Mummies in Pasir Ris

yo mbb
visa approved unless emergency from hb's office tomorrow.
But I dont think can be zhun-zhun 9pm wor.
Eh, any mummies from WW joining so I can park the car there

I think nuah now stay with her parents leh

not sure. i think K class. because the kids go by them self. did not look they wash hands or maybe they do in hurry i dont know either. and i don't like they open the door.
i dun think i can make it at zhun zhun 9pm either since coming from tpy. why not we make it at9.30pm?

La kopi tmr nite at 9.30pm.
Venue: Weat Plaza (easier for Dsii & Juxta)

1. Mbb2
2. Char
3. Lbs - visa approved
4. Dsii (TBC)
5. Juxta (TBC)
6. YK (TBC)
7. jerkatik

anyone else? looks like quite a big crowd tmrw, yipee! the more the merrier.
read an interesting article: ENRICHING VS OVERSCHEDULING which was shared by someone.

1st: To resist the temptation of giving our children a taste of everything: etc: just because your neighbour sends her kids to the drama class after the math class, it doesn't mean that you have to send your kids to all these classes as well. While it is good to expose them early to a variety of activities, your children's success is not measured by how many different types of classes they attend.

2nd: Build character, not a resume. We have to listen and find out what they really need and like. And teaching them the value of commitment and putting their best in what they are passionate about. That would definitely build their self-esteem as well.

3rd: Cutting back will not harm our children's future. We have to stop getting nervous about our children's future. Cutting back on our children's activities doesn't mean that we would harm our children's future, especially when it actually saves them from sleep deprivation. Remember that children everywhere are the same. They need time to play, or... See More even to experience getting bored for a while. They might end up spending too much time in all those classes to even know what to do when suddenly they find themselves having free time. We often fail to realise that dealing with boredom can also stimulate creativity and imagination. Instead of enriching them, we might kill their creativity.
lidat we meet at 10pm la.
so everybody dun need to rush

1. Mbb2
2. Char
3. Lbs - visa approved
4. Dsii (TBC)
5. Juxta (TBC)
6. YK (TBC)
7. Jerkatik
8. Kelly

tkz for e info.
will check it out next friday.

tats was me.
solli, i cant remember ur nick.
u still organise spree?
btw, we coffee where?

and mmmmm..... i can not speak chinese (never learn), if you all speak chinese, so i just give it a miss then. kekeke....
Kelly/ Jas /Karen

I like Kelly's idea of rotating homes. one hour is a good start.

i have come across an online brochure on Tips for starting a homebased play group by an australian group. check this out:

i have sent Kelly an email. i don't feel too comfortable about putting my email address here as it is a shared email address. but you can PM me for my email and those of us interested in this can discuss further.

Yeah! something new to look forward to in this new year!
hi avocado, thanks for initiating. I've read the article and have some suggestions and ideas. Will PM you. Hopefully can get something going soon
hi mbb2, lbs, char & others,
i'll see everyone 2nite. 10pm is betta for me cos my #3 will probably KO and my hubby can handle e other 2

i dun organise sprees anymore. bo eng. lazy 2 calculate shipping. hahaha!

hi avocado
got ur email. let's wait for others to email me cos i dun hv their email then we discuss via email.
We speak a mixture of English and Chinese.. cum a few dialects. Just come along, we have not had a such a gathering for a long time liao!

Char, where in West Plaza?

By, the way, regarding the play group, me interested to find out more, can keep me in the loop.

Err.. actually we used to hv a google grp thingy to share our contacts and gathering information.. maybe we can post the play grp thingy there? Anyone interested in applying for the google gr membership, please PM me with ur email address and nick, I'll try to approve the request over the weekend. Existing PR mummies who had listed ur information there, if u hv any opinions/objections, pls let me kn. Thanks
eh looks like we have a big group wor...

U are the West Plaza land snake head. Got place to accomodate us boh?
paisei, me still cannot confirm until late tonight.. those going one, can u PM jekertik ur contacts?

juxta, so is it confirm koufu?
pinkie, yes they can fit an M size. If cannot then can pass on to others I don't mind. Just that I don't think I will be needing them for a while. One boy and one girl enough for now.

ladies, I'm tempted to meet up tonight too but need to bring my little one. Not sure if good to bring out so late. If morning/afternoon I don't mind. Baby just turned one month only.
just a suggestion, could consider organising meet up at Ikea Cafe in the daytime when it's not so crowded, coz got free flow drinks plus each member card get 2 free drinks and got aircon
daytime cannot la. need to send older one to sch & hafta bring younger one along.

we mostly meetup on friday nite coz our DH can have "quality" time with e kids & we can destress. keee keeee keeee.
eh, how come this dsii didn't help me to answer your qn? west plaza is very near where she stay leh. do you rembr where lbs dropped her off after dropping me off?

i just PM you ladies my contact number.
weekdays i'm staying at toa payoh so can't meet up during the day and my gal will be starting sch next mth. furthermore being a sahm, i face my gal 24/7 so i NEED time w/o my gal sometimes else will go crazy.
i repllied to mbb's qn earlier ..she bo read

Posted on Thursday, January 07, 2010 - 12:12 pm:

yes...west plaza besides the whitewater EC and oso newly built catholic church...
i may not be able to make it. my fil went out at 3+pm and not back till now. we're worried something happened to him. usually he comes back at about 5pm. he didn't even come back for dinner. now hb and i will go down to look for him. called ttsh but no admission of him.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">mummies, since few mummies are unable to make it...think we will rearrange again to gather ...</font></font>
hi yk (bear27)
i juz received an email from avocado abt the playgroup. let me know how i can share e info on google docs. i'll post up there for everyone in Pasir Ris to see and we can gather e groups.

hi char
thanks for your PM. hope u find ur FIL. quite worrying esp when e weather is wet n cold outside.

hi dsii
thanks for sms-ing u. u still hv my no. whew! i have ur old no so sms-ed u earlier but no reply fr u. i tot u busy since it's dinnertime so i decided 2 check e thread, after my dinner.

no worries abt e cancellation. we can arrange again
think u better save my new number hor...cos hv been using this number to sms u before now!! hahahaha

kelly u hv jekartik numbers?
i dun hv..and hope she check this thread...if not she will be waiting for nobody at west plaza
