Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

clearing these away. Who need tell me....
2 samples of J&J bedtime lotion and bath.
Gain IQ bag
Guardian underpad
<font color="aa00aa">suika,
true, dun think too much. me also last time, bleed n bleed till cannot see worry etc....cheers. think positively.

re: makan.
he on porridge for dinner only. milk (1 hr later) followed by eu ren sang si shen power for lunch. snack- biscuit.morning - milk then 1 hr later cereal+ 2 water cake(upgrade now, last 2 wk, only 1) + a bit bread + biscuit. only morning, his appetite is super gd.

hmm..K not on cereal? </font>

<font color="aa00aa">snow luplup</font>,
actually, u are the first batch of mummies to be invited cos seems everyone is placing invitation out(pressure pressure) so KS and placed here. I have not even notified relatives yet. reply latest by 15 Jan 2010. thks thks.

<font color="aa00aa">Jappooh</font>,
ths thks. wow, u overseas?

<font color="ff6000">meow</font>,
wow, congrats, got yr job after u interview today??

what is Guardian underpad?}
<font color="119911">afcai
i oni give milk n times morning cereal (heaty mah)....he'll snack wadever we eating....yest he juz took few grains of chicken rice n last wk lot1 blk 302 chee chong fan....w chilli some more part is he still ask for more after taking got chilli 1 lor</font>
yeah today went job interview now waiting for them to tell me my package. The underpad is the one use to prevent your bed/carseat from wetting either waterbag burst or BB poo on bed lor
Have the following to give away:
1) enfaschool sachets for 6 yr old onwards expire april 2010
2) karihome goat whole milk for adult and older children expire 15 oct 2010
3) 2 desktop calendar
4) 1 office dairy 2010.
<font color="aa00aa">suika,
wow, u like chilli when u preggie with K? haa...let yr boy tried gar taste already make noise leh. everytime, let her try food, first qns ask, is it "lah lah".

seems yr boy tried lot of food hor...not scared he allegic(touch wood).</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Kris</font>,
saw yr gar wear earrings. where u take her for the ear pick one? is that call ear ....cos last time, my aunt took my to jewellery shop but dunno now have or not.

hmm..yr gar won't pull her earrings??
she did the earrings at west mall. Tat pair cost about $100plus, i think its real gold. She paid for the earring, not the service. YTP also have, the sinma there have. plain ones at $9 and $15 for those with 'diamond'.
<font color="0077aa">luplup,

i naughty hor keke... :p</font>

<font color="0000ff">meow,

i thought the current few pieces i have can maybe last till then ma but who knows he drink so much water &amp; pee every night haiz...

yay! got job le so cannot complain le hor keke...</font>

<font color="ff6000">afcai,

few weeks back i removed 1 today i removed 2 &amp; still got 3 more to go

dunno got so many for what? *grumbling*

mickey mouse fan?! keke...

i not sure yet, as usual no need to include my food, will drop by if i can...

my boy will take chilli &amp; sometimes he will act "sat" &amp; say not spicy but turn around to get his water bottle haha...</font>

<font color="aa00aa">suika,

don't think so much!

don't anyhow think!

then try not to carry K so much after all u still in 1st trimester...

let others help if possible although i know might be difficult but try lo hor...

K party i not sure yet but no need to include my food, if can i will drop by
<font color="aa00aa">Kris</font>,
hmm..u change yr nickname?? wonder, her earrings very shiny, fr far can see wor...

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
u remove so many...tot wisdom tooth got 4 got so many... haa...I dunno have "grumbling' haa...maybe u 'snatch' mine...just joking...

not lah,,not mickey mouse fan. dunno why I chose mickey mouse theme also....maybe he is still in the yr of rat since have not go past 'li chun' yet... dun worry, shd have enu to eat. I learnt my leasson loh fr my gar full mth. hubby invited 80+ ppls and also ordered 80+ share, in the end hor a lot of wastage...

haa..yr boy so cute...'act' cool.....

nt sure if I can make it, will confirm with u agn.


got vinegar pork knuckle? must save some for me leh.


so u r........... then u hv to be careful since #1 is still v young.

dun worry too much, if fated to be urs, will be there with u.
morning mummies!!

<font color="119911">afcai
not i let him try's the food kana some chilli oil, he ate liao then realised he no make noise at all but still asking for more lor

allergy? wun lah....he coming to 1yr liao mah....recently then let him try more stuffs 1....but soyabeans n nuts etc i no intend to intro yet</font>

u not at genting meh? still got time to come in here....heheee
morning mummies

had a tough day at work yesterday. hope today is a better day.

sylvia - i like your girl. very cute, not scared of strangers and she just went about with her own business.

sandy, suika - so sorry, i can't make it this sun. it's grandparents' day. both sets of grandparents asked why greg did not visit them over the last long weekend :p

so any taker for the cereals?

i also have an unopened box of the avent breastpads. anyone wants it?

suika - don't worry too much. a cheerful spirit is important during pregnancy. K is a good boy.

yvonne - maybe we can go west mall for coffee/ice-cream one of these days. i like the udders ice-cream there.
Morning Mummies..

