Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye


did any1 here put ur child at sparkletots childcare at blk 118 bt batok?

any comments?

does any1 here recommend any gd childcare ctr around bt batok mrt?

My son was at 118 4yrs ago

I like that place. The sleeping board r not stacked on yr kid's so in terms of hygiene, it's a +.
Dont try Little Tots at blk 635 (forgotten blk, it's opp CSC). Food n hygiene was lousy 6yrs ago.
hi angelmum,

glad to hear that! at first i thot of going to the little tots at blk 626. i only knew that is the nearest to my house. ;p I am staying at blk 622.

is the place airconditioned? do they provide additional enrichment classes beside the normal class?
Hi jeanyard,
where do u stay? i'm living at blk 395 loh. if u have gain iq, I'm also interested.

if u also have gain iq, I'm also interested cos thinking of switching to gain iq after my bb drink the batch of nan 2.
Hi Yui,

how abt i meet you in the afternoon at ur place then we go down together to meet afcai???

Hi Afcai,
so can i meet u the sametime as Yui?? keke....
Hi all mummies,

Got a chicco baby stroller, in black n green colour, wants to exchange w baby items like baby gals clothings, cloth books, musical mobile,etc... Interested, just let me know what items u have?
Hi Wayne's mummy,

I only got drypers XL if it fit orelse can exchange with local stamps too.

Btw how many stamps for the 4 pts?
Where to mtup?
Me at Blk 394, how abt u?
Hi Mummies,

Beware of Garang Guni who are illegal around Bukit Batok area.

My family and I had encountered a lot of Garung Guni from China. They came to our doorstep to ask if we have any old newspapers, used electrical appliances, etc. Then one day, one of the Garung Guni came to my mum's hse to ask her to sell him our hard liqour such as XO. He said he is willing to pay S$200 for 2 bottle of hard liquor. My mum rejected his offer but he still continued to stand outside the doorstep.

Not only tat, for the last few years, shoes, dirty socks and some items meant for recycle company were all missing when were placed just outside the doorstep. We find it strange is after those Garung Guni came to our doorstep, the next moment our things outside our doorstep went missing when no one is at home.

Left with no choice, I reported the case to the Town Council. Then the Town Council referred the case to both NEA and neighbourhood police.

The police told us if we spot any suspicious character outside our doorstep, do not hesitate to call the police. Of course, our identity will be kept confidential.
hi goodview mummies,

do u realise there r alot of stray dogs n cats like to poo poo our area? especially e blk im staying - blk 384...haiz...nowsaday i hv to make sure e floor outside e lift area is clear b4 stepping out. scare kana step on the bomb.

from wat i know..... the black stray cat "permanent" house is at the corridor between blk 393 & 394. as for poo poo, so far didnt see much..... maybe someone clean it as those cats got sofa to sleep one... :S

e 1 i saw is in light brown. i saw this cat poo poo just outside opp lift door when i was bringing my gal to school early in e morning. 2nd time was at e ctr of the lift area (din c the cat)and a few times along shelter walking path. if u c a lady walking but keep looking on e floor n that will be me lah. :p
hi mary,

i hv the same encounter as u. there's once my door was open and i heard a garung guni man going through the recycle bag i put outside (can hear the noise). then he left while looking into my house. tink he seeing whether anybody in the house, if not, he will take it.

2 weeks ago, i put the bag outside my house and went to work, it was gone when i came home. sigh~ angwee leh, meant for recycling and people just 'stole' to sell $$ i believe
hi Wayne's mummy,

I will pickup the 4pts from you on Monday

hi littletotscloset (littletotscloset),
I have pm you with my contact too.

To all Gdiew Gdns Mommies,

Are you all facing problems like forever no one is sweeping our flooring nowadays.Alamak I had already complain 3 times until I paiseh but since then the actions had being carried out as follows.
Think of it dun know want to laugh or sigh.


1st time: since 2wks liao still no one came to clear a big box outside the lift on my 10th floor. Ridiculous rite dun they see the BIG box if they came sweeping so means noone even bother to check at all.

2nd time: after the 1st complain, the box is being removed but hor the sweets wrappers & tissue papers which suppose appear in the box were scattered all over the floor.What is this man...!!!

3rd time: U guess!!! Sweets wrappers & tissues cleared but still left 1pc on the floor. The big box is being place/hide in the Exit right opp. the lift.Haiz,
I really "."After 1 mth the box with other junk still there.

How ah? We pay $ to town council but since nobody is doing their well leh? Must like others take down the pic & call up the media & appear on papers then ppl "" then will get the job done properly meh?

