Mummies in Australia?

Twinkle yar I'm actually the only one back. haizz. I hang ard for about 3 mths deciding to come back or not. In the end I'm back in Spore and then got caught up with work.

YOu know i bought mine for $5k only. hehe, But it's a lau pok car lar. Can drive from A to B can already.


Thank u!! Wow..the resturant seems very nice. It is quite modern too, yummy.. think the prices are quite reasonable too, not so expensive.

Wow..i love burgers! Hmmm.. i think i will definitely get fat there!!


hehehe Working life here is quite stressful..but if we don't work we won't have $.. so I guess it is really up to us to decide what we want in life.. more quality life with family or more $ if we work. Quite difficult to have the best of both worlds.. I guess maybe when u are ready, you can consider migrating here since u like the lifestyle there.

Wa..$5k for a car is very cheap.. lau pok car long as can move ard and get to the destination...hahahhaa Hopefully it doesnt break down in the middle of nowhere.
one thing about the cars there is that air-con is optional. tried a non aircon daihatsu charade at the beginning and thot i could survive. aiyo, i was roasted during the summer and frozen during the winter

Poor thing. I don't think i can survive without aircon..i think some cars have both air con /heater functions. Not sure if they hv it there but i think it could add on to the cost of the car. If really no choice, have to settle for non air con ones.
yar. Here in spore, everyone has their windows rolled up. Over there, it's common the windows are down. Everytime summer cos of driving, the sun is so scorching hot the color of my right arm and left arm always not the same. heh.

Twinkle21 what industry is your hubby working in huh?
thanks for the wonderful recommendations! we will work out our itineraries when we check in hotel. yes, we are aware of the weather in July. temp will be 5deg & below.

one question - are both the geelong's & dockland's waterfront located in the same place? by taking city circle tram will take us there?
Mrs shims,
Geelong is 1 hr country train away from the city centre. Definately not that near..even if you drive will also take you about 1 hr.
mrs shim
ruffybear is right. it is 1 hour drive away. but in fact.... 1 hr is considered short if u want to go outskirt.

dockland's water front and geelong's different place. for dockland's water front, it is in melbourne city centre and u can take the free circle tram from flinders. if u dunno where to alight , u can ask the driver.

as for geelong, it is like what ruffy mentioned.. not very near though.
I was in perth for 7 mths with 2 kids (then 4 and 1.5 yrs) last year. My husband was studying. We stayed in an apartment in claremount (facing the swan river), cos it was near his uni. Saved us the trouble of maintaining a huge house and a garden! Just to share with you...first the downside. Food - if you are used to getting nice fish to cook porridge, you'll be stuck, cos everything in a supermkt is fillet and for me, I had a problem, cos I was used to the market names, not the ang mo names. Suprisingly, Perth has more limited seafood than Spore and its more costly, like salmon is more expensive than Spore. We couldn't find cod fish easily, but there's an alternative called Toothfish (i think). We used to travel to William St to get fish for the kids. William St is where you can also get your chinese groceries (you can find everything and more!). We get pork from vietnamese butchers, cos it doesn't hv that porky smell. Chinese veges are limited. Kids there don't seem to drink powdered milk, so you sure won't be able to find the likes of Pediasure etc. My older kid drank the no-frills full-cream powdered milk, for the younger one, there was S26, but much dearer then in Spore. Things like baby-wipes, diapers (esp the pull-up types) are dearer. We did get it shipped over, cos we worked out the cost, and we did save a bit and we had our favourite brands. But when the sun is out, it can get really scorching as gingerale said. Upside - weather is generally great, unlike Spore which gets so mucky by the time its 10am, you can bring your kid for walks or to the playground anytime of the day and its nice and cool....we joined the local playgroup and the kids got to mix with the ozzies, while i got to chat with the mums there. There's a book, you can get from newsstands called, Kidding Around in Perth (abt A$25) - gives you a whole list of places of interest to visit and addresses of all the playgrounds and parks....I went to almost all that was listed, and some of the playgrounds there are just fantastic, compared to Spore's. Meals at home are simple affairs, cos eating out can get costly, gone are the days, when one food court meal can feed 2 mouths, the portions seemed to have shrunk. So we had loads of sandwiches, sausages (fantastic!), breads. Diary products, fruits and vege is fresh....lots of things to do in the day, bring them to the library, beach, many many playgrounds all over the suburbs even by the beach, go to the supermarkets, everyone goes for picnics, esp weekends. When you are there long enough and get to know more of the Asian community, you will find lobang of where to get homemade curry puffs, kueh, they will also be very helpful in giving you tips where to find hard to find cooking ingredients. Come nights, then it gets boring, TV is so-so. Cinemas are expensive - other than the tuesdays. we brought our own vcds for the kids, borrowed dvds or got the free dvds from the library. Overall a great experience, you shouldn't miss, cos I really enjoyed being with the kids. Being able to earn money is one thing, but the joy of being with your kid and also the quality of life, is an opp you shouldn't is a hard life looking after the kids (harder than office work), esp when you have not much support other than your hubby and until the time you make more friends
Hi Linda,

