Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

wah... count down party... me counting down.. with all my bbs.. hahaha...

See all of u in 2010..

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">HAPPY NEW YEAR!!</font></font>

sandy - i think it is 50 pieces - avent ones. sure, you just quote me a price. as mentioned before, i keep also no use.
hi long time no report here..had been resting in bed for these 2 days

did nothing but sleep n watch tv n eat.....too bad that's gonna ends tonite liao....coz my godmum going home tonite :p

time for mi to get out of bed :-(

notti Kevan still wakes up 2 times at nite for milk now....dun noe y he all of a sudden so hungry sia...2am n 5am....really like 3hrly feeding at nite lor.....all saying he jealous of bb so now choose to wake up for milk to get attention

lastly...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
<font color="119911">gsryeo</font>, gar aslo got on n off fever since 26/12 night with slight cough and running nose. today, just ok only.hope yr boy get well soon. no wonder I did not hear from u (u have pm me for a long time, still pending for u to reply me).

<font color="aa00aa">jappooh</font>,
dunno leh....she finished up all her small bottle of paramordal medicine and now, opening another one then use lot of cooling pad liao. finally, today, she can sing and jump but still felt sleepy.

<font color="aa00aa">snowyin</font>,
not high fever, it is on and off fever. come and go fever...u are right, maybe Virile fever. now, fever no more left only slight running nose and cough with phlegm. yup, we did give her a dose of fever medicine rightafter they reach home from injections.

what jab yr boy have? I will only give pneunomoccal jab and chicken pox jab to my boy when he turned 2.

<font color="aa00aa">Sneezy mom</font>,
gd to have an understanding boss. aiyo..dun spoilt yr long wkend loh...

<font color="aa00aa">snowyin/sneezymom</font>,
hmm..why not give bb the pneunomoccal jab when bb is older so that lesser jab?

<font color="aa00aa">Jappooh/kris</font>,
so envy to have chance to travel. my last travel trip was my honeymoon in 2005 only.

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
is gain iq 900g or 1.8kg...think the price shd be refer to 1.8kg tins.

si bei 3 lobang for my search nan 2 but those mummies just dun seem to commit. I even tell them hubby cycle to their plc to collect. 2 of them said not free fed up.told them that I already accomadate their timing liao and also the location. somemore, 2 of them drive....*&amp;(*&amp;(*&amp;</font>
<font color="0000ff">meow,

yes yes! i need those small plastic bags urgently cos almost running out liao.

throw away to me ok?! keke...

i thank you in advance!

acutually most people find these type of small size too small to fit rubbish whereas those bigger like NTUC/giant kind is better for the garbage bin.</font>

<font color="0077aa">afcai,

when my boy took his jab just recently no fever but doctor did give fever medicine &amp; advise to give 1 dose for just in case.

if your girl fever goes till too high for for too long, better bring her see doctor.

my MIL fav is those instant stock!

never has she used whatever bone to boil soup base.

even when my SIL indo maid offer to make chilli or curry paste for her she also refuse say its too troublesome.

funny right?! people offer to make she also don't want.

so much different from my granny who makes everything single thing from scratch.

ever in my life have i known what is instant stock etc until i get to know her furthermore she is not those young working women who got no time to make so no choice have to resort to using those instant paste.

i have never seen someone like her who dunno how to cook &amp; yet boast that she can cook very well!

she is also very creative in the sense that she makes up her own concoction of dish which taste horribly weird...

"kiam chye" in bak kut teh...purple cabbage in instant chicken herbal stock soup...whatever she sees in the fridge she will add in lo...

she also ask the maid to cut onion way in advance &amp; keep them in the fridge so she can use them whenever she cooks &amp; not wait for the maid to cut/prepare them...

tell me?! what nutrients is there left?!

she is really one kind of a MIL...i can go on &amp; on lo...

hehe...i know kids usually drink milk till they are quite old like 7 or 8 but i give him calcium from other food &amp; don't worry, no offence taken

didn't know broccoli got calcium but he eats it every meal.

he also likes ikan billis &amp; cheese...

oh referring to the "you talking about me ah?!" cos my boy also don't have any uniform ma cos OOS.

do u need those bigger plastic bags like NTUC/giant kind?

i got plenty...whole bag full!</font>

<font color="ff6000">serene,


how is your boy?

hope he is feeling much better...

my 3+ boy also have been coughing for couple of months &amp; will even vomit if he exerts too much energy like after playing at the playgound or running around too much...

trust me, he can cough till he vomits.

finally he started getting breathless &amp; the doctor confirmed he has mild asthma so had to be put on the inhaler &amp; fortunately he has recovered.

if you don't mind you can go to the same doctor, he's in woodlands.

