Mummies in Pasir Ris

hi nana! miss u too

oh yes, wanna inform you all that Nissi Childcare is having an open house on 24th Apr from 10am-2pm. Addy is blk 443 #03-02

wow so diff to buy a small tin of NAN leh....went to so many supermarkets...dun sell small tin.....only big tin!!!

btw wat faintz?


when did bao has 2 Cs? She has 1 E and C ;)
hehehe, yah lah, i have 1 C & 1 E

the open house is to introduce the childcare loh. we'll prob drop too by as it's Open House cum Family Day so the students can participate in games & activites; we go kpo kpo
u might want to go see the facilities and the syllabus?
pinkie, shd be from 10am-2pm

every friday is an activity day, quite fun. they will be visiting the Hay Diaries Goat Farm next friday as their theme for April is Food Fiesta where the syllabus for that month centres ard this theme.

dun worry too safe lah....if the sch wanna parents to coy they will let u know..if not the teachers can handle lah....

the school is taking C and her classmates to watch Magic Garden at Esplandane this Friday too
check check - if anyone's got a copy of the Singapore Women's Weekly - March copy - can lend me? juz wanna look for an article inside... kam siah~~
u r nauseous??
are u.....?

maybe u wanna consider Dr. Lim at Raffles clinic in Tampines One.
thx again.

thnx. i'm only in my 10th week, still early stage. EDD is mid nov. juxta guessed when i said i couldn't meet up cos gotta go for gynae check up last mth but didn't ask me until i told her when i asked her for her CL's contact. i oso told her not spread the good news yet cos that time still very very early stage and i was worried that history may repeat in most cases of a miscarriage. but so far the development of the fetus looks positive, thank God.

so far my gynae has been seeing me every 2wks becos he wants to keep a close track of the development becos of wat happened the last time and am on medication too. tmrw is my next check up. will keep u all posted.
mbb, thanks for the doc recommendation.. I went back to Dr S on Mon and was totally piss! Dun think I will ever go back there again

char, take care!
Actually if I had 2 boys first.. dun think I will ever dare to try for a 3rd baby! Boys are so much harder to manage! (Or is it just my boys are harder than my gal?!)

So dsii, if u ever try for Ivory, I super pei fu u! keke..
YK, ya boys are indeed harder than gal, lucky Sean came first, if i had it easy 1st time round, I think i'd comatose when Sean comes as No. 2. We're so used to his hyperactivity and mischief, nothing much rattles us anymore. I think I've to pick a school nearer to home, I'd expect the tch want to see me very often leh wahahah. Ms A was telling me she gave K2 class a telling off, my monkey was still talking and fidgeting away, the rest of the class dun even dare to breathe.

dsii, yalor Ivory coming
Wah Char

If you coming back to PR tomorrow, let me know leh, see if I can sneak out to destress or not!

I one boy, one gal also feel like siao char bor everyday liao. Dont dare to think of no#3 at all
hmm, how come most of my friends ard me..after 2 boys they dun even dare try for 3rd one liao for gal ;)

Actually, boy or girl to me is ok as long as they are healthy and fine...some boys beri guai and some hyper ;)
thank you mummies for your well wishes. looks like dsii is keeping a very low profile..... :p

i'll be going to pr tmrw but i dun think will meet up cos i feel very tired whole day and nauseous from evening onwards. damn sian feeling until i tell myself that i'm very sure i'll close shop after this. cannot tahan going thru this again. no more! that's it! unless accident then no choice lah.....
Ibs and Char,

I ask Hb want #3 and he give up as he said... gonna hv 3 women coming after him.....Now C also complain and scold him leh....

