Mummies in Pasir Ris

oh veri nice of you to offer...
my mom say defer using toothbrush/toothpaste till later so dun need to buy yet...
boh bian, she help me do the cleaning/brushing so it's her call :p
tks anyway!!

if u dun use toothbrush early..then when he grows older he will not used to it de...and hates elder son loh...dun like the taste of toothpaste and he dun allow us to brush for him till he quite 3-4 yrs...but not regularly his teeth not healthy..hahaha...
aiyo, where got no expiry date? have but doesn't expire so soon, so can wait.

persistence is the key. dun like also must force else tooth decay. according to some dentists, more and more kids are having tooth decay at younger age. i started with my gal using cloth and applied a tiny amount of toothpaste and gradually introduced the toothbrush.
hmmm, maybe can make it like a game during brushing time? let him hold the toothbrush and chew on it also better than nothing! LOL

E also like that, so we let him hold the toothbrush. very fast he was used to it le. now both of them will watch us brush our teeth too and have learnt to spit out the toothpaste and rinse & gargle mouths. sometimes i make it funny with sound effects so they'll find it amusing :p

okies, i have some disposable diapers to give away. my cousin passed me some stuff yesterday and she had some diapers included (in M size mostly). her younger ah boy can't wear le so got different brands in opened packs. they can be collected from st 12 anytime from saturday

re govt funding for childcare leave, as long your youngest child is 7 YO &amp; below, you are entitled to 6 childcare leave days <font color="ff0000">per year</font>. irregardless of how many children you have

your company will send you a GCL1 form to fill in once you have taken all 6 days, this form will be submitted to MCYS through your company

errr, u din apply this year for C?

thks for the info. Yes I took CC leave this yr liao bt I still hv a few more days...hence, wanna double check if the 6 days is for 1 yr or throughout the 7 yrs ;) Hb asked me to check as he said dun lugi the leaves..kekeke...also, C's school will be closed for 1 or 2 days end of Dec....

My HR did not send me any form leh...i just applied online thru intranet ;)
thanks char/nuah, guess i will use the normal lip balm on her... will tell her that it's lipstick..cos she is also pestering to put make up on her hahaha... :p

am going HK with my girl next month. Do share if you have any tips for traveling with a baby..actually she is 2 years old liao la...not baby. :p But it's the first time I brought her on a plane ride

if this is her 1st time....bring some coloring paper etc for her to color and entertain her...u taking SQ? they hv Dora and diego TV programmes...

b4 they take off and land...let her drink water...

maybe u can bring some of her favourite food like bread etc as she might not like the food on mth...shld be colder make sure u hv enough warm clothing for her.....also, better to bring stroller to HK as lot of walking so stroller might be easier for u....
fyi - tampines ave 2 got pasar malam... at the neighbourhood centre, in case u interested

nowadays quite weird, ah boy dun like to shower as well, not to say brush teeth...
always gotta sweettalk him by promising food after shower
har har har, there was a stage when E was like tt too. he'll scream when we try to bathe him and he'll end up sobbing throughout the shower
hehe, NP~

sigh... den hor, bathe liao maciam no bathe 'cos of all the "struggling" he start to sweat again... faint
har har har, so farni sia. E hates it when ppl wash his hair also, he doesn't like water on his face. apparently he read a book abt a dirty boy who had no friends cos he didn't want to bathe, so we used that to cho-cho him. tell him no one will be his friend if he doesn't bathe, so he had no choice, gotta go
L also now dun wan to bathe. tell her to go and bathe and she'll say no. will start to talk nicely to her if all else fail then show cane whc works all the time. sigh!!
hehe, my mom also use cane nowadays...
this weekend my turn to "tryout" the cane..wahahahahah
he ok with water actually... it's the coaxing from the living to the bath... kills me!!
har har har, yeah man, cannot underestimate the power! it does work wonders even if used as a threat! :p i have 1 in the living room, 1 in the bedroom, 1 in the car, 2 at my mom's place &amp; 1 at my IL's. wah, very powerful deterrent!! everywhere they go, we have a cane. maybe i shd get a mini one to carry with me at all times, kekekekeke

if you start a BP for canes then sorry you won't be able to earn my money canes are free; i use the stick of balloon holders when people give out balloons. so far i bought only one for my parents' place becos duno who lost my balloon stick there. hee hee...

true, the power of cane is very very powerful. i usually threaten, either show or ask do you wanna get caning? then will jalan.

woah your ex-boss tok kong leh, cut and put in handbag but.....its something i can learn from..,heh heh heh.....
nuah, thx for the tips...any advice is helpful cos my baby girl first 'real' trip :p cant help getting a little kan chiong

mbb: u start bp for stylish canes la...i can join
those that can be kept in hp hahaha
now i dun use cane..
i use ai xin bian...with a palm like at one end...think sin dun hv bah...asked my frens to buy from long n short...short 1 can put in handbag if ur bag is big enuff...
yo mummies
How's everyone?
I just came back from my week long busy clearing works before going on force leave soon again.. haha
wow, so the cute! haha.. dsii, is it effective? pain or not?! haha.. I use my palm! haha.. usually end up i feel more pain! my cane is more for threathening and "caning" the floor and chair! haha..
is painful...but so far i like cos no cane marks..i dun threaten...if i count to 3...they dun listen..then i will whack..usually i stop at 2...hahhaa...cos think they scare bah...cos when mummy whacks...not play play de..
just like kena smack by hand loh.....but wont hv cane marks ..i mean if i whack , i just will hv those bloated cane marks..then will stay for at least 2-3days kind...
Your cane and my cane same le I also thot not pain so test on myself actually pain le if you hit hard just like kana smack by the hand. hehehe
ic ic. think i know why the cane leaves marks longer becos it's stiff. the balloon holder that i use is quite flexible hence even if i hit hard the stick bends and the impact is not so great although painful. there will be bloated cane marks but they're gone the next day.

hahahhaa ... pain ah!!! u got it in sin or taiwan? mine all import de..hehehe...

waiting for frens to go can get the long one...tat one u stand faraway oso can need me to move forward...hahahhaa
