Mummies in Pasir Ris

morning mommies, have a pair of rainboots to pass on. my cousin gave them to me but unfortunately no chance for C to wear them. size is 6, outersole is 16cm. probably suits feet measuring ard 14-15cm. not for fussies as there some scuff marks on the front

also some infant pillow cases to give away. posted on sgfreecycle and were choped but the person din collect. tsk tsk


Nuah, think able to neh. U wanna try? Can put together with the spree items when they arrive. C likes to wear slippers only so I dun think she'll like rainboots :p
tks bao and char~
yah... getting old liao... after passing the big 3 mark choose not to remember my bd... muahahahah

my mom bugging me to send ah boy to "school" liaoz...
i going down nissi to take a look tomolo... ur kids in 1/2day childcare?
btw, i bio bio nearby got jude, why u din enroll there ah? nearer to your place leh :p
Pinkie, u still young lah!

Jude is near to my place but it's void deck type so din consider it. And it's near to a busstop so very noisy too. Mine in Nissi is flex-care. Officially is 2 hours only. Class starts at 930am & ends at 1130am. But most kids come in btw 9-930am & go into the assembly area (playroom) to wait for class to start.
hee, i went to nissi see/look today, saw C & E playing in rubber pool so cute~~
den E even came up to me and show me his ball, maybe he recognized me? :p

i see the curriculum, oni 1 lesson hor...
i din see sing song/dance/music lessons... u know if they have?

btw, you enrolled in N2 or childcare ah?
ooooo, u saw them ah! har har har! yah, today is activity day, water play

their curriculum is 45 mins of lessons from 9.30-10.15am. followed by a break. then another 45mins of chinese. every day of the week has a theme so maybe every Monday learn alphabets or every Tuesday learn maths. they also have music. Fridays are special, they will have an activity. once a month the teachers will organise an outing on a Friday, maybe walk ard the neighbourhood (they did that last Fri) or go to other places in Singapore

i can make a copy of their curriculum

they are in N1; your ah boy will be in playgroup or N1 lor, depending on when u wanna enroll him
Hi everyone! i havnt been posting for the past months..but i m glad to announce that i will most pro move in to my new hse @ Pasir Ris by end March!

My previous username was S@L ....but that acc have been suspended...still waiting for MOD to reinstate. So this is my new username for the moment.

I hv been staying with my mum (also in Pasir Ris along dr 3) for the past 4 mths since i sold my place in Sengkang.
hope to hv more spare time to catch up with u ladies for kopi someday aft i settle down my new hse!
bao, thanks for remembering me

By the way other than Nanabear's Tiffany in CarpeDiem, anyone else's darlings are there too? My girl, Mischa joined Tiffany's class since last Dec. She cried buckets when she first started. After a week she was ok and enjoyed going to school. But i dunno what happened aft the long weekends during the 1st week of CNY, she was a changed person. Now she will struggle and cry buckets whenever i get her ready for school. Upon reaching school, she will hold on very tightly onto me. Recently i signed her up for the speech n drama enrichment in the CC, acccording to her teacher, she seem to fear the S&D teacher...will cry no stop whenever she sees him.
And at home also very clingy to the bad weather really driving me nuts these days.
Hi Mischa,

My daughter is in Carpe Diem too - for now, she is in Year 2008 class even though she was a late 2007 child. . Just started in Feb this year. Cried for 2 weeks - even woke up in the middle of the night to wail and say she doesn't want to go to school. Thank God that phase is over! Now she is quite happy about going, though she says she likes staying home better. she likes her teachers, and has a special friend in class

Hopefully for your girl it is a phase and she will get over it soon. after she says good bye to you, she is ok when for the rest of the day?
bao, oh yah almost forgot

avocado, my girl joined the last yr's toddler class so that she can be in the same class as the N1 batch this yr. She is usually ok aft i leave her...enjoying the song n dance and the routine. Its just the morning seperation anxiety suddenly. Nowadays i ask hubby to send her instead cos my heart pain
Mischa, my boy is in K2, when he started in N1 he was real cool about it, then suddenly he started crying 2 weeks into school every morning when we reached sch. This went on for quite awhile esp difficult on a monday and after long hols. I've to keep talking to him when I walk him to school and jittery he's going to break into tears halfway yet still have to pretend cool. I just leave him at the door, say a firm goodbye, tell him I'll see him later and go. His teachers say he'll be ok once he mixes with his friends.

dsii, ur barang still here leh, u forgot liao ah? hehehe

YK, enjoying life as SAHM again?
aiyo...paiseh memory...haiz...

when wanna hv breakie together???

lbs? yk? mbb?? can join bo?
Mischa, it is quite common for kids to cry.. I had the same problem as wat Juxta mentioned too. But now my gal is so happy going to school. Everyday say she wanna go school. My gal is in CD in K1, she is enjoying class, and loves the S & D teacher! I hv seen him with the kids, he seems quite nice.

Juxta, life is rather chaotic now.. my boys just started cc but at another school. Think this sch is very diff from CD! Sigh.. no choice, convenience is more impt now! I had been going to sch with them these few days.. very tiring..

