Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye


usually i am the one who brng my granny to see doc. So i knw what med she taking and as well as her condition loh. So need to go with her as usually doc and nurse will check with me as well.
got the add
<font color="0077aa">Sandy
mi drink water oso bloated sia....but these 2 days alot better least can force things in....mi no eat rice for more then 1 wk liao lor n lost 2kg.....juz now go weigh lucky gain back 400gms....hahahha
so worried bb eating mi up later....hahahaha</font>
suika.. lolx.. won't la.. but eat small meal ya.. if you can.. cos MS will be worse with empty stomache...

Get from Wood pills to curb the MS ya..
anyone ant karimone goat whole milk sachet. suitable for adults and older children. expire on 15/10/2010.

<font color="ff6000">Joo,
wow, u got so many lobang one.

errr..dunno who is the one in our thread who start the ball-rolling for abbott fm. hmm...dunno meow or idol wor...then everyone follow.

hope my boy not fussy with 1 yr old and above fm. cos he never tried any fm except give that blanded nan pro 2 last mth only cos cutting down pumping....luckily, my gar 'chin tai' straight give iq (choose it bec it has highest ingredient than friso and mum also drinkin ensure life so both fm also can accumalate pt mah).</font>

<font color="aa00aa">sylvia,
think will let it pass cos currently, I just opened 1 tin only and only need it after I finish the 400g tin. scare yrs cannot last till end of Jan leh.

hmmm why not get sample fr fm co? have u give isomil to bbM? ask abbott for sample.

hi 5, another anmum 'fan' but not similacmum. </font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jappooh</font>,
can collect the reward pts mah...then redempt it.true friso have good discount. hmm why not continue to give friso ? not suitable?? string then cannot wear leh....I will be at novena on 29/12 at ard 1pm+ or kkh after 11pm, dunno u are able to meet me.if not, will u be gg to lup lup 's hse?

hope yr granny get well soon.
hmm...yr younger one wear xl size diaper, must be chubby loh....

<font color="aa00aa">suika,
ok ok.thks.
sun go market, saw one new set up stall like palsam malasar selling muar otah. 3 for $10. quite nice and got lot of fish wor...

dunno leh...I never use MP (except sample) and got this infor copy fr another</font>

ya my bb drink friso will puke out the milk after awhile. so not suitable for him.

ya he wear XL since he is 8tmhs+ not chubby lar just that he have big butt.

For the hat i think the string easy to get i pass u all see u can get any string anot. I wont be working from 28 to 30 dec. I do not knw will i be visiting my granny at that time. I will sms u and we see how to arrange. I not sure i gg snowbb hse anot. If going i will bring for u.
<font color="0077aa">Sandy
took the MS liao but like not much used ley...</font>

<font color="119911">afcai
ic ic...maybe see if can will dropby check it out</font>
<font color="ff0000">calling all my little pony fans!

tonight 8pm ch 34 disney playhouse will be showing the move of my little pony!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">suika,
every wk, the market will change it stall one.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jappooh</font>,
oic...if I passed by CCK mrt stn on 29/12 at ard 1030am or 2pm+, will u be able to meet me? if not, I see after the gathering if u are free to meet. thks...

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
sure yr sweeties will be glad to have u ard...haa.. too 'honey' is not with me....sob sob..

imagine I bought nan pro 2 n IQ gain to try last wk. havent open IQ gain. think mummy has to drink liao.

Then she save money for me on FM? hahaha!!

wet cough nw..... ok. tks!! will monitor.

the expiry is mid of 2011 leh. will spoil? I need to go n find the tin, coz pour all out to zip lock bag to keep it fresh. so dunno if I throw away .

if nt, can know the exact date.


must learn to cook the vinegar pork knuckle myself soon.

hahaha!! bb can eat? coz nw everytime I eat, someone will KA, point at the food n nod her head then smile.

happy feet
I saw the little pony by accident...

eh.... like very different fm wat we had last time?

even the strawberry shortcake nw teach hw to bake things, cook ,etc.

so educating leh.
morning mummies.

merry christmas in advance. foresee a busy day at work for me today. i'm looking forward to meet up with you on boxing day. (first time seeing many of you.)
Its the eve of christmas and i haven't wrap my son's pressie...hee...and i forgot what i wrap for my gal...haha...merry christmas!!
Today will be a busy day for me. half day have so much things to do. Later need to rush down to hopsitial then rush hm to look after my kids cos my elder one no school today and hubby working nite shift need to sleep in the afternoon.