keep us updated &amp; don't hesitate to seek 2nd opinion

<font color="ff0000">sylvia,

hehe...i know not "steal" la...just kidding u la but she very cute, very busy also...

all part of growing up

good to let her explore cos that's how they learn.</font>

<font color="119911">luplup,

suddenly i'm lost!

sorry don't get what u meant...</font>

<font color="ffff00">kris,

welcome home!

my in laws &amp; 2 of my BIL family just came back from genting begining of the month...

i didn't follow cos i dread the long coach journey &amp; cannot imagine how my boy can tahan.

anyway overall the kids didn't enjoy cos too foggy &amp; didn't go theme park but the adults happy cos they went casino &amp; my in laws won for the 1st time!</font>


i thought orchard road forever crowded one? keke...

<font color="aa00aa">suika,

can rest better rest, don't overstrain yourself.

ask your ang to help you if cannot.

this sun kevan bday party some more...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
aiyo...come come challenge me...the rest are judge or audience...heee
not only longer(why so many paragraph line by line one,yr post no formating wor..haa..making me really read line by lin but not between lines...:p) but striking esp the yellow one (need sunglasses offence, just joking...). but franky speaking, the yellow color one need to highlight then can read.

re:plastic bag.
I agreed. bigger plastic bag beter for garbage bin.

no high fever. head feel warm. so paste the cool pad, she ok. today, she can sing and walk laugh somemore. fever gone liao but still got a bit cough and running nose.

funny n creative (add in purple cabbage in??) mil u got....haa..I dun use stock too.haa...long granny mil stories... wor...

so think yr boy still prefer mummy brand milk is it bec he got used to it for 20mth+.

yes, broccoli got calcium but hor dun eat too much cos can cause bloated tummy(only came to know when I went doc for bloated tummy(she tot I'm preggie cos she kept on reminding if preggie cannot consume the medicine given).gd that yr boy like ikan billis n cheese. my gar dun like this and that wor..only like fishball bee hoon, now like her didi's brown rice si shen powder....faintz....(<font color="0077aa">sandy, so need u to help me to top up more cos my no 1 suddenly like brown rice powder...</font>)

wow...why not bring yr own bag when go supermarket.

last time, I remember when I was in pri sch. my parents took me to JB for wedding. I vomitted till water/juice come out....think got bus sick.
<font color="119911">afcai, about challenge aiya actually i "bu gan dang" la keke...

let you read line by line or between the lines i dunno wor but this my style lei keke...

can or not? else i try to change lo...

re:using</font> <font color="ffff00">yellow</font> <font color="119911">color
cos i run out of colors to use so use</font> <font color="ffff00">yellow</font> <font color="119911">but come to think of it really very bright hor hehe...

my boy drink BM for 3 years 5 mth 18 days...3518 got open or not? i dunno cos i never buy one keke...

re:food intake
my boy take 1 branch or whatever u call that so i guess not considered a lot la...

my boy not adventurous in food like me but so far so good la...

my MIL say what for? can keep the bags as trash bags so end up got 1 huge bag of plastics bag...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
I'm bck for yr challenge. haa...but mentioned abt having name on the archive list, u win...haa..saw yr nick in the 'long gu bang' list.

can long as it is readable...

re:yellow color
yup, so bright....

wow lau, u actually remember the yr, mth and day. got timing or not..(haa teasing u...). gd mumber to buy....<font color="119911">mummies, HF is giving golden number for the coming tiger yr to buy...if not strike then go after her to claim the prize....haa..HF just offence</font>

re:food intake that he take a bit of food here and there.

hmm..u food prowler??

seems like yr mil got lot of 'hobby', keeping toilet paper, plastic bag etc....

<font color="ff6000">To all,
HAPPY NEW YR n may all yr dream come true and luck follow whenever one goes!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
U hit the actual timing of midnight for count down. congrats but too bad no prize.:p

ok gg to count down with zhou gong.
From lunch till dinner. But aft lunch i need to go BPP to alter my pants and blouse then to sheng shiong to buy rice
<font color="aa00aa">afcai,

i nothing to do so countdown exactly with the timing lo keke...

no la don't wanna challenge you la i already kena for my nick archiving so many archives i don't wanna kena anymore keke...

ya ya now i won't use</font> <font color="ffff00">yellow</font> <font color="aa00aa">liao cos really VERY bright!

again i nothing to do so was counting for exactly how long he drink ma so end up with "3518"...

eh you don't anyhow say hor, got strike no strike nothing to do with me hor...

since you suggest later those who buy &amp; never strike come after u ah keke...

eh...what is food prowler?

my MIL still got many time got chance &amp; i remember then tell u again.

i thought u go Zzz liao how come still come here post?!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>, summary, sahm is 'eng'??

haa...dun cry dun cry, me not bully u (won't admit even ....)

dunno prowler or prower something like that meaning food lover and kept on finding different kind of food esp at night.

haa..thks thks...granny stories wor...think hor...when we see each other, think hardy talk cos maybe busy with kids. but hor here...anything also can talk....

aiyo...ask me bec of yr challenges, tat's y I'm here...haa (blame u). also 'accompany' u loh...while waiting for 'zhou gong'.

ok, bye bye
Morning Mummies..

