Mummies in Pasir Ris


Oops I see! which part of Pasir Ris do you stay? Seems like I'm very free these days.. no one is posting except me haha..

Confinement period no choice! Don't have much choice
jas, ya... have to check out tom and stephanie. In fact, I don't even know what they are selling because I have not once stepped into that shop. Anyway, I just realised that a lot of shops at White sands have changed. That goes to show how long I haven't visited that place. hee hee.

I'm at Blk 513 st 52.
found a small foam icebox in my storeroom - good to store drinks for picnics etc.
anyone keen collect from my place @ dr 4
hi gals..

thanks for the warm welcome. I actually came to this thread before when my first was born..

pinkie.. I already declared confinement over.. haha.. mine's not a strict one. I was bathing from day 1 and slept in air-con room.. I didn't even have much confinement food. I even ate instant noodles and economical bee hoon... can u beat that? haha.. my husband's not chinese that's why.. not that particular lor..

I hope it doesn't affect me much later like the old wives tales say...

bear27, where are u staying now?

potbelly, is your place near mrt? hoping to buy one near MRT when my current place can sell. In another 1.5 years. Actually is it better to stay near in-laws or buy near mrt for value sake? maybe i'm thinking too far. btw, tom and stephanie is like kiddy palace. They have all the kids stuff.. and the discount far better than kiddy palace. You should visit there for baby's things
sincerity! we miss u a lot! how are u & fmaily? G had been asking abt A & I, she keep saying she wanna take a plane out to visit them! haha..

Jas, i'm at 207

Happy New Year ladies! May 2010 be a much better year for all!
jas, it takes about 10 mins to walk to the mrt, 8 if i walk faster. hehe. but i like it because it's only 10-15 mins walk to the beach

well, that depends if you go to your inlaws' place more often or to the mrt. for me, mrt's more impt. better value prservation too. ya. thinking of visiting tomorrow, ifit's open.
Hi YK & Newmummy,

Things has been going very slow for us. You know what I mean? School starts on 11 Jan here and my gals are home school till there's vacancy on the cc here. Saw the class blog and my gals were delighted to see their friends again. Think, will arrange with CD to have a "hello" session, hopefully next week.

Check with you gals, is skype session over the internet really free? I just chat with my mum for 1st free call that last ard 5 mins and thereafter, using starhub dvg to chat. gasak gasak still can connect the complicating wiring. Hope the IAD won't short circuit.

Will try to download pictures soon. Take good care and chat over msn : )
sincerity!!!!!!!!!!!! wahlau...tot u forgot this thread liao!!!!!! hows life ???? come in more often to update us...we miss u toooo

that day me n char were toking abt u....
sincerity..if msn chat..remember to jio me hor..then i sms char to go online too..hahaha..really miss those days we msn..
eeeerrrr.....Sincerity, u are not in PR anymore?

solli hor, i am very blurr tis days.

Happy 2010 to all!
Happy New Year to all!

welcome Jas!

Sincerity!! all frozen and wrapped up? haha. N has enrolled in school already? they must be reaaaal excited. Update us soon

dsii/char/YK, when is the next stomach workout session? I've missed sooo many after having A!
piang. the digital tv buay sai leh. but both my computers are up and so is starhub line. better than nothing. Think, will have to check it out next week.

Hugs A for me! Yummy cheeks and solid figure. hiak3 Was complaining to dsii on the $vexp opi . Am all wrapped up except exposing my toes. The only visible place that I could dress up with nail polish. Yes, he's been enrolled into the local school and classes commencing 11 Jan. How's S swimming lessons? My gals misses him v much too!

Yup, the whole team jump plane and now we're somewhere in the north. My hands itchy for BP. tsk tsk tsk <<*>>. How's your lovely dds doing? Send me pictures, please...

Will be packing them to light up their 1st exp later. Count down to 2010. Happy new year to all!
sincerity ur this technician not up to standard ah? hahahhaa...nvrmind u holiday mood lah...after holiday u sure can fix it up...hahahha....jia you jia you
Hi sincerity, skype or msn video call is free.. or skype pc to pc call is free.. i used to use it to chat with friends overseas. Miss u!

Juxta,I thought u cannot come out after hving A! kekeke.. Miss the sessions too!Can someone pls organise the next session?
yup yup miss u all leh..... nv get a chance to meet u all ever since the kids stop gg whitesand for cls......

can someone update me is sincerity aboard or wat? y the msg sound like she very far away.....
Yk, I can go la, both their bedtime have been synchronized only subject to health n 2nd shift home arrival time. Saw G at Xmas party, she performed and so so sweet!

Sincerity, A is really fun now, she smiles at everyone and try to make conversation literaaly by staring at her target and start cooing. Another motor mouth in the making? Pass me the ear plugs.

Sheris, tsk tsk we still see each other but no time for kopi session. Yes, sincerity is in far far land
Happy new year to all!

