Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

wow afcai u're so fast ^__^

had replied u liao

btw do u know South view primary VS Teck Whye Primary, which is better?
I can only check my email after I return hm loh. er..for pri sch, I'm not sure liao cos no kid schooling yet.btw, where is South view primary?
my fren who is a teacher told me South View is better..but for me of course if south view is nearer my place i'll sent there but it all depends all ur child...i kno south view got lots of homework...not sure true or not....

My nephew is studying there.
My sis-in-law, whom is a HOD of a secondary school, told me that South View is a gd school and it is quite hard to get in.

Her younger sis who is a GP, also sends her 2 kids to South View.
Thus, it maybe afterall a good school at the CCK area.

I am nt sure about Teck Whye Pri though.
Hi Apple 123,

Wat number to call har for the Nepia diaper???..$14/pckt (now onli) min order 4 pkt can call/email them (free delivery)
Would like to check with all mommy here.
Anyone sent your child to Sparkletot at Goodview blk 395A?
I will be move to Goodview sometimes in Oct. Intend to send my 2+ yr son to childcare. Found out that is the nearest cc. Any comment?
Also, will be delivering my 2nd one in Aug. =) Looking for a experience nanny at this area. Anyone can recommend? thks
hi mummies,

thks for the advises on pri sch, mi prefer south view too cos uniform looks nicer *lol*

afcai, its ok dun have to be hurry as i still have 1 pack XL at home
u are welcome. thks for joining what i organised and it helped me to boost up my purchase up to to $200 loh. thks thks. haa always see u esp yr ah gar ard the neighbourhood one....
Hi happi,
for me, last time, I store my ebm in the pigeon breast milk bottle. think avent got those caps to store ebm. do u want to freeze yr ebm? but think better to use milk bag (ex wor...). I dun use milk bag and also dun freeze my ebm.
i m storing on milk bags now. i think abit ex.
yaya.. freezing my ebm cos bb starting on solid now. i heard can use those small heinz glass bottles.
hmm..I ever see ppls posting to give away the glass bottles at the free thread loh. maybe u look out for that. but dunno will glass bottle crack when freeze the ebm.
hi happi

U can buy the caps for ur ebm from seng choon at People's Park. i paid for 80cts each.
The other place that i know is Mt Alvernia Hosp. Previously called them to enq. Each costs 75cts.

W R U staying? i am going there for lunch later.
PM me if u need me to help U buy.

Just wanna ask, any mummies put their kiddos at Sparkletots at Blk 395A.

Half Day / Whole Day Childcare cost how much ?

My son is coming 2 yrs old.
let me go hm and check my email. tried to check this morning but cannot access my email.

pls contact me for the collection of yr pet pet diaper. today, I'm free after 0630pm or else got to wait for weekend before 3pm. thks.
apologise 4 sending u e SMS late last nite.but u dun need say until that I'm kidding, sending sms at night waking u and yr family as if I'm a loan shark fr yr slp & chase 4 payment, if I can't slp & not
, ask me 2 leave yr diaper outside yr hse (who is gg to responsible if diaper is lost?) and u need to wake up at 6am (tot I dun need huh? just I dun get any reply fr u, PLS COMMIT A TIME to collect yr DIAPER or else I CAN EVEN SEND TO YR HSE).it's been a week since diaper arrived(but before tat already ask u when u wanted to collect and even offer 2 send to yr hse but got no response fr u) & already told u
the reason liao.also dun need to tell me that i'm gd on getting on ppls' s nerves, am i not using brain at night etc n tell me dun worry if u dun pay(another incident I dun need to spell out loh), move hse etc.....etc.....all I want is fr u to reply when u are gg to collect yr diaper.pls note, my plc dun have much space to store so many diaper (I myself already bought 7 packets of diapers plus my existing diaper etc....)

after much agrument, thks for ttf the $$, will send the diaper to yr hse at abt 10am. thks.

You want me to thank you for painting me black in forum here?

You honestly tell me who wouldn't get pissed off when a TRIPLE sms alert when off the phone in the middle of the night while everyone is sleeping? And wake everyone? Only to saw a msg demanding you to do something???!

Like i replied you, if you're worried that i not pay you, den ask for payment first before you buy. I did not ask for defer of payment. To the extreme, you can just sell of the diapers to other mummies. Don't sell me if you don't trust me!

You can say your hubby scold you for this and that, so does it pleases you when we get scolded by our husbands for such things in the middle of the night?

Come on, we are all mature adults here. Don't start smearing people's names in the forum. Its not just you having problems alright. Don't make yourself sound so pitiful to get people's attention. I seriously did not intend to kick a big fuss here in the thread. If i wanted, i would have posted a thread similar like yours, way early in the morning when i get into the office.