Stray cats I assume they got owners, I saw ppl feeding them. Somehow they dun have the habit to keep them at home. Our benches in the garden is their heaven. I always urge my children to wash hands & keep away from touching their mouth if they happen to play downstairs. My gal always got a fright by the black cat early in the morning when she is on the way to school as it suddenly standing along the bushes there watching at her.Haha she is timid type.

My hubby always warned me to watchout for Garun Guni,dun let them see whats in your house.
He concludes them might be one of the thiefs but of course not applying to all Garan Guni. Apologised thats his personal opinions as he was once in police force before.
So far we had lost a old trolley, 2 mattresses (1 single & queen) lost at 2 different period.
My hub saw gd sun bring downstair to air it.
1st time lost thot the sweeper removed cos thot unwanted, 2nd time lost again even though we stick a note implying its not unwanted. Haiz.
Dun noe why my neighbours will lost theirs sandals or slippers once or twice a yr???

yes..... those cats got "owners" one! haha.... their life are much better than us!!! ;P
and i also got a fright by those cat alot of time..... esp when i preggy, i everytime remind myself that later might able to see cats as i scare will kena "heart attack"!

oh ya, yui, i also need to warn you, try not to take the staircase at our block.... there was a time my mum ask me to go upstair passed something to another neighbour and i climbed the stair since only 2 level up... then i heard some sound but didnt see any people, until i reached the 2 level up, i saw the back of a plump guy walking out of the staircase door.....and yuck!!! i saw the FRESH sperms all "splash" over the staircase leh!!! so disgusting and pissed!!!
I told my mum and she quickly went to warn many of our neighbours (as we all from Hillview) and guess wat?? one neighbour told her sperms is ok.... as there was one time is SHIT!!! wow lau eh.....
As for Garung Guni man, my mum said not only got China, indonesian guy also have and somemore gave contact no. hor....
and..... there are also DURIANs sellers, u all better be careful, they will ask u want to buy durians and never ever buy...just say you dun eat durian....
and.....carpark also have those "free hifi" guy....please dun believe them and just walk away!!
keke....pai sey.... as i am from Hillview one so know many neighbours and of course know many story! ;P

My very nice opp. neighbour oso from Hillview.
Uncle Ming, he got 1 dau & son, named after nick Ah girl & Weiming.
Aiye....ur story sound as like ghost story before i finish reading them...very eerie leh.
U know i am night owl, always do my chores after my kidz sleeping, throwing garbage as well.

Wow! After hearing ur story better warn my neighbours too. Got to stop my children & nieces playing along the corridoor liao. Sound very scary hor! Aiyo my relatives & friends all sound they like this place with very gd view & environment but right now it seems sound not so leh.
Our blocks got too many private areas for ppl doing that thing & pets liao. How? Residence here, most of them are from Hillview shld know the RC ppl rite. Must complain & do something leh.

The durians seller are cheater. They always let u taste the gd stuff 1st, then the rest which u didnt check are lousy one.My hubby bought once, kanna cheat, they taste horrible.

Dun noe can suggest a neighbour policepost here or not?
hihi yui!

nice to meet u and afcai! ahha.....
i not saying "ghost" story lah..... is those storys pass here and there....
wow! ur hubby kena the durian seller huh??? heard they sells very exp one!
playing along corridor is ok as the more noisy the better so no chance for people to do pte thingy.... and dun worry, the environment here is very good as better than hillview! haha...
Hello Jeanyard,
I stay in BP area..what abt u?
Sorrie someone already taken the breast pad liao..(I replied ur e-mail the other time but not sure if u received it)..
My internet abit "siao siao" sometime can log in some time can't..*faint*
will give yr nan2 a miss as plc not conventient to meet and also expiry date is quite near. thks.

nice chatting with u too. there's more to chat man if hubby did not call me bck cos we are gg to wedding lunch mah.

haa... thks for alerting me where to find "mao mao" cos been searching for it. Happen to find a orange garfield like cat 'suntanning' in front of the bench at blk 395 only. but hor, I always see ppls suntanning their clothes, pillows etc on the benches loh. I always took my gar to see the 'meow meow' , she is so excited when she see one. anyway, there are abt 5 cats at blk 394 (2 black one, 2 grey one and 1 orange 1 but always saw the black and the grey one loitering ard there).

the black cat 's eyes are greenish scary esp if u happen to see at night.