Thanks for sharing your experiences in perth with us. Now I have an idea of what to expect there. Salute you for coping with 2 kids in a foreign land...without any help. I wonder if i can cope cos I'm so used to getting help from my parents and my hubby. I find that I cant seem to do anything when I'm babysiting my baby for the whole day. It is really more tiring than office work, esp when baby is cranky. Maybe I am not good in manageing my time or handling baby, cos I cant seem to find time to do housework or cook. Anyway, I can't really cook so I hope I can try to learn some cooking now.. hehehe

Looks like I have to go there to try out for a few weeks b4 I decide to go over to join my hub.
what linda said is very true. those shampoos, washing powder/ liquid are more expensive. only honey, fruits (but not water melon), veg, royal jelly is cheap. cars and houses are cheap too. a great place for kids to grow up
Frankly, I thought I wouldn't be able to cope, but somehow, you will cope, cos, without parents, you tend to be able to do things your way. You can slacken if you want and just lounge, but if my mum is ard, she is very on the ball and can just go on and on doing housework and I feel obligated to help her! There will be plenty of playgrounds to occupy your kid and then it should knock her out for her afternoon nap. On colder days, go to the malls, some can be quite huge, and I never manage to finish going through them. Bring a small slow cooker, dump everything in for your baby's lunch or dinner. For the family, we survived on pasta, sandwiches, sausages, roasts, breads, salads...chinese food was simply not really worth cooking, cos too much preparation for so few people. We also used to cook more and freeze so we can just heat up.

wow..daily necessities are expensive huh. That will add on to the cost of living there. My colleague just came back from her sydney and melbourne holidays. She said it is not fun at all. The things there are much more expensive compared to here, transportation, car rental, food, dairy pdts. This is the 1st time I heard that Sydney and Melbourne is not fun at all. She said the sceneries are not nice too. I think maybe she is well travelled so she thinks there isn't much to see in Oz. Hmm

Oh ya, she also complained abt the weather there..she said there are no clouds at all and the heat is scorching! Looks like a lot of sunscreens and moisturisers are needed!! :p


I think if we have no help at all, somehow we will learn to adapt and cope. Cos we don't have a choice has to go on...hehehee Just that maybe life and things gets a bit more disorganised.

Thanks for your suggestion on bringing a slow cooker. Think taht will do the trick..just prepare everything in the morning n dump it in..hahaa Can save alot of time and trouble since I cant cook. I think chinese food ingredients are not readily available? Me and hub still bothers to cook chinese food after we get home though it is just for the 2 of us. hehehe Not sure if we could still keep it up for's tiring.
melbourne is good! I brought my family to melb back in feb. as for sdy, is too much of city life. dairy products i tot is cheap. fresh oysters even cheaper! I got a dozen of HUGE tasmanian oysters for 12 dollars only. normal ones cost less than 10 dollars AUD

Ya. I find it hard to believe also. Alot of people told me Melbourne is nice. Maybe she visited all the wrong places, that is why she said is very boring? HMMM!!
there will hardly be a chance where you can just go to a hawker centre to eat a cheap meal, so all meals must be planned. you can definitely cook chinese, all sauces, spices, curry powders, ingredients etc are readily available at chinese groceries. But with oz currency stronger, you are paying abt 30% more for everything. just that you cannot just run down the road and shop for stuff, cos its usu a drive to the grocery store. we used to shop once a week for asian groceries and once for stuff from the supermarket. the fresh fruit/vege weekend markets (eg subiaco) will clear stock at abt 4+ on sundays, you can get bargains for fruits and veges, but it maybe dented. At supermarkets like Coles or Woolworths, you can buy half-priced fillet fish or sliced ham abt 1/2 hr before closing time on saturdays, cos they don't keep stock as on sundays they close. Dairy products are much much cheaper there, even sphaghetti sauce is got to get oz produce. Dairy products are so shiok....when we came back, we hated the fresh milk here, cos its thick and full of flavouring. and we pay double for mozarella cheese in Spore. But pizzas are cheap there, even the supermarket ones cost abt A$3, just put more of your own toppings. Also, there's no need to bring toys for your kid, cos you can join the nearby toy library for a nominal fee and rent toys. I also went to salvation army (salvos) to get books (some were 50 cents or 1 dollar) for the kids. We even managed to get bargains on brand-new gum boots (like Phua Chu Kang's boots) for A$ is quite a thrill to be able to get stuff for a big discount! Girl's clothes are abundant, even the target and kmart ones are nice, but of course dearer then Spore. But the funny thing abt Kmart and Target is every other week they either have a 20% discount off kids or household or men's or women's. If you buy at full-price and the next week, there's a discount, you just show the recipt and they give you a full refund, no questions asked!

