Lovely JW Mommies

im scared of cold so i only on ac when i slp in the nite and it is v v v hot.. even on ac, also set timer to off it.. basically i jux dun want to feel hot when im falling aslp


Hubby is from "iceland" !! No ac can die type .
So after all these yrs with him I cannot tahan hot also alr .
I grew up using fan only ... NO AC at all !!!!

Pink ... Bz clubbing ? Hee
Yes ... Quite high

Venus.... Enjoy !!
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks Serene! I'm thinking of visiting Shenzhen (there's also a theme park there) or Guangzhou, or even both since they're pretty near to each other.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">My brand is Sharp and it's still pretty quiet after 11 years. But, maybe coz I seldom switch on the air-con except for these few nights. Even then, I set it at 26 deg C and I still feel cold but my son slept soundly.</font>
morning mummies

anybody can recommend where i can go with my boy for a short trip during jun hols, besides HK, macau, genting?
actually i prefer to go theme park with my boy but i dun know where else got theme park.
if no theme park, some places where kids can enjoy?
morning all...
why so many holidays??? what to do tom??? already gone swimming, mcdonalds, eastcoast, west coast, zoo, jurong point, vivo, ikea, no more ideas liao...
is science center a good place for a 2.6 year old kid?

yoko he not very creative, when stay @ home, the only thing he wants is to play computer, thats why i have to bring him out always to prevent him gettin too wired
<font color="aa00aa">How about joining the DUKw tour, then take the SG Flyer and take a ride on Funvee hopper? We did that yesterday and it took us the whole afternoon! For more info, google citytours.</font>
morning.. chance upon jacob ballas children's garden on the way to botanic garden, its a good place to go and its free but limited parking.. were there yesterday morning
Another event known to me via email is the Kids Arts Village held in Esplanade, yah i think next place to bring kids is esplanade, nice scenery for photo taking hehe
Good noon ladies!

Waiting to watch kungfu panda. Haha...
Juz signed 2 courses for my gal for jun holiday in my cc.
Ice cream n science workshop.
<font color="aa00aa">I'm going to Universal Studios. Is there any note or tip to enjoy the place? Which is a must-take ride? Where to eat?</font>
bbloh - the mummy ride lor

when i went the last time the human and cyclone still closed. bleh... if not, i think i'll take
Good afternoon

It's going to be duan wu Jie soon... Helped my mum Bao ba zhang yesterday, n home made ones r still the best!!

How's your trip so far?? I thought got a lot of moulds Liao leh, still need to buy??

Counting down to gold coast trip with family.. 7 days to go.. ;)
morning mummies

yoko came back aldy?

i only like dumplings made my by grand-aunt. those outside ones i dun eat de, even my mil's ones.. hehe

wow! how many days trip u gg?
Good noon ladies.

Kinda quiet here ya....

I only like nonya dumplings..

Jopep, so envy... Have not been out of Asia so so long....
morning mummies

why so quiet arh?

me wanna do alot of things like bring my son out during jun hols, go short trip, meet u all for lunch etc etc.. but like not enuff leave leh.
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer up, Serene! Maybe take half day?

USS - I tried Mummy's Return but didn't get to ride the outdoor roller coaster &amp; Jurassic ride (gotta Q for 2 hrs!). Overall, the park is a bit small but still good for enjoyment.</font>
Going 6 days 5 nights but flying air Asia via kl...

My mum's r ba zhang but my MIL's r Nonya zhang. Think she is going to make this weekend but I not around leh. Will let u have some after I come back from Australia if still have... ;)
I'm here I'm here !!!
Jo ... Love u la. Like only u rem me. Hee

I still come in to read everyday but nothing to say so keep quiet lor !!!

Sch holiday Starts !!!! Stress Liao. Lol
morning mummies

i b on leave tmr for my boy's PTM. wonder how he behaves in sch for the past 3 mths..

bb chelsi,
i got miss u la.. jux that i dun say out mah.. keke..

when u mummies meeting again for lunch? i hope to join in.
morning all.. very tired this week.. taking leave tom babysit son.. think tom will bring him shopping in orchard road, its great singapore sale again!! need to buy working shoes
Bbchelsi, I miss u too leh. Haha...,
Me also thinking what to do during the sch holidays.
Got nice place to go, jio me hor.
Din look fwd sch holiday cos no plan for tour. Keke..
u gg town tmr? then mayb i can bump into u. haha.. cox think i will go out after my son's PTM

i look forward to sch hols cox it means i can take a break too.. keke.. if i take leave and bring my boy out, i jio u ok?
