Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Hi, I'm pretty new here. Hope to know more mummies staying in Goodview Gardens and get more friends for my son. He hardly has any chance to mingle with other children other than my neighbours' kids.

Hi starfish,
Is your BN pack of Pet Pet L size still avail?
I had also PM you thou PM nowadays works very slow leh..
Hi Pauline,
just wondering, how long can i keep d eclairs in d fridge? till d expiry date? any idea usually how long? thanks.
Hi Bukit Batok/Gombak/BP/CCK mummies
Sorry to post here. Is there any compo tuition centre for primary level that you know of? Pls inform me. Thank you
Hello mummies, I am also new to this thread, staying at Teck Whye. Pauline, do these eclairs have custard in them? The buffet people who catered for my gal's one month old party had some eclairs with custard in them and all my guests including myself loved it, was wondering if this is the same.
Hi Sneezy Mom,

yes still avaiable. I have replied your PM with my contact number.

Can be kept up to a year. Best is keep in the freezer part of the fridge and when you want to serve, just thaw it for a while first. Yummy!

If you're talking about the caterer, NEO garden or Delihub, its very similar to their eclairs.
Hi pauline,
hmm has the price of the eclairs increase?

hi ling,
how old is yr son? my bb also seldom mingle with other ppl.whick blk are u staying? me staying at 395.
Goodview garden mummies

2 bottles of Heinz Pureed Pumpkin, Pototo & Beef baby food to give away. Exp: 13 Jul 2008.

Interested PM me.
Hi Mummies,
I just joined not long..staying @ girl is 6mths old liao..
Any of u need breast pad & milk bag? My milk supply just stop & I've some left..
Hi to all mommies,

I am calling to get ppl to share with me for the
multi-purpose Fresh Detergent Cleaner, "Citrus Fresh"

One of my gf recommend me this from the clinic.
They also deliver into hospital etc.

I try them personally on flooring, glass windows, stove, toilet bowl & basis cleaning like telephone & tv set etc. Haha, a small bottle of sample from my gf had given to me. Found it really gd so i can put away those bottles of cif,bleaching,dettol, flooring detergent etc.

Sorry I am not doing MLM here, just hoping to combine order so that they can give free delivery with a better offer.
Packing in 1 litre per bottle.
Price range between $12 to $15.


Am giving away: Self collect at Blk 394 Gdview Gdns (prior to mommies @ Gdview gdns)

1)portable potty that can attach to the standard toilet bowl. (gd for toilet training for 18mths & above)

2)Preloved PAP uniform (Gal - M size - 1suit)

3)Preloved PAP Uniform (Boy - M size - 1suit)

4)1 set of 24 colour pencils

5)some old story bks to give away (not for fussy mums)
Hi Starfish,

Dun know if we've ever bumped into each other before. Saw quite a few ladies with toddlers staying in our block. Ever thought of going forward to make friends with them so that my naughty boy boy can have more friends. But dun know if they like it or not.
Hi Disneybaby,

We may have bumped into each other before since same block! I am seldom at home coz I'm a working mum. Only around during weekends. Maybe we can bring our kids to the playground nearby during weekends for them to 'make friends'! haha. I will drop you a PM with my mobile number. We can sms if free to bring kids to playground
Hi starfish,

I work too but now I'm on maternity leave. I have also provided you with my HP when i reply back ur PM. Keep in touch.
Hi yui,
i'm interested in item 1.

Hi Jan,
thks for the offer. I dunno if the fm still available, let me check with the mummies again. I 'm buying the fm fr another mummies, u working Tangjong pagar.
Hi Mummies,

Do let me know if anyone of you wants to sell Gain IQ FM. My elder son is now slowly switching over to this milk as he has hard stools from taking Enfagrow. Realise that Gain IQ is expensive. Does anyone know which place sells cheap Gain IQ? Do let me know.
Hi ling,
do u know that by accumalting the abbot products receipt and then send to abbot, u can claim rewards like fm etc...go to abbott website and take a look.
Got 2 Ensure life $3 discount voucher to give away.

terms and conditions:
1) only valid for 1 kg can of ensure life.
2) redeemable at unity, cold storage, shop n save, guardian (selected outlets only) and Giant.
3) combined vouchers not allowed.
4) not to be used in conjunction with any promotions.
5) VALID TILL 15/11/07

pls pm me with contact if interested. collect at gdview gnd or bt batok mrt during sat evening time.
Hi afai,

Been to the website and sign up already. Thanks! Will try to collect points. Milk powder is so expensive nowadays!
yup, milk powder price went up quite alot recently, and so sudden.

Ling, you can go to blk503 jurong west mkt there got 1 medicinal hall which sells milk powder, cheaper than sns or ntuc. however, unable to earn the abbott points.
btw, any1 looking for baby monitor? i got the philips SCD361 for sale. almost brand new cos only used 1 or 2 times only.

meet at bt batok mrt.

interested do drop me a pm. thanks.
hello mummies, i have some brand new clothes for sale. ordered but cannot fit into them (so sad). i can deliver to you.

