Mummies in Pasir Ris

Huggies Ultra is the purple one with the clinically proven chop.

fluffy, nana
So can buy from Cold STorage and Shop n Save issit?

alamak, went to loyang point's SNS, bo L size for ultra le. dun bother going if getting L oni hor, no stock, coming in only next week. all other sizes got

if anyone comes across which other outlet has L size, lemme know hor, gotta go chiong

just came back from KKH, eytan has fever, sigh... maybe becos teething again, with 4 molars at once this time
huh.... darlie, eytan growing molars liao ar??? ethan has only pre-molars now leh... tsk tsk tsk... y he so slow ar???

happy belated bday!!!

remember i still havent pass u the plant? hb says he prefer to pass u personally... n he has been very bz at work... been working overtime for the past few weekends liao... poor ethan dunno see his daddy only how times these few weeks... haiz... so when he not working he definitely going to visit u... with the plant... hee... btw, the plant is growing very nice wor...

i finally saw jocelyn!!! hahaha... her younger gal is sooooo cute... n my eyes stick stamp wor... she only 4 months i tot she 10 mths liao... alamak!!! must be overworked liao... hee...
zion, no problem, me not in a hurry, I dun really hv green fingers! Hope the plant will survive well under my care! haha..

oh poor eytan, darlie, y must go all the way to kk, any pd in the east cannot? very tiring to travel so far..

nana, how's tiff's first day of school?

Today i nau at home, so also keep G home with me too! They just learn 妈妈好 and she has been singing that to me the whole morning! hehe..
darlie, hows eytan's fever? pls help me put in the order again if you ordering. thanks.

YK, today on leave ah? so good hehehe

nana, how did tiff take to school? what time do u send her in?
wah teething so jiak luck one make me worry leh my gal so far only 2 bottom ones. So it's SNS will chk it out and let u know.
hehe.. very tired mah, these few days keep working late, hardly see my kids!

now looking ard for light jackets for my boys, anyone got good recommedation for cheap and nice ones?
yk- no wonder i didnt c G today.. I ask e teacher becos i c her pic never c her bag..

Juxta - i saw sean.. Ask him where's mummy? He said.. At home.. Haha.. I was there this morning abt 8.45am - 9am..

Darlie.. Sorry lah.. Monday i sent to u ok? Since i am nearby there liao..

Thank god for blessing me with such a nice baby.. She is good in school.. No fuss at all.. Nothing..
nana, thats great! Actually hor, not to frighten you, but their pattern change all the time, so be prepared 1 day when she decides she doesnt want to go to school.

Sean was cool like a cucumber when he started, then somehow as he grew older, the separation anxiety kicks in esp like sick then for awhile dun go to school. He's been having crying fits in the morning this whole week after missing school for 2 weeks. hahahha

YK, is super good weather to nuah and I've to pick him up in this rain, sians......
juxta.. Ya lor i was asking e teachers.. How come e older children are crying? But 2 days before i already change her napping pattern.. Just tat.. Now i worried abt her eating etc..
kam sia mommies for asking abt eytan. we always end up bringing them to see the doc after we reach home so by then clinics closed liao. go KKH easiest lor. last nite was very crowded and there was an announcement saying that waiting time is 2 hours, wah, can faint! that's 24-hr emergency leh... alamak. heng eytan 'jumped' q cos his was a fever so we din wait very long. saw a couple of toddlers merlioned, so poor things
was itching to get out of that place - got sandwiched between 2 loud families front and back, so irritating!!

and then tmr chloe's turn for MMR, argghhhh!!!! hopefully bo fever next week. with 2 sick toddlers, dun think can tahan, tsk tsk tsk. she very cartoon lately, keep calling 'kor kor'. then go pat eytan's head, kiss his hair, sayang his face when she's in a good mood. if eytan misbehaves, she will scream 'kor kor' and wag her finger at him, say 'oh oh', ask him to behave and slap his backside! so comical to see her acting like jie jie

juxta, i'll try the disney again hor. very kek sim cos 1st order went thru but not this one. and all the nice items i was planning to order bo liao
nana, eh u rather dun see loh, sean didnt like the food, so quite heartpain, but after awhile they'll take to it, survival skills lah. If he's hungry, then he'll have a bite when he comes home. Must think far, like now he got some enrichment in the afternoon, he'll be the one who suffers if he doesnt eat not me manz. So from day 1, i told myself i cannot cook lunch and let him think is ok not to eat in school.

darlie, thanks!
nana, wat's ur concern? that she dun like the food, or that she dunno how to feed herself? actually when G just started, she had not try many of the food before and she doesn't know how to feed herself.. but after a while, she sort of adjusted to it.. so nothing much to worry, like wat juxta says they'll take to it sooner or later
yalor, give her some time, u'll see her "transformation", the school will teach them to be so much more independent which I must say will take me ages to see results. Somehow they're very dependent on us. You'll be very pleasantly surprised!
Thanks YK, Thanks Juxta..

