Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Serene - hope your bb get well soon! you take care too.

joo - same here. my face needs some "springcleaning:" but no time to do it

milk warmer carriers for slim bottles - anyone wants them? i have 1 for 1 bottle and another for 2 bottles. bought them then realised my avent bottles cannot fit into them.

<font color="ff0000">good morning all!!

today 1st day of boy went to school in home clothes cos no uniform yet! dunno when then got stocks, stupid supplier cock up :\ so in the meantime its own clothes till dunno when...

orientation lasted <1 hr then all dismissed le...

his classmates all quite ok except for this 1 boy who behaved like (pardon the expression) someone possessed or maybe he is autistic or something cos he was not really crying but was making wailing noise all through out the entire briefing till the teacher also cannot tahan.

i wonder how is he going to sustain going to school for the coming days...but the funny thing was he was wearing a yellow PCF T shirt meaning he has studied before last year?!

anyhow that's it for 1st boy seems ok so let's see how he perform going in to class all by himself tomorrow...</font>

<font color="0077aa">sandy,

better take care &amp; rest more...sleep whenever baby sleeps &amp; try not to come online so often otherwise you will be too stressed out

<font color="ff6000">afcai,

no my boy so far so good won't throw temper one cos even if he have he sure kena jialat jialat from me haha...

my MIL see people have she also want kind...imagine she can buy those paper to soften clothes for dryer use cos my SIL in usa have BUT she got no dryer &amp; mind u they are not cheap lo...

pots &amp; pans few thousand dollars she can buy to keep &amp; don't use...too much $ dunno where to spend...

dunno is it she not working so dunno how difficult it is to earn $...pity my FIL...

don't worry la, anything concerning her i won't take offence one so go ahead haha...</font>
do you have facebook?? i have uploaded some pics for our gathering on facebook....

if not i upload to somewhere else for your viewing?
happyfeet - yup. first school day and working day of the year. this morning's traffic was quite bad and it was raining.
Have the folloing coupon to give away:

$2 off for every 2 packs of drypers wee wee dry
- redemption is limited to 1 voucher per 2 packs purchase
- redemption by 30/6/2010
- can be used at all fairpricem fairprice finest, fairprice xtra, giant and sheng siong.

- valid for sizes NBS28,Jumbo:S64,M56,L48, &amp; XL40,XXL 32, mega:M84,L72, XL60

<font color="aa00aa">snow luplup</font>,
Had rx yr pics for gathering. thks thks.

Have u me for my fb acc. dunno if I have leh.

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
yr side orientation for a day?? my gar ok at first but when dismissed (orientation for these 3 days so class only 1hr), eye puffy and red. I asked her if she cried, she told me she saw lot of kids crying so she also cried...hmm..u can go into the room to see during class?? we can't ....

what color is yr PCF pe attire? mine for gar is red shorts, boy is blue shorts. uniform is like greyish nurse...

aiyo..when she bought thing, she never thing useful or thousand $$ pots n pans, ex leh...

oh...yr fil or hubby not telling her not to buy neccesary meh...
Hi Mummies..

Ya.. 1st day of school.. me so bz in the morning.. settle my boy.. then my gal.. then bb.. siao liao...*giddy*...

Hehehe... HF.. thanks.. can't rest.. cos if rest too much.. night can't sleep hehehe..
jappooh - i actually quite happy to come back to work. i was feeding my bb every other hour for the past few days because don't know what to do with him. play with him = he throws and i pick.
i think we have added each other on facebook leh... haa... i also can't remember...

i also donno what to do...but doing funny things with him or making funny faces he also happy then ok liao...haa... sometimes just read to him to entertain him... u can try that....

i also sian...

u got 3 kids already, still going back to work? or SAHM?

i was opp of u. I dun feel like coming to work. Though at hm is biz but i like to be with my boys.

U can do some flash card with your bb? Sing song for him and read books for him?
snowluplup - when i tried reading to him, he will close my books. then i pass the book to him and he will eat or throw it. my hubby is the one who does funny things with the bb. i can hear the bb's laughter when they are together.

sandy - you are a super mummy! 1 mummy vs 3 kids, super!
haa...understand...sometime my boy also did the same thing...then i try to read fast fast to him...

same hb plays with him, he laughs super loud...ha..
snow_bb... cannot afford not to work... now got 3little ones to feed lolx..

ak.. *shy*.. no lah... felt that 3 is a gd number of kids... got company..

Where's Suika.. today she no need to mirror herself ...
i wan to do some games with him. Like matching game and flash card. Now can only play bowling with him. he will try to lay then then use ball to hit. (ball is throw and not roll). But his gross motor skills is getting better.

Cos everything i wan to do the matching games my elder one will come and disturb and show me he knw it. I used to do more activities with my elder one when he is young cos no other kids to disturb. I have 2 full weekend to do with him.

For younger one we have bonding time at nite. Will talk and play with him and roll all over our king size water bed b4 he go to him lala land..hee
wah u good leh... is there any books that teach what we can do with our children of different ages? gonna buy and learn manz...otherwise i really run out of ideas on what to do with him...

wah u super! me one kid already driving me nuts liao...haa...

actaully there are alot of books on that. But i dunno where to buy. Dunno library have anot. I saw alot of these book in Ngee Ann Poly library.

I didnt photocopy some of them. I go back and seach see what u can do for your boys age. Last time cos i study early childhood so do practise quite alot for my elder one. But come to younger one i have no time at all. cos now busy reading books on kids behaviour. Cos wan to knw what is the correct apporach to guide my elder boy on his behaviour.
HF... if you are able to sell off your XXL diaper.. pls include my pkt.. cos I left with Ipkt Of MP to sell... and 3pkts of Huggies Ultra.. all jumbo packet..

