Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

<font color="0077aa">afcai,

my boy also hardly eat outside food...

i normally try to feed him before going out cos if eat outside he will eat very slow &amp; eat a bit only say full also difficult to estimate his portion.

even though MIL cook i will still cook his meals for him cos MIL like to use a lot of instant paste &amp; chicken stock etc which i find not healthy...

only when i "hui niang jia" then i let him eat whatever my granny cooks cos she cook everything from scratch.

but my boy quite ok although not very adventurous in food.

yup! from the x ray can see i got 6 wisdom tooth in total - 4 on top &amp; 2 below.

ya i think only GOD knows cos how can i "snatch" yours when i don't even know u keke...

but good la, save $

my boy not taking any milk now cos don't like the taste of FM &amp; cannot take too much cold drinks so i give him other source of calcium.

buffet ordering comes from experience &amp; also u cannot control the turn out nor the amount of food they consume but usually so far sure will have extras except for the nicer tasting ones or the finger food will usually run out first.

you talking about me ah?!

my boy also like that!

no uniform to wear for 1st day of sch so gotta wear hm clothes cos OOS.</font>

<font color="119911">sandy,

you rest well hor especially u got 2 elder kids to "pester" u</font>

<font color="ff6000">luplup,

you ok not?!

like that u say many entries?!

already considered very little liao lo LOL

new year coming u so excited?

got what program line up?</font>

<font color="0000ff">meow,

you start your new job already?</font>

<font color="ff0000">sneezy,

if your job requires you to travel then i believe no choice unless you can reject otherwise i think your ang should try to be more understanding lo...

not as if your wish to wanna travel right?

sorry if i sound harsh

kids then to stick more to mommy especially during bed time i think this is absolutely normal.

maybe you can get your mom or MIL to help cos female usually can handle kids better right?</font>

<font color="ff6000">anyone got extra small plastic bags to clear?

i use them to pick up dog poo &amp; now running super low so asking for "donations" if you got extra &amp; don't mind "donating" to me
hello mummies

just to let you know that i'm alive but hardly kicking. super stressed out by work.
btw, i've been reading the posts, just not posting
new year long weekend mah..also got events that weekend am getting excited lor...haa

but then hor... i feel very stressed out at work too. just like ak!
and donno why these few weeks damn suay...keep making mistake...think i'm gonna get kicked out...
snowluplup - i think we keep making mistake because we are overload. how to be focus and detailed. sigh... what a way to start a new year...
thanks...but then it seems to be bad for me...sigh...donno why but super depressed lor...keep making never happen to me...

you also keep making mistakes?? not sure is overload or overstress...sigh....cos mine is those kind of critical environment...slow by a min also kena arrow...
yes start working le. But now only temp pay so very low want small plastic bag ah? Bigger ones like NTUC/giant kind can?
<font color="ff6000">luplup,

RELAX...maybe u too stress + holiday mood so make some "minor" mistakes...

don't worry...start the new year fresh!

here's wishing everyone a better 2010!</font>

<font color="0000ff">meow,

Bigger ones like NTUC/giant kind too big to pick up poo cos very sayang la...

the poo not so much lo haha...</font>
<font color="119911">mummies,
ask u, on the pneunomoccal jab.
when one has the jab, will they be fever (on and off) or any other side effect? dunno why my gar on and off fever since sat night until today. she also have slight cough with phelgm (mum cooked hu hua guo for whole family as this can help to get rid of phelgm) and running nose. she like restless loh...</font> u all work half day tml??

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
yeah, same same. my gar also eat like 'lao tai po', hold food inside her mouth one. so now, we cooked porridge for her to eat so when she sa didi eat, she will race against him but still lost to her didi (only minor time win).

true, not healthy to have instant stock type...prefer use chicken or fish bone, ikan billi to cook....

haa..will call or sms god to ask him why....

what's abt warm up fresh milk for him? got those kid milk - master brand. hmm...this is the first time I heard toddler dun drink milk (sorry no offence). give him lot of ikan billi, sardines, cheese, brocolli for calcium.

pai seh, me lost thread what "you talking about me ah?! "scratching head....

<font color="ff6000">meow</font>,
aiyo, so pity, can't use the plastic bag for throwing rubbish....I also running out too cos my mum also use it a lot. last time, go supermarket, we dun take plastic bag, we use recycle bag, but now, will grab as many plastic loh for rubbish bag.
Hi, I'm a SAHM staying at CCK. Has a 3.5 year old son. So sian, now in hospital cos my son is down with fever and cough. Tomorrow is New Year Eve, hope can be at home to celebrate.He still having fever and is breadthless.His fever and cough has been going on for a week.Dispite the medication given in hospital still no improvment. Thinking discharge him and seek for other treatment.

nt steal lah. just curious wat is the diif between other's n hers loh.

n plus this age still dunno wat's hers n nt hers,so everyone does it, she also must try.


at home, i just let her explore except the danger zone. busy.......... check n playing loh. n cooking n do housechores leh.

HB say got 1 bag of small plastic bag. I scan thru and pass them to you lor

Hi Serene,
Hope your son recover soon. Take care and do check with hospital is advisable to discharge him lor
morning mummies!

thanks ya...hopefully next year will be a better one for me! But then hor, i'm not complaining cos of you-know-what-i-mean?? hahaha

Happy 2010 to all!
Sylvia &amp; Meow

Thanks. Last night he still wake up to cough badly and having fever. It has been a week, since the hospital medication doesn't work, should I discharge him and seek for other treatment or wait and see. very confuse! Do any of you know of good doctor around?
snow luplup
shyann love the weather keep sleep sleep ... lucky my mil &amp; fil is with us.. they can accompany her.. then i can go gamble..
snow luplup
ya... just abit rush cos going 2 places.. my fil also gamble and win quite a bit.. he quite happy cos he never win.. tis time with shyann he win..
morning mummies.

i was on leave for the past 3 days to be hm with my 2 kids as my elder one cc close.