Now, i just can't sit back while you're giving people a really bad impression of me, can i ?
if u reply my sms earlier (send u so many times, u just reply yes or no answer only(is it very difficult) if we can meet but just that I dun even get a reply fr u, how can I trust u, ask me to leave the diaper at yr doorstep) the thing won't happen. I already apologise that I sent out the sms at ngiht liao, what do u want me to do? as what u have mentioned b4 does it mean that when yr office call (u mentioned that u on yr hp bec u are on standby mode when asked only) does it mean that u will use those harsh word to tell them that they are disturbing u and yr family at night.

one more thing, after searching u so many days(no reply fr u even send u sms, pm u with my contact) u went MIA. then great that u saw my msg in the forum that u reply by telling me that yr hp sent for servicing. so can't u have other alternative way(courtesty enu to tell me) to contact me even i leave my contact no with u or just reply my pm. of cos, if u are in my shoes, how would u feel when someone order something fr u (without paying) went MIA? u organise eclair b4, u shd know it is not easy to be an organise. I also dun need to spell out that the elcair incident cause some mummies to feel unpleasant. pay already yet dun receive goods and then somemore sold it to other mummies. for my case, i shd not be bothering with u, I shd sell my 4 packets of diaper (got the right since u dun seems to be interested with no response fr u) to other ppls also since u have not paid. but I did not do that, I jusr sincerely wait and kept on asking u when are we dealing with the diaper since u order for me (joining my purchase).is it difficult for u to just reply me with "no,'i'm not free today" or yes, I'm free(with commitment time) then I will send the diaper at yr doorstep.

we did transation b4 thrice. I felt that I have difficulties to get u even to response to my sms. eg even I told u that we will be meeting at that timing, but I still need to wait for u 15-20mins with my gar ard. u tot my time is not precious huh.

thks for the payment after thata nd apologise that I sent u the sms which cause so much commotion for u and yr family.
anyone needs S&S june stamps? i have 2 to give away. collect directly from my unit at blk 394 at my convenience. first come first serve
pls PM me
Hi all mommies,

1)Got soft toys to give away.

2)Used Text & Assignments bks to give away for K1 to P1. (note: some are already being scribble, more meant for mothers who wanted to know more abt what to teach/learn b4 P1)

***Not for fussy moms***

Are you sure you're apologising or trying to smear my name even further?

The other time when i organised the eclairs. Who are you to give a fair statement of what happened? Do you really know what happened?? Gosh, you are really going underhands now. Trying to dig up history and create chaos here in this thread?

I am sure this thread serves a better purpose right? Not just for you to bombard the thread just to get back at me!
anything now I mentioned here are invalid to u. u can say anything u like(like smear yr name). regardless of apologise to u umpteen times, maybe u dun even appreciate and accepted. if I'm not sincere to keep the 'promise' which U had ordered the diapers (thrice fr me), I would have not bother abt u and sold it off. ok, lah, I think it is all my fault for chasing so tightly with u lie a load shark (which u call me). in the first plc, I shd not be bothering abt u then and sold the diaper. I even sincerely wanted to send to yr hse but u dun seem to be interested (not response) or wanted to commit to the timing like other mummies do.

re:eclairs. maybe u shd know better loh and if one did not did anything wrong (maybe not only the above mentioned case, I can dig out even further (prove that I'm wrong, if so, I will apologise to u)), what's there to be afraid of digging ppls's history. u can clear yr name openly here instead and dun pinpoint ppls of trying to dig up history and create chaos here. just like chinese saying if u dun do anything wrong, midnight ppls came knocking at the door, one dun even afraid. (translated in chinese)
Hi. Just found this thread - so 热闹. :cool: I am staying in Choa Chu Kang North 6. Hope to meet some neighbours and make some friends here!

BTW, I am going to submit orders to Mayuki and JJS tomorrow. Have managed to gather the minimum qty required among sisters and friends, but would like to try to target for more pcs to enjoy the additional discounts. If you are comfortable enough, pls join in. No handling fee. Just pay for your share of the shipping cost (based on qty) and local postage (can save if you can meet up for collection in CCK area). Targeting to submit tom (Tues), so cutoff time is Tues noon. PM me if you are keen to join. Cheers.
peace peace lah, afcai & pauline.

Afcai - If you really not very happy about the whole incident then return the $$ to Pauline and sell the diaper to anyone who can response to you fast and can collect from your place. Simple rite? Maybe you abit 'gan cong' in chasing the payment liao. middle of the night hmmm....being waking up by sms, will piss pple off lah. so cannot blame Pauline for being angry.

Pauline - To be fair, In the first place you place order and did not pay on time is your fault liao and for not response to the sms, you can't blame pple for chasing u so tight. If you are not so interested in getting the diaper, just let Afcai sold off the diaper to somebody else loh.

Don't think it is necessary for both of you to keep fire at each other. no meaning loh....
Ya lor ya lor....

Hi.... Afcai.... n Pauline... dun b so angry la... peace ya... for me if mummy sms me in the middle of the nite... I just ignore and continue to sleep ... will only response the next morning...

Afcai... since Pauline has paid... just passed to her la.... no need to b angry la... if she not keen... you then sell to me la... I m keen keke....
ya....both of u cool down lah....

in fact, Pauline, it is really NOT EASY to organise BP leh.... i was the first one to collect the diapers from Afcai. That time, her house really full of BIG cartons leh... i can sense very stress for her to trace every individual orders. Her services consider very good by sending the diapers to your place leh! I also sms her in late nite asking can i go and collect and she didnt scold me for sms her so late too (that time her kid was going to zzz).

