Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Morning Mummies..,

Super bz.. with my kids gg to school as well... now preparing for #2.. bb sleeping.. so sneak in for awhile hehehe..

Aiya.. *shy*.. all mummies are SUPER mummies... I am not the only one la..

HF.. same price as yours la.. pretend the pkt is yours ok.. cos I don't want to keep for the young one.. unless really no taker.. and she is growing very fast lolx..

Gosh.. you drop bb on the floor..!! How many months was he then?

suika.. take care..

Serene.. be strong ya.. cos your bb will need you..

hang in there, ur son will b ok

jappooh & luplup
mi oso hardly can get off bed...dun noe y this time so weak sia.....drink water? cannot ley

serene & jappooh
i cannot afford to stay in bed for mths....wk end still got the little 1 to handle
my NO 2 preg was so bad loh. My 1st one though have MS but it only vomit till very jialut but i still can get off bed and go work. But 2nd preg i cant loh. My MIL take care of my elder one during weekday. Every weekend i took a cab to my granny hse and my aunt help me to take care of my boy.
at least u've someone to help u take care

ribena? i think of the name my mouth turns sour liao....hahaha
<font color="0077aa">ak,

normal la...u know what?! she just bought an electric organ $299 but she dunno how to play...</font>

<font color="ff6000">sandy,

no problem! will let you know if i managed to find any buyer for our diapers.

ya my boy "dropped" to the ground from my bed when he was less than a month cos i doze off while BF-ing him...lucky nothing serious happened to him.

i kena "scolded" by my ang cos he always tells me to lie in the centre of the bed but i never listen :p</font>

<font color="aa00aa">suika,

try to take some juice else you no energy...maybe can try glucolin?</font>

<font color="ff0000">today 2nd day of school &amp; my boy pass liao...he didn't cry &amp; even ask if he can go in to class when teacher opened the proud of him!
Hi mummies with kids who go to pre-schooler,
how 's yr kids first two days? my gar today see people cry, cry until very jialat. so teacher pacify her and after that, the door closed, I could still hear her scream. I just go off. hope, she adjusted to the new envirnoment the next few days. I will be on am off and leave almost the whole of Jan.

me reporting to work 1hr+ earlier to go online...

<font color="119911">anyone want the $2 discount voucher for dryers wee...have 2 pieces. if not, will post out in the FOC thread</font>

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
wow, so gd, orientation for a side funny one, a mixture of new design and old design Uniform wor....

<font color="0077aa">sandy,
yr CL not offically ended right....take care loh...</font>

no lah, the moment, kids reported at the entrance. then they took temperature and then 'drag' those kids one by one in and faster close door. if not, one of the teacher just stand there to open the door small small. the teacher only said no parents allow in.

oh then yr boy U are the new design one.

re:mil. yr plc will be full of unused stuff loh...
but do she buy another clothes or kids stuff (eg toys etc) for yr boy?

wow u indeed 'noti', bb drop on floor while latch on??

<font color="aa00aa">suika,
take care. anyone give up seats in the public tpt? doubt so....cos I was carrying my boy one of the wkend taking mrt and hubby also carry ah boy when board bus, also no one give up seat too.

try to engage help fr hubby leh.</font>

<font color="ff6000">Joo,
so do u still consider to upgrade P.I status?

re:bb fair.
normally, what's there at bb fair? I never went bb fair b4 except when I had my gar few yr ago when bb fair held at taka fair. </font>
<font color="119911">afcai,

why your posting to me then suddenly appear</font> sandy's <font color="119911">name?! make me see till blur blur keke...

your gal school very strict hor? my boy's school no such thing lei...also never take temp wor...

today i let my boy go in then i went to sit at the pavilion just nearby then i saw parents going in to peek so i follow just to make sure my boy ok...some kids were crying but my boy was ok...think he was happily playing with all the toys lo keke...after that teacher "chase" all parents out :p

uniform wise got all sorts of, old, yellow PCF top &amp; own clothes like my messy but think for the time being cos OOS no choice.

yup you are right! a lot of things in the house is unused &amp; mostly new anyway this not my house so don't care la

she will wanna buy stuff for my boy but i always stop her cos no point buy so many cos kids outgrow very fast so if you noticed my boy always wearing the same few outfits but i don't care :p

anyway fyi my in laws got total 12 grandchildren!

my boy "dropped" cos we both fell asleep &amp; i loosen my grip so fell lo...</font>
<font color="ff6000">happyfeet
dropped from ur bed? aiyo....shd b nothing serious mah, ur bed on the flr ley....but 1mth oni Ayden still duno how to flip how he fall? u pushed him off...heehee</font>

<font color="119911">afcai
ppl give mi seats? still too early to see my tummy ley</font>

GOOD/BAD news.....i've lost another 2kg
<font color="aa00aa">suika,

no no...last time my bed is divan only when i moved to my in laws place then i dispose the bottom half so means he dropped from the normal bed height but actually more of slipped down la cos he was lying beside me at the edge of the bed then when i doze off &amp; i loosen my arm grip so he slipped down lo...

