Mummies staying at Eunos / Bedok Reservoir / Geylang

Hi artemisia,

My granddaughter took the jab and she was alright. Just cried a little and was ok after that.

I guess babies will not really feel the pain very much. Anyway I think its better to do it when they are young so as to protect them against immunities.

Hi Diana,
I believe that they won't take 2 jabs a day.
My ds had his immune (5 in 1) in polyclinic.
It's schedule out, at least a month apart.
Don't worry.
Hey terrormum07..

Whick blk you stay ar at Eunos?? Cos I used to stay there leh..blk 17
Zainab & Ivy

It's stated in the Healthcare Bk tat u can opt to jab Hep B (last dose) & immune jab (3rd dose) in 1 appt. But i suppose i won't want to do it unless my boss is quite against me taking too many off next mth. My MIL got her med appt too so i have to take leave to look after my ger. Headache~
Hi Diana,
Can ur husband take leave instead if he can cope, or just take time off / half day instead since it should not be too long.
Hi Diana,

You can actually make an appointment with the Polyclinic for the babies' jab then you don't have to waste your time waiting.

They do give appointment time - maybe you can check with them.

Ours is at Bedok.
Dear zainab & ivy,

Thks for yr advice. I guess I'll talk to my HB tonite to get him to bring her for one of the jab with my MIL. My ger is not afraid of the needles, guess becos she's still young. Wat i'm more worried abt is she'll be very cranky and 'sticky' to me after her jab. Dunno my MIL can handle her or not, quite sick of hearing her 'complaining' abt my ger when i went to fetch my ger home after work everyday...
We need to learn to be selective in our listening in order to be more happy.
Usually when I hear her complaining, I'll just continue play with my ds.
Hi Diana...

Just my 2 cents worth hor..I used to hate it when MIL complain & nag about looking after my eldest girl. Always retaliate against her. But I learn that if I just keep quiet & pretend to ignore & not listen to MIL, she will also keep quiet after a while lor. Hehe..I very bad hor
Hi wildkitty,

To be exact at Eunosville estate behind the mosque dear.

Poky and anyone who needs Ah Guek new hp no? Tmr she will be deliver (C section). Sms her your name, type of diaper (HUGGIES ONLY)and qty. No more delivery. Pick up at her plc Tampines.

Ah Guek hp 92389911

FYI, i opened cheap wooden puzzle BP. Check it out.
Ivy & wildkitty,

Yr posts make me feel tat i'm not battling in laws issues alone (guess most DILs have such issue lah). ;P

There r times where i really feel like telling her off when she can't stop her comments. BUT i really need someone to take care of my ger so i just have to 'REN' then go home 'fire' at my HB. Haha...
Hi Diana..

Aiyah..after a while hor..I just become very 'BAH' lor. Just bo chap la..cos she will somehow get the message that
we also not that happy with her nagging & somehow she will auto stop complain after a while lor

Quite interested in your BP..when got time must browse thru slowly


Must support you also..when time permits, will drop by your BP ok..cos ar, my own BP already up to my neck liao
thx for no. =)

dun worry. many of us hv inlaw issue one de. i also keep quiet when i hear wat i dun like... juz ignore.. life stil got a long way to go. =p
hello mummies....

what BPs do u have? I also wan to kapo....but how do I find them?

Diana & Ivy,

Really envy u least got MIL to help u take care n love your kids, so at least u can go to work in peace!! My MIL not around n mum prefer to work rather than take care of my kids....
so i no choice but to take care myself....went from dual income to single, alot of adjustment in terms of expectations...
yah, envy too. no one offer to help take care of my bb. not even my MIL N FIL. in fact, this bb is their 1st grandson loh. they juz hard care.
Hi ladies,
U are not alone lah.. i also have MIL issue. She also heck care my bb.

We may want to consider forming MIL club when we get old.. so that we dun over-nag nxt time. hahahha

Hi WildKitty
Thanks for your support. My new BP hor.. really got 1 set of bks from Australia.. gd stuff lor. The rest id on going lor.. miss this time also nvr mind.

Hi Terrormum,
your BP looks great. Got other designs or not ahh?
Err, MIL? Horror... so far I have no issue besides that my son bumped onto her glass table in her house eve of my Raya by accident! Sorry to say, I wont trust my PIL to look after and how can I comment or asked them to do what I want them to do?

Thanks mummy for dropping by my BP.