Product Code: CO2459
Size: Free Size
Color: Grey
Price: S$15

Product Code: CO2706
Size: Medium
Color: Black
Price that I am selling: S$18

Product Code: CO2383
Size: Free Sz
Color: Black
Price that I am selling: S$12

Old Navy Eyelet Shorts - Size 6 - S$15

Old Navy Dolman T-shirt - Size Small - S$15

these here on the other hand have only been worn less than 5 times so in very good condition (i managed to slim down quite fast after giving birth so cannot fit into them anymore)

Old Navy Denim Culottes - Size 6 - S$18

Old Navy Denim Drawstring Shorts - Size 6 - S$20

Am giving away: Self collect at Blk 394 Gdview Gdns (prior to mommies @ Gdview gdns)

1)portable potty that can attach to the standard toilet bowl. (gd for toilet training for 18mths & above) - reserved by afcai

2)Preloved PAP uniform (Gal - M size - 1suit)
- reserved by Kristan, followed by Van.

3)Preloved PAP Uniform (Boy - M size - 1suit)

4)1 set of 24 colour pencils

5)some old story bks to give away (not for fussy mums) - reserved by Kristan, followed by Eeling

Afcai & Kristan - pls contact me abt the collection of the item.

Van & Eeling,
Will revert to u both if the item is available again.
Hi SnowyRain ,

Just found out in the forum that Giant (turf club) has offer for Gain IQ 1.8kg. Can earn points too. :D
Am giving away: Self collect at Gdview Gdns (prior to mommies @ Gdview gdns)

1) Gerber chicken sticks (for toddlers)
expiry date:14/12/09

2) 1 dumex cereal sachet.

3) 4 pieces of Ensure life(900g) $3 discount voucher.
expiry date:15/11/07

4) Giant discount coupon
expiry date:15/11/07
eg of the voucher posted by another mummy is

5) mothercare 15% discount voucher
expiry date:31/12/07

6) 20% off on Enfant products by Little Angels #01-40, United Square. Voucher valid till 09 Dec 2007.

do pm me with yr contact. thks.
I have 1 tin of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (with immunofortis). expiry date is 09. anyone want to exchange nan 2 w/th na, 1 packet of L size diaper or nan 3 (of cos I topped up) with me.

Hi Sinkor,
Have replied u.

Hi yui,
thks for the items. nice meeting and chatting u...
hi afcai,
dun mention, my sis give me so i give others

Item still available

2)Preloved PAP uniform (Gal - M size - 1suit)
- reserved for Van.

3)Preloved PAP Uniform (Boy - M size - 1suit)
Hi yui,
i got an unused mouse left idle in my cupboard. if u like, I can pass to u this sat. this sat, I will be meeting another mummy living in yr blk.

what does vkb pt stand for? ai-yo, I just sell it to another person liao y'day? next time, 'shout' it loud loh...haa..but never mind, I am NTUC fan...

Hi sinkor,
do sms me when u want to meet this sat ok but got to be after 10am (depend on my bb slp time too).
Hi afcai,
ya...will sms u on sat or u can sms me anytime to ask me go over to collect since i will at home in the morning :D
Hi yui,
such a waste that i cant get ur story books.... time have any lobang, inform me hor ;P
hmm...glad to know tht 2 mummies are staying near my block.... between, ask u all hor, did anyone of u buy the LeapPad learning system huh?? good mah?
i hav 2 nov shop n save stickers.. any mommies interested? collection at gdview garden..

can i hav more info on the detergent.. posted on the other thread but no reply leh... :p like to know if we can dilute n put into spray bottle so tt we can spray n leave on as surface disfectant.. can be used on soft toys as well? thanks..

Hi afcai,

I shld've requested last wk hor, aiyah too busy liao.Last 2 mths i bot a preloved mouse from a mother in the forum but after a few times dun work leh.U 've got mamil gold 2 to sell, how much huh? Asking for my neighbour's auntie.Okie, if u got somemore ntuc pt let me know ok, planning to exchange for the salad spoon & fork + scope.
Sat wat time...msg u in a while ok!

Are you Ee Ling?
Will post up here again if i got someomore.
They are not brandnew...but still readable.

I had tried post up twice, but dun understand it cant pass thru, will try again.
Ok answer ur query 1st, Yes, u may, i only spray twice into 3/4 pail of water when doing the mopping w/o mixing with water. They are able to dilute according to individual needs.
Aiyoh it seems no one is interested leh.Dun noe the Bp can work or not?
I am still thinking to test them in doing laundry as well. Since my gf told me she using it.
Haha, abit kian su. Thot can save $ & time in doing e spring cleaning bit by bit now since shool holiday liao.I am fascinated with this product since they are in Green Label, indicating
micro antibacterial etc... lor.