lost 2 kg of cos is bad news la! but at the rate you are throwing up sure will lose weight la which i think is quite normal for some...

people give up seats ah?! i think very difficult...even if u ask some may not even give up to u lo...</font>
<font color="ff6000">happyfeet
aiyo....u shd put him inside n u at the corner mah like that wun scare u loosen ur wonder ur ang angry lah

no ley...last time i oso puke all the way but i put on almost 16kg wor....

last time my tummy big liao got ppl give mi seats....some even go ask for seats for mi...hahaha</font>

WTS there got ppl selling at $25
suika - it's ok to lose weight. i was put on less than 10kg in my whole pregnancy. at the start of my pregnancy, i also lost weight, gain weight at the middle, then stop gaining towards the end. quite worried then because by right bb should be growing alot in the last stage. but my gynae told me as long as the bb is growing don't have to worry about weight gain.
Wah... HF.. I oso scared I doze off while feeding bb.. and she will fell.. so I tried. to sit inner abit...heng you.. nothing happen... if not if head touch the ground first.. and theirs is still fragile.. will be dangerous..

Ya.. if can sell off, pls help lolx.. cos I sometimes skip skip.. lazy to browse thru WTB what now..

Ya.. Afcai... I also read till blur blur..

Suika.. normal to lose weight during 1st trimester la.. no worries.. juz eat when you can ya..
<font color="0077aa">Sandy
the last time mi no lose weight wor....mi now look very thin lor</font>

YEAH!!! finally almost time to pack up liao!!!
<font color="ff6000">sandy,

ya lucky cos he slipped off so legs touch ground first otherwise *touch wood*...

nowadays WTB also nothing much otherwise the price super one asking $15 for my 40 pc pack!

if no buyer then i will slowly use lo...who call i itchy backside go buy XXL!

i will keep u updated...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">suika

first trimster, I also lost 2kg but slowly gain bck later on. eat less but more meal loh. can eat bread or not..ppls said eat bread help to digest dunno what....

re:gain iq
one of the time, NTUC or sns got offers at $ when I used the voucher, the cheapest I gain iq since 07 is $21.xx.if not, average is $26-27 when on promotion.remember if u go supermarket to buy abbott products, keep the receipts (can accumalte for a yr) and then submitted it together with the fill up small form or else register yrself as member on abbott website, the receipt can used to accumulate points then redempt fm.

u choosing iq for K? </font>

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet</font>,
yeah hor...why sandy sandwich in betw the lines. oh, maybe miss her TOO tat gd leh, make u read precisely...

yeah loh..dunno why but gd to take precaution. they need to queue up to go in. when the teacher at the entrance passed the kids to the assistance, I quickly peeped inside, inside got one assistance and another more look like teacher so total 3 adults. today is only second day, the teacher already recognise the parents matching the kids liao. gd memory they had. anyway, not much kids. yr side there got any N1 class? for me, I'm not sure.dun think have loh..cos not all outlet has. is yr son sch a walking distance fr yr hse.

haa...first day, my gar went in and then stand beside the toys box. saw her trying to open the drawer to 'dig' out toys...dun even bid my bye bye. but today...cry bec see ppls cry. hope tml she will be better.

got yellow color U meh? which version one...tot 2 version only...all blue if not greyish one...

aiyo..but a lot of unused thing very obstructive one...

my mum hor will buy dozen of pants and t-shirts of same design for my gar. say $1 only cheaP mah...then in the end, only used 2-3 pieces...the rest are white elephant. some brand new are already given away. yup, true, I also dun really care esp home clothes, wear the same outfit, never mind loh...not fashion show mah...

wow...12 grandchildren so in laws side only less than half of yrs.

re:doze off feeding bb
mentioning abt this, I only did it when I am in CL during my gar times. my boy dun latch on. but hor, think hubby did it more than I did cos he can doze off anywhere and then arms loosen. bb nearly dropped.

did yr bb suddenly wake up or cry?

re:WTB issue
aiyo...mentioning abt this issue, I am helping my sil to sell bb cot with mattress (but liasing is my sil). sil set a price and this buyer lower price almost 50%. then after negiotation (my sil even offered to throw in free tub), that buyer suddenly said in fact, I'm looking for a give away cot. aiyo...

<font color="aa00aa">happyfeet\suika</font>,
re:give up seat.
my ah lao said one has priority to ask the person who seated at the needy seat. but hor, must ask in LOUD voice to let him malu.:p. one time, when I boarded the bus, an auntie with teenage kid gave up seat for me, then hor this 'buay zhi tong' young lad with office wear go and sit it before I squeezed myself towards the seat. then that auntie in her loud voice told the young lad that that seat was meant for the lady with baby, not u. haa...think this made that lad malu.
anyone intending to buy the Limbang Green in Choa Chu Kang. hmm...HDB is offering New BTO projects there. Prices start from $64,000 for a Studio Apartment, $140,000 for a 3-room flat and $226,000 for a 4-room flat. Applications close 18 Jan 2010
it all depends on how you think lor. You can get $3 discount voucher from abbott. Then you can use this voucher at SNS. Every $15 from SNS you get a stamp. Collect 12 stamps you can get $9 voucher off next purchase at SNS. Then occassion SNS got double bonus stamps(that explain why Sandy is waiting for that day)

Good evening more good morning from me office have internet but i'm so busy
HF.. oh.. that mean you r holding himn on your right side.. that y leg slipped down first.. I also scared I will doze off while latching.. can't imagin if head went down first.....

