Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

thks for the infor. so we can still use the $2 discount voucher (must purchase 2 packets) to offset the diaper loh. that's mean the average per packet is $11.90.

Hi Pauline,
I'm not gg lah. think will only be gg end of the mth and see by then it got any promotion or not. then I sms u loh. will also update u when I get the voucher this week. ok, for u to meet this sun to pass u the movie voucher?
Hi Mummies,
Didnt know there is a special thread for Westside mummies.
I live in Bukit Batok West Ave 8 and my son is 9mth+.
Hope can have more info/good deals happening in my neighbourhood thru all mummies here.
Thks in advance!!
Hi moomoo2,

Welcome on board. I'm at BB West Ave 2.
tot barney show is free but not leh...dun think so cos my hubby will be on oversea business trip, how to bring her there alone? me dun own tpt. anyway, my gar is still young. u gg to the barney show??

welcome welcome.
Hi afcai,

Both my hubby and I intend to bring my boy to watch the Barney show but dunno if the tickets are sold out. Have not check with Sistic.
Sandy Poh,
thk U loh! haa..I'm a fan of newspaper mah...if one day (except weekend no newspaper in office, only get to read when my col passed to me on mon) did not read newspaper think my whole body 'itchy'...heee...

ever since, I'm a mum, always try to look out for bb items liao.

wow...seems like I can see yr nickname 'everywhere' in the motherhood hor....

Hi Mary,
oic. u got one kid only?? oic, then 55 go and chop chop the ticket b4 the tickets run out. think this barney show will be much poplular.

Hi mummies,
Wishing all the mummies a HAPPY MOTHER DAY tml in advance!!
Hi mummies,
any one still want Eu Ren sang brown rice (expiry date is jan 2010), I stock up a lot but my gar now dun seem to fancy so much as before. so intending to exchange 2 tins of the eu ren sang brown rice with 1 x 900g of gain IQ.

interested, pls pm me. prefer to exchange it at gombak, gdview gnd or bt batok (sat evening after 4pm - 8pm+ only) and clementi/west coast (except sat).
Hi Afcai

Issit..... my nickname everywhere?? Dun scare me lei...

Yeah.... I know ever since I am a mother I do that too. Walk a few shops and compare prices, stock up diaper, FM whenever got promot till hb scream haha.. esp now everything gg up and wun come down... we mummies will find every means to cut cost for our bbs... sigh..
Hi sandy poh,
see u quite active in other thread leh.

haa..yup, everything goes up except pay, only get to know that the delvery charge for sec child is ex than first child. ai-yo..dunno why policy never change even bb bonus also not enu.
Which thread????

hahaha... I intend to close factory so not so worried about the delivery charge. Concern is diaper and fm now hehe..
i delivered my 2nd child 2006..n paid $60++ cash only whereas my first dotter in 2004 paid $300++. i gave birth both in TMC. So when the raise went up? Thanks
how come so cheap, paid $60+ or is it $600+ huh?? so much TMC wor....I paid abt $1500+ (after subsized) for delivery at KKH (stay there 3D2N). even newspaper reported few mths bck that the consultant charges at hospital also increase mah. eg consultant at KKH is $20 but now increase to $21 and then NUH increase to $23.

I also have the friso coupons.interested, pls pm me.
confirm my hubby paid(3d2N) $60++..kinda shock at first but after seeing the bill they minus medisave here n there came to be $60++. My callick also didn't believe but after his wife gave birth the same year n he paid $70++ also...maybe bcos we apply this FBI(first born incentive)/SBI(sebsequent born incentive) from TMC tat cost abt $100++ n we got all tis discount...will try to search for my bill n scan....and for my whole antenatal package tat from 1st mth pregnancy- postnatal appts cost(including of vitamins & urine test & ultrasound) - $550 flat excluding the 5th mth detailed scan tat cost $90++ after discount. So far so good cos' my appts all i did at Thomson women's clinic @cck after office hours
.Only detailed scan and gave birth @TMC.

Anybody had gave birth in TMC tis yr or last yr can share their bill? Thanks
wow...u mean u pay cash $60++. for me , I pay nothing (I mean no cash), all $1500+ after subsize deduct fr medisave.
what's that first born incentive and SBI abt? got this type of thing one meh??

hmm..TMC very far fr my hse leh, somemore, I'm on csc card holder so better to find gov hosptial. we also get a cheque of $500 fr KKH 1 mth of deliver for claiming bck the antental checkup.

that yr 06, when I did the pre-admission at KKH, the customer service staff ask me first child or sec child delivery huh?? I told her any difference? that's what I learnt that second child is much ex than first child. but details wise I did not ask further.

hmm cck also got Thomson women's clinic. tot there's another outlet just opp bt gombak mrt.
Got this infor fr another thread.
Prices of gain IQ after discount:
SNS $24.25 (spend $15 for 1 stamp, accumulate 15 to exchange for $9 voucher)
Guardian $24.20
Giant $23.99 (with free brainy VCD)
NTUC $24.10 or $23.70 (choose 1)
Carrefour $24.23 (before 5% rebate)

Prices of gain IQ kid after discount:
SNS $21.50 (spend $15 for 1 stamp, accumulate 15 to exchange for $9 voucher)
Guardian $21.60
NTUC $21.40 or $21.50 (choose 1)
sandy, so u receive my trf for the wet wipes?
i send u email but din hear any reply from u.

