Lovely JW Mommies

Think maybe Wendy lost quite a bit of weight so breasts shrink... Now she needs to put on some weight to redevelop her breasts!! Kekeke

hi Venus, hi JW mummies, hahaha sorry didn't introduce myself when I first started posting in this thread.

I am a JW mummy as well. I stay at Blk 686B. I have 3 kids, my oldest, a boy, turns 4 this year (yes, I am a 2007 August mummy!) And I have a pair of twins who were born last year in January. Tomorrow, my twins will be exactly 16 months. One boy and one girl, yes we are very blessed!

I used to be quite active in my 2007 August thread at the time when my oldest was born. But work was super busy and I eventually stopped coming in altogether. Recently just changed jobs, and now, perhaps still "honeymoon period" so, got time to come into the forum to look see again.

ok, enough intro?
hi bbloh! Yes, I'm in West Coast GRC, though it's quite confusing coz we seem to be surrounded by posters of Cedric Foo and Steve Chia. You in my estate too?

Hi Wendy!

Hi Venus, yeah yeah very fun, now they're older, more fun. When just born, quite shack for all of us, taking care of two babies at the same time. My hubby lost 10kg within 6 months of their birth... hahaha...
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi

got lang miss me or not? tmr lunch who free leh? i suddenly very free liao damn damn damn</font></font>
i also wanna find out how to redevelop breast leh. chelsi, bigger good to squeeze ma. hehee

what is lays masterpiece flavour???

venus, we both wearing the smallest cup liao la. really jin eh si MAIDENFORM.

welcome pst! i have 4yo gal and 18M boy. we also have another mummy here with twins, just gave birth to another gal.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Yoko 来 SPAM liao! but bo lang hue me! )(@#*$&amp;)#(@*&amp;$#)@(

i v hungary i havn't eat lunch. tonite gonna cook luncheon meat, chicken rice, ginger fry croc meat, oopz no veg....</font></font>
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haha yoko..u talk to urself again..

zoo trip v nice hor..i need a break too..Hoping can dump my kids and go holidays w hb..

pst..wah 10kg..i wish my hb can lose that much..even w my bois (6yrs and 3yrs old) siting on his tummy also dun flatten it lei..
wat time u all gg to vote?
anyone knows what are the peak period to avoid?
the polling center close wat time?
back from food preparation!!!

serene, i v sian to surf internet on my hp. pretty slow keyboard..... but fb on my hp is v fast so u always see me there.

venus, u v funny leh! lol btw remem i asked u and chelsi "Guess What?" sometime ago?? now i remember again, i can't find where is the stack of blank cards

zoo was really nice yest leh, except hardly any wind. the pool damn fun lo! we put the wallet in safe and all go pool together. only like around 10 kids at the place. got more when we left but then the storm came just when we got into the car so i guess alot of ppl got trapped in zoo ba.

wendy, wat cute dress? NPNT
Strange leh,Thought i posted this afternoon...

Welcome to our lovely family

U got buy the zoo pass?? Thinking of going on Monday but sure a lot of pple..
Tomolo I cant do lunch, got something on...

Wat cute dress u wearing? Post pic leh..
serene, i was on the run ma. only at home and FREE to online den can surf lappy. else is all the time ad hoc fb from hp.

wait i post tonite's dinner ok! hehehe

jopep, i didn't buy the zoo pass. hb got office pass. but yest kena checked leh. didn't bring staff pass, end up verify bizcard with ic leh.
Hi pst!
I have a one n only 7 years old gal.

Can't lunch Tmr. My gal no sch cos of polling on sat. Next mon also no sch.
Venus ... Mine still at e Sch opp your block!! Stupid right ?

Yoko ... I go pick u usual time? Just 2 of us as usual I guess.

Small cute leh ! Too big like bowling ball I dont like. Lol
cox u didnt change add rite? so......

welcome.. im a FTWM with a 7yr old boy

me came back from dinner with my 2 good frens, so happy.
morning mummies

my coy is giving us replacement ph next mon.. another long wkend again.. so happy!

waiting for u to post ur pic..

then maybe there is a cutoff date.. so perhaps ur effective date is after it, so they base on ur old add?
pic... hmmm... mayb later.

my polling station is at corporation pri
wat time go is best?
early morning at 8am? or ?

Venus, hahaha, my hubby very skinny already, so when he lost 10kg, he was like a bag of bones! hahaha... I wish I could transfer 10kg to him for him to help me lose! hahaha

hehehe are you japanese? just wondering at your choice of nick. hey our kids about same age. but think your boy is late 2009 baby, coz my twins are Jan 2010 babies.

Jopep, thanks!
I posted in a few JW mummies threads, this one is the warmest!

Huitong, hi! Wah so your girl P1 this year then? Which school, nearby? So far stress not?

Serene, hiya! you too P1 kid. School where? Stress not? kekeke...

Chelsi, hi hi
how old are your girls?
you just moved to this area not long?

Wendy, think polling from 8am to 8pm, my flat downstairs the noticeboard at the lift there has this big poster with guidelines on what to do on polling day etc. You go see your side, maybe also have...

What do you guys plan to do tomorrow? I was thinking dunno should like hang around downstairs at the polling station, see got anything happening or not... hahaha...

I bet PAP wishes they could "turn off" the internet on this Cooling Day... hahaha...
Serene, Venus- maybe lor. I just chng in feb.

My girls r 3yrs plus &amp; 7 mths :D.
I just moved out of jw actually . Lol
But moving back near into jw soon .
So u working ? Then who helping u wz your kids?
pst - i got 1 son p1 and 1 girl k1.
im ftwm.
son in student care. girl in childcare.

i din see big poster lei.
ooooh thks bbloh.
aiya, tot i can quickly vote in the morning then rest of day free le.

im looking for restaurants/places that serves BROWN RICE.
u all know of any?
walao so many posts i no time to read thru yet. gotta rush cos the chelsi wanna come soon liao!

venus, it's not lost la. just SOMEWHERE i donno WHERE rofl

bbloh, i think now ppl order at i long time never spree for RRH liao. last time i ordered direct from their webby.
<font color="aa00aa">ter_wen,
Of coz, u can go in the morning but maybe gotta Q lor.

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<u>Sakura International Buffet celebrates Mother's Day @ SAFRA Jurong </u>

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Chelsi hahaha I see. Yes, I am a FTWM. My PILs shifted in with me when I delivered the twins. And I engaged a helper. So PILs and helper take care of twins in the day. We're thinking of sending the twins to cc by end of this year, actually anytime after July also can since they turn 18 months then... (so no need infant care, can go child care - cheaper!!!)

Wendy hmmm ok, hahaha, you can come my house downstairs see the poster hahaha... yeah think you can 8am go down, vote, then can chabot already...

i also wanted to go early to vote so that i can go sentosa tmr. but then my son is sick, so i might not b able to go sentosa after all..

if im not gg out, think i will go in the pm. anyway, got to c hb so that we can go together as we need to take turns to look after my son.
where is ur pic? LOL

yoko, ur hse got many things until u cant find ur stuff arh?

pst, im stressed in the sense that i hv to go back everyday (to my mum's plc) to check if my son got do homework or not. my son is the lazy and playful type. and he always tells me no homework.. as for academic wise, i dun really push him too mux as hb doesnt like him to b stressed..