Afcai... by right CL.. not end... but I officially ended le.. cos MIL tired.. and I am ok la.. juz one week earlier.. and I have also eaten the full month celebration food.. so no issue lah.. will juz avoid seafood for the time being cos of c-sect.. other than that.. I am not so particular..
morning mummies!!

a good start today in the ofc....heehee i'm able to eat things

colleague bought porridge n i munch her 'you tiao' heehee

<font color="119911">afcai
i've already lost 3kg till now....although i'm actually quite happy coz i've been trying so hard to bring dwn my weight but i so worried bb not growing well coz mi not able to eat

ya mi choosing IQ for him....actually that time wana change him to similac but i've got 3-4tins 900gm enfapro so no wan waste money so change him to that 1 instead lor since i'm considering between these 2 brands mah....</font>

my side no SNS ley.....cannot b asking mi go all the way to BB there to buy n carry back then mi tummy big big how to take so much FM walk ard :p

<font color="0077aa">Sandy
put bb inside n u lying at the edge like that u wun worry of dozing off n bb falls off liao lor....mayb mi confinement no bath mi no let bb slps with mi.....oni a few times at nite if not after latching i'll put K back to his playpen liao</font>
Morning Mummies..

Jappooh.. so far it nvr happen for #1 and #2.. but now me getting older.. 'ti li bu ru yi qian" hehehe... so more tired this round.. sometimes I will aslo put pillow under my arm as support..

suika.. I sit while latch... I didn't lie down while feeding.. btw.. I have one BN dry shampoo.. didn't manage to use it.. let me know if you need it..
He will be discharge today. No more fever still coughing. Headache always don't want to eat.

Will get back to u. How old is your kid?

Good to hear that.
my no 2 will be turning 1 end of this mth. no 1 is the same age as yr boy.

think now, yr boy no appetite, let him take small meal. eat bread or watery porridge loh. let him drink lot of water...
serene - glad that your boy is discharging today.

suika - glad that you are eating now. maybe can meet you for lunch one of these days. hee hee
<font color="0077aa">afcai,

my side also need to Q up to go in but no temp check la...going home time the teacher will bring 1 kid out &amp; call their parents before passing them to the the correct parents.

so fast can recognize parents?! i think my side like haven't lei or maybe cos i didn't create a strong impression keke...

another blk got N1 class, that's where</font> meow's <font color="0077aa">class is.

the school just few blk away from my blk only but need to cross a small road.

the yellow color t shirt have "choa chu kang education centre" printed on the back.

the house although got a lot of things unused but not very obstructive la cos maybe its EA.

some clothes even super cheap i also stop MIL from buying if i am with her cos no point having so many piece ma...

mine going out clothes also those limited few only some more my boy so small sized the shorts he worn when he was newborn now he still can wear lo LOL...

when i doze off &amp; my boy "dropped" i woke up the moment i "felt" him slipped off but too late la :p

some people in WTB really 1 kind lo...also dunno how to describe them ah *shake head*

oh ya you are right! if you want to ask people to give up seat MUST definitely say out loud enough for people to hear you &amp; malu them else i think can forget about it la...

i very lucky seldom need to take public transport when i preggy but when i go out with my boy when he was young, there are some nice people who give up seats to me but most times i reject them cos my boy prefers to me to stand else if i sit he will be very restless &amp; make noise...</font>

<font color="ff6000">sandy,

wah! you good ah! even know i carrying him on my right! but even if left also can fall leg first ma cos lying down on bed to BF him :p

i got a lot of pillows on the bed so i lazy &amp; too tired to shift the pillows so just lie at the side but who knows i too tired &amp; doze off...</font>

<font color="0000ff">serene,

i am too?</font>

<font color="aa00aa">suika,

can eat already? that's very good! remember to take more liquids &amp; don't eat too full in case u throw up again...</font>
YEAH!! ate the most stuffs today
morning took KFC porridge, then a small piece of 'you tiao' from my colleague n lunch went mac n ate half fish burger n the curly fries n till now still sipping at the milo

heehee but now stomach feeling bloated, however, i still feeling very hungry how how??
Hi mummies me now at ttsh. Use my hp to post while my granny sleeping.

Glad to hear you boy discharge liao.

Can eat liao. Good eat more.
mi still left w half fish burger on my feel like eating liao sia :p

this bb really got lots of request sia
