Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

ya ..lor...12k is realli x...mine was total bill with was abt 2k plus for 3days2nites stay...anyway luv the food in TMC,,,yummy...especially the fish porridge..kuay teow soup...
saw ur posting, i also realised tt my tummy getting bigger aft i stop pumping. Now only latching at nite.

I liked TMC food too! Actually missed the stay there, like hotel service, although nurses might responed slow when u pressed the bell. Basically just sleep, feed baby, watch tv & magazine, and keep eating!!!

Yap woody package quite worth it, just went back to him last sat for my checkup (free), then will be back there for pap smear again in Nov, wondering issit FOC..hehe
Ur rite like hotel..u believe tat i prefer to stay in the hospital longer cos can need tu du a lot of things

pap smear is not free if u go to woody..but now if u either go the 24hr beside woody it's free juz pay admission fee..for s'pore cancer society alos this

my hubby also luv the food....hope the food is still the same....when i'm due in nov..went there recently..saw they r reburshing..very zen n nice
Hi afcai,

Yes, I only have one boy. Still trying very hard for 2nd one.

My boy made his own 1st flower for me on Mother's Day.
Hi mummies! I'm new here... Wanna ask if any1 goes to e Kidzlink @ CCK? Do they give u milk or cereal samples? Or do u have to ask from them?
Hi Kristine,

SO far I went Kidslink 3 times, no sample of anything. But Dr Winston Ng is good. Very patient and explain things well.

But if you don;t mind paying more, I can recomend you my bb pd at gleneagles good but expensive.
Hi chino, i called up nestle for samples yesterday but i was told to go to changi ti collect as they do send them alternatively i can get from PDS & CCK Kidzlink is 1 of those they had distributed e samples to... But juz weird that we r not given... Thanks, gleneagles is kinda far for me as i stay in bt panjang. I delivered @ mt alvervia so boy' PD is there, i dun bring him there unless there something serious ;)
is cck kidslink exp??? compare to tmc dr ong, which 1 is cheaper???

i only went to dr ong from tmc and dr low from paragon...
I dun have much exprience on this coz i'm a new mother myself... But i paid $190 for my boy's pneumococcal vaccine...
Loh, old is yr bb? u still bf?? I stop for 1 yr 1 week then next mth, 'gd frenz' go haywire until I buay ta han (during march so jialat, gd frenz luv me so much that last for 3 wk still dun wan to leave me) then go to 'make noise' with polyclinic doc and they refer me to gyne that very day or else appt only given me one mth later. so now, since Jan till now, tummy kept bloated esp after meal, dunno why.

I heard a lot of ppls saying that service at TMC so gd wor...but hor, it is not under subsidy leh and mot so conventient for me to go there. so won't go there even I have my future no 2.

so interesting. that's why u still choose TMC for yr no 3 loh.

normally, pap smear cost $20++. I did my pap smear in march only (since given birth in 06).

haa..oic. same same. with my haywire gd frenz, a bit hard boy man..who taught him to make the flower?? haa then u must keep it like a treasure, a first very precious gift fr yr darling.

I took my gar to cck last mth only. maybe my gar is not diahorrea case so no milk or sample given.
wow...ex wor..for the jab.

true ,Dr Winston Ng so caring type. even my gar also amazed by him cos everytime, she visit doc, she will scream but this time, she so guai to let the doc examine her. maybe bec his rm is full of interesting stuff for my gar to scan thru.haa maybe the doc is handsome...errrrr.....

veron's Mummy,
to me, kidlink is kind of ex. cos the consultant charge by timing. less than 10 mins charge betw $40-$60 followed by 10mins - dunno what timing (forgotten) is $50-$100. there is a what prescribe fees of $10 too.
My boi is not 8mths +. Where is the gynea loated? I heard if hospital appointment, u can call everyday to see anyone withdraw, then u can take up the lot.
by right, they shd give parandomol in case, there is fever after jab. polyclinic dun charge the medicine loh.

the polyclinc doc asked me to choose either A&E kkh or NUH clinic G. bec of there is A&E charges, that's why I choose NUH then.
I have 5 sns stamps and 5 dog/cat stamp for sale.1 sns stamp to 2 local stamp or 50cents each.will throw in some of the dog/cat stamp FREE.
pm me if interested.
I know abt this. My boy had his 6 in 1 done at polyclinic. E funny thing is that e doc said to give him fever med if has it but didn't give any. Luckily i have some at hm :0(
we dun see doc during my gar 's jab at polyclinic. it was the nurse who do the jab and give the pandaromol. sometimes, we receive the tablet form.

then next time, requested for that loh.
Hi CCK Mummies

I have pm all about the collection timing. Let me know if anyone of you cannot make it.