Busy busy

ok will arrange with u. Should be able to meet u on 29th if i didnt manage to go snowbb hse this sat.

Need to see my hubby wan to go with me anot. If not i cant bring 2 kids with me alone.
Morning Mummies..

Wah.. so fast greet Christmas liao ah...

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">MERRY CHRISTMAS</font></font> to all of you in advance..

Everytime.. I sure miss one of the festive.. when #1 born, I miss CNY, #2.. hm.. what did I miss.. forgot..

Now.. Christmas.. and New Year.. sianz...

You ladies and bbs.. njoy yourself on boxing day ah..

Afcai... lolx.. I become your 'honey' liao ah..

Syvia.. you can sell off the Gain since not opened yet.. jappooh juz upgrade to Gain.. mayb you check with her.. she needs?
u wan sell off ur gainIQ? i no mind taking coz thinking to let my boy drink that

<font color="0077aa">Sandy
not to worry, missed Christmas oni...but in time to collect 'angbao'....this more impt ekekeke</font>
<font color="ff0000">A</font><font color="ff6000">f</font><font color="119911">t</font><font color="808080">e</font><font color="0077aa">r</font><font color="aa00aa">n</font><font color="0000ff">o</font><font color="ff6000">o</font><font color="119911">n</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="808080">u</font><font color="0077aa">m</font><font color="ff6000">m</font><font color="0000ff">i</font><font color="aa00aa">e</font><font color="119911">s</font>

<font color="119911">M</font><font color="ff0000">e</font><font color="119911">r</font><font color="ff0000">r</font><font color="119911">y</font> <font color="ff0000">C</font><font color="119911">h</font><font color="ff0000">r</font><font color="119911">i</font><font color="ff0000">s</font><font color="119911">t</font><font color="ff0000">m</font><font color="119911">a</font><font color="ff0000">s</font> to all in advance
<font color="ff0000">something pissed me off &amp; i need to get it off my chest!

MIL brought 30 rolls of toilet rolls from usa &amp; have been kept in the store room ever since her return in aug.

the whole pack is untouched till few days ago i took 1 to replace in the kitchen toilet which is the common toilet.

by the way if you are thinking why so many months &amp; is still untouched is because there were other brands to use &amp; MIL sleeps in master room.

yesterday i wanted to replace as the roll was finishing but i could not find the entire pack.

asked MIL &amp; was told she keep cos put behind very "tang poon" her exact words in hokkien.

she bought another replacement pack by the way.

found it all to be such a joke as 1st time i hear toilet roll is bought to keep &amp; not used!

today SIL told me MIL "complained" that i "used" her bought in usa toilet roll without asking!

&amp; that she could not sleep the whole night!

early morning yesterday she woke at 6am &amp; went downstairs 1st thing the shops opened &amp; bought the so called replacement toilet rolls.

i was &amp; is so pissed!!

if she wanted to KEEP the toilet rolls then why keep in the storeroom in the 1st place?!?!

she can jolly well keep in HER room!

better still...!

buy a show case &amp; keep her usa bought toilet rolls in it!

&amp; you know what?!

she didn't wanna ask me BUT yet complain to others which i HATE most!!


okie i've said it out BUT i AM still pissed &amp; angry!!</font>
cool down okie? My mom also buy alot of toilet to store, but it doesnt matter which roll she use thou, the elder ones jus like to stock many packs not like finish using then buy kind of thinking

Morning Everyone..Its Christmas!!

I'll be bringing along a little fruit cake to share.
<font color="aa00aa">sylvia</font>,
why not request sample fr fm co? like that won't spend $$ on the fm first. gian iq....dun worry, here got LOT of fans on that....I'm one of them.

of cos, ppls said that once open, better to clear within a mth.last few mths, I also give away my unfinished fm too to mummy.

<font color="119911">ak</font>
haa..I'm looking fwd to meet yr boy wor...(not u, cos meet u b4...haa..just joking..)

<font color="ff6000">meow</font>,
hmm..u got give xmas gift to yr kids one? I dun. but y'day, col give me so I gave to my gar. she so happy to open the gift.

