier : )
Hi Ivy

Sunday morning ok. Want to meet at playground?

If u hvnt got any readers for your son... can start liao. Many things at my home to see. ahahhahaah

thx for the bb clothes

my hubby said ur girl v pretty, he wanted so much a bb girl too.. heee...
hi mummies &amp; MTB,
I would like to join the club..I stay @Blk 773 Bedok Reservoir View.
I've a 3mth old baby girl &amp; a FTWM
Hi flyinly,

Welcome to the "club"!
We usually try to meet at the plaground at Blk 772.
Usually, we are pretty ad-hoc.. usually meeting on weekends..
Check this space for more play dates