Tml at 6.30-6.45pm. 2 mummies still have not make the payment, please bring along the balance when meeting up.

Thank you.
I will be gg to polyclinic on thur,
if there is a promotion for XL pet pet, u want me to help u to buy??
Hi goodviewgnd mummies,
sun (25/5) got a flea markets and our MP is coming for the events (cleaniest estate, phew man...). saw hardworking worker washing carpark (first 1/4 only), painting the corridor, wall of blk 383-blk 386 (but not the rest of the blk leh), paint the road line etc y'day night. ai-yo... I even saw the worker using those rubbish chute "trolley" to lobang the mineral newwater and then guess what, they kept in the rubbish chute located at blk 386. what a unhygenie thing to do man...
Hi mummies,
anyone gg to Courts sale? if so, can,lobang to buy the the waterproof mattress only at $13.90 (usual price $29.xx). thks.
Hi mummies esp goodview mummies,
any one interested in sharing purchase from NGH pharmacy polyclinic. pet pet diaper is having promotion at 2 for $25. if got the coupon then there is a $2 discount. so far, I have 5 coupons on hand while another mummies have 6 coupons.

interested, register here with nickname, size, the quanlity and the items as follows:

1) afcai - Pet Pet diaper 4 L size packets.
Hi Mary,
tot the opening registration open fr 2/5 onwards but is there a dateline to register? if u register in jun, will yr boy enrol only next yr - Jan 09. sad sad loh, tough our bb are born in 06 but my gar is a yr end bb that's mean I cannot enrol her next Jan 09 liao cos at that pt of entry, she is only 25mth.

think PCF pre-nursery is the 'cheapest' loh, followed by NTUC one. also sad sad that there's no pre-nursery for PCF near my mum'plc. only got those private one, per mth is $500 & above (full day and half day pricing quite close).sigh...
i'm looking for a dental clinic in bt gombak so hope the mommies staying there can help.

the clinic if i'm not wrong is location at blk 371 bt batok st 31.

it's occupies a very small room shared with a GP.

good if you can provide me the clinic name, opening hours & tel. thx!
Hi afcai,
I'm interested in the Pet Pet diaper. Pls count me in. How much will that be per pack if after whatever discount in your combined purchase before I let you know how many packs i need? Tks

Hi Happyfeet,
JTS a bad experience though. I went to the dental clinic facing directly the BG MRT station (can't recall name but it used to be located at the MRT station itself before the reno). It was bad experience for me as I actually had to make 3 trips back there just for some kind of minor gum infection. 1st visit was just to treat and antibiotics was given. 2nd trip, the dentist only cleaned the top teeth row, saying that I will bleed too much if he continued cleaning the bottom row, which I found it ridiculous to believe it. Imagine having your upper row being cleaned but the bottom row being dirty! Hence, 3rd trip was just to clean bottom row, and total charges came up to almost $200. Hence, I'd boycotted that clinic eversince.
Hi sneezy mom,
pet pet diaper will be $11.50 per packet (but need to purchase 2 packets per purchase in order to use the coupon) loh.

that dentist used to located at the gombak mrt station is called my dentist. ex wor... last thur, I just walked into the polyclinic dental without appt (call in Jan stated that all apppt this yr fully book) so I just try my luck loh. it was luck man and the first patient who suppose to have appt at 0830am did not turn up and I was the first patient. long time never been to dentist liao since 2003. so I just had my teeth checked bec my teeth is quite sensitive when eating cold stuff. so the dentist suggested I use the sensitive toothpaste loh. then she mentioned teeth are ok. anyway, can u claim yr dental bills with yr co?? for me, every visit can only claim half (up to $70 per yr).
no no i'm not referring to the dental clinic facing the mrt.

think its Q & M which have lots of negative feedback.

the dental clinic that i'm looking for i think is called "AMITY" & its facing st 31.
Hi afcai,
$11.50 per pack ok with me. See below details that continues from your org message:

1) afcai - Pet Pet diaper 4 L size packets.
2) sneezy - Pet Pet diaper 4 L size packets.

Let me know if you want me to trf $ to you first or pay you cash on meet-up. TIA
I have also ordered 2 more XL diaper for u. so total u have 4 packets of XL and will be collecting this thur loh. see when u are free to collect fr me cos I cannot bring all diapers out myself as there is no one at hm this weekend except my gar with me. I can meet u on thur at yr blk. do sms me.