Let me know what price you are selling..

Gam sia..
sandy - then i won't take over. i'm hoping that his butt doesn't grow so fast. every expensive butt. when do we "upgrade" the bb to MP pants?
<font color="0077aa">ak,

its normal...whenever it rains in the morning, traffic will be super heavy so next time when you wake up &amp; its raining, sleep in later otherwise you will waste time being stuck in traffic so might as well sleep longer &amp; have smoother traffic right? ;P

its a passing phase to play "pick &amp; throw" like my boy cos they find it fun but need to teach them NOT to throw otherwise you will be very busy wor...

you feed your boy every other hr?! then he got grow fat not lol...

personally i feel for boys easier to use wraps when bringing them to pee cos just unwrap 1 side whereas if pull ups a bit difficult cos quite tight to pull down...that's how i feel when i was toilet training my boy.</font>

<font color="ff6000">jappooh,

don't worry...this year will have a lot of long weekends as most PH falls on fri or mon i think...</font>

<font color="119911">afcai,

orientation for 1 week so its only 1 week then resume normal 2 hrs.

you gal so cute...see people cry she also follow &amp; cry keke...

they didn't allow parents to go in the class?! mine did &amp; gave us parents short briefing about their so called rules &amp; regulations...but teacher did say she would prefer parents don't follow in class tomorrow so must see how my boy respond tomorrow...

color of uniform ah...erm...better if you ask</font> meow <font color="119911">cos i forget keke...but its blue la...uniform i think is white base blue stripes &amp; PE is blue shorts white top...

MIL got plenty of stuff she buy but never use lo...the top of the kitchen cabinet is filled with her pots, slow cooker etc all BN! i think she like to buy things to keep just like the toilet rolls.

threadmill insist wanna buy but end up now become white elephant...KTV $3K buy also never sing &amp; why she buy cos somebody she knows own one. wii she buy cos BIL have but now also never play...she can also buy microwave ziplog bags when she hardly use the microwave to cook food furthermore she got plenty of tupperware microwave safe containers...haiz tell me is it $ too much dunno when &amp; how to spend?!</font>

<font color="0000ff">sandy,

no choice wor cos if u don't sleep when bb sleep in the day then at night bb wake up &amp; u will be super tired lei...don't be like me during 1st mth i naughty never sleep in the day when my boy sleep &amp; night time i tired wanna sleep he wake up so end up he drop on to the floor!

i thinking of letting go $20 - $22 for pack of 40. how much you wanna let go yours? how many pc left?</font>
happyfeet - your mil is really interesting. buy so much white elephants until you can have an elephant farm :p
i don't want to be late in my current job because i want to go home on time everyday. super stressful to come in on time every morning, and to rush home to fetch bb every evening.
super giddy today when taking the train

was on leave strength to use comp so no come in here at all
<font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="ff6000">o</font><font color="aa00aa">r</font><font color="0000ff">n</font><font color="119911">i</font><font color="808080">n</font><font color="0077aa">g</font> <font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="119911">u</font><font color="0077aa">m</font><font color="ff6000">m</font><font color="0000ff">i</font><font color="aa00aa">e</font><font color="808080">s</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Happyfeet</font>
U didn't do anything lah. Even if you do, i would also think something positive

<font color="0000ff">Serene</font>
Have you recovered and better now?! Gotta buck up k

How is your boy's progression with the new medication?

<font color="0000ff">Jappooh</font>
My boy only using the NUK normal teats but Pigeon standard bottles. I have the wide-neck teats too since previously, I trade-in my old milk btls with the Pigeon wide-neck btls so i still hv both the new and unopened Pigeon standard and wide-neck milk btls.

<font color="119911">Sandy</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Sylvia</font>
Paiseh ... it shld be Babycare Festival 2010, from 19-21 March 2010 at Expo
Have copied and paste the link here.;task=event_details&amp;id=268&amp;Itemid=38

<font color="0000ff">Ak</font>
Fully agree with you on <font color="119911">Sandy</font> a super mummy

<font color="0077aa">ref: Giant cat and dog stamps
I have a total 4 stamps now. To be given to mummies who can get from me first.
Thanks ya</font>
how many stamps to get the cat and dog? I would like to collect that :p

btw is the santa hat yours ah? just realised i got one extra santa hat at home... xp
after a long break of 1wk, today come work really see stars sia

once again vomited blood on sun nite....1st time this preg....throat having burning sensation....wonders if it's heartburn or it's due to the intensive vomiting that causes that
<font color="0000ff">Snow_luplup</font>
But if i am not wrong, the redemptions end beginning this mth wor.
If you wanna have the plush toy (a cat or dog) in the mug on a FOC mode, it would be a total of 16stamps leh. If not, I think by 10stamps, you can already hv it plus topping up with some cash.
Yap, the Santa hat is mine but its really ok, I don't know when can collect.
You can have it recycled *winking*
Thanks for gathering photos which I just saw it a moment ago

rest well and take care.

I also very scare of preg due to my very bad MS. I cant get off bed for 3mths. I cant eat as well.
joo many ah?? then forget it liao...sigh... i only have 1 stamp...haa
if you don want i recycle liao...hee...but if you want to collect it..feel free to let me know

no problem...didn't take alot of pics though...but lucky we have the group photo... :p

try to drink more water...prevent from getting dehydration...

Son still in hosp doc doing more investigation cos fever for 2 weeks already. Worried.


Take care. I also have bad exp during my preg, have to stay in bed for 4 mths. Only get off the bed when going for toilet. Think of it, really scared of preg again.