Is a New Year.. hopefully... all the bad thing in 2009.. ends there..€

2010 will start a new beginning... with new hopes and everything..'shun shun li li'
<font color="0077aa">afcai,

SAMH = "eng"? well it depends cos like if for my case my boy big liao then i "eng" but if still small baby especially with > 1 then = "siao" LOL

you not first time bully/blame me keke...i "xi guan" already la haha...

i dunno what food prowler la but i also not very adventurous in food &amp; who told you i always find food especially at night?! must scold that person give u wrong info hehe... :p

ya when we see each other we like strangers cos dunno what to talk...i still thinking how come afcai in person seems so quiet lei hehe...but maybe cos i not in the talkative mood lo cos if i in the mood can sprout lotsa nonsense LOL...</font>

<font color="ff6000">sandy,

thats the way! &amp; most impt "huat" ah!! opps! sounds more like CNY hor haha...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
yup, true, infant absorb more of mummy time than toddler. but hor, toddler also need hawk eye if not some will do mischieve. eg like my caregiver 'complain' that when her bck is turned, my gar will go n disturb didi in his slp, drip water/powder onto didi's head. haa of cos, didi enjoyed it. faintz....

<font color="119911">mummies of 2</font>,
ask u differentiate or identify the same milk bottle for yr kids after sterlisation? for me, y'day, my boy just upgrade his milk bottle to bigger size so I wrote my gar's initial name (using markers) under her milk bottle.

i buy didnt colour and patten bottles. My boys using the NUK. My yoinger one used to take teh slim one. and my elder take the fat one. Recently
both using the fat bottles liao. So i buy different design and color loh.

Wow u so good har still sterlise the bottle. I stop when my kids are 8mths old. Lazy mummy.
<font color="ff6000">afcai,

sounds like your gal quite mischievous hor &amp; your boy enjoy it some more?! *double faintz!*

i only got 1 so "heng" no such problems so far *touch wood* keke...

may i ask how come cannot share milk bottles? i think the only way is buy different designs/colors or label them lo...

talk about labelling...this reminds me of a story keke...MIL bought labelling machine from usa (claims its cheaper) ends up labelling every single thing in the house like vinegar in the bottle also need to lable! so lable finish &amp; complain the lables so expensive! finally she says its cheaper to buy in sg... *roll eyes*</font>

<font color="0000ff">meow,

thank you for the small plastic bags!

the size is just nice!

Sorry for not responding yesterday cos I myself fell sick. Should be due to lack of sleep. Its like that lah, not easy.

My boy still in hosp, last night oxygen level and heart rate were low. Doc change the type of antibotic and done some test on him. He started fever, running nose and cough on last Wed. He was in and out of A&amp;E twice for high fever and breadthless and third time he was admitted. He has asmathic background, therefore more diffcult to handle.
<font color="ff0000">H</font><font color="ff6000">a</font><font color="119911">p</font><font color="0000ff">p</font><font color="aa00aa">y</font> <font color="ff0000">N</font><font color="0077aa">e</font><font color="ff6000">w</font> <font color="ff0000">Y</font><font color="808080">e</font><font color="ff6000">a</font><font color="0077aa">r</font> <font color="ff0000">T</font><font color="0000ff">o</font> <font color="ff0000">A</font><font color="aa00aa">l</font><font color="ff6000">l</font>

<font color="0000ff">Serene</font>
Sorry to hear yr boy still hospital. Were the test(s) result ok?

<font color="0077aa">Snowyin</font>
ref: Dementia?!?! Too young for u liao ba?!?! ... lol
Probably mummies need a channel to 'download' their stress and tension.