I just called the teacher.. she finish her food!! OMG! actually she eats a lot at home leh.. now i wonder if the portion is enuff for her since she finish everything.. hmm...

and except that when bathing.. the teacher said she cry.. Maybe she dun wan to go bathe.. i dunno also..

Thanks juxta for the consoling.. haha.. i miss her leh.. die.. Sigh.. thats the prob with humans.. when they are beside u.. u dun bother.. when they are away from u.. den u start to miss them.. Sigh..
Oh thats good, then u hv to teach her to ask for me, I heard that my ger always hv 2nd helping too! haha..

Dun worry, as time goes bym both u and tiff will get use to it! So who's her teacher? Think most of the teachers there are very nice! My ger seems to like almost all her teachers!
who is ma lao shi and teacher mabel?! i must go and kpo liao, i havent been to school in the morning for awhile also. hmmm she's got prob bathing at home? when i started sean, i took him home to shower cos i know he gets panicky when washing hair. only when he got used to it, and he sees his frens taking shower, then i asked if he wants to do it there with them.

Sean never wants 2nd helping cos he cant wait to finish so he can have fruits and play!
Ya i never heard of Ma lao shi and teacher mabel, but there is two Chinese teachers/helpers in the morning with Ms Meda when I send G to school this week. Oh G loves Ms Anne, all her songs she will add in her name! haha...
hope eytan will be ok soon.

good that tiff is ok so far in school.

re: fri nite meet up,
i wont be going back to PR tnite cos need to bring leticia back to her PD for check up. she had an insect bite on her right foot 2days ago which looked normal then but then i happened to notice this morning that her foot was swollen so brought her to PD. PD said its an infection so kena give her antibiotics and apply 2 types of cream. no wonder she couldn't sleep well the whole of last nite, kept crying. me also sleep deprived....
aiyo, poor leticia! How big is the swollen area? My ger also always kenna bites, can swell to bigger than 50 cent coin, but never hv to take antibiotics so serious!

I didn't get to meet up cos hubby brought my gals to cc this morning. Probably next week : ) Glad your gal settles in easily. I don't know who is Ms Ma or Mabel too : p

I've a preloved windbreaker if you don't mind. It can be folded into a haversack. let me know and I can place it in G cubby hole: )

Do take care of your little ones and yourself. You can consider to postpone the MMR jab if any of them are not feeling well.

Sayang, sayang leticia for me. Sometimes, I wonder if I've over applied my children with insect repellant lotion. But I know they will feel a slight burning sensation if you apply over scratch skin, I tried it myself : p

We're in the same boat. Both my gals miss school for a week and can tell me they want to stay at home. Faint. Luckily, only 1st 2 days cry and whine and I think they mimic the newcomers reaction too and see what i'll say and do.
sincerity, A & I will cry too? I thought since they hv each other for company, wherever they are, they will not feel so scare? Surprisingly after 2 weeks of not going to CC, G was quite ok when I sent her back this Tues, though she did say that she wants to stay home, but once she saw Ms M, she's almost back to her usual self liao.. really there's a lot of newbies is it? Almost every morning I can hear some kids (look very young ones) cry so loud!Oh windbreaker, of cos I dun mind! Thanks a lot! Paisei leh
hello all mummies... fianilly me can get out of bed n glue myself to the comp..... down wif chicken pox with compliments from my #2 who send her pox present to her didi n meimei as well rite nw onli korkor is spared from the pox but he wouldnt escape from it hahahahaha..... evil......
yeah the bite marks she gets are almost always very red and big and slightly swollen but this time is really unusual cos her foot is swollen and not only the bite mark. her left arm also got bite mark. hiya!

welcome back. long time bo post here liao hor. poor things. hope all of u will get well w/o much scars.
Was up early to pop painkillers to counter attack migraine.

Given a choice, both will prefers to stay at home with me. You know, kids, they prefers their own comfortable bed and environment. Try removing the koala bears from the eucalyptus tree! hahaha. Well, my dds have monday blues too : p I have to ask Ms M and Ms H to cajole them in individually. Noted, will do so next week.


Speedy recovery to you and your little ones : )
sincerity, ur gals very cute!Now i worry abt my boys, when 1 cry, the other for no reason will copy! I can't imagine sending them to school!?

sheris, long time no "see" hope u and the little ones gets well soon! must be tiring..

char, take care and help me kiss kiss leticia!
The other day someone is asking for Gain IQ $3 vocher off is it? I have some to give away.

Oophs, just realised I hv another voucher fr Gain IQ, buy 6 get 1 free, plus free delivery, but only redeemable at guardian and valid till 30 Sep 2008.
Sheris, take good care and get well soon! hope to see you soon.

Char, how's leticia's bites?

Sincerity, thanks for your stash!!!
Good morning, ladies : )

You're most welcome.

