Mummies in Pasir Ris

tonite bo eng leh, going for hot date with hubby
very hard for me to go for another round when he's tagging along. had to distract him last night while making payment for the books, else he sure ask why buying so many again! he even QCed the books i chose, in the end had to put back some just to pacify him, har har har!!! luckily i took a lot, so i just 'pretend pretend' put some away, then kept those that i really wanted!

anyone needs to buy organic food? might be going to stock up later, if u wanna tompang, can buzz me hor

thats cool! darlie, the crayola products are at times or JL? got finger paints or not?

re: tonight's meet up, i may/may not make it cos my fil felt very giddy this morning at 3am and my hb called an ambulance to take him to ttsh as per his request. so now he is in hosp resting and being undergoing observation. will let u all know if he's feeling better and then make my trip to PR.
jus went thru the baby gals clothings and they've got very cute and pretty denim stuff. i've a sucker for denim. haha!
Crayola is at Times. bo finger paint but the washable triangular crayon is a real bargain at $5.

i got the mini bilibo (heng!) coz it's really not much fun.

i am ard till tuesday. either i hop over or you dropby for us to exchnage loots la.
your BS shampoo is still with me.

wat dvd?
heeee, tot haven't bot e shampoo, how much i owe u ne? so i'll pick up the shampoo, board book and pass u $
u at home tonite bo? say ard 9?

baby girls' stuff too cute leh... how to resist? fingers itchy liao
I also lugged many books from the Times sale at expo
Really worth going! Today went to plaza sing, they also have a times sale similar to expo one, less variety but some of the books are different there...
Yr emoticons really cute & funny! Every time see yr posts, can't stand it, want to laugh
But I gave up googling liao, cannot seem to find
re: Fox clothes
Mommies just be careful when you buy fox clothes, check for hazards!!!! Coz I just got my finger cut by one metal button on a Fox shorts. Part of the metal peeled out, imagine! Fortunately hurt my finger before it hurt my son. Ouch!!!!
thnx for the info. bo lang reply abt meet up tonight so looks like bo meet loh.

yeah so many cute and pretty gals clothes at ON and i spotted a pair of cute mocs! me heart itchy liao.

aiyo! really fortunate that your son didnt get hurt.
Morning mummies!

Yeah.. i am back again.. missing and back again..

I am starting on a new job end of the month.. hehehe..

Char : Yes.. i moved on liaoz.. LAST
yeah! good for u!! finally...

me didnt go to expo to look at the sale. jus nuahed at home, terrible. and i also seem to be gettng sick, having sore throat. sigh!
oh dear char, must take more liang teh / honey / pi pa kao liao

mommies, anyone keen in ON up-to-40% sale items, lemme know bah. my friend keen in ordering but i wun be buying for myself. so just wanna ride on nia
hihi, finally got time again. last week sch hol and hb took one week leave and we went out everyday!

manage to go JL sale. not bad leh. got a lot of fox stuff. as usual cant help but buy and hb filtered away most of my selection..wanted to go times sale also but hb at home..hiaz.
yah lor, over the weekend, the last post lingered at dsii's 怪谈, see liao also scared. sounds like a horror movie title!

dsii, is this the new program on channel U wed?

mbb, ask u ah, since meg is a mini imelda marcos, let me know if u have outgrown shoes to sell hor
i have to get somebody to read me the title then i go buy for you hor.
in case you forget, i am "fake ang moh".

got a few pairs Meg have outgrown la. u sure you wanna buy second hand shoes?

oh, my fren have 1 400 n 1 900 Gain IQ to let go.
u interested?
in cantonese shld pronounced GUAI TAM...hehehehe
thks budget ard S$15..too ex not worth loh..

darlie is about ghosts..hahahaha
i dun mind 2nd hand ones lah, as long washed clean clean can liao! bought a couple pairs for the terrors to rough-wear at the playground so far, no complaints
if u have sole length 12.5 or 13cm to let go, PM me hor. kam sia!

will pass on the FM, prefer to buy from supermarkets even if it's more ex, heh heh heh. thanks ah!

interesting wor. buay spooky watching this type at home? i'm a scaredy-cat, dare not watch or listen to such stuff
i oso scare..but 又爱又恨。。。 later at nite think this think that...hahaha
me didnt have sexy voice cos managed to keep sore throat under control for now. haha. thnx for asking.

me also scaredy cat, wont want to listen or watch horror story/movies....else at night imagination run very very wild and can't sleep at all. haha!
Me like you, dun want to be panda when I watch horror movies, I will be panda too! Especially when HB go on biz trip, worst!

Why you torture yrself
scared still watch kekeke
Me also like scary shows! but eversince I hv kids I stopped watching already. There's once I was pregnant, I watched one abt a pregnant woman being possess. Scare me so much, afraid that my baby will be affected too, since then I stop watching! haha..
U are very brave haha when I was preggie, I don't even dare to entertain scary thoughts, talk abt watching scary shows when preggie?

Never try Huggies, is it gd huh? Coz my bb alot of, you know
hi nana, promo at where? NTUC, Giant or all supermarkets? need to stock up liao

earth baby, huggies ultra is good for nite time & short outings, very absorbent. my eytan uses it for nite but of course cannot tahan thruout cos he drinks lots of water
. no brand can tahan his output so i give up le, just stick to huggies ultra for him. guess depends on your bb's output bah
yeah jayden also quite productive in output !! i use m poko for him at nite & nepia for day coz i find m poko quite thick for day... hmm...will huggies a try for day
hmmm....i tried huggies dry comfort and found it to be not bad. can absorb very well. i'm thinking of giving huggies ultra a try and am trying to request for a sample. somehow lucky me can go on budget as i find petpet suitable for leticia for night.
ok. go back to sg then i check n update you.
i hv got a pair of Keds tat is brand new.
forgot all abt Meg cant wear le.
earth_baby, char
My baby is sensitive to blue pack and red pack huggies as she got serious diaper rash after using them. But she got no problem with the new Huggies Ultra as there's a tack that says its clinically proven to prevent diaper rash.

Where's the promo? Running out need to buy liao.
HI! Myu birthday today.. hahhahaa.. ok.. the huggies ultra i use for nite.. good leh.. can absorb up to 12 hrs mah..

Darlie : Shop and Save.. we buy from there..

Sincereity/ JUXTA : I start my ger at CD tomolo morning.. see u..
ask nana to pass the $$ to sincerity lah...since her ger starting that faster rite??? hehehhee...she oso dun hv to go bank deposit so troublesome
ya me st 11 courier svc loh, but since i going to see darlie for some spree stuff, i can do st 12 also. tsk tsk tsk
