Mummies in Pasir Ris

thanks ladies, korkor is not having a fever anymore but still very cranky, dunno y.. didi had fever the very next day, but is still smiling and laughing.. now is jiejie turn! aiyo..

dsii ok, hopefully we can meet up next week, but maybe later part of the week, hopefully by then all are well and happily back to sch!

mommies, giving away some clothes. managed to find some time to clear out my kiddies' stash of clothes

* 1 small bag of toddler girl's clothes up to 12mo
* 1 small bag of toddler boy's clothes 12-24mo

not for fussies

anyone who needs or knows of any families who might need them, lemme know hor
oh dear! all 3 kids are sick. hope they all get well soon ya. L just today has running nose again. very bad weather and the haze too.

btw, any mummies wanna meet up during the term break?
Morning ladies! Phew, today all 3 keep asking to go to school! So off to school they went! keke.. jiejie is the best, did cling on to me, so scare i leave.. end up still hv to start with them till they are distracted at the playgrd! Wonder if i need to do this everyday!
YK, good to know that, next mon CD spring cleaning no school, must crack my head how to entertain sean. Hahaha I also wonder for awhile what is term break leh, cos childcare no break!! think they follow the MOE calendar, so there's a 1 week break in march?
juxta! haha.. thanks for reminding me! bring him to library? or ikea? maybe we can all go ikea and dump our kids at the play area! haha
YK, you mean the small world? bring him to library is as good as torturing myself, he's hyper and has an inbuilt amplifier that cannot be turned off!
haha.. like my 2 sons.. whenever we are in the library i feel so embarrass, they are forever talking loudly and running ard, the more u ask them to quiet down, the louder they talk! and they think it is funny! Ya, small world
Char, I'll miss childcare when he goes to pri sch next year, hahah

YK, same loh, when he's at the door, he can tell me mummy I'll talk softly and not run, next min he's all over the place liao.
need help ladies! my boys refuse to eat in cc! eversince they started cc, they reject the food there, first few days was not as bad, cos i was ard, so they took a few mouth.. then after they fell sick and return back to cc, they totally reject all food! even things like honey star and coco crunch! refuse to open their golden mouth, 1 single grain of rice also no, just soup and water! anyone hv any great idea to suggest? teachers are so worried, keep asking me wat i did at home.. err.. i use cane to threaten them actually.. but sch can't do that.. no caning/beating, not even threaten to..
aiyo cham lor. no advice on my side cos L doesn't eat much in sch either and thankfully her class is only 2hrs so she'll have lunch after sch dismissal. are your twins there whole day or half day? if half day then i guess not so bad cos can go home and have lunch. if whole day then it's worrying. think maybe becos they just recovered and still no appetite. L also like that, lately her appetite is bad becos she has phlegm, recovering from cough and blocked nose.

besides YK, no other mummies wanna meet up next week ah? dsii, where are you?!
Char, they are in sch whole day. Teacher told me there is slight improvement yday, just slight, so hoping is due to the flu, and they will start really eating soon.

Oh next week, think dsii and juxta shd be fine!Is it dsii & Juxta??!! Thu wld be good cos dsii stay slightly longer.
next week sch 2 terrors will be with me 24/7.. i sianz manz..

no plan and dun wan to plan leh...cos i think i will go crazy to chase after them..hahaha

when sch reopens lah..then we meet up..hehehe...
YK, i dun mind brekkie next week, monday also can, i can bring sean, he can diam diam with iphone for very long, he only worry i'll stop him too early hiak hiak

char, ur talking about fri night is it?
nuah, yalor kids nowadays very gadget right. He's super into iphone and wii, weekdays he only gets 45mins of tv/game time. Weekends abit let go. Wah C got DS ah, wat games she likes to play? i cave in to this iphone thingy only so I can have a meal in peace. ha!

C only gets to play wii once a wk at my in law's hse and she is a pro...kekeke

Ds belongs to me bt hv since belong to her...kekeke....I downloaded Dora, diego, etc for her....

as for iphone, I downloaded free or purchased those educational games for her and at home...on wkends....she will ask to play PC games online...kekeke
Hello mummies,

So bad, makes my eyes green with envy and long for our destress session. sob...

Do you know where to purchase those R4 card for DS and how much it cost? Thanks.

Maybe, you can try to bring some snacks for them ie favourite fruit to entice or reward them after their meal with their classmates? Think it'll take some time for them to adjust and you can start them on pediaure if you're worried on nutrient deficiency cos of skipped meals.

Like it or not, think they will try their diff food prepared by ther chef when they are hungry. That's called "survival skills". You have to keep encouraging them to have some food during lunch so they will not feel hungry and should inform the teacher if they are realy hungry.

Am comtemplating to upgrade my mobile. Think will end up in my sons's lap during long journey. Is yours a 16 or 32gb?

Can fully understand yr plight. Their school holidays = 24hrs hawk supervision for us. His tuition teacher just shared with me that I need to let go the reins in order to let N explore and learn. Being a mother, I can't help worrying that he'll get hurt cos he went ice skating with his class. Phew! he survived and came back 1 pc with lots of accidentally stunts and numerous falls.