<font color="0000ff">Jappooh</font>
I also still sterilize my boys' milk bottles leh ... but that don't make me a good mum i think ... lol

<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
I think yr gal probably is fighting the 'viral intruder' in her body system. Some says Fever is usually the first sign when yr body system recognised something unusual and therefore, 'battling' hard.
And later, it probably associated with flu or cough. Don't worry too much so long not v high fever and didn't drag for many days. I hope she recover from her flu and cough soon

Like Jappooh, I am also using NUK teats but i realise this year, the NUK teats in newer packaging (yellow and orange pkge) whereas old ones is white and blue pkge.
Last time, the old pkge indicates for thin liquids or milk as a differentiation. But now, it have change to medium or large feed hole.
I gauge by the size of the 'hole' of the teats.
In fact, both my kids can go on to use the larger feed hole's teat but younger one insisted the old size. I hv no idea its a way of enjoying his milk or a milk session to ease his teething process too... lol

<font color="119911">Sandy</font>
I think <font color="aa00aa">Happyfeet</font> would make a very good cheer leader in our thread

<font color="aa00aa">Happyfeet</font>
No offence hor *winking*

<font color="0000ff">Ak</font>
Thanks for the well wishes... i like that ... on kids being healthy and mummies pretty.
I hope both comes true ... lol ... bcoz i hv getting lots of signs on ageing process and having lots of white hair.
Even my mum commented i should do something, e.g. facial ... faint!

<font color="aa00aa">Suika</font>
Take care and don't over-eat hor

<font color="aa00aa">Sylvia</font>
Would you be going to Mother and Baby fair next year? Think i should be going. If timing match, can go for a cup of drink

<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
Remember to take from me the stamps hor *winking*

<font color="0000ff">Snow_bb</font>
Give yourself a break.
I hope you and family have a blessed Tigger year
<font color="0000ff">joo,

me?! a cheer leader?! haha...thank you ah!! anyway why should i be offended?! should feel honoured lei keke...anyway that's what happens when you got nothing to do LOL</font>

<font color="ff0000">CALLING ALL MOMMIES!!!

can i have a show of hands who will be going to</font> sandy's <font color="ff0000">&amp;</font> suika's <font color="ff0000">place &amp; estimate timing pls thank you!!

His blood test show virus infection and secondary bacteria infection at upper resp tract.


Few weeks ago some problem with my mail box,now has been fixed. You can e-mail me again.
<font color="aa00aa">Happyfeet</font>
But serious lah ... u can make one good leader if you can branch your wings out

<font color="0000ff">Serene</font>
Oh mine ...
Does the test also shown if both his lungs are cleared?!
Perhaps, you also want to note down what are all the medications given to him as well.
You take care too. I think u r really fully worn out but still gotta be brave and get well soon for the sake of yr boy ya.
Morning mummies..

I am super tire... bb woke up at 1am, 2am, 4am, 5am, then 7am... now finally asleep... has been like that for the past 2days le..

I am gg to be zoombie liao....

Serene.. take care..
<font color="aa00aa">Jappooh</font>,
not relaly sterlise. cos ah lao when did the boiling method sterlising, spoilt the avent big bottle- dented wor. one of my funnel side also a bit crack, the yellow valves also dunno why at the bck black black, side crack, 2 storage bottle side also a bit dented. so now, he only boiled the glass bottles and when the water boiled, he placed the avent bottles, funnels and teddy bear bottles in to let them heat up.

I needed to 'sterlise' bec my bb is a premiee, dun want to take a risk cos neo-doc said that premiees more prone to virus attack.

NUK bottle got different design meh?? is the brand u using NUK? pai seh, me only know avent and pigeon bottles only.

<font color="aa00aa">Happyfeet</font>,
yup, dunno do yr boy throw temper one? today, ah gar only got scolded but bec she kept on making ah lao angry, in the end, she was beaten.

hmm..avent bottle only one type of design leh....label only can write on it of the time, my caregiver gave wrong teat to my kids. then end up my boy spilt lot of milk and we were also surprise why he drank so fast.

haa..yr mil seems like buy lot of thing fr funny wor hse thing need to label one meh...why not ask her to label her name to the item she owe...(just joking, no offence).

me not gg cos already got in laws appts liao....

<font color="119911">gsryeo</font>,
hope yr boy get well soon. last 2 yr, my gar also went A&amp;E twice cos went to see doc few times still not recovered fr fever, lao sai and cough. so caregiver asked to go A&amp;E(actually not so serious bec gasti...flu need time to recover) so I asked the A&amp;E doc to explain to my caregiver....

but u also got to take gd care of yrself too.

when u have time, do response my email, have replied the history liao. thks...

<font color="ff6000">Joo,
yeah, my caregiver also think so. dunno why the fever only happened 2 days later.. today, we only went to take medicine for removal of phelgm fr her usual GP.</font>

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
heard fr my sil that there's a bb fair coming in mar at expo....think of expo, I faintz...

tot new born are like tat....</font>

wont be getting the stamps from you le....that day i go buy some stuffs manage to pick up 4 stamps so jus nice to complete the card. You see who ever still wan give them away ok? Sorry and many thanks for keeping in mind i need them
