Mummies in Pasir Ris

Hi mmb2,
Yeah, hope I can enjoy CNY before popping...
My gynae told me I might pop a week earlier, in mid Feb...

I have 3 mths of maternity leave but tot I wanna scout around 1st, though I'll probably have her start on my 3rd month of leave - so I can monitor her.

Btw, how did you find your current nanny?

i got my FM fr a medical hall in Hougang.
stock is fr SG.

my current nanny is thru agent.

you may need to pay the nanny a deposit if you wanna comfirm her service now coz most of them do not want to wait for a few mths.

even after signing a contract with my current nanny, mths back she tried to be "funny" with me.
thank goodness, things work out at the end.

good luck!
Which agent did you go to?
Hmm... then maybe I should wait till after my confinement before I start looking.
How long did it take for you to get/confirm your nanny? Does she stay near you?

Oh btw, anyone knows how we can recycle glass bottles (brands essence/baby food bottles) to store breastmilk?
Hi P1nk1e,

Just to share, I used to store my bm using Fm given from hospital to feed the newborn. Store up to 3quarter level of the bottles. Wash and sterilise at what you'll do to the milk bottles. I still prefer to use the medela/small avent milk bottles with sealing disc.

please note that you have to dry out the bottles/caps to prevent rusting of the caps. Dispose those with rust formations. You can purchase the plastic screw rings/caps from hospital pharmacy.

Hi mbb2,

Will let you know if I managed to get us a good deal.
hi pinkie, i just gave away 1 big bag of bb clothes to a mommy who's having twin boys :) just cleared my last batch so gotta wait a while before got more giveaways.

i usually buy my FM from either Giant or NTUC only. better to be safe than sorry even though when I have to fork out more. now that they have started on semi-solids, not so siong. but at 1 point they were consuming lots of baby jar food! also so expensive!! now they taking home-cooked porridge so they can tahan longer. so cutting back on the baby food and FM costs
he at st 12 his hse... relationship prob oso can ask... PM me if u wanna come over...

me oso keen on lobang for Dumex Mamil Gold w immunofortis step 3... let me know k? thanks in advance...

where u buy ur Dumex from ar? me currently buying from NTUC at $43.XX... dun wanna buy from the medical hall near the 7-11 cos its from Malaysia...
Sincerity, our schedule sounds alike when he's home with me. If he goes to school, then i've a little more breathing time.

mbb2 and rach, we can meet up when mbb2 finishes her assignment?

pinkie, i just gave away 1 big batch of boy's clothes too. Will let you know the next round. I used to store breastmilk in milk bags cos my supply was quite good. i'll freeze it with the bags. very eco unfriendly hahah.

I also dun dare to try FM from medical halls, dunno the source, i buy from NTUC. My boy is on Pediasure, when we switched from BM to FM, he was lactose intolerant, so we just stuck to Pediasure till now.
pinkie u nid bb clothes ah? let me know me got clothes but hv to tell me bb boi or gal lah.... got other thgs too.... like the sealing disc for avent bottles those r like coming 2yr old liao hehe...... left in store n nearly forgetten... coz my bb gal i switched to the via cups

me CL is very pro BF, she's not those who believes in old wives tales..she reads up on BF issues n confinement n does a very good job in cooking..yummy yummy..
moreover she's veri neat n clean..

as compared to my #1's CL...She's my preferred choice. my #1's CL is those old wives tales..not very pro bf..anyway she's retired liao..

if ur friend keen 2 get my CL, can get her to contact my CL B4 she leaves lor..then dun have to call her m'sia # since she's now @ my place. Btw, she charges me $1.8k, she's frm KL.
how, good stuff? :->

PR mummies (esp mummies staying near St 12), do you have BN / pre-loved toys suitable for 6-12mo to sell? prefer only major brands like FP, Leapfrog, Playskool, Combi. keen on plastic toys only. let me know if you have any yah? thanks!
u still wanna wen4 shen2? see if it fits ur schedule...

thurs 8pm
sun 2pm
1st and 15th day of each lunar mth 8pm

if u still wan, can PM me for the address... thnx...
Wah... so many posts since I last logged in *faint*

oic, so i should start collecting bottles lor... just in case. do you accumulate a few times den freeze it or one bottle per express? if not filled up, then take up space in the freezer right?

np - i have some lah, but my mom keeps complaining it's not enough lor...

oh great! just to be sure - you stay pasir ris also hor?

me working so probably can only drop by after work or weekends... thanks in advance!!

mine's a boy but i'm quite ok, as long as not flowery/frilly... thanks in advance too!!
oh btw, ladies!

how did you decide on your bb's chinese name? i'm not too good at chinese so it's a challenge for me leh...
hi pinkie, my hubby's uncle knows of a taiwanese master but he doesn't come cheap. he gave discount and still had to cough up SGD600 for each name!

