Lovely JW Mommies

Jo... Not yet cause till now everyday still got on going Reno gg on so everyday busy washing up v siong Liao . But by next week shld be ok I hope .
Nvr ending prob !! Lol

Try to make it at least once every 2 weeks la.. Hee ! Like what we discuss the last meeting . We can meet in town

Jo, if really wanna meet u ah, i can pick up didi v early and we can have lunch on Fri. but then have to find those kopitiam with available carpark lot JUST RIGHT IN FRONT of our table so didi can continue to sleep in the car while we 38 awhile. lol

chelsi, jopep, coming wed orchard buffet ai mai? 12-230pm leh and it's expiring 25th Oct!! *help*
klite and other lovelies!
we almost every week meet at JP for lunch de. if any of you free and wanna jio us, pls feel free to sms us anytime la. we can't be every week sms blankly to everyone jio u all for lunch rite? we'd be glad if someone else come jio us partay!!! ;p
hi afternoon.. yoko okay but not this month.. hav to go overseas for 2 weeks, and then look for a child care centre at bishan for my second son.. all the centres say on waiting list even i wan to register for mid next year.. paingz
wow just check the internet, lucky i buy correct type of fish for baby ... threadfin aka ngo he (hokkien) but so darn expensive.. one small piece cost of 6 dollars!!!
Yoko , I'm ok if Jo is ok .

Re: Fish

Y is threadfin good?
Just wondering . I always buy threadfins, salmon, cod fish for my girls only .
klite, hahah now then u know ah? i like to buy whole fish then slice and keep leh. cheaper. but will only buy like that if i see the fish vvvvvv fresh.
I don't think it's the less bone thingy leh ...
Lol ...

Yoko , I got buy Red Grouper & promfret too actually . That makes u 3 lesser type . Lol
lol okok. i buy ikan bilis and silver fish. back to 1 less type. kekeke

wendy i tink buy tail side not so many bones.
thks yoko.
but why tilt forward?
thought is to lie down and tilt head backward?
like dont let mucus flow out like that?

anyway, why will have nose bleed?
What Yoko say is correct ... By right pressure will stop the blood fm continue flowing ! Shouldn't let the blood back flow.

But I do what u say ... Lie down & wait . Usually will stop in a while . Haha . Cause I tried the add pressure so many times n dun know y it doesn't work . Lol!!

Heaty? I used to get it quite often esp when young. Now only once in a blue moon. My girl got it one .
ya most ppl will say heaty. any other reason?

happen twice to my ger.
last month once.
then yesterday again.
both time is sleep half way, wake up to blow mucus/feel nose block then see blood

after that will still have mucus and see blood stains in mucus.

Hi, I am a mother of 4 kids staying in Jurong West (Pionner MRT). I can help to look after ur precious for full day/ half day/ few hours/ whenever u need it. Interested parents can call me @ 91883900.


No worries abt the nose bleed.. Very common in children. Junxi has nose bleed quite often.. Doc says usually it is nothing to worry abt. One of the reasons is because their blood veins is very thin so break easily n once broken, very easy to break again ESP when rubbing n blowing nose.. The correct method is to lean forward n apply pressure on the nosebridge like what yoko n chelsi say..

It always work for junxi but sometimes got to apply pressure longer on the nose bridge
Forgot to tell that junxi sometimes also wake up with bleeding nose cos I think he go rubbed his nose too hard while asleep

My got once so far. Anyway v hard for me to hold her cause she's usually screaming n crying away !! Lol
But myself quite often when young. Now still have but lesser .
Ya... I think they rub or blow too hard .
but it really seems worrying to see it happen a few times.
how often is not normal?
shd i bring her see doc?
wendy i also learn from jo de. i thought lie back also hahahah. i guess it's just like last time when we had high fever, hospital will dip us in cold tub and high speed fan blow at us. now, they say just use tapwater temperature water to sponge will do.

i often have nose bleed when kid time too. tink no worries la. c enough doc, apply enough med, will just suddenly go away forever de.

both kids at home with me today. damn freaking ankle is giving way liao *help*

jo, u really siao leh y buy so many hc pan?! lol

tonite i cook 姜葱田鸡 !
I think as long as not everyday bleed shd be ok.. If really worried then let doc check

I buy one only lah.. The other pans r for my MIL n cousins.
Yawn... Tiring & sleepy day !

Now every sun n mon becomes so tiring . Got to wake v early .

Ya .. Was wondering y Jo buy so many pans. Lol
thks. but actually her nose bleed is not like flowing out type. it's more like we can see it forms a pool tog with the mucus in her nose then we ask her to blow
hope it stops soon.

HC pan - easy to use?
where cn i see the thing?
metro/robinson gt sell?
y u still ask her to blow?? wldn't it aggravate?

yes pan ez to use but i didn't buy hcp i bought esiway.

jo i thought u buy so many pans got so many things to cook at the same time meh? hahhaa did u try the hcp?
wanna ask her blow out the mucus if not she keep sniff sniff lei.
blow liao it's like clr nose then no more blood le.
HCP easy to use.. Can buy online at gmarket.. Got a few sellers.. Popular ones r bestgmall, 99 miles n starshop.. The price do fluctuate a bit. I bought the esiway pan too but stock only coming in end oct.
Has anyone got any lobang for gd pt helper with household chores? Urgent! Appreciate it if u cld pm the details. Thx loads!