Need some help, my girl is having bad rash at her neck. Any good remedies? She's got like 4 folds at the neck and it's almost impossible to air out the neck unless u use toothpicks to keep it 'unfolded'.. there's some yellow liquid too.. Will bring to doctor on Tuesday. But meantime, wonder if anyone has the same experience. My girl is only 4 weeks old.

bear27, great you're very near me. My own place is at 212 but we're now living with my husband's parents at 227.

potbelly, did u manage to visit T &amp; S? it's cramp but they got lots to see. My MIL loves buying pajamas for my son from there. He gets new pajamas every now n then. And i think i'll visit in-laws more often so I better buy a place close to them. My current place is a bus-stop away n we r already lazy walking over. Must get next block or something.

juxta, hihi too! so which part of PR do u live in?

yami, I found the link under the archives n applied for membership but not approved yet
Jas, I'm opp meridien jc. Some of the more common methods are calendular cream and aloe Vera gel. I've had many telling me to try abc stout on rashes but never done so la
juxta, I read that breast milk will help. I'm not sure also. Haven't heard of calendular cream. Where to get that? Is that similar to those diaper rash cream?
Jas, is by California baby, you can get it for less than $20 on the BP thread here. I saw the same thing at shops outside, is an exorbitant close to 40bucks! Alot of mummies swear by it. I've not tried it though, my personal must have aid is aloe vera gel.

BM helps ah? supposed to be miracle helper but then when we dun clean them properly after having milk it develops into milk rash? so which theory is correct? hahahah
juxta, I've also heard of milk rash. My son I feed also never clean properly. In the middle of the night so tired. Feed until fall asleep. In the end his complexion now also very good, didn't get any rash.

Today I went beach then I applied seawater on baby's neck. Seems to be much better now already. She was crying though when I put the seawater.
happy new yr ladies~~

welcome to new members~~

miss u too, sincerity and welcome back, sheris...

1 quick qns... m thinking of starting E on phonics this yr... is it too early? advise pls... n mummies of CD kids, have ur darling attended the My Character Building Program b4? how is it? sounds like a very long program... if not attended b4, intend to enroll? TIA for all ur responses...
hi everyone, me a pasir ris mummy too. staying at st 71

hi XW (zion_goh)
where did u hear about this my character building prog? sounds interesting. can share more pls?
jas : I cant remember who is the moderator of the group now
hee. BTW, california baby calendula cream works fine for my girl. and it smells really nice. like what juxta mentioned, it is cheaper to buy thru the forum ...can join sprees or BP.
for more serious bites that are swollen, i usually use cream pescribed by the PD.
Hi all

I am also a pasir ris mum, SAHM. at St 51.

my girl was born in NOv 07, and son in DEc 09. now i am still on confinement.

my girl has been saying she wants to go to school. any good playgroups in pasir ris area, or good pre-nursery to recommend? i guess we are a little late for registration actually.

Or anyone knows a meet-at-home type of informal playgroup that meets weekly for toddlers?
hi lianrongbao,
actually i've been reading e thread but never pop in 2 say hi. me shy :p

how hv u been? still busy spree-ing?

hi XW
thanks for sharing. i'll check it out.

hi avocado1
i'm actually tiking of starting a informal playgroup for my girl who is born in jan2008. u interested? we can do it 2x in a wk, if u dun mind.
Hi Zion,

Glad managed to catch up with you via msn. Do contact my mum soon b4 it turns into antiques! kekeke.

Character Building,
Of all the instructors of various enrichment, he's the hot favourite among students in all centres. My gals indeed performed better and applies what's being taught. Of cos, with me emphasing or drumming into their ears daily. oh my : )


Great to see you and G via skype. Thanks for teaching the blur queen.

Am up to standard hor except bo licence/cert nia. just called the provider, tmr then starts la. hahaha.
hahahhaa...ok ok..know u superwoman lah...jack of all trades..and of cos master of all too...hahahha
wedding fairy, i'm keen in the playgroup too. My son is May 2008, is he too young? I just bought a playhouse would be great for the playgroup.
hello mummies!

happy new year to everyone. i was in PR for a little more than 1wk since 24 dec till 3 jan. felt like in retreat cos my mum was on leave during that time and she helped to look after L. i didn't bring my laptop so couldn't pop by here.

you no good lah. bo let me know that you couldn't make it to my plc b4 you left. u really fang wo fei ji. haha! good to hear from you and that all are settling there slowly. do drop by here as often as you can.

long time no hear from you. welcome back!

welcome to the thread and congrats to those of you who recently have a baby. i'm a sahm staying at toa payoh. i got to know the mummies here when i was staying in PR with my parents while doing my confinement there about 2yrs ago. my gal is now almost 3yo.

anyone wanna meet up for stomach exercise this fri night bo?
I need HELP.

My son now enroll @ Monte Kidz - Elias Mall - prenursery 1 hr twice a week.
But Nursery start for 2,5 years and the fees is about S$1320 per term. Is that exp?

Any rocomendation for prenursery in PS? He's 2 years already now.

wah....$1320 per term? nursery class? my boy sch fees for n1 was $450 per term and from mon-fri 3hrs daily leh...
