Mummies in Pasir Ris

no good news yet la.....juz planning.

you berry lucky gal. MIL is such a good helper in taking care of Ethan.
you should 55 get no 2!!!

for me i still have alot of misc things to settle before i can actively "work" on no 2.....

hi mommies,
Thanks for the warm welcome, hmm seems that PR is a very 'fertile' estate

You are welcome to join the 'twins club' hee...hee
hee... m thinking of #2 oso... but now financially not very stable yet plus i had a c-section previously... so dun wanna risk womb rupture if got #2 too early... wanna wait for at least 2yrs... will re-assess financial staus again after ethan's 2nd bday...
hi didi,

wow...PR really lotsa twins..
personally i find twins very cute but dun think i can handle 2 if i have twins... hehe

hmm... i'm going to try one agency this weekend...
see how it goes.. basically i'm quite lost and dunno what to do *argh*

hmm... juz a suggestion
could we have a list of all the mommies/# of bbs, which part of PR you stay etc. somewhere? den newcomers can update and refer quickly
zion, the is a icon next to the print icon on every post. (the icon looks like a pice of paper with a pen on it) just click on it and u can edit
Actually I am not exactly at PR, I am at Flora Road
are you a sahm too ? which part pf PR are you residing ?
har har, yah, PR is quite a fertile estate. my block has another pair of b/g twins and i also see this ah pek pushing a stroller with twin boys near my place too. i think after having twins as a first-time mommy, nothing frazzles us anymore hor? number 3 or number 4 will be a breeze compared to the first 2!

my DS still a little manja, started whining when he saw me preparing to go out this morning. my DD just can't be bothered; more interested in her toys than mommy's departure!
you planning for no. 3 ? fun when they are 'guai-guai' but when they turn terror, I daren't not even think of No. 3 liao
prob in 2 years' time! better let the body heal first (and also to regain some semblance of my old figure back). my tummy is still so big, colleagues are congratulating me!
so pai seh when they realise i'm not preggie!

think it'll be difficult to handle 3 kids too close in age. u planning?

oh yes, any mommies here organising overseas sprees? i'm keen to join the spree section esp ON, Gap and for toys but difficult to collect from the organisers lah.
i am at Dr 4.
working but i dun need to work everyday. tats y i can meet up on weekdays during my days off.

good luck.
go check out the nanny's hse and see if you like her.
i tink the most important is that you need to be comfortable with the nanny. other issue, can discuss later.
juz rec'd 3 coupons for $5 off @ NTUC
1) $5 off with every purchase of Promil Gold 900g
2) $5 with every purchase of a 1.4kg Progress Gold Deluxe Pack
3) $5 off with every purchase of a 1.4kg Promise Gold Deluxe Pack

anyone interested?

I'm @ Flora Road too!! high 5!!

My CL is 52 but she looks young n is very active.Count me in 4 wkday gathering,pls...
Hi ladies...

Xiao Long Bao and Gerry recommended me to this thread

I am living with my parents in Pasir Ris.

Also looking to buy a flat HDB flat in Pasir Ris (keep me posted if you ladies have lobang :p)

My girl is 2+
wow fainting liao so many posts see till eyes cross liao... hehee

let me know how u wan to pick up the clothes.... i go pick up frm my mum hse first... coz bb clothes all there.... my place all young kids' clothes....

hmmm so many toking about #3.. hee me close shop liao hehe but after #4 lah..... the more kids the merrier hehe..... can hv royal rumble at own home....

re: chinese name
my kids also all check w gemanocer (dunno the spelling) so far wat she say quite accurate....

re: gathering
count me in though i wking hehe if in the evening who knows maybe can meet up.....

think not nw first... wait for a while longer after chinese new year.... when i nid to wen shen then i pm u okie? thks sigh... *shake head*...
i'm working so prob can only drop by weekday at night or weekend late morning. which part of PR u stay?
hey... anyone thinking of inviting lion dance to ur hse this cny?
special rates for SMH mummies... PM me for details...
make appt early to choose a timing to ur liking...
okie so i can get my mum to pack the bb clothes first hehe .....think she will onlii hv time to pack over the weekend when all my terrors are back at my plc.... u nid it urgently? when ur edd?
YOu know me thru CEO, meaning Daniel ah? So we are neighbours?

I am due tmrw, but still no signs of labour... Hmmm...
yah, daniel lor...
we're neighbours but we've never met...

wah so fast you due liao!!
hee hee... your boy luv staying in your tummy :p

preps everything done?
wow, so many posts since i last posted. been m.i.a cos my bb had cough & running nose last week and this week guess wat? got fever on tues. went to PD yday and tday and was told that it's most likely HFMD. Have no clue how bb got it...can only think of the hi chairs used in food courts. looks like even aft cleaning those chairs with wet wipes the germs are still there.

welcome didi & gal! i'm a SAHM with a 9mths+ bb gal.
great idea!
but i think i have probs posting there tho, do drop a note with the link here so we can go check it out!
hi charmaine,
believe we've not really met/chatted

me working full time, bb boy due 22 feb.

so how's your girl recovering? poor thing, she muz be feeling awful.
hi pinkie,

yeah, seen u on this thread but didnt really chat. thanks for asking, my gal's fever is not as hi as the 1st day so that's a relieve. but she must be feeling terrible cos she has ulcers in her throat. PD looked at her throat tday and it was worse than yday and she showed us the ulcers. poor thing. surprisingly she still eats her porridge but slow lah.

btw, are u a 1st time mum? if so, u must be anxious about giving birth hor? saw that u thinking of storing breastmilk in recycled glass bottles. if u want i can collect and give to u as i give my gal heinz fruit juice that comes in small glass bottles (125ml). the cap can screw back on. u let me know if u want them.
glad your girl is recovering.. but need to monitor closely in case fever goes up again...

yeah, me 1st time mom so veri anxious (and kiasu - haha). i'll be getting some 20+ bottles with caps from sheris so prob wun need for now - tks for offering, really!
oh btw, charmaine - i heard that we have to find a PD for bb after i deliver... how did you choose yours?

I'm staying in Pasir Ris too... near West Plaza... now expecting my 2nd boy due on 21 Feb 08.

Hope to join in the conversation
Hi didi, thnx. so u SAHM too.

Pinkie, yeah, have been monitoring her fever every now and then and thankfully so far fever has been stabilised. As for PD, my gynae refered my gal's PD to me shortly b4 i gave birth so didn't look for one. Anyway i think your gynae will refer one to u cos the PD wil have to check on your bb the day u give birth. So perhaps u can check with your gynae abt refering u to a PD near P.ris (but i wouldn't recommend the PD at elias mall cos i find him a bit yaya). Or if u dun mind travelling to t.payoh, i can recommend u my gal's PD. She's good but expensive. Reason my PD is in t.payoh becos my actual home is there but i've been staying here in P.ris at my parents' place during confinement and have been here till now. Will move out once we get keys to new flat also in t.payoh. Sori if my story very long.

emoments, welcome!

darlie, u seem to be the IT person for this thread.
oh btw pinkie, which hospital will u be giving birth at?

emoments, pinkie due on 22nd feb. who knows both of u may give birth on the same day. some more both of u expecting bb boys.
Hi all
Thanks for the warm welcome

So qiao.. both of us are due in Feb with 1 day difference. I'm gg to deliver in TMC, how abt u? Who is yr gynea?