Initially, I used to bring my gals back home for lunch/bathe even though the cc provides. I agree to let them consume their lunch at cc when they are ready to have meals with their classmates. That saves me a lot of cleaning/washing up. Instead of me taking turns feeding them, they learn to eat at their own pace. It was a wise decision : p

My gals just asked me if they can bathe on their own. Hmmm...maybe one at a time?
thur is ok with me during the day. meeting outside or go to one of your homes? i dun mind to meet at home cos the kids can play and i dun have iphone or wii to keep L occupied. :p if confirm meeting on thurs then i'll stay at my parent's plc on thur so fri day or night can meet oso.

glad to hear from you leh. L is in PCF 2hrs class and the teacher said that they serve snacks at about 11.45am. each day they serve diff things (mon-biscuits with barley water, tues-fried rice, wed-bread, thurs-noodles, fri-cereal with milk). lately she's been having blocked nose so no appetite to eat even at home. but with me, she'll have to eat more than she'd like to. hee hee! on good days when she finished her portion of snacks, she can even eat lunch at home.
sincerity, I'm more than happy that CC provides lunch, i hate to clean up. Although Sean dun really fancy, he doesnt eat 3/4 of the food provided initially but I convinced myself if I prep food for him when he returns home, he cant maximise his survival skills hah! As you've said, like it or not, somehow, sometime they'll eventually get used to it but it was very heartbreaking when teachers feedback he wouldnt eat much. I also didnt want to "spoil" him and make my life miserable. my niece is a super fussy eater, she wouldnt eat the food provided by school and the mom gotta rush to prep her food every single day. Now, she's in pri 2, her taste bud still very exquisite, you can count the things that she'd eat.

Sean has took to the task of showering himself and I must say he's not doing that bad afterall. I really gotta learn to close both eyes and let go, often my need for cleanliness may have stopped him from being independent tsk tsk tsk.

Char/YK/dsii, your talking about brekkie or lunch? Sean will be in sch, i'm only bringing A. The flu bug finally caught up, hopefully can recover b4 thurs

my nephew who is in N2 now....dun eat any food provided from his school!!! he is also another super fussy eater...only eat selected food...went holidays with him...super big headache!!!! He used to eat anything when he was much younger bt after that stop....
I'm ok for lunch.. ard wat time huh? Where?

Yday teachers told me my sons had improved in all areas.. including food! Relieve.. think must be the flu.. but now, every morning didi tell me dun wan to go sch liao!

Did i ever mentione that 2 of the x-CD teachers are taking my sons class now?!
i know what you mean. L also can't sit still and keep quiet for long. then if that's the case, wanna meet fri night bo? leave the kids with our hbs?
fri night i can't, think we just stick to thu lunch ba. we'll meet dsii some other days? lai ri fang chang! keke..

how abt mac? all children seems to like mac, maybe L can last a bit longer there? char, let u decide the venue ba!

juxta! haha.. i kn u wld be the first to ask who! tell u tomolo when we meet

today nan de all never cry and can hug and kiss and wave bye bye to me!so happy
lbs said she free tomorrow too...u all jio her...let her know venue n timing
i see how..if i gd mood to bring the terror out then i drop by...hahahhah
unfortunately, L is not one of those kids who likes mac, she's very unadventurous with food, she's strictly a noodles/chicken rice kid. but anyway, so sorry but i can't make it tmrw becos i've a gynae appointment on fri morning. gotta take a raincheck. you ladies go ahead ba.
hello mommies!

my co is having an in-house fund raiser by organising a "Bring & Buy for Charity" day on 25th Mar. the beneficiary is All Saints Old Peoples Home. anyone who has items to be donated, pls buzz me hor

these items should be in reasonably good condition and of value to somebody who would like to purchase. for items that are not sold and cannot be given to other charity organizations will be returned back to the owner
Hi 5, I have less work to do ie. cleaning up the mess all over the dining area. lol :p But I'd still prefer them to have proper meals at home.
On certain days, Nick would prefer me to prepare quick lunch or finger food for him to eat during their recess. At least, I know he's eating.

With 20 minutes of recess time, imagine need to go to the loo, q up to buy food, if the food/soup is too hot, the child simple skips the meal and settle for a packet of drink instead. Or worst, just vegt with gravy over the rice. heartache leh. Think MOE should reconsider extending the recess to half an hour.

Good news,
I & A have been showering themselves and prep their skin with face, lip and body cream afterthat. Still very drying now.

Though my gals are not with CD, am also very keen to know who's with the other CC. Feel me in!

H1N1 vaccination
Did you get your child immunised with the above jab? Over here, they are encouraging ppl to have and it's 2 dose for children. Appreciates any feedback : ) Thanks!
so long din check in here....whats up everyone?

u sick sick huh? rest more ya.

i personally dun believe in flu or other extra jabs.
in HK, every year the govt will encourage us to take flu jab (for diff strain).
no end to it.
H1N1 also have many diff strain rite?


Wave2 : ) They have 2 dose cos of the 'so many" strains. Each to prevent diff seasons and types. You're right. Seems never it's more on social responsibility. Dun want to end up infecting others.