<font color="aa00aa">Jappooh</font>,
oh...take care, dun tired yrself.

ok....Joo also gg to take something fr u right. maybe I can collect fr her too. (<font color="ff6000">joo, ok for u to collect the stuff fr Jappooh?</font>

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
haa..dun fly to ceiling loh....yup, since HF called suika sweeties so cannot use sweeties then use honey loh...haaa...</font>

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
hai...MIL again.... did u tell yr ang? hai..tot keep in storerm shd be commoon plc where anyone can access to 'cat cat' (no offence...). dun need to be so work up over a toilet roll with mil right...I understand how u felt that (&amp;* moment....then u buy yr own and keep loh.
Morning Mummies..

Is Christams day.... so don't spoil your mood ya..

HF.. lolx.. I thought I am the one messing up the storeroom wor.. lolx.. not the elder.. kekeke... don't be angry liao la... after vent out already.. be happy :)
morning mummies and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!

me working from home today...sianz....

can can... can come drop by for a while, no problem...better to stay longer of cos...hee

don't be festive season! Don't let her spoil your mood... go out for some fresh air
it helps

Joo say she dun take the train liao lei.

I hope i can make it tmr. Might drop buy snowbb place last min.

drop by your hse last min can anot? Cos my hubby say see tmr how loh so i cant confirm gg anot.

cool down. U knw once my SIL also say me. She say i drink her can of Coke. I was so pissed off too cos she eat whatever she like but when i drink the coke (in fridge) she say me lei. That time i was preg with my 2nd boy i went to NTUC and buy 6 cans of coke and put in the fridge.
<font color="0000ff">meow,

i get your point BUT the issue now is not about that BUT is because i use the toilet paper that she bought from usa &amp; she is NOT happy about it &amp; told my SIL that she lost sleep over it &amp; i didn't ask her permission to use.

in the 1st place it was kept in the store room where ALL toilet rolls are stored for common use.

IF she wanted to KEEP for her own use, why not keep in her room in the very 1st place?!

&amp; the worse part is she didn't ask nor tell me instead told someone else which i hate although she is always like that.</font>

<font color="ff6000">afcai,

of cos i told my ang but he always keep quiet &amp; dun give comments anyway its ok cos its his mom, i cannot expect him to take sides or anything but at least i keep him in the loop :p

exactly! keep in store room is common place &amp; THAT is where we always keep toilet rolls or balcony shelf depending on space so like what i've said if dun want people to use then keep inside her room right?!

i'm angry not because of toilet roll instead as per my 1st post i find it to be so amusing BUT i am angry cos she accuse me of using her toilet roll without permission which excuse me, toilet rolls are meant to be used &amp; not kept!

if she had told or ask me then its a different story but she always complain to the whole world but act like nothing happen infront of you.</font>

<font color="0077aa">sandy,

although i say out liao but still "bu gan yuan" you know?

i HATE people accusing me!

anything not happy, tell me straight, dun do this type of funny things.

so hypocritical!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">luplup,

dun worry, she won't get to spoil my mood cos i angry with her only.

i already less talk with her already NOW will be even lesser talk.

i told my ang next time we settle our own meals, will try NOT to eat the food she cook or use the things she buy.

NOW i will draw line liao!</font>

<font color="119911">jappooh,

if she tell me straight i still ok lei but she always like to complain to the whole world &amp; yet act like nothing wrong infront of u.

in this situation i cannot confront her also otherwise the person who tell me will kena.

she damn one kind always think only she &amp; she alone is right &amp; everyone else is wrong.

what she do can but others cannot!</font>
sns got double bonus stamps today till sun. grab grab...

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
yeah, I udnerstand, I also hate ppls accusing me. true true...some ppls in my office also like that.hai..what can one do if the other party is like that? either ignore or...... sigh...
<font color="0000ff">meow,

also she purposely went downstairs to buy another pack of toilet rolls to replace her usa bought ones.</font>

<font color="ff6000">afcai,

so angry right?!

accused something which is totally not true some more!

why can't these people just ask directly?!

so hypocrite!</font>
Hugs ok...and a great big hug. Tomolo ask my gal to hug and kiss your blues away ok

yes i do buy presents for them, thou we're not christians but its ok with me to get presents for them

Still got 5 mins to greet last min....MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL
<font color="ff6000">managed to make it to the gathering although i was the last to arrive :p

very big &amp; nice house</font> lup lup <font color="ff6000">have although the house work will be a killer keke...

nice meeting up with everyone!


nice meeting everyone and thanks everyone for coming

sorry for being a bad host xp Didn't manage to catch up with everyone...paiseh paiseh...

haa... yah manz...that's why need part time maid...haaa....thanks thanks
