Mummies in Pasir Ris

i like Yan Palace at Hong Lim Complex. Find the price reasonable and dim sum is good. But only the dim sum is nice, I tried their dinner, dun really like it.

Red Star dimsum is very nice
Hi YK & Lian Rong,

I have visited both CD & Nissi.

We are pleased with both centers. Now, I am deciding which to go. I have pm you, pls take a look.


kekeke, i think is called shuangxi lou, a restaurant beside the lion city hotel.

oh if u guys willing to travel a bit further, ah yat abalone at turf city also serves dim sum and they've 40% discount on weekends, 50% on weekdays
no didnt buy from BP. i bought all my CNY snacks from nearby places like ntuc, minimart or bakeries. can't be bothered to go & collect from people. :p
Hi mummies anyone interested in English creative writing class? Held at your place. Need at least 2 to start. Interested can PM me. Trying to get some students to get pocket money. Am a qualified current school teacher on no-pay leave. Looking at Tue/Fri morning so for those in P1/2. See results in just 2 lessons. Proven track record. If friends interested can recommend. Any queries feel free to PM me.
Dsii, paiseh i'm only free in the morning. The schools have all gone single or partial session in pasir ris so p3 should be in am session ba!
I'm now available to teach P3-6 creative writing at my place Blk 227. On Tuesday 5-6pm.

Includes vocabulary lists, creative writing phrases, how to plan a story, editing and publishing.

Interested can PM me. Able to take up to 4 students only.

it's an hour per lesson, coz focus on writing alone. Too long the children will become restless.. Plus it's 1 hour of teaching and short activity then got home assignment to hand in so I can mark. If 1.5hr you need to pay more and not productive.
thanks for ur explanation!!

u stalk me ah? hahahhaa
ok need use to much strength need to use my cow strength to dry the mop times i even ask iz to mop for the 'drying' part gd need to dirty my she has the more improved set..shld be better than mine bah...
clean bo ah? ok loh..just that i dun hv to use too much strength to wring the mop head dry loh...just a few steps can liao...
char, i also got a new mop in the storeroom, but the aunty in me cannot resist the wring function that dsii gave such good reviews! tsk tsk
pls feedback after u use the mop hor.
i am keen but juz got new mop so cant buy yet.
the wringing part is not much of a problem for me with my new mop cos i use the thingy placed on a pail, cannot tahan use hands to wring. just that becos the material is kindda like rubber foam, need to exert some energy when mopping it cos got a bit of friction btwn the mop and floor but it happens on certain kind of tiles like my rooms and living room. kitchen tiles are smoother to mop. overall it's clean and the floor is not too wet. and its absorbent too if you use it to wipe off spilled water.
i oso use the thing to place on the mob leh....but still must use some stength..hahaha..dun see me big size...i actually very 'ruo nu zi' leh..hahahhaha
dsii: whahaha... pls give ur reviews after using the mop. if Ruo Nu Zi can use, I believe must be quite useful lah. I also feel like buying :p
hahhaa...u must ask juxta for reviews...i already used mine since last mth far...ok loh...just step dry need too much effort...
her cakes are nice but berry ex. same size, her pricing is almost $100 more compared to another homebaker that is juz as good.

u ordering for A's bday?

oh, my M&A's photoshoot is at Sean Lau Photography. not very happy with the end results.
maybe coz i have high expectation kua on his skills. felt tat with the price i paid, he juz gave me standard stuffs.
mbb, for viewing pleasure only, i'll not spend so much money on cakes. yeah i'm going to order something for A, any recommendation? Also gotta get the photoshoot done b4 A loses her baby fats.

Mop Review
after playing with the new toy for 2 days, i kinda like it. I dun have prob wringing the mop cos I'm not ruo nu zi!! haha. I like that I dun have to dirty my hands or bend over to wring it, makes picking up the mop more pleasant.

2 things if can be improved, the pole if comes in 1pc will prolly make it more sturdy feel. There's also a friction between the mop and floor which I know I can get used to it. Now only thing is how long it can last ba, cos I'm the chor lor type!! And sean will step on it and watch the wringer spin everytime he walks past and he declares, wow mom, this is soooo cool!! hahaha
wahahhaa...maciam ian..he will walk and step and step...he will shout...superman!!!!!!!!!1 round round round..turn turn turn!!!!!!!!

and if my mop is in the basket..he will wanna see the whole pole 'fly' out of it...can die manz

lucky u like it..if not u will 'hamtam ' me...

my fren went to sean lau too...and she 'curse n swear' and she paid extra to buy back all the pix...and we found that her pix..not so nice leh...and she showed us her forum mummies photoshoot...all same same..except the models...

tkz for the review

i dun have prob wringing the mop day in & out coz i am e "chor lo" type.
i also wonder how long it can last.
there's a copy version tat is selling at $10 nia.

i did not "curse & swear" la coz i knew tat if wanna all pic back, it's super duper ex. in fact, not possible to get alot of nice pic in one session.

haha....actually all the photographers r lazy. after doing my homework, one look at e pic, i can tell which studio it was taken from.

sian.....u copy me, i copy u. no originality at all.