Yesterday brought them to Orchard. So crowded.

my baby just have his pneunomoccal jab (4th jab) this morning. He didnt have fever. As i remember both my kids take this jab at most is slight fever for that nite only. (my elder have 3 jabs amd younger have 4 jabs). Should be taking too long. Maybe other thing is causing her fever?

Monitor her if not better bring her see doc again.

wow go genting. Envy.. I went there 2 mths ago but i can only sneak out to gamble for like 1hr or so nia when my bb sleep. most of the time i was baby sitting my kids.
Morning mummies,

Wish u all a happy 2010 and may everything run smoothly for everyone! Stay happy yah!

my gal has the pneunomoccal jab few months ago, she ok with it. PD did mention that some percentage of kids will have fever after jabs. so long it's not prolonged high fever, juz monitor and rest more will do.
Actually for me, I'll give the kids 1 dose of fever medicine right after they reach home from injections, then let them sleep. It's sort of preventing the fever from outbreaking and so far so good. My boy was slightly warm from the last jab, prob becos he took 3 vaccinations in 1 go. But the fever cleared by nite time.

Maybe ur gal's fever could be due to the mild cough recovering plus jab, somemore recently alot of pple sick, virus going ard. Virile fever will take a few days to clear and it's usually on and off, but the temp will not go up very high too.

Hope ur boy recovers soon!
Did ur boy see PD before he was hospitalised?
If not wait till the hospital results out first and see how. U muz take care of urself too yeah.
i already reject boss few times not travelling; supposed to go last wk just be4 xmas &amp; again next week but I rejected, the next trip in late Jan sure cannot reject liao...luckily, my boss v understanding that I have young kids at home w no maid to help, so she only "push" me to go only when it's really needed..

if need my mom's help, then my preggie sis has to take leave to take care of her 2 daughters who's at my mom's place + the fact my bro in law also travels for work at times, so had to time it in case any one of us travel at same time; mil does help overnight for past few trips but v tiring for her as sometimes even my baby can reject her..anyway, also don't understand why men like that..

wat's diagnosis of yr son by doc at hosp? is it viral infection? I remember my elder niece also once got hospitalized at KKH for >1wk cos' down with some potent viral infection with diarrhoea, fever on-n-off, etc..discharging from hosp w/o recovery may not be wise choice esp when today is eve and tmr is holiday

My son got fever for twice the pnemo jabs he had when he was much younger, to exent it's so high he got hospitalized. doc just diagnosed it's post-jab fever and can only give panadol &amp; keep him, we are extra careful with our girl now as she's going for her 2nd jab next mth..
bring ur parents or inlaw along will help to look after bb , take turn to go shopping &amp; gamble... hee hee... then can enjoy...
snowluplup - i keep missing out some details here and there. too many projects going on at the same time.

happyfeet - yes, it will be brand new year to start afresh.

the genting trip i went with my MIL, FIL and SIL. But i am the one who look after the kids. haha..My MIL did help also but she cant handle 2 loh. So is either me and hubby take care of me and MIL take care.. So i dun have much chances to go gamble.

Shopping i bring my kids along.
sneezy - i understand how you feel. my prev job needs me to travel too. the problem is that my bosses will remember those trips i reject and not those that i accept. so i had changed to a job that no need to travel.
hubby sure will be unhappy when our kids get cranky when we travel. i'm equally frustrated when my hubby is not at home to help out when my bb is difficult. sometimes we just need an extra pair of hands.

serene - hope your bb recover soon.
Morning Mummies...

Finally, my bb sleeps... tired.. zoombie soon....

Serene.. welcome, what did the doc say he is suffering from? Advisable to move him for 2nd opinion?
yeah...must take good care of yourself too. Hope your boy recover soon.

i checked and checked still do wrongly leh...super jia lat...even got reprimanded by others lor... super low morale...
snowluplup - i think we are in the same line, doing different areas. my morale is also very low because i'm given unrealistics deadlines.
after a while, we can't see the mistakes any more no matter how many times we checked. cheer up! next few days no need to go work right? can just enjoy our time with our bb.

sandy - i meet you next week to pass you the things?
ak, snowluplup,
Hi to u 2!! hehe...
Just curious, wat line are u 2 in? how come so stressful? U 2 cheerup k! it's new year eve and hopefully every suay things will go away at the stroke of midnite!! haha

Same here, mi oso got patches of memory loss... my colleague told me, memory loss is part of the epidural side effect wor...
snowyin.. ya think is not the sdei effect of epidural.. but the delivery of the bb.. lolx.. cos they took away our memory.. hahaha..

But will be better la..
very hard wor... my memory gotten worse after number 2. Can ask pple a question, then turn ard forgot wat I ask... hahaha prob mi dementia liao...
hmmm, pretty quiet now... think all preparing to go home soon... half-day for most rite?
Tonite got family count-down party, gotta go home prepare food...

See u all in 2010!!

re: memory loss
sandy - i don't think it is temp. seems like a perm damage to me. can't remember a lot of things these days. but could also be due to lack of sleep and more bb things to remember.
i need to pass you the breastpads and cereals.

snowyin - i can only go off at 1:30pm. another 1.5 hrs to go.

suika - where are you? are you ok?