Can advise roughly when the stock will be in?
SBI / FBI is only for TMC patient..yup i visit my doc @cck...Dr Adrian Woodsworth.. @bt batok not sure who's the gynae..if i have CSC card sure i go goverment hospital..but co or hub co..cannot foot the bills i guess with the short waiting time n after office hours visits as i dun have ppl 2 cover my werk during office's a plus 4me...n the price also worth it..
i'm under MSO scheme $350 cap per yr..only can claim outpatient bills so my daily visits to gynae, i only pay $5 another $20 my co pay...must claim fr co cos i hardly claim from them so wasted....
hmm..the Doc name sound like ang mo. oh....haa..last time when I waa preggie, I have to place my antental checkup on wkday bec no doc on weekend one. so every mth will get a medical leave loh. for me, I also dun have ppls to cover me, but no choice mah.... same same....I'm also under $350 cap per yr. but if one dun claim then the $350 will will be ttf to medisave at the end of the financial yr mah.

this yr, I have used up the $350 cos my gar went A&E twice and then went doc since feb- mar. I myself also went doc and hopsital for checkup for the haywire menses.

hmmm..private clinic also can claim using $350 meh....for me, if I went private clinic, I can only claim bck $10 only for each visit.

are u in gov or state board service??

when yr EDD date??

I think the gov has not change the hospital policy yet tough they intro baby bonus mah.last time, the customer service asked me is it my first or sec child and I told her any difference. she told me of cos....sec child charges different but I did not 'dig' into detail.
my gynae is also adrian woodworth, but he is eurasian, and he can speak chinese very well, and he looks like chinese also....

my delivery bill at tmc is total $5k+ include bb bill, after medisave is $800... i give birth via c-sect at jan 08

must also tell me where got good deal for fm, NAN 1...
I guess my doc is a mix of chinese and ang moh..very sup dun like me to take mc..when i take MC, her face sulk cos my table will be full of papers as i'm the only person to check all the documents. wah ur co. good co will only bring forward $350 to the next yr..if money still not'll will fly away....i also cannot claim for children only usually cannot finish one...for pte clinic, i can claim max $20 for each visit ....

mine neither stat board nor gov..they call it GLC....

my EDD 24.11.08..but still not sure where 2 give birth. Cos' if i got my ozzy PR 2-3 mths b4 i give birth, i'll give birth there..if not i'll give birth here in sg.
any1 wanna share order with me for nan 1???
it is really very cheap. but minimun have to buy $200 which is abt 9 can. but i only wan 4-5 cans. so who wanna share with me???? collection at cck.. PM me
Nan fm far never seen any promotion at any outlet.

huh...$350 can bring fwd meh...for me, I cannot, if usused, it will donate to my medisave. oic...for me, I used up so fast bec of myself and my gar. my hubby can also use mine but I told him since his co cna claim, dun use my medicial claim. oic...GLC....errr...

ai-yo, dun care lah....boss dun understand loh...last time, I also dun want to take mc. now, with my new (&*^ boss, I dun care. so pissed off with him. work load so much cos one person can do 3 person job, he still KPO wanted to 'help' other dept to download their work to us. that's why my team members all take turn to take mc one.
ask u hor, do u get bloated tummy after meal (u already mummy of 2 wor)? 2 yr till now hor, I scared of wearing dress wor...i will look like 3-5 mth preggie after meal. so long already still like that....? hmm..before I preggie I also like that but not that jialat leh. same same, till now, my old pants still cannot zip up. sad sad....hai...last yr I bf for a yr, my tummy won't get bloated but now, bloated like balloon esp after meal. maybe bec of wind or fats in my tummy but not other part of my body.
for me, bloated tummy not realli but dunno leh if after 3rd one..anyway i try this cream make my tummy flat far so good..but after i get to know i'm pregnant no choice must stop..lucky i haven't open the 2nd tube....
but just for ur info, i wrap my tummy for almost a month after i gave birth..n may becos of tat's i dun feel the bloatedness
err..the cream tat u use work huh. I'm lazy to do tummy exercise lah. my col told me maybe I eat too fast cos speed of the food adn type of food might also be the cause. wow, wrapped tummy...i only wrapped 1 week, I buay ta han liao during massage period.

when yr due date?
Hi, i kpo came into this thread see see look look. Am staying at cck ave 4, having a 8mths old boi.

I was woody patient last yr, gave birth in Aug at TMC. Stayed for 5days. Total cost abt 5K, cash was abt $500 in a 2 bedded ward (free upgraded fr 4 bedded).
actually also cannot tahan the wrap..but i guess worth it...even after that i need to put on the girdle till almost 6 due date 24/11/08.

i gues ur's was a caeserean rite...
Hi mummies

I have pm all to make the bal trf as the stock will be in today.

Please take note and I will then arrange to meet all at one go to pass to all.

If all mummies can make it by this weekend, pls let me know ya...
Wah, c-sect so ex! I know someone tried natural but ended with emergency c-sect cost her up to 12K!!!
Hello mummies

I have pm all of you to trf the bal to me as the wipes are here tonite so I can arrange to meet you during this weekend.

Thank you.
