Mummies in Pasir Ris

Char, I also dun have MS too so I guess depends on each individual bah. I also dun believe the worse the MS the healthier the bb is! Har har har!

Lao liao, no more energy for #3 or #4 liao although I dun mind having more. Maybe only if I be a SAHM..... Else no time for the kids

aiyo can't the both of you too! no MS wan......

i didn't realise that you're due so soon! must be excited bah?

yeah no MS.... ;) and I eat anything and eveything...wahahaha

yes, gonna c-section on the 5th May 8.30am
C is beri excited...everyday telling me she can't wait for mei mei to come out etc...
so envy! how come you going for c-section leh? looking forward to seeing pics of your NB.

oh ya, i had my check up yday and everything is fine, thank God. 2 weeks ago the fetus was about 2.2cm and yday it was 3.8cm.
happy.gif no #3 lah...i will announce loud loud if i do hv...bbut too bad..dun think i hv this chance to announce..hahhaa

i dun hv MS for both...sooooo..hmmmm..really canot unerstand the feeling..
no need to understand the feeling.

but if you realy really wanna "feel" it, very similar to motion sickness.
sit cannot, stand cannot, eat cannot, puke till stomach cramp and no mood for anyting.
even if theres a gold bar infront of me, i also cant be bothered to pick it up.

can imagine???
hmm...trying very hard to understand...but sure not a very gd experience...and therefore...dun bother..hahahhaahha
Congratz, Char~~

Wow, all this talk about MS and preggie brings back "fond" memories :p
I din have MS that I can speak of, but did feel bloated after meals...

Very soon liao... countdown 3 more days to go~~~
yeah yeah, the description is pretty much like what mbb mentioned. really cant be bothered with everything. house dirty i also dun care, even if sam comes back later with air tickets for a holiday to somewhere i also dun want to go. can't be bothered with what leticia does, as long as she doesn't burn down the house can liao. and i'm soooo tired!

morning mummies

congrats to all due soon and nw w bb!!!!!!!

hehehe so long mia nw pop out see so many msg on ms and preg.... all so distant memory hehehe
in case u din get my sms.
sorry for dashing off like tat earlier hor.
HRH Meg poo almost come out yet she refused to use public toilet.....

btw mummies, how do you all handle huh?
normally her poo timing is at home but like today, we are outside and she refused to use public toilet.
any advice?
Happy Mother's day to all!

Sheris, finally see you here again!

mbb, sean also refused to do big biz in public toilet unless is hotel std. Once, he had a tummyache and hb brght him to the toilet, hb came out and said sean is like me, refused to do it and kept complaining that is dirty :p anyways he somehow endured until we got home. Cant imagine when I've to toilet train A, gulpz, now go out is non of my biz if hb is ard
hehhehehe happy mummy day to alll.....

wat to do nw finally out of job hahaha... but starting new job wed.... so nw eating snake......
Mbb, I bring along a bottle if those toilet seats sanitized n I clean the seat in front of my girl . I carry those paper type of seat covers sometimes.

Actually I myself try not to use toilet outside but I try nit to complain toilet dirty when we r outside cos I dun want my girl to try hold it till we get home
pink - ur short form really very short leh.....

hehehehe having almost the best time of my life.... got a new job hahahahahahahah but maybe the new job also may not suit me kekekeke....

re:toilet issue
santiliser, toilet disposable cover, good pair of legs to hold the kid when using squatting toilet at least not tt dirty .... rush to hotel toilets hehehehe all my own experience.... then last resort if the kid still small u do ur business in ur pampers then later mummy clear u up.... hehheeheh
Sheris : gd pair of legs for squatting toilet ? I trying to imagine... Mothers r v noble !

My girl usually refuse to do it in her pampers after she toilet trained. Know where's the dirtiest toilet I encountered ? One of the Yong ping stops toilet on our way to genting . Can faint once u step in

i have all those with me le including a good pair of legs (heeee...) but my princess still refused lo. and she no longer wear diaper.

the walk back was long so i suggest she do her business at our clubhouse toilet, she also refused. die die must do at home.

wed, start new job huh? happy working again

eat snake for some time liao how come MIA soooooooo long?


HRH also refused to walk near the wet market due to the smell.
since bb i awready carry her there. tot she should be ok.....haiz.

kids tis days really very spoilt!
good to hear from you again. good luck in your new job.

congrats to you on being a mummy again. do put up some pics of your new princess when u free.
char, check with juxta, the CL that I recommended her seem to hv quite good reviews (I had never use her before though). Or if not, the CL that I used when I had twins is good too (but rather old liao), if u keen sms me.
the one juxta had is not free during nov. how old is the one you had for your twins? will she nag is i take a shower ah? :p
OIC, she will not nag, but she will say "NO"! keke.. after all, u r the one paying her, I guess if u insist, she will just hv to go ahead with it ba? For us, we compromised and I bath weekly. She also restrict my coffee intake! But she cooks really well, even though she is a vegeterian. My maid then was terrible, she cannot stand it and help me to do simple house chores, even though she is not required too. When she was ard, my house is cleaner! haha.. so not long after she left I finally fired my then maid!

I was really amazed by her, she can feed/bath my twins (they were hard to handle with 2 hrly feed, short naps and freq bowels), cook (3 kinds of food, vegeterian for herself, confinement for me, and normal food for hubby), washing of clothes (she insist on hand wash of baby clothes and even insist on clothe diapers during the days, even though we told her it will be too troublesome as we hv twins) and general cleaning of kitchen and toilets (cos my maid is just too slow and dirty!). Sometimes I even had to ask her to go sleep! haha..
ask you all, have you taken prenatal DHA during your pregnancy? during L's time my gynae included multi-vits (but dun have DHA) in his package but this time it's different. gotta buy prenatal vitamins and also DHA separately. wonder if it's necessary to take DHA.
Char, I took NeuroGain for both my pregancies. I started on NeuroGain fr 2nd T. Usually gynae will sell it at a slightly higher price, so for the viatmins(Calcium/ Iron tables) or DHA (NeuroGain), u can check out those pharmacies located in the polyclinics.
hello mummies,
I stay in pasir ris too and would like to find out which CC you are sending your kids to? I have a 16mth old boy and intend to send him to CC soon. Any recommendations pls? So far been to Nissi only but dont like it. thanks in advance
Hello all Pasir Ris Mummies,

I have just moved to Pasir Ris 6 months ago.
I belong to September 09 Mummies and Tampines Mummy Club.

Hope to join this thread and meet up with all of you and our babies soon

Hi wenlim , welcome to the thread !
Our thread v quite lately
Pr mummies v busy ??

Ag : u can visit CD. I went once n liked the plc, but my plc a bit far, so still trying to figure out transport arrangements.

thanks dsii and yami, ok I will go and check it out. CD is walking distance from my place. I wanna send my boy to sch but yday my hb objected. he said to send only when he is old did u gals send ur toodlers?
