Mummies in Pasir Ris


for u u need to find sponsors ASAP as think u need to be member for at least 2 to 3 yrs....

sighs this is stressful, although my hb's old sch is not a fantastic one, but is at least affiliated to SJI and St Pat's, if he cannot make it on his own merit, I'd have lesser to worry cos is always the route for them and then to CJC, i cant believe this is coming out from me hahahha. My sil's fren son in st stephen's now, a new principal has taken over and super onz to push up the grades until parents are petitioning! My other choice would be EPPS, I'm under 1km and they dun have PV, I'm on equal footing as the rest
haha.. I can't believe I actually go for PV too, used to tell everyone that dun be so KS lah.. but my teacher friend keep drilling me to go be a PV.. haiz.. I just wan a normal neighbourhood sch that is near my place.. y need to go thru so much?!

Juxta, u mean Elias Park? Fr the statistics, 2009 there was balloting for within 1km too.. wow no pv, good leh, at least u dun hv to "fan" like me.. to take the chance or to go do pv
i also read from Kiasuparent site.
chief mentioned/annouced tat PR primary bo ballot within 1km tis yr somewhere....

tats y i am not too keen la.
the condo ard Paya Lebar Methodist is not very nice (to me) and we cant afford those in Bukit Timah
Hi Hosanna and all PR mummies,

I'm a PR mummy and only recently quit my job to be SAHM...

Just wanna share my comments abt Bethesda PR kindergarten.... My girl goes to K1 in Bethesda... She started since N2 and we didn't have any problems signing her up for N2 class... My husband was just jogging round the area and thought he just walk in to try his luck and got available space so he just immediately signed up then... maybe its easier to sign up at N2 level than K1 level...

The N2 teachers were really good... Can see that my girl and her classmates love their form teacher and assistant teacher alot. Almost every day come home and tell me that the teacher say this and that. She never complained about going to N2 school. However, this year in K1, my girl started to find excuse to say wanna skip school every now and then.... I'm not sure if its because the curriculum is repetitive (K1 is teaching the same ABC letterland phonics again, same as N2) or becos the teachers have changed and maybe not as caring... Overall, I still think Betheda PR is a really good school with nurturing and caring teachers. Not all are caring lar but most of them are...

Oh one important thing, recently, Bethesda announced increase in school fees wef 2011. Very siong!!

YES. Almost fainted when I received the letter from the school. Now its about $600+ for 1 term (incl materials etc) but next year, it will be $800+..... I told my husband that he gotta work harder ah... everything so expensive.
Mbb2: I think 1 term is 10 wks. It follows the standard school holiday calendar.

Dsii: yeah... The only thing is I think kindergarten is more academic than childcare. Last time, my girl goes to Jude CC and watch tv most of the time...
Welcome Ann,

wow the fees can pay for my gal full day CC leh...kekekeke

Jude CC let the kids watch TV ? wow a NO NO for me...heng my gal's CC dun let them watch TV
mbb..but kindy time is shorter...only 3-4 hrs..and has holidays...and still we hv to pay for that holiday...and drives me even more crazy..hahahahh
i still hafta pay for sch bus fare in June & Dec....and cant claim subsidy!

heee...but i still prefer Kindy over CC.
oh ya...hahha urs taking sch bus...
jialat hor...we shld be able to claim subsidy mah...
cos kindy more academic...
and oso cos i sahm lah..if working with no help..think bo bian hv to send cc bah...
bao, nuah, mbb
Wah very stress le now must start looking for school liao ah

Ya I was told the full day childcare around my place also let them watch TV especially during the June and Dec school holidays thats why I never send her to cc.
YK/dsii, oh ya forgotten, where are we having brekkie? I'm having a strained shoulder, may not be able to lug A out
YK, is common ailment among moms with toddlers lah. shoulder, back, neck ache and blah..... Your going ahead with it? then can I confirm tmr morning?

BTW, I've extra eclairs, anyone interested please PM/sms me!

last time I asked nurse to give found the smell too strong..also C all along dun drink FM as she was on total BM ;) and now she drink UHT or fresh 3 yrs liao leh...
hmm...can try mamil..similac..but heard similac very sweet...

nan..was told the ba wu very much like breastmilk..i oso dunno leh..cos both boys started with nan till 3plus...then i cheapo..switched to cheaper brands..
isaac's time i dunno de...just tat my sil mentioned nan so during hosp stay i requested from them oso..then since no prob with nan..then continued..then came ian...since korkor drank i gave him nan too..hehehe..
a fren of mine who tried a few brands find that nan's texture and taste is closer to BM, more dilute than FM.

eh, things to bring i think is some sets of clothing for you, a set of clothing for NB upon discharge, mittens and booties. eh...that's all i can remember. kekeke.....
Accoridng to PD, Nan is the cloest to BM. I am 100% Enfa supporter.. I like the milk smell and i like it that it has lesser bubbles.. I tried a few other brands.. dun like the ba wu leh, and they got more bubbles.. But I always hv a tin of Isomil on standby too..
hi all, anyone send their children to ballet classes @ PR Community Centre before? I was thinking of signing my girl for the class but dunno good or not...