Hi ak.. no problem... popby when you are free.. :)

I am thinking og getting either Heinz or Nestle cereal.. but original flavor..

Was about to teel hb to buy the breastpad for me... can I have it.. how much?

Wah lau.. haven't been drinking coffee for the past month le...
sandy - $10 for the breastpad? i keep them also no use :p
and i pass you the cereals at the same time. you can decide if you want to use them later.
actually, i like bellamy cereal more, but it is quite expensive.

i know that "coffee-deprived" feeling. i stopped for almost 1 year (from pregnancy to until i stopped bfg)
Hi ak..

I didn't stop drinking coffee when preggie... but limit to one cup per day...

Now BF.. need to stop completely.. if not my little gal will sure be an owl.. lolx.. and till gg to stop for at least one full year too.. cos will continue to bf as long as she wants.. at least 1 year to be fair..
<font color="0077aa">afcai,

why i have so many wisdom teeth i also dunno...

maybe yours "donated" to me liao LOL

but hor they are nothing but trouble...

make me spend $ some more

normally people have 4 but i have 6! *faint*

normally buffet no need to order the same amount of people coming cos sure will have extras one...

but last time i order finger food hi tea style &amp; end up not enough although i order more than the number of guests!

think cos finger food so people keep on eating non stop keke...

my boy can take spicy food &amp; he loves the assam ikan billis that my granny makes but he will down lots of water keke... :p</font>

<font color="ff6000">sylvia,

i had fun watching too &amp; she so cute...

walking around "stealing" people's drink so busy!

no wonder u always so busy LOL</font>
<font color="ff6000">happyfeet
nite view better

so how's ur tooth now? got swollen like the last?</font>
Hi mummies,
Quick sneak in while baby sleeps..

long long time never come here already..too many threads to read as only got time to run down this one since baby's going to wake up anytime.

btw, anyone WTE the following items:
1) 2 Giant stamps for $1 inclusive of postage
2) 1 Enfagrow $5 voucher for 900g buy, exp on 16 Mar 2010; can be used in SNS, Guardian, CS, Giant &amp; Market Place: exchange for 2 Enfakid Stage 4 sachets or $1 carpark coupon

PM me if interested. I'll check tmr morning. If don't hear anything, I'll post it into WTE forum.

Am on leave on and off sinec Xmas eve as nanny's away for holiday..yar lor, colleagues thought I go away for holiday but in fact I'm NOT but to babysit my own baby, so sad &amp; tiring..

You preggie now? How many mths? Sorry not keeping up with this thread nowadays as just too busy with everything...sign...

Eventually, i give up on looking/waiting for Heinz cereal for baby. Went to but Friso brand last weekend but yet to try out as I still left with last box of Heinz still not giving any cereal so far?

Wow. you gave birth already and even had your baby full month celeb. Congrats! How does it feel to be a 3-kids mummy? I can't imagine myself being preggie again.Sometimes, when both my kids and 2 nieces are together, somehow the roof seems going to collapse with the 2 older kids running &amp; screaming, baby babbling/crying and younger niece trying to play with baby..
3 more hrs to go go back bo hua liao

sneezy mom!! long time no come in here...busy w wad?? ya lor....barely 3mths yet so super xinku now sia
SNEEZY... ya.. time really flies.. *nodding my head*... and I am happy to see her growing each day...

I sure gg to miss my pregnancy days.. cos this will be my last.. *cross finger*..

So far ok.. cos hb does help me.. in handling the 2 elders ones.. except sometimes #2.. still want me to carry.. and I can't yet cos of the c-sect wound.. and she is not heavy ya..
<font color="aa00aa">suika,

flyer night view nicer?

my friend was telling me nothing very fantastic, mostly see the construction site haha...

my experience this time is much better, nothing swollen &amp; not as painful as the last time.

you feeling better already not?

maybe bring up to your boss hopefully he can let u leave slightly a little bit earlier...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Sneezy mom</font>,
u on leave today?

do u have any nan pro 2 or gain iq kids sample? if so, I'm interested. I'm short of 1 tin of nan pro 2 b4 I switched my boy to gain iq in feb. fyi, now, he is on 1 feed of fm per day, the rest are ebm. boy has been on cereal since 6mth (non-corrected age) till now.

<font color="aa00aa">suika,
some ppls said gd to let kids explore diff variety of foods cos scared when older will not be fussy. my ex-boss hor only let her son explore outside food when he turned 4-5 yr old.otherwise, all homecook.

me on ccl as need to bring bb for neo-natal checkup plus blood count.

u got any MS? take mc and yr second preggie more xinku?.</font>

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
how's yr wound? pain or not??

no coffee or tea if not got minimise it loh cos u still bf. how's yr milk flow compare to yr other 2 preggie?