Thanks for the info. I find life there pretty exciting, esp shopping for bargains! You really know where to hunt for bargains and good deals. This is quite impt cos we must be very thrifty there, cannot spend unnecessarily anymore if I'm not working.

I must say target and kmart are excellent. Dont think many shops here will give you a full refund with no questions asked. hehhe :p

I hv nvr been to target/ kmart... hehehhe But i heard their stuffs r pretty good and their customer service is very good too!

sad to say... never. But I'm planning to go during yr end. To stay there for at least 2 wks.

I'm quite a mountain tortise.. :p
hi ladies

I plan to migrate end of the year to Perth as hoping to make some frens b4 going. I have been to Perth several times and roughly know the place. Really looking forward to moving there more is a nice place to live and work..
Hi sunnygirl,


Wow.. u r migrating to perth? Wonderful! Will u be working there? Do u hv any kids? WHich part of perth are u going? Have u found accomodation yet?

well...i no job yet lah...but hope to go there anyway. My hubby will work lor. Now trying to see if he can get job. We got PR last year have to organise move soon or else PR expire after 5 years. I go there..hopefully can start some small biz.

We are already building our house there now, but doubt it would be ready by time i go, so will rent first . If you guys want to move there..better quickly buy the house now..coz the prices are out of control. 1 month can mean a 5-10K diff in price.

Wow..u r already PR there. What small biz will u be doing? That's quite good..can supplement income.

So u have bought your house there? So envious! Are the houses there expensive? Your house comes with garden?

I don't think we will buy house there. Cos if I join my hub, accomodation will be provided.

Which area are u staying?
hi twinkle

The houses are quite $$$ but compare to is ok coz u actually get a house with a nice garden for the price of a condo. It used to be for price of HDB, but not anymore. I will be stayin in the south of Perth. you leh?

Will ur hubby be working in the city or suburb area? coz where u stay will depend on where u work mah. I think u will love it there. It is nice place to live and something different from here. Would also be good for your kids coz the lifestyle there very kid frenly.
Hi sunnygirl

Hmm..seems like housing there is not cheap.

I'm still not sure whether I will be joining him or not. I think his office is in the suburb area, not city area. I think he should be going there for 3 yrs. (Not cfm yet)

I think my daughter will enjoy growing up there. I'm in a dilemma whether to join him or not. I think I will decide when things are more certain.
u build your house already ? which builder did u choose? did u get land and house from same builder or different? like .. Burbank does package while claredon homes only do house without land. how much u pay? also ... how to get loan .... can u PM ME?

cos i hv so much to ask... i'll be in your shoes in no time
if i were u, i will join him there! go, experience a different lifestyle, u sure will love it. and let your gal experience it as well.

wa..i wish i could go too.. but there is just too much to consider.. so many commitments and opportunity costs invloved. I know i will enjoy myself there..but what if i hv to come back after the posting and i cant find a job? This is my main worry.

On the other hand, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to experience a different lifestyle in a different country.. Oz is a lovely place so I'm quite tempted to go over also.

Ultimately, I also hope i can retire there..haha How nice of we could all migrate there.. tsk tsk.
Hi Mngo

I already PM you some info.


Yah..totally agree with mngo lor...u should go over. If not for yourself...for your kids lor. It is wonderful healthy lifestyle for them. Plus the schooling system there is very diff...very hands-on and focus on personal development and confidence .I think it is good for them.
if your hubby can be there for 3 years, u guys go and get a PR during the 3 years. then u no nid to come back liaoz. what for u wanna come to singapore?

Schooling for kids will be expensive I think? Besides that, my daughter won't get to learn mandarin which is a pity.


I doubt my hubby wanna stay there for good, unless the few years there make him reconsider migrating there. Also, my parents are in spore, I cant bear to leave them here.
schooling if u are PR is free! Up to 16 years of age. And your daughter will get to learn mandarin. I mean... at home, or u get a tutor . there will be means.

U know, I have been in sg for the longest in my whole life and my mandarin sucks. as good as i never learn mandarin at all.
mngo is right, if PR, schooling is free...if u are not PR yet, the i think the public schools there are still quite reasonable price. I also heard that some schools have second language so can actually learn Mandarin in school. anyway, mandarin can learn by watching DVD etc...or speaking @ home. In the end, it is the family envt that will help nurture the language skills, so dun worry too much.