As for Afcai's sms you late nite to "disturb" you, she already apologise for it liao..... so no use getting angry on it.

As for eclair incident, i have no comment but i did hear from some mummies on -ve remarks on the eclair BP (dunno who is the organiser), so cant blame that Afcai will blurt it out in anger lah.... cool....


Note to CLY: u also stay at Gombak area?? remember me?? we share the "fake RL" info one... keke.....
u like me..i also wun reply my sms if i'm asleep or oledi in bed. Sumtime i also no choice sms sum mummies at nite cos tat's the onli time i'm free..hope i didn't offend them.....
Hi Ryatie

Hey... just realise you pregnant huh... how many mths liao.... calf bb?

Ya lor.... me oso free at nite only after 10pm... so will only response after that timing unless if my kids dun disturb or drinking milk then I will also have time to response...keke...

Nice of you to say your fair share of comments and not take stands. Its not that i dun accept afcai's apologies. Its just that, if she is sincere to apologies, i dun understand why she have to add in so many comment? Den now she have to pull in the eclair BP thingy? It really seems to me like to trying to have her revenge.

I don't want to say anything more on the eclairs incident simply because it have passed, and really don't want to put up names here to further embarass certain mummies.. Fair?


If you can't get pass this issue, whatever you want to say, just go ahead. If you're not sick and tired, I am.
Everything aside,

I have $50 Neo Garden Vouchers to giveaway, anyone keen? (Roughly have got 20 pieces). Just PM me your addresses. One mummy, one voucher.

<font color="ff0000">**PM me your addresses by this Friday. PM/Address that comes in after Friday. I will not entertain. 1st come first serve.</font>

Terms and conditions:
Redeemable with min order of S$300 on regular priced menus. Limited to ONE voucher per venue per day (excluding Neo's Big Value Package).
1. Voucher is not redeemable for cash.
2. Limited to one voucher per order.
3. Not valid with other promotions, discounts &amp; during the eve till the 15th day of CNY.
4. Valid for 45 days from date of issue.
5. Declare usage of voucher before ordering. Voucher will not be honoured if declared thereafter.
6. Voucher may be amended or withdrawn without prior notice at the sole discretion of the company.
it is not happy, dunno who is the one who is not happy leh. I kept my promise to sell to her but got this kind of 'treatment'. I already apologise leh dunno what she still want. ai-yo, who ask her not to reply despite sending so many sms during day time. hubby told me to send again. I only back home at night only free to send. as what sandy/ryatie had mentioned can ignore my msg and reply next day dun need ot flare up mah. ppls might be free at night mah...I already apologise and not know that ppls will still on hp at night mah and dun kept in their bag. so far, all my friend (i can confidentally said), their hp is either off or kept in the bag so they usually dun reply till next day (better to reply next day than NEVER right, so frustrating if no reply fr the buyer).

of cos, I did not want to make life difficult for anyone, just what wrong with organising a 'spree' and also trust mummy of my estate (no payment is made b4 I purchase, think i made a mistake shd make ppls paid first before they confirm order).

thanks for not standing on stand and make fair comment.

thks. maybe u dunno what happen loh. if she clear of her name, she dun need to be scare of I digging history and share it here(I have a clear conscience). since she dun like sms to be send so I have to find alternative way to send her msg in silence mode.myabe it is just my lesson to learn.

as mentioned, if u have clear conscience, no need to be scared of what written here. just share whatever is in yr mind.

of cos, who want to make life difficult for u...tot I'm free? i am also tired of getting ppls to dun reply my sms despite of sending them so many times.
Hi Afcai... ya me abit 'yi tou wu shiu' on the eclair thingy... aiyah...Halo to both off la... ... just forget and move on worries la...
kekeke..u bz with gain IQ vouchers so no time to read abt me lar...kekek(juz kiddin)..i'm almost 5 mths preg..goin 4 detail scan next will be un MC..YAHUUU...90% a boy..hope my doc not wrong...cos hubby vely hubby...cos boths my kiddos scream too LOUD...he can't TAHANla...
since ppls 'scare'/dun like of digging history, I better dun write long story here or else kana 'scolded'. it is the promise thing but I'm those ppl who hate ppls who dun kept to promise loh(maybe this does not apply to other ppls). so far, I only have 2 bad encounters with a person one already wanted to deal with her but then in the end backup(sold her item when she promise to meet up that day) and another one waited for her half an hr at her home nearby bus stop (even go to her house there to collect) but she dun turn up. of cos, I call and call her hp , sms her but no response (so pissed off, that's why I so pissed off with ppls dun reply sms (reply later than NEVER right), just tell me yes or no , isn't it difficult right). when she realise her phone ring, she only call back and of cos, I was pissed off and give all sort of excuses that she forgotten, she is sick etc.... so when she wanted to meet up again, i told her I'm not interested liao unless she came to my place and meet up. then she gave all sort of excuse again saying not conventient (tot ppls free and conventient dun have kid) and said she got bad MS etc...

so I told her I'm not interested again and in the end, her hubby lobang her to come to my place to deal. that's why ppls dun understand why I'm so pissed off.
