Mummies staying at Eunos / Bedok Reservoir / Geylang

Hi XiaoChuan..

Send me pics & price details..will go find that 'lobang' for you
pm u my contact liao. i collect from u over the wkend can??

aiyah, as i say, i over protective of my gal. i a typical virgo... v freaky conscious of cleaniness... lolx!

ya lor, me too. i dun mind them touchin my gal so long as they wash their hand... i once even saw a aunt dig nose liao, then use TAT hand/finger to touch my gal face hor!!! But i REN.... But i quickly find reasons to carry my gal back.... If the nxt time i c again.. i duno if i can stil curb my temper.... the aunt is v gd to my hubby, so i dun wish to b disrecpect her if possible.. sighh... really headache of all the EQ etiqutte... really cant understand y they dun hv basic hygiene.. they can tahan seein other ppl dig nose liao,, then touch themselves meh?? =_=""

ya lor, sometimes when the seller/buyer pm me, i only can ck my yahoo acc when i reach home. they expect me to reply immediately meh?? Nvm la,,, there r also others who r considerate in the forum... =)

think was mentioned in the thread b4 that pm from this forum sometimes auto go to spam. think issue was no resolved... so always ck ur spam box.... i think more jiatla is that no receivin the pm at all instead... then u wont know updates.. or if such reason, u dun reply pm, also kana ques....

heard that bb will rely on the walker to walk instead of using his/her own legs to walk.. will b lazi to try... but also up to individual bb... some bb not affected also... so c if u want to try or not lor.. but personally, i wont try on my gal... =p

welcome. =) my gal younger then ur boy by abt 3mths. =)

can i join also? if time allows... haha
Hi dorothy,

My granddaughter (not daughter) is 2 years old and I use to bring her to "Petal Garden" in front of Blk 606 to play in the evenings after work, around 5pm.
oh then i better dun get one liao. else i will kenak again.. heee.... cos the whole of his family against to use walker.
For the Bedok Reservoir View mummies, we should have another meet up. Please suggest your prefer time and date.
Hi Jolin, my walker taken. Yes, heard that too but my boy can walk at age of 10mos plus! He used walker at age 5 mos when he is steady enough.

Hi Dor, remember me? I sold off my Pink Alderhand backpack to u? I lost ur number
do cant keep in touch.

XiaoChuan, saw pashima shawl selling at $4.90 Giant PP.

Mum, my bag of clothes for baby boy age 6-12 mos but the FOX jeans and l/s tee for 3-6mos. Any taker? Dropby my plc tonite
Hi Terrormum

thanks for the sad. I actually patronised Pink's BP liao : (

Hw is your BP coming along?

Hi Res View mummies (others welcome as well), i would be getting some cheap books (supplier clearing stock) tonite. Let me know if u keen to get them... juz pop by my home.. to cash n carry.

Dear mummies,

I went to NTUC @ Sq 2 Novena this noon and saw tat Mamypoko diapers r on promo. Sizes ranging from S to XL is selling @ $21.90/pack. Never see it advertise on Thu's paper, hopefully it's not promo for tat store only. Interested mummies can make a trip to down to the NTUC nearest to their place to chk it out.

wildkitty - i'm using the N6210 Navigator.

poky - I'll post out the 'parcel' on Mon lah, didn't come across a letterbox today.

dorothy - welcome aboard~
no prb. jux pm me the postage to transfer. thx! =)

sigh... my family comin on sun evenin again.. could only join for a while if b4 6+pm.

xiao chuan,
got any that i could use on my 5mth old gal?? =p

She's only 5 mths lor... suggest u start her on flashcards when she turns 6 months
I got a $4 board book for learning counting though.

Hi XiaoChuan,

my BP so far so ok, slow and steady. I am helping supplier to clear stock lar and at same time would like to get wooden puzzle for my boy. How abt urs? What kind of books u have in stock at home?

Seems these days BP quite slow and so many floading ard SMF.

Hi Poky,

What xioachuan recommended is right. Show flashcards everyday. JTS, my boy recognise CAT, DOG, MOUSE at age of 9mos. I started flashing FP animal flashcards since he was 6mos. When he able to point the correct animal, i think all our hard work pays off. Try lor

Wildkitty, saw ur BP but dont know what size to look for my Sony camera (touch screen)?
Hi Terrormum

I wanna get a wooden maze puzzle for my ds. Do u have? I didnt see in your bp/

My BP is decent.. thanks. I dun really keep stock. only when people as me to sell, then i passively take. I work full time mah. I do have some personal collection tat my boy uses.

BP slow??? look at the # of competitors i have..
see already also scared.

Hi Poky,
YES!!! start ur ds on flashcards. She is a fast learner from what i observe. Dun waste her talents. Join us at playground tmrw lor. I wanna show u the cheap n gd board book (non BP item)

Hi wildkitty,
gd to catch up with u... ur gals so cute.
Hope to see u at playground tmrw. I will bring some gd books to entice your gal...
Hi terrormum07..

