Morning Sickness Support Group


New Member
Hi Mtb,

It would be comforting to know that I am not the only one suffering.

I was plagued by morning sickness since week 6 and it's been going on until now at 12. It is so tiring. So sick of being sick.

I use to have a very upbeat lifestyle, worked out a lot, travelled a lot, shop a lot, feast a lot. Basically I could do as I please. Everything is so different now. I got so sick that I convinced my husband to start looking at selling our nice apartment so I can live next to my parents in an HDB flat 3 times smaller. Air is much fresher around my parents place.

Friends who are trying to conceive for months kept telling me I should be thankful that I conceived at first trial. They are envious because they can't feel what I feel.

I look at my mum differently. I can't believe she had 3 children when I am barely making it through my first pregnancy. People around me don't truly understand what I am going through. But mum does. She always knows best. She has been very supportive rather than telling me how grateful I should feel.

Oh man... I wish MS goes away... If there was a price tag to make it disappear, I would pay anything. But money can't really help me now

My lifeline right now - the love from mum and hubby.

Hello there... First of all, Congratulations!

I am so sorry to hear about the MS - it can be quite horrible, I know. Every pregnancy is different, and everyone is unique. You are certainly not alone. Before we get to what helps with morning sickness, let me share with you what could make you feel better - mentally.

1. First of all, convince yourself that it is MIND OVER BODY. Instead of feeling lousy and sorry about yourself, try to tough it out and laugh it out. Like after throwing up, instead of feeling so lousy (which you really would!), try to think of something positive - like talking to your little one and say "Yes, we are pregnant, you don't need to remind me so often, you know"... Think of it like a little secret. a little joy that you are hiding within yourself...

2. Next, do a countdown. Most morning sickness stop or gets much better after the first trimester... This is usually around week 13. Otherwise, as late as week 16. Mine was throughout all my three pregnancies. But really, mind over body, and in my weak moments I would still throw up. I threw up every morning and every night. But I had forgotten all that once I hold my little miracle babies in my arms. And then I always do a countdown - how soon will all this be over... and I tell myself,... 40 weeks of pregnancy is a small price to pay for a lifetime of joy. So, again, mind over body.

Then, there are the things that could really make your tummy calm down:
1. Chamomile tea, Peppermint tea, ginger tea, etc
2. Soda, anything carbonated - if it feels good then take it in moderation.
3. Try to have crackers before you leave the bed every morning.
4. Try to eat what you really feel like eating - sometimes, there is a difference between what the tummy wants and what the mouth wants! So, you need to balance. Sometimes, my mouth really wants a milkshake! but my tummy hates it and I end up throwing up the entire glass!

When we are sick, we want our mommies... that is understandable. But moving and buying and selling property is a big move. Plus, you probably do not want to deal with flat hunting and renovation and moving and packing etc. So, just have to hang in there, and tough it out. You are not alone. Jia you!!
Hihi. :)

I totally understand how you feel. I'm at week 18 now and still suffering from MS.... Though it has gotten slightly better but it's still coming back to haunt me on terrible days. Time to time when it's really bad, I would take the medication prescribed by my gynae but tbh it doesn't really help in the sense I thought it would be. Like when I take the medication it would make me drowsy and so I sleep away the nausea feeling but when I wake up, the feeling is still there. I try not to take the medication though because I'm afraid it might harm my baby in any ways.

But don't worry you are not alone!!! My mom told me she vomited all the way up till her 6th month so........ Let's just pray hard things gets better :)


i too, can totally understand how you feel.. i am currently in my 18 weeks and also still puke on and off. i started having morning sickness with no puking just bad nausea (usually hits me after 5pm and the nausea last all the way till 11pm when i goes to sleep :( ) in my week 7 or 8 then started all the puking at around week 10. so at that time i kept thinking to myself, i just have to hold on to week 12 and this will all go away.. when week 12 came, im still puking, so my Gynae started telling me i should stop puking at around week 16.. so that pushed me on abit more..

but now at 18 weeks, i am still puking.. haha. However along the way, i learnt to manage my discomfort by drinking warm manuka honey after those puking sessions and started reading these links to keep me going:


of course i also have friends who do not even puke once who gave birth to very healthy babies as well, but i just feel that if we can find a little comfort in the situation we are in, why not? :)

jia you! most of us are in this together :)
Thanks ladies for the support. I think I am beginning to feel fine. Hopefully.

Not sure if it helps but I took probiotics, which puts back the good bacteria into my stomach which I have vommitted out. Digestion seems to be working better, I don't feel pukey after meals. But still don't over eat.
Jiayou...! Hope it will get better in coming weeks, thou i know of few friends who continuously had it till they were in delivery suite! Was a bit worried too, but mine stop ard 20weeks. Sometimes if i take fried stuff my bb will get annoyed :(