Sometimes i wish i could be impulsive and just pack and go. Actually I'm quite keen to go over but there are things holding me back. I believe things can be sorted out eventually if I really decide to go.

Right now, I'm trying to find out more abt Perth so that I can have a rough idea what to expect when I'm there.

Who knows? We might end up in perth as neighbours one day.. hahahaha *grin
Thanks sunnygirl & mngo

Both of u are so encouraging! Really glad to know u gals.

It's good to know optimistic people like u gals!

people like us .... errr.... well daring enough to try new things. and we are young. so why not? right?

but if you have huge family commitments, then u will / might have to think twice.

if u decide to move to australia, just go forward, and dun look back.

yah lor...only have 1 life rite? so if you have opportunity..grab it with both hands and feet...if dun work out, can always come back. that way you can always look back and say "I have tried !"
mngo/ sunnygirl

Thanks for the encouragement! I will try my best to go over if I can. Life is too short to have regrets...
Hi Gals,
Sorry been MIA for awhile...was back in Singapore for holiday and catching up with frens..

Now back in Canberra...freezing cold!

Well, Twinkle, do go and try it out. I was in your shoes b4..Hubby comin here to study so finally I decided to give up my job and come here with my son..never regretted...

It's really a nice place to bring up kids..Canberra is quite like Perth, unlike the cities of Sydney and Melb...there's alot of space here and life is slow paced and people are friendly..

During 1st 6 mths after my baby was born, I relied on my mum's help but after coming here, I have to do everything on my own...doin housework, cooking, and looking after my son, who is 13 mths old now..

we enjoyed it..and I'm sure u will...

can always drop me a line if u still hv doubts..there's so many mummies here to give u encourgament....

BTW, i'll be gg to Perth for abt 5 days end of Sep..will u be there yet?
Hi Janz,

Nice to hear from u again.

So u're back in Canberra? Yea, I've been wanting to ask u, since your hubby is studying there, how do u guys cope financially? Is he on scholarship? Heard that daily necessities there are slightly more expensive than spore. How did you manage to juggle things? Esp when you have to take care of your son with no help. Like me, I'm so used to getting help from my family. I think it will be a great challenge for me to cope with baby and housework over there.

Initially I was i a dilemma as to whether I should go over or not. After all the encouragement from the mommies here, I hv more or less decided to try it out. Like I've said, I should be going there for 2 wks during end of the year. So during the 2 wks, I'll see if I can cope and adapt to the lifestyle there before making the final decision.

Hmm, I don't think I'll be there during end of sep.. i should be there during the end of dec. What a pity!
Hi Twinkle..

Yeap, we r back in Canberra. and ya, hubby got a scholarship that pays him stipend every month..

Things are indeed much more expensive here, more so after the exchange rate. But we are given Aust. Dollar so still not too bad..we just have to watch our expenditure every month, I'll cook most of the time as eating out is rreally expensive.

In the beginning was tough as we had to start anew, with new apartment, new furnitures..and we had to dig into our savings..but now things have been settled, we are all happy now.

When we came over, it was quite a struggle to look after my son and to manage household chores but after awhile I got used to it..we just got to adapt..just learn to do things the simple for my son's meal, I just dump all the ingredients in a slow cooker and that will be his meal for the whole day...

as for us, we eat simply...juz cook 2-3 dishes and eat with rice...sometimes pasta, which is easy..or get pizza which is really cheap here...

After a few months, I even found time to bake...which I enjoyed...

Do try it out since u hv a chance..I believe families should stay together, that's why I chose to follow my hubby...

You wouldnt want to leave ur hubby alone in a foreign country all by himself, would u?He'll definitely miss u and ur daughter...

Wow..seems like you have settled down nicely in Canberra. You even hv your own apartment..that's very cosy! I'm very happy for you.

Seems like you are adapting very well. I'm thinking of learning baking too! Hope I can find time to bake when I'm there... Imagine having cakes and tea during the! That is something I've always enjoyed :p

Yes, I also belive families should stay together.. maybe for me it's not that bad since I have my friends and family here. But it is definitely going to be very lonely for my hubby to be there all by himself. I guess nothing is more important than being together as a family no matter where we go.

Thanks for your encouragement! It is very reassuring for me.

Hi Twinkle

Strangely enough, all mums who go to australia, will pick up baking! I did too. Could even put together sausage rolls for the kids and apple crumble. YOu will be amazed how much more domesticated you will be. It is lonely for your hubby, he will miss you and the kid. My husband went ahead and for 2 months, it was pretty torturing for him, cos he had to manage on his own and he missed the kids. This is an opportunity not to be missed, just think positive, somehow you will overcome the neagtives and life would be better. I really miss the few months we were there!