XiaoChuan, ur BP price is attractive. I want to get from u that Elmo set with end shelf. Btw will update other designs soon including wooden train toy set. Waiting for supplier to confirm the price.

Wildkitty, take ur time
Peisey... XiaoChuan got confused ur book BP with another mummy. Wanna placed order and realised wrg BP i looked at. Will check urs ltr
Dear all~

Wonder any mummies here need disposable breast pads? I've 50 pcs Mothercare ones to gif away. Just for info, they dun have the double-sided tape which u would find in other brands. Only need to send me a rtn enevelope to post qty needed to u. If wanna take all, gotta meet up cos 50pcs quite thick, ex to send by post.
can i hv the breastpads? Can help to weigh how much is it? Wil send u SAE. =) TIA!

saw ur bp, but i cant buy yet. my gal too small, hv to til wait she bigger.

to b fair, i grateful that my mil willing to helps to take care of my gal. but juz that i no longer trust her words on wat she promise. But one thing i sure, the family dotes my gal, so she in safe hands... guess i cant hv all the best in the world lor. =p

ya lor.. mayb when we bcome mil, retired from workforce liao, then we b gathered in one of the void decks n complain abt dil/sil.... hahahaha
Morning mummies.

I have a few loose pieces of L pampers given by another mummy, but I find the cutting too small for my ds.
Anyone interested can post here.

No prob. U can have them, hope u dun mind it's loosely packed (cos the one i bought is 100pc per box.) PM me yr address. Could be quite bulky, so i'll use the biggest env i can find in the office. Hee~

This MIL thingie, i agree wif u, we r lucky. For my case, MIL is simply forgetful, loves to watch korean/taiwanese idol drama and superstitious. My hb asked me close one eye lah since we cant survive with his income only. So just have to 'REN, REN, REN'... Pray tomm got money drop down from the sky for me... Hahahahah...
no prb, y not i wait for diana to post to me, then i pass u some to try? since we live in the same estate, better than diana to post different add in the same area. pm me ur contact. wil sms u when i received. =)

Thx! hv pm u le. =)

can i hv the pampers?
for me, i dun like the hygiene n old fashion thinkin they hv. call me over protective lor, but i super worried my gal eat others' saliva. I buay tahan to c his relatives to bite a small pc of food in their, puke the pc out n stuffs inside the kid mouth... no cultery, also can tear out one rite?? -_-"
Sure Poky,
No problem. Let me know when u want to take from me.

I also bite into smaller piece n give to him when I'm eating apple. Hehe...
It's my MIL will go n take spoon n scrap for him.
But not sure when I'm not around. Dun want to know too much too.
hahaaa tot get directly from diana n pay postage. k k since we live so near. Thx poky, i need 2 sets maybe cos got some mothercare voucher n dun know what to get from there.

btw, any mum here want? S$30 mothercare redeem voucher to let go.

Exactly!! My own mum did tat once, i told her not to do it again cos it's unhygienic. I don't think u r over-protective lor, this form of practice shd not be encouraged. I more scared stranger come touch my ger cos she's got sensitive skin. Can't really stop them from doing so cos pple must have find her adorable then come over one rite?

giving away my boy walker condition 6/10 fully used with stain and not for fussy. Self collect asap at my plc Eunos area only. No pic pls.

I have a bag of boys clothes too ard 5-7pcs give away. Mostly mothercare romper and a set of Fox pant n l/s tee. Baby wipes as token (any brand 80pc).

JTS my feelings,
posted an item to sell at WTS and many keen on it cos letting it go almost 70% of rp. Just bcos didnt reply/late reply PM and missed some PM, kena scolding... wah sey what a luck
encountered some missed pm also. dun know y leh. especially sometimes my email went to spam mail. puzzle

terromum, can i ve the walker. actually not thinking to get one for my bb cos a lot ppl said walker will affect bb learn walking. is that true?
HI HI, can i join???

me too!! from bedok reservoir rd... blk 601.
FTWM to 2 kids-8yrs old(gal) n 8mth old(boy)
Hi wildkitty

BP is great!
But Margin is small this time. Trying out 2 new suppliers this time ard.

I m enjoying it becos i selling books that i like and discuss subj i have a passion for : )

We should really arrange to meet up.


Hi XiaoChuan..

Hehe..can la..we are just a stone's throw away nia. Wait till your BP is over ok, then we meet up. Anyone else want to join us??