otherwise go to the over-hyped You Long Zi at Geylang
wah - so X *faint*
yeah, my frens suggest You Long Zi but heard also not veri cheap...
so what do i need ah? bb's "8-characters" right?
heh heh, most masters would just need the date and time lah. they'll then convert into the chinese lunar ones and analyse. my twins were just 1 min apart but according to the master, my boy has a better life. hiak hiak hiak. his chinese name really cheena but no choice.....we din give them any dialect names also.
hi pinkie, i also went you long zi, paid $100 3 yrs ago. Just have to call them and tell them the time and date. 1 or 2 days later can go and collect. Will give you a list of middle and last names, then u can mix and match. He'll also give you a little "insight", like told me my boy would be stubborn very hard to teach. Ha! so true.
dunno if i'll need glass bottles, 1st timer so i also hear-say from everywhere... haha
starting to keep the bird's nest bottles liao, just in case.
home-made purees? u mean when bb weaning? wah, seriously i dunno how this all works *faint*

so you gave your twins english names? tot of them beforehand? i'm thinking (kinda lazy lah) of waiting for chinese name to be fixed first, then decide on the english name. but basically we already have a few english names in mind, just in case liao
hmm.. u still have you long zi's tel#?
$100 X hor :p
but from what you said, seems like he's quite accurate
the PM will be sent directly to ur email... i dun believe in geomacy... n since my fil is a medium then we ask God to choose lor...
P1nk1e , sorry the other mum just confirmed that she will be picking up the glass bottles tonite.

PM will be sent to the email you used to register the account. can check the email u used by logging in to edit/view ur details at the top left hand corner of the webpage
P1nk1e , if you have not delivered yet, u can get the glass bottles from the hospital. Ask in the morning cos they will have glass bottles left from the nite feeds.
The plastic caps for the bottles can be purchased from hospital pharmacy... hope that helps.
so pple complained that You Long Zi at Geylang is too comercialised... but i went to him anyway. The charge is still 100 bucks per name.

got this from another thread:
you long zi contact no: 67440148.
Add: geylang lor 34,a shop house in front of Kwang hwa school.

basically once you given birth, call and provide time of borth and gender. They will ask u to collect the list of name the next day.
hi pinkie, heh heh, slowly slowly lah. at least u have been collecting glass bottles. i din even collect any, i just feed them when they needed to suckle so have no excess. they were already on FM at the hospital and when we went home, i was just the vending machine while waiting for their milk bottles to be prepared!
i totally stopped BF at 2 months.

if you need the jars, let me know lah. each is only 110ml, quite small actually.
np at all, anyway me juz collecting juz in case

you mean hospital actually dispose all glass bottles after every feed? i'll try to ask from them when i deliver then!

and thanks for the contact - me KIV for now
me like very ks hor.. hehehe
if as yami said, i can get from hosp then i dun need more bottles for now lah...
you can give it to those who need them - tks for offering hor!
yes, hospital dispose the bottles after every feed. they will prob give it to u without the metal cap, anyway not advisable to reuse the metal caps cos may rust. better to buy plastic caps which can be sterilised.

where will u be delivering? I know Mount A should be no prob...will give glass bottles upon request. But i heard it's not easy to get from KKH.
KKH oso can get mah... i got mine from KKH... took twice from them cos my bb has to be hospitalised... total up got abt 20+ bottles... in end threw all away when i stop BFing...
Hi P1nk1e,

For KKH, when i request for glass bottles, they gave me 2 big packets. So happy to bring along 6 bottles twice a day for them. I've to indicate their names and date of EBM (Expressed Breast Milk) I don't have so much to freeze them in freezer. Already very pleased and proud to have 2 rows in the fridge. Considering,I'm feeding twins not 1 baby. phew.

You can call up and check with your hospital whether they give bottles upon request and does the pharmacy sells the caps.
i heard kkh harder to get from one mummy. but guess it depends on whether they have stock. i didnt stay at kkh before, so it's just hearsay.

plastic caps, the hospital pharmacy should sell
Like what sincerity suggested, call and check with the hospital beorehand to confirm or check out the mount e thread in the forum

i forgot to leave my CL contact # :p
Her name is Aunty Jin Yin Hp 82396132 (s'pore #) 020122443938 ( M'sia #)

I also have quite about 20+ glass bottles with plastic caps. U can PM me if u need, then dun have to waste $$ to buy.. i prefer using milk bags fridge got limited space..haha
Hi mummies,

just to share, I bought 2 stapless stapler at ard $2+ definitely less than $3. Can't remember the exact price, threw away receipt. White sands @ More than words shop.

Welcome didi!
wow....this thread is getting active

welcome Didi!!
PR got alot of twins leh.
maybe i can join in the club on my second pregnancy

i dun remember the price for Dumex step 1. will ck for you when my hb go down to get FM next time.

my tis agent very funnie de.
i hv never met her.
i wrote to her co, she sent me sms of the nanny's add and profile.
asked me to go and visit and settled everyting myself.

maybe it's bcoz i dun pay her agent fees kua.
paisey.....i have no record which agent co tis is.

i called up alot lo.
some replied, some dun and some are full of lies

so you have to prepare a set of questions to ask the nanny when you meet.
state your requirement. dun trust the agent to do it for you.

i specifically told one agent i do not want smoking family. this agent told the nanny to lie.
lucky i found out after long chat with the nanny.
tsk tsk tsk.

thank you!! i will fwd it to my gf.
may i ask how old is your CL?

i am actually doing homework for myself too.
KS hor??
