Lovely JW Mommies

bbloh, i seriously donno leh. sometimes teacher will ask them to bring a toy or storybook to share. i thought nothing more to that..

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">ANGRY! Stupid fren. All along so stupid. Today she really burst my top. Should i drop her asap?</font></font>
Yoko..... Dont be angry ya!! Y worry or get angry over A friend when u have us ??? Hee hee ...
When go eat butterfly prawns? I buy u k ... Cheer up * blink*
chelsi, i see your butterfly prawns i happy liao! hahahaha

seriously hor, lately donno what's wrong internally. i shd quick go do a check up. yest gastric today ls. and wondering what i ate to get the ls....... i getting more scared leh. if getting back to office work in order to have proper and timely lunch, i tink i have to resign to fate
it's been 9 months since i stopped working and i think it can do alot of damages if i continue not to eat properly &amp; nutritious food ya? tink so?

old liao.....scared die.
Hey wanted to share with you guys a website selling boardgames for kids &amp; adults, with free delivery in Jurong area
My son and nieces love playing boardgames, and it gets them off the tv, computer and handheld games. And the games also train the mind, and can hone the mind just like enrichment classes etc. Except that you do it in the comfort of your own home, and with friends and family. It's really great for family bonding. Oh and fantastic as gifts as well.

Go check it out
This is VERY USEFUL INFO if effective and the accident happens in places

like the home where one would presumably have a good supply of raw eggs;

otherwise where is one to get raw eggs out of nowhere?!

Treating burns.
Egg white

One hopes never to be needing it, but just in case:...
A simple but effective way to treat burns with the help of egg white.

This method is used in the training of firemen.
When sustaining a burn, regardless the degree, the first aid is always placing the injured part under running cold water till the heat subsides.

And next spread the egg white over the injury.

Someone burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. Despite the pain she held her hand under running water, then took two eggs, parted
the yolk from the egg white and slightly beat the egg white and put her hand in it. Her hand was so badly burned that the egg white dried and
formed a white film.

And during the next hour layer upon layer, she administered a white layer on her hand. That afternoon she didn't feel any more pain and the next day there hardly was a red mark to see. She thought she would have an awful scar but to her astonishment after ten days, there was no sign of the burn, the skin had it's normal colour again!

The burned area had been totally regenerated. thanks to the collagen, in reality a placenta full of vitamins.

This advice can be useful for everyone. Circulate it!
This reminds me of people eating their placenta. Any of you did it? I had a colleague who had her placentas made into pills, and she says it's very good. faint.
klite y store in the car??? lol u so funny.

gals, i donno wat to say............
today still abit ls. just got lots of gas in me!!
My helper sometime does that last time when I was preg . But my girl Sch only abt 3 stops away that time.
N provided it's not raining .
I reminded my helper no chatting or sms on phone during this period n must cross rd using traffic light at all times holding on to my girl hand.
klite, i oni let my maid send mal to tuition at frontier wen she was here for a early i dono whether she's safe enuf to carry out e duty.n provided ur kid listens to her n wn't juz run away w/o holding her hands.acces her 1st lor.mal was very mischievious wen he was i brot him to tuition classes myself.n for school,his schl is at jurong west st 42, so i engaged schl bus.

your temp hire is short term or part time?i noe there is part time.but nt sure bout short term.
Ya ... I think pink is right . U need to determine if your maid is ok.
My this maid quite smart that's y i feel she's ok to help plus like I say it's quite near .
Now I moved to je so I do all fetching myself .
There is temporary type I know but more x I think.
Mummies, i finally having lunch. Today didi first day in toddler class so i,m keeping myself around. 做托儿所的老师真的不容易。。。。。
<font color="aa00aa">Why open so many McDonald's? The ones at JP &amp; Pioneer Mall are also 24 hour right?</font>

i feel like eating wala wala crispy cheese &amp; egg prata, subway egg mayo, boon lay satay, changi nasi lemak, koi bubble tea, 香港茶餐厅木瓜米粉汤, dover hokkien mee, max brenner, lays masterpiece potato chips, mos burger coffee shake, crystal jade plain porridge.
Wendy, that shall be your meal menu for the rest of the week.
Lucky u din feel like getting a lv, gucci, chanel, loewe, etc. Lol
hmmmm.. think i need to redevelop my breast.
shrink liao. bleh.

venus - is it the masterpiece flavour? thats my fav.
