Lovely JW Mommies

Hi morning mummies,

i m thinkg to order some stuff from iherbs, anyone keen to join and share shipping costs?

i have only extra 8% discount.


which body soap is non drying and moisturising for kids?

sian... daphne got dry skin like me. : (
i letting them use johnson the neutral pH and loreal shampoo now.
i put my rosken cream on daphne's legs.

i recalled someone said cetaphil and pureen right?
morning.. what is the worst thing than to come in to work monday morning and learnt that your colleague committed suicide... really depressing...
why everyone nowadays ending their lives just like that... cannot believe someone I know actually does that.. if stress at work.. just quit, if kids gives you the headache, just hire maid or ask someone to help, nothing is impossible to resolve
some ppl canot think straight and seeked no help never talk to ppl. so they choose to die tinking can resolve the problem ba.

wendy, worth every cent. if not so costly, i wld also love to use it. it's a clear solution, when contact with water, becomes milky white.
morning mummies

yoko & wendy,
remember i changed job in end aug? that job was super busy and some webbies were blocked. so i hv no chance or time to log in here then. the headcount was too big for me to handle and i felt tired everyday. so i had to wait until i find another job then i can leave.
then i just join tis currt co on 1 nov 2011. so far nothing much, except that there r some nitty gritty things which i dun like to handle. will try to stay on and c how. but will also lookout as tis is not entirely wat i want. i took up as i need a job badly and cant afford to go without job.
morning all.. im looking forward to next year as well... dun hav any mood to work, one simple task i already took a week to do but still hav not finished
had my first teacher-parent meeting, not sure what to say, both teachers and me sat there silently for a few minutes, while im pretending looking at my son's profile ...
morning Klite,
so good today is the last day of school. still feeling weak as I just discharged from NUH yesterday.
<font color="0077aa">Dear Lovely JW Mummies,
I'm currently looking for a gynae. Can you please share who your gynae is, and where you deliver your child?</font>
hi moi,

my gynae at mt A, dr Ching KC at level 2. experienced, practical and pro-natural. hospital stay at Mt A is great too.
i don't look forward to NEXT year AT ALL leh!!

gonna be changes and changes and i still havn't nailed down my plans yet. *argh*

next year, Frontier PS will start school liao. oh gosh imagine ALLLLL the noise!! would i need to soundproof my windows??
stomach pain+vomiting=NUH

I think by next yr, we will get use to the noise from the school. How I wish my kids can study there too. It is so near. dont need to take sch. bus.
yea. proximity is quite impt.

btw, saw a helper with rebonded long hair in white thin tank top, black bra &amp; denim hot pants. wow
<font color="aa00aa">I think you'll get used to the noise la. My previous house faced AYE &amp; railway track on the front &amp; CTE from the back but we were immune to the sound and I didn't even know what time the train passes by.</font>
did u go sentosa on sat.? today much better than yesterday. plan to watch tin tin movie then go sentosa.
wendy, she must b from phillipines!

atm, oh no u've recovered ya?

will get used to the noise?? i hope so. i hate droning and prolonged noise. 会发神经!