I dun mind #3...kekke
what you mean dsii keeping low profile..nan dao... lol

maybe no#3 is boy it will balance up, tell your hb that..
i admire you leh. going thru all this during pregnancy and you dun mind to have 3rd one. i cannot tahan liao.

no lah, i mean she feels pressurised everytime we mention ivory to her so think she'll keep low profile for now. haha.
char, hows the checkup? Human beings are forgetful lah, I had bad MS during A, but my gynae's asst comforted me, the worst the MS means the bb is doing real well, is a reminder that bb is growing kekeke. I wont mind having a 3rd too, but cant afford it.

actually I love children ...well, at times they can get to ur nerves bt at times u enjoy their coy

bt like wat Juxta mentioned, cannot afford to hv 3 kids in spore leh...beri exp with infant care, child care, enrichment classes etc...

i can imagine how tough it is during A's time plus you had to send sean to sch etc. you're a strong woman!

those comforting words "the worse the MS the better the baby is growing" - think i mentioned b4 that i no longer believe in that after knowing dsii. she had no MS at all and look how healthy her 2 boys were at birth. i vomited like mad during L's time and at one time she wasn't growing well. i had to take med to make my blood thin so that nutrients can flow better to her for few mths. then come out liao, she had bronchiolits at 1.5mo, fell sick and had to be nebulised every to account for that?

i'm wondering if MS is genetic. a fren told me it could be. her sister and herself only felt nauseous but didn't throw up during their pregnancies, just like when their mum was pregnant with them. my mum leh, had nausea and threw up till 6-7mths with both me and my sis. my grandma had nausea and vomited till she delivered for her 3 daughters, and vomited till 7mths for her son. lucky me vomited till 3mths+. hopefully by leticia's time she wont get MS.

care to share your mum's and your experience? wonder if there is some connections.....
Char.. dun think MS is genetic lah. My mum had bad MS while preggie.. but i never had during my pregancies..

I really peifu u gals for the courage to go thru so much. The only uncomfort that I had was very bad rash while preggie with my twins, lucky it was during the last mth that it occured, and i beg my gynae to deliver them earlier! If I had bad MS like u ladies, think I may not dare to hv #2!

But it is really ironical, I dun really like children and I am bless with 3 baobeis. Whenever I tell people that I dun really fancy kids, they will go "huh?! U sure?!" keke...
agree with memory of my puking like no tmr is very fade le.
at times, i am keen to try for #3.

rest more and try not to carry L too much ya.
very very happy for you & S
can't stand you & dsii! no MS at all? so lucky!! eh, u're not the only one. i once never wanted to have kids at all but i guess God has made me change my mind.

thnx. i've explained to L that the baby inside me is so heavy so cannot carry her. so far she seems to understand in fact just now after i explained that to her she said i'm big girl i can hold hands and walk.
Char, I cant recall my mom telling me she had bad MS when preg with me and my bro. Sean was easy leh, only thing very tired, no MS, only abit of motion sickness now and then, that's how i put on like almost 30kgs, gulpz

A really very uncomfy and she gave me bad rashes on my torso, i'm still carrying the scars, lucky has faded quite abit. But cannot complain liao, both very kind to me, never give me pigmentation nor breakout. I have a friend whom got problematic complexion when preggy and couldnt shake it off even after birth
30kg!!! that's a lot. i still have a bit of outbreak but that's becos i didn't take care of my skin, just wash and that's it. now really can't be bothered to do a lot of things. my 1st tri with L was bad MS, 2nd tri was ok, 3rd tri was also not bad until last 2 mths where my legs were swollen like elephants legs. i had to sit down on a stool while i showered cos my feet couldn't take the weight and they felt sooo tired and heavy. ya i heard of some ppl who suffered bad rashes like YK and outbreak like your fren. i guess we're considered lucky.
char/mbb, ok lah 20++++kgs sounds better? But come to think of it, damn shiok leh! hahaha, it'll never happen again liao.


I dun hv MS for both pregnancy leh..just tired only. This time round I only put on 8kg compare to 1st pregnancy...more than 15kg

Yes, tell L that u cannot carry her for the time being etc n she will understand n listen.

When I told C that I cannot carry her etc...she understand and mature now...speak to me like an adult and tell me why I cannot carry her etc...kekeke...

Now she can't wait for mei mei to come out on the 5th May
