Lovely JW Mommies

hmm.. lunch soon.

yoko - i bought the QV gentle wash. $8+ for a small bottle lei.
oh.... i just read up and see that it's QV bath oil...
but daphne's skin seems to be better liao.

david says 'yuck, i dont like the smell' within seconds of me putting the soap.
and keep repeating throughout the shower.

daphne same reaction.
but when i explain 'this one will make your skin smooth smooth pretty, after water rinse away no more smell' she is all-ok no complain.

hi mummies

me not happy here but gotta stay till i find another job. here too many nitty gritty stuff and some of the practices r so localised and i cant stand it. 1 eg, everyday i gotta ask if anyone is working OT for that day. If no, i hv to 'chase' everyone out @ 5.30pm as i need to lock the main office door and activate the security alarm. And they hv security guard here. Does it sound like im a security guard?
Cheer up serene

Good morning mummies .....
back from sinseh. too much computer & bad sitting posture (spine abit sengeh towards left liao and neck spinal cord right side higher than left side), bad sleeping posture (arm numb at night). all these in turn causing giddiness and headache and 脸青青

oh shit.
oh no sounds bad.
try using neck pillow when using comp.
no more feeding didi at night?

I also trying to stand straight n not slouch.
Just sign up a nos of holiday art and craft workshops for my gal this holiday.
Anyone wana join too?
Pottery Lesson - Angry birds @ Twinkle Art Pioneer

To me is cold everynite. keke..
Course fee $120 for 4 sessions. $20 material fee.
Next Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri 10am to 12pm
Its at JW Stadium, 2nd Floor, Behind the ex-7eleven.
Yes i recd your msn. No stock,

But nvm... alr eyeing this for quite some times. I will try again after festive season with the shipping u reccomend.
Hello mummies,

Though shifted but still want to chat in this forum!! ;pp

Angry birds pottery my son did in school this term.. Very nice!! His was 6 lessons but I forget price Liao.

Did u receive the molds i hung at your gate?
manda, i find it abit ex for $35/lesson.

jo/mavis, i'm suddenly sick. all started in the car yesterday while on the way home i was like stuck nose. now wakey, sorethroat too.
Venus, 10am to 12pm

Yoko, at first w/o material is $30. Later paying mentioned the material fees. My gal so so like it. So must register. Haha
Take a Gd rest, lady boss
bb chelsi,
no choice. mummy 'working hard' to find new job otherwise mummy not happy then son also not happy..

hb nagged that is a waste of $ to send him to such activities as he feels nothing much is learnt. i think same way as u - so long as my boy is happy and having fun..
Then take more red meat !!
Heaty better than Bo blood !! Lol

She's ok . Got to monitor . Still keep crying tummy pain but doc can't find anything wrong wz her at all. Everything seems ok except she keep saying pain

Overstretched, Yoko Yoko may help. Hehe..

A bit blue today. Yday gal did a simple scope test from nose to vocal. Nthg wrong. To do a further test this fri. Needa fasting.
morning mummies

im surrounded by 38s here in my new co.. cant stand them.. they can really gossip abt every lil thing.. sigh
hello JW mummies - any1 kids using schoolbus (childcare) - does your bus stop operation during the last 2 weeks of school holidays?
Yoko, not inflammed in ENT. This am did a barium swallow x-ray. Waiting for result ...on 27th. Meanwhile can let her drink more milk. I'm back to prepare baby porridge for her.

Qingling, my gal not in Childcare. For kinder, school
Bus stop operating during sch holidays cos no school too. Not sure Abt Childcare.

She can bite can chew solid but just can't swallow. Chew until soft soft Liao still dun go in. Say she swallow in but come out again to her mouth again???
Doc can't advise on the prob yet.
