Lovely JW Mommies

My gal in Rulang pri n we lived just opposite it.
Now having SA. I try not to stress her

I am going early too. Cos my gal sat lesson still as per normal. hb v "chubby" with a beer belly.. i am FTWM with 2 boys, k2 and playgroup..

yoko..time to clear ur stock from your "warehouse"..

wendy..try vegetarian restuarant..should serve brown rice..
U r most welcome!! We r all very nice n warm n lovely!!
I m a SAHM with 2 boys age 6 n 2..

Y u so happy? Chelsi treat u mac ice cream n u eat your big fat prawns again!!
Because I bad mood so she good mood lor... Lol

Yoko eat so little tdy . Not e standard I'm expecting. Lol

Damn ... I'm hungry again . I must have been a hungry ghost my last life
. Really put on quite abit of weight
. So sad
jopep, chelsi treat me milk tea and butterfly prawns!! and i bot lots of oreo oreo!! woohoooOOoOOoO

chelsi, preggy ah? *run & hide*

Happy Weekend!! C some of u this Sunday!
i wanna change my house aircon. installed since 2002.
is now a system 5. i feel not cold.
i think i wanna change to system 4.

any recommendations?

any contacts to share?

my ac also not cold leh. last nite run whole nite cannot achieve 24deg...... hb wanna just change my room ac cos we hardly touch the other 2.

how ru feeling?
My darlings! i'm going to be busy with deliveries for the next 3 days. wan me to monologue or spam also cannot liao.
hello, so long never come in. Now waiting for my hubby to fetch me and office not pple left, so decided to come in here.
Yoko: at least you get a koi & flower for mother's day, i only got the flower made by adora in school, that all lei
morning mummies

i got 1 card drawn by my son in sch.. then i somemore tell him i spotted 1 spelling mistake.. think he really hates me for it..

the weather is soooo hot arh.. i was home the long wkend cox son was sick.. i really perspire alot which i seldom do..
<font color="aa00aa">If I want to take MRT from Boon Lay to Dhoby Ghaut, which station should I change train by just crossing the platform (i.e. no need to go up the escalator)?

If going to Promenade MRT, where do I change train?</font>
Morning ladies!

Bbloh, raffles place? Can't give u a Gd ans cos I ages din take mrt to town.

Yoko, if banner ready, inform me. My ger waiting to take her McQueen drawstring bag. Haha.... Ur stools not urgent rite?
I got a leap frog word launch to give away. For 4+.
bought it few year back n used few times.

Any taker?
Will post pic on fb
yoko: I never been to anywhere, still in Singapore. Super busy at work lor and at work can't really surf net, alot of eyes, especially my boss always like to use his super eyes to see what we do. Now is lunch time, not many pple ard &amp; boss also not ard, that y i log in here to look c look c. In addition, every night go hm so tired, no time to surf net and have to entertain my gal. Plus i always very tired, want to sleep thus resulted so long MIA from here.
Hope every mummies here are alright. Any interesting news that I missed out?

Serene: you very bad leh, son made you card, still want to pinpoint his mistake. He is sure very hurt liao
bbloh: take mrt to raffles place &amp; change train to Dhoby Ghaut by walking over, no need to clim stairs or take escalator. No idea on Promenade MRT as never been there b4.

wendy: can't help you much cos seldom use aircon at hm. Sorry!
Genting really nice har? No one go wz me

Actually more for my girl ....

Re: Aircon
Was using artcool system 4 last time inverter . Ok for us but we service v often cause v heavy usage esp mstr bedroom . On almost 20 hrs daily ...
V siong !!

But I think recently e weather really too hot . Car or room Aircon on still feel hot. it's killing lor.
Nice to go genting cos weather there is cooling....

We using lg system 4 inverter. Like u, i seldom use but I feel lg not cold if u on more than 2 at the same time... Think mitsubitshi not bad.. Last night was so hot tat we on the air con to cool the room first b4 sleeping n it took quite a while for the room to be 'cool' n we just service our air con in Jan... We used to service our air con three times a yr till the guy told us tat once a yr is enough cos our air con very clean!!

i also got not much comments abt ac. think my hse is daikin, but we seldom on. only on when ILs or my parents come over to play mahjong, or when the weather is super hot like these few days then i will on to sleep. my ac has been there abt 8 to 8 yrs, since we reno the hse.

Genting - i dun like cox i dun like to travel on coach so long. my buttocks and back hurt! keke.. think im old aldy, so cannot tahan sitting down for so long.