Heinz infant blue package for 6mth is oss cos still pending for AVA to give green light,. so is the green box - apple n museli flavor. so now, I still stuck at bannana breakfast for 9mth. but this orange box also limited edition....

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
u sure all are wisdom teeth? haa..mine not 'donated' is it u 'snatch' fr me that's why I dun have. sob know....

yeah mountain turtle cos first time order buffet. another time is during wedding time...more jialat...most fly kite during tea then invited all neighour fr my mum'plc to makan....

oic...ikan billis gd cos lot of calcium. yr boy not taking fm he still on fresh milk or??
Hi Afcai..

My wound.. more or less.. no pain le.. but can't carry too heavy thing yet.. need to wait awhile..

I strictly no coffee / tea.. while I am still BF.. my milk flow.. hm... seem.. better.. sufficient for her.. hehehe...

Oh... I in no hurry to buy the cereal la.. since ak wants to clear so thought of getting from her... but have not decided which brand yet... but want to start with original flavor...
morning ladies!!

wah so many entries here liao...yesterday was on leave so not in with that little terror at home...

how's everyone? new year coming liao! yeh!
Aiyah, what else can I be busy with except work &amp; taking care of kids
Was in China for work for a few days 3 weeks ago and work seems never ending..already behind schedule and work getting piled trying to avoid travelling for work again but seems have to make 1 more trip to China next month ..husb sure get angry each time I travel, when baby nowadays seems to stick to me closer esp at night before sleep..

Just tahan till past 1st trim then maybe you won't feel so just blink of eyes, baby wil pop out!

Btw, any mummies also need to travel for work? How do you manage handling the kids then?

yeah,time really baby will also be celebrating her 1 yr old BD on CNY &amp; Valentine's Day itself!

Take great care esp when you have C-op..they say sometimes it takes longer to heal than natural birth?

snow bb
Ha ha.."bz with little terror at home"; my younger one also seems to be like that; talks so loud and trying to stand up by herself..last night woke up and started playing for almost an hr with her legs, sit up &amp; try standing up by using our bed as support (kids sleep on floor mattress besides our bed)before falling back to sleep

ok, need to go work as only have 1 day today as will be on leave again from tmr onwards..

In case I don't come back here later today, Happy New Year to all mummies!
sneezy... thanks... ya.. will take care... not really nei... only #1.. takes longer to heal... #2 and this.. very fast... heal within a week... juz that I don't dare to carry too heavy thing yet...

Happy New Year to you too..

You take care too ya..
morning mummies,
juz in case too busy to come in tomolo...
Happy 2010 to all of u!

Sandy &amp; suika,
Sorry, can't make it on 3rd, cos gotta prep &amp; bring my gal to her 1st music lessons.
Hope ur gal and K will have a great time tat day!
<font color="0077aa">sandy,
yup, better not to carry heavy things. yr gar got ask u to carry her? opposite, this time less milk compare to last time. maybe bec no latch on.

haa..of cos, yr gar barely 1mth, mummy already plan so much planning.last time, what cereal u give to yr kids?

wow, kids nowsday got lot of actitives to learn, stress wor....see ask me not to sweat...</font>

<font color="ff6000">meow</font>,
wow meow, u so early go online....

<font color="aa00aa">snow luplup</font>,
hme also OL y'day. new yr coming...hmmm still the resolution for new yr for myself is to have a flat tummy, for my boy is to walk b4 cny and my gar to be healthy, no sick...

<font color="aa00aa">Sneezy mom</font>, yr hubby will handle 2 kids while u overseas? aiyo...ask him what if it was him to travel overseas hor....

haa..yup, time flies....tot I just delivered this yr and my boy(correct age(CA) shd be 10mth acc to neo-doc) will be one next mth...

hmm..on leave tml, will it be counted as a day? cos mine will.
Afcai... yup.. always ask me to carry her.. if not she will stand there and cry... I still got to tell her and explain to her.. I can't .. and even showed her the wounds.. nowadays lesser le..

I give my boy Dumex.. last time.. got the original falvor.. then change to Nestle.. with those flavor when he is older..

My girl.. start with Heinz.... then also change to Nestle later..

End up all will end with Nestle.. hehe

Aiya.. told you don't be stress le.. me also nvr let both the 2 elder kids attend anything... not even my boy.. now that he is turning 5 soon... no worries la..

snowyin.. no problem.. come when you are free.. :)

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
oic...why choose nestle...easier to grab??

ok, yeah....will not stress her. anyway,my gar will be starting her N2 next wk in pcf. sad sad, pe attire m size oss. siao...why oss man....can't they have enu stock to cater for registeration bought L size. will let her wear other red short loh...

one mummy worst, U oss..dunno what her kid will wear when sch reopened.