I also happened to lost a pair of old smelly track shoes (hubby one) too. think I suspected it is the cleaner man... ai-yo, i also one of the complaint queen (shd be feedback then got improvement mah, right) also complain to TC regard to lift spolit at my blk and the carpark lift for lost of voice system and LED unable to display, also inconsiderate ppls throwing cigar butt, ashes into my kitchen floor(lighted somemore), ppls throwing curry, rice etc down...and fr that day onward, we dun place clothes out to dry...

ai-yo, think that sweeper very lazy man.... err, think my hubby suggested, go directly to blk 386 cc to report. the grassroot leader there will have more power to take action. if those fail, then go to meet the mp session every mon loh...:p

yucks, so digusting man...those ppls who do that a bit sane far, I only saw malay couple doing 'business' at the exit door there. also there are a lot of free show at the multi storey carpark loh, where esp weekend, ppls will drive to the dark corner of the 8th storey carpark and then....... like if they take turn and know the timing, so qiao man..cos one car came after another...haaa got queuing system meh...

gd to share man...and also like to know more abt our neighbourhood, i'm new here mah..thks for sharing...
I have 1 tin of 400g Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (with immunofortis) (retail price is $14.xx). expiry date is 09. anyone want to exchange gain iq(400g) or 1 packet of L/XL size diaper with me.

deal at gdbview gdn.
afcai & sinkor,

nice chat with u ladies too, haha 3 women together its like a market, forever no ending stories. Anyway afcai if ur hbby dun call & sinkor mommy didnt ring,perhaps we are going chat even longer.

Sorry sinkor, I'll passed those bks to u when I'm better.Catch a very bad cold suddenly...feels cold & whole body aching leh...maybe I afraid my kidz to take those very heaty coffee bits, finish the whole tube while typing the pc unknownly.
Later then "zai si." Nieces came over my place during Saturday evening too. Aiyoh a hse with 5kidz, doremi, my head grow lagi BIG.

Anyway, after taking 3 panadols & massaging finally better. But head still once a blue moon like tickling leh. Wes shall meet again.

Wayne's mummy
hi, I have pm u my contact no.
wow, i thought that the lower floors would have problems with the cat poos, higher floors also? sperms... now is the clean estate competition...

I have also seen some cars parked at the carpark with people inside. Sometimes, I wonder how they survive as they turn off the engine with no aircon and no windows down.. in 30c hot weather..
yoyo.... yui....u take care leh... the books not in hurry since my girl still dunno how to read yet! i just being kiasu...keke...

afcai, u winner come u observe the Q-ing system??? should video down and put up on youtube mah!!! then house value here will go up bcos dun need to go hotel 81! haha....
oh ya...i like the orange+black cat leh...i mean it look the most ugly and yet very unique!! everytime i saw the cat, i will call her/him as ORANGE! keke....

Hi Amy,
no lah...high story no poos..... i mean i saw alot of cats loittering along the path between Blk 394 & 393. so far didnt see their poos..... as i think those cats got "owner" one.... so consider clean....
hihi ladies, long time din log in and chat. quite busy with 2 kids. And both of my kids fall sick now. *headache*

i have 2 sets of PAP nursery boy uniform to give away. anyone interested?
Regarding Garung Guni from China, there is 1 standing outside my window(as mine is corridor unit) this afternoon. He keep on asking me whether there is hard alcohol to sell or not. So irritating.....while i m feeding my gal.
thks! Sinkor, better mow...but turn into slight dry cough. Shld be able to recover soon.

Wayne's mummy & littletotscloset
thks! for the NTUC pts.
Hi Yui,
how's the mouse? dunno can it be usable cos kept in the cupboard for long time, never use dunno still working or not?
Hi sinkor,
just happened my kitchen window/MBR facing the carpark just stand there and watch (watch nothing only know the different car came in n park there and then no one came out and they must be doing some business in there).

haa..I will call the orange cat, garfield.

Hi Amy,
yup, think they dun care as long as they are 'concentrate' on what they want to do...kekeke
I have a NTUC pt and also willing to trade 2 local stamps.collect at gdview gdns.

any one wanted to sell/exchange gain iq, do inform me, i'm gg to let my bb try gain iq. Have tin of 400g Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (with immunofortis) (retail price is $14.xx)+ 1 kid rice cereal sachet. expiry date is May 09 to trade.


i think i saw u at the lift lobby ytd evening.... are u the one? standing there reading at the notice board seriously so i dun dare to call you....
hi mommies,
i also lived in bt batok.. just curious thou.. i'm not local and been reading some garang guni here in the forum.. can call police for something like that?
think I also saw yr kids on sun ard 3pm+ and then look out for u....think u are opening the letterbox.

sinkor,, hubby told me when I return hm that someone is setting up a candlelight dinner(bring their own table leh) at the carpark. but hor, weather not gd today and then start to rain so the couple quickly pack and go.

haa, seems like everyday got new stuff to 'bio'...

huh??? candlelight dinner??? wow....people here so onz huh..... u know? there is one night when i look down out from my high level window....i saw "I Love You" at the park leh.... someone set up these words by those luminious lightstick....