Hey, me going to supplier place sunday afternoon. How many inch is your digi cam, I ask if they have it anot. Sim Lim very ex leh..sms me ok. Will PM you my mobile
Hi Diana..

Taken note of your hp model. Should have..will get one piece for you when dropping by supplier place sunday afternoon. Anyone need any mobile stuffs or PSP stuffs??
Hi Xiaochuan,

its under NEW Cheap and Interesting Wooden Puzzle. I am placing order Tue. Limited design and number only available.

Hi Wildkitty,

will msg u by today.
seems like weather not favourable... doubt later can meet at playground. but if u goin wildkitty place, let me know can? i can pop over at her place to look at the board bk? i pm u my no. =)
i juz got 3sets of flashcards from the glynnisbaby. show my gal yesterday. but she dosent seem interested.. after awhile, she look elsewhere liao.. =( but will continue to show her... hahaha
hihi Poky

Maybe u tried to dump her too much at one go?
Dun give up k..
I wished i could turn back the clock to when my ds is still 5-6mths... i would hv started him on flashcards earlier

anyhow, we catch up later, k

I will chk again... didnt see maze?
so ladies, later still on or not? Or shall we all meet at wildkitty's place?

Amy (wildkitty), please sms me when the venue and time is confirm. Thank you.
Hi Res View Mummies

Should we meet up again soon? Coming Monday is a public holiday

Jes/ Wildkitty
My ds had a fun time with your kids ytd. Thanks : )
wildkitty - I've u my contact so tat u can contact me how to get the screen saver from u.

xiaochuan/terrormum - i'm quite interested to get some books/cards for my ger too. Where can i @@ yr BPs?
dear mummies,

My ger has 2 teeth (incisor) coming out at the same time now. She now wakes up twice in the nite due to the discomfort, not hunger. Is there anything tat can be applied to her gums to make her feel relived? Thinking of using medi gel, is it safe for a 4.5mths bb? Pls advise. Thks.
Hi Diana

U can find refer to BP thread... mine closes today.

For the tooth thingy, u might like to massage her gums with clean wet towel. That might soothe... else give her cooled water when she wakes in the nite....
Lotsa water during the day.. gripe water also can.

Juz my 2 cent's worth.
Wow, didn't know there are a few BP organizers mummies near me. Will take a look at your BP threads. More convenient for me to collect mah
Any overseas spree organizers here too?
Hi Diana..

You have mail

Hi Jolin..

Milo with oats is very good. A great kick in the morning & if you are BF, it actually helps a bit there lor

Hi Mummies..

Am having a Carters Sunsuits + New Arrivals + 20-50% OFF Storewide..keen do check it out yeah..thanks.
I receive the pkg le. How much to transfer ah?? can pm me the details?? THx!!

Btw, did u sent to Jolin? If not, i can pass some to try also. =)
Hi Poky

I juz came from suppliers' ... found another touch n feel book for your gal.. $2.50 .. let me know if u keen.

Hi Joychrisjen
Mine is more on books. Overseas spree ahh.. depends on what u want. If u talking about learning resource stuff.. i can get .. no need to spend too much $$

agree with wildkitty. milo with oats is cool... i have that everyday. maybe u can take milk with oats... also very nice.
i got 3 sets just. shd be from diana. thanks.

thanks. just rec'd ur mail. the quality hmmmm... i better choose pigeon brand :p

thx wildkitty n xiaochuan, i only found ginger egg for breakfast but might go for c-section, thats y need to avoid egg. milo/milk with oats probably the only choice
KEEN! how to get from u?? Thx for helpin to keep a look out for stuffs for my gal! =)
Morning mummies,

poky/wildkitty - U've got mail...

jolin - i agree wif u pigeon ones r better but also more costly lor. During my confinement, I eat multi-grain bread with kopi for breakfast. As MIL is doing confinement for me, i paiseh ask her cook so many meals.
jolin - well... this is the only addiction i can't quit. I actually still have my morning cuppa everyday when i'm preggy. I'm still feeding my ger BF, just tat feedings has to be done after 2 hrs if I had my coffee. Or tat i feed my ger first then i have my breakie. ~_~
Hi poky,

no problems.. i get these cheap cheap and value for $ stuff to stock anyway.

we can meet anytime lah. the book is still in my office... ahahahah
maybe this weekend.. Sunday is gd for me.. we can go playground.

last sunday nite, the troop went to my home to play.. very fun lor

Meet us this sunday la..anyway..haven't met you yet rite??

Res view mummies & everyone else..

I have a few loose pieces of pre-loved baby girls clothing to pass down to any of you who may NEED them. Not for fussies..come over my place to see..lazy to take pics..hehe.