Btw, do they teach anything at N1?!
i anything lah..can go to the blk 400plus coffeeshop... anytime after 9am ... just let me know ...

n1 at ian's loh..hahaha and of cos teach san zi jing and letterlands...but more play manner...
Hehehe, my terrors' N1 has worksheets to do sia! Just received their Jan & Feb finished Chinese worksheets, quite impressed :p
faintz! what childhood does kids have nowadays. I see the homework sean brings home every weekend, i feel my BP going up. But looking at his blog, I think he's having fun in school, varied activities that keeps him well entertained.

dsii, hahah i also forgot until i went to open up my "storeroom". brekkie can, but can aircon anot? i'm not functioning too well with this burning smell lately, temper and headache flaring up, hehe very spoilt hor

YK, u let ur domestic helpers go ah? which sch are the twins in now?
my twins seem to be settling quite ok.. but we are with them at least the morning part, meal times and nap time.. today I am trying to let the teachers handle these "critical" times and see how they adjust.

twins at YWCA, their class got quite a few attention seekers! even fr outsider view, i think it is very difficult to handle this class! and guess wat, 2 of ex CD teachers recently join them!

me ok with 9 plus now! haha.. cos that's the time the twins settle down at playground! haha.. can we meet at the air-con kopi shop? tomolo?

bao, I finally "met" ur twins! saw them with ah-ma and helper this morning on their way to sch!
me ok with tomolo, ya, near town council. if juxta dun wan, i dun mind white sand too, but must let me kn earlier so i can bring my ez link! keke..

bao, they very cute, look here look there, curious abt everything! yaya.. saw them outside YWCA

wow...chinese worksheets...they writing in chinese? C's school more of art n crafts for them and no writing worksheets for them yet...N2 then hv worksheets....


C's school also learning letterland in school...kekekeke
yk, hehehehe, can imagine their KPO looks... :p

nuah, theirs are more on activities, not on writing. like coloring, cut & paste, draw the correct pics in boxes, matching etc
quite cute sia. then they get to bring back their artwork after the techer has taken them down from display board

oh sama sama as C....she gets to bring back all the artworks like coloring etc....

now C dun even wanna write in Chinese...those like yi, er, san...she said she only wants English!!! Pengz
letterland phonics loh...a way to learn a,b, c....and so on...

like annie apple. a a a.. bouncy ben b b b
yo no wonder ears itchy...heard my name mentioned. kekeke

Tomorrow 930am cannot, got call at 10 to 11am leh..
Dun postpone lah.. we 3 also can meet up?

Think my twins' class also no writing.. more on activities.. and 1 day 2 times playgrd!

My twins cannot understand Chinese, so when it is Chinese class, they got super bored and wander ard the whole sch!Korkor was so bored till he go carry the dustbin and try to change it's location! Faintz!

Bao, think ur twins are better, not as KPO as mine! Imagine, 2nd day in sch, korkor so bored in Chinese class till he suddenly annouce to the whole class "Everybody drink water!", and really all students run to get their water bottles. Then when the teacher gets the class up and dancing and running in the class, he scolded them "No running, mummy take cane!" Then today 3rd day, the dustbin relocation!
Yk, ya lor. Kor kor is so farni! Very entertaining neh....

C is more keen to learn. E will stand up and dance at the back of the class when he's bored. We actually caught him singing to himself and rolling ard the floor in class
Mei Mei will be the one sitting right in front of the teacher and listening intently. Though E seems not to be paying attention, when u ask him after school, he can give the correct answers wor.

ur twins so cute and funny


dun play play with E hor....dun think he is not playing all the time...kekeke

bt when at home, E is more quiet than C leh...always see C running ard...wahahahahah.....then in school...guai guai...some kids are like home behave like monkey bt once in beri niece and nephew used to be like that.....
kids are like that. you think they may not be listening but they actually are. like L, she seems to be moving about in church and playing with her cousin all the time but one day she actually sang a line of a hymn and took me & hb by surprise.
keke.. thanks.. Korkor is the naughty one, but he is also the charmer. When I am angry with him, he will wink at me and start to switch eye winking until i laugh! Yday at sch, he refuse to take a nap, go rd the sch and say "helo everybody" to all the teachers and show off his winking act!

But like C, when the teacher teach the subjects that he is interested in, he will move right to the front and listen intently and if someone is blocking him, he will say "I cannot see!" loudly till the person shift! haha.. while didi, is just like E, will be walking ard or not paying attention but when u ask him later, he give the right answers too!

Think they had too much fun in the sch, korkor is down with fever but still ask to go to sch. Didi happily go to school alone, but want me with him!
hows ur boy??? ok liao buay?
me n juxta chatted fr 9plus to 12pm..hehhee...

yk..if wanna meet then next thurs liao
sigh.. so envy, will try to join next thu! korkor still fever.. even after med, still can't perspire.. but he is still talking a lot, just not eating much. didi is happily in school.. err.. i think, at least i checked this morn seems ok
YK, poor korkor, the weather so hot still fever, must be so xinku. next thu i got another brekkie date liao leh
hope kor kor gets well soon. i myself just recovered from running nose, sore throat and cough. then just now kena running nose out of the blue again!