Might be able to meet you if you're sending T early today : )

Unless there are enuf teachers to cajole them in during the initial phase, you must be strong to leave them at playgroup, toddler class transition from a few hours, half day, full day etc. It wasn't easy but I survived. hahaha. You can do it!

I bought a trolley bag for my child from Expo. I didn't seem to see any Thomas the train bag with wheels : p
goodie morning everyone!

hope all of u are recovering. so many of u kena at once, can't imagine the chaos at home!

me lah, i need the gain iq vouchers. the buy-6-get-1-free piece also if u can spare! i used up mine already. the other day just took 2 vouchers from sincerity, heh heh, so pai seh.

oh yah, i'm clearing out stuff as hubby wants to reno our place for now. bo lui to move mah! and we need the spare room to be converted into a proper room for the terrors. i already have 2 boxes full of items to be given away, got time i take pics and post here. anyone wants them just take hor, no need to ke qi...
Zion, yr eyes did not "chop stamp". Sat bring her for her 6 in 1 injection, weighs her.. wow... 7.6 kg... she only 4 mths, i can't remeber my elder girl when she at 4 mths, what is her weight. Now she 2 yrs 2 mths, her weight is 15 kg... mayby my younger girl is fully breastfed, that's why she look so big... hahahaha.....
Hope everyone in the family gets well soon.

wah reno ah must be chaos at home. At last the terrors have their own room liaoz.
heh heh, still okay lah. for now just doing spring-cleaning 1st. hubby flying off for 1 month again, we'll start when he returns. now my place machiam karang guni's junkyard, boxes and stuff strewn everywhere

mommies, am opening another private jshoppers spree, anyone keen, pls PM me
solli...cant find ur DVD yet. am on leave now. back in sg for 2 weeks.
if no hurry, i try to get for you next mth.

i remember seeing an exersaucer at ur plc.
are you selling it?
pls let me know coz i wanna buy a 2nd hand de.
will PM you the shoe pic end of the week k?

how's Leticia?
Meg also kena such bites lately.
swell but not as bad as wat you describe.
i juz applied mopiko.
u getting an exersaucer for someone else ah? mine not for sale leh, the current i'm using is so good tt i can't bear to part wif it! can extend until very high, even eytan can't escape from it yet! har har har!!!

oh yah, wanna ask u, ur disney order wanna renew bo? cos my previous order kena cancelled, am putting in a new request
no prob...not in hurry...enjoy ur leave n then get forme when u are back to HK...i can wait one..hahaha but hope still got stock loh...thanks ah
thanks yk, tonite i go over ur place to pick up from u? so i can chop chop get the buy-6-get-1-free tins before guardian's stocks run out. sorry ah, need u to sms me your addy again
pai seh
leticia's swollen foot has subsided a lot, thank God! and it doesnt seem to itch so much. poor leticia hasn't been able to sleep well in the past few days cos of the itch and maybe pain. thnx for your concerns. but mbb, i didnt apply mopiko on her cos i read on the box/tube that mopiko may cause convulsion when applied on children under 2yo. so i've been applying antiseptic creams prescribed by her PD. but last nite i applied the pawpaw ointment and it seemed to be getting better. this pawpaw ointment is very good cos once leticia's finger got caught in a trolley wheel and part of her flesh came off so i applied pawpaw ointment on it and put a plaster on her finger for a period of time and it healed w/o getting septic.

woah, 4mo and 7.6kg! leticia was only 4kg+ at that age.

happy reno.....your terrors no need to sleep in the hall liao...haha!
earth! ur ds is as heavy as chloe!
very li hai neh! mine lightweights, eat so much also can't put on weight, cham cham...

i oso say leh! they have been ting zhang for so long liao, har har har! now then have a proper room to sleep. so going to erect a small room for my helper, then shift the terrors into the larger one. hopefully by then, no need cots liao, can save on some space. still racking our brains on the sleeping arrangements leh. their cots take up a lot of space but if do w/o cots, wun they run ard the house at nite if no one is watching them? afraid they may wander into the bathrooms and kitchen, tsk tsk... how?
ya my nephew got up in the middle of the night when he was abt 2-3yo and went to the toilet to play with soup and water and noone knows until the dad heard some noise in the toilet and went to check. He is sleeping on the floor so can go anywhere easily so better BEWARE! hehehe

my suggestion is to put a safety gate at their door or at the kitchen entrance cos anyway u will have to plan way ahead as they wont be sleeping in their cots when they outgrow them one day. my personal choice is to buy mattresses and let them sleep there so very minimal accidents like falling of the bed. when my new flat is done whc is probably early or mid oct, i'll also be doing the same, get a mattress for leticia. it may not be a very nice arrangement in terms of how the bedroom will look but safe and practical lah. i will only get her a bed when she's much much older. anyway that's jus my suggestion.
