Lovely JW Mommies

rio is cartoon isit?

pink, manda, wendy
just curious, what do you gals teach your children in their preschool years? i v scared i will have the same problem
good school found liao ma.

so giddy whole mrng...don't feel like moving around much.

stupid neighbour upstairs. lately keep having aircon man over to do their compressor. and everytime never tell me to keep clothes first. nb
i noe y i so giddy already.........menses came AGAIN......tmd now like y so on time huh? i don't having 50-day cycle leh.
now? she's only 4yo my dear. hehehe we want to send her to rosyth sch at serangoon.

serene, ya always v irregular de. last time when i was tracking, got 20day cycle, got 55day cycle.
wah.. urs really v irregular lor. how to track? mine is quite regular.. so i remembered the 1st mth when i was trying to conceive, then my menses was late and i tot i was preggie. then is not. then i cried! LOL
Yoko, my gal preschool go for phonics, Chinese go storyisland, music n very last min go hanyu pinyin. Try abacus, she dun wan so din force her. Maybe shld hv insisted .
morning mummies

bb chelsi,
dun panic. here's 1 mummy who so far only send her son for drawing and 1 semester of phonics!
chelsi goes for dancing class.

manda, kristy also doesn't like abacus leh she doesn't like to play with that thing. but her mental imaging is excellent i would say. not sure how not-liking abacus will affect her.......... now i have like, 5 different types of materials just for teaching add/minus.
<font color="aa00aa">My colleague mentioned that while abacus is good for mental arithmetic, it's not good for doing Maths during schooling as kids usually derive at the answers without showing any working and marks will be deducted. It may also interfere with what teachers teach.</font>
venus, hahaha her school now is LSH at safra lo. she's learning jolly phonics n spelling in school already. i'm reinforcing. and kiasu mama wan her quickly master addition to 10 without having to count with FINGERS!!!! *puke blood*
bbloh, i heard from my neighbour westgrove offering abacus class leh. den he stop sending his child to cma.

"derive at the answers without showing any working"
yes that's y i feel the need to use other materials to combine with abacus/mental maths so she can understand the theory behind it and not blindly give answers.
What type of material u can intro har for teaching maths for their age now.

Younger days she went for Julia Gabriel which is mainly play also then now dancing cause she enjoys it.
She went for 1 term Little Neuro tree then i stop cause I find i boring &amp; feel she dont really enjoy it. Lol
david is currently attedning cma, and 3g abacus at westgrove
3g abacus will need to show wokring so it aligns with pr sch maths.

daphne taking 3g abacus in cc and drawing class
she likes drawing
Yoko, how to teach counting without fingers? I'm interested to know.

Wendy, 3G abacus sound Gd.

My gal not attending any academic lesson now. She is having dancing, guitar n wushu
wendy wat is 3g abacus. so cma good or nt?

i use the big 算盘, combination of nos with blocks, and nikitin number towers and montessori decimal system.

63-day, i never did. last yr she started counting i totally regret ;( now i do, but i tink effect not good liao.
im also interested in the 3g abacus. can tell us more?

jia lat, seems like my boy is the only 1 who doesnt hv any enrichment courses.. feel stressed when i c every1 do so much for their kids.
bb chelsi,
hi 5! my hb said the same thing to me too.. in fact, we argued last nite over my boy who is like everything dun know when u ask him abt sch.
Lol ...
Then maybe I shld tell him let's migrate to places where qualification doesnt matter . Haha ...

Yoko.. Tmr lunch at Fish&amp;Co can ?
Lunch tmr anyone else?
Actually is not stressing. Is just letting them learn earlier at a relaxed or comfortable pace. All come to absorb at p1 then is really stress for the kids.
My ex coll told me her mindset is also happy childhood for her son. Even when kinder teacher told her Tat her son is slow, she replied nvm son is so small, let him enjoy first. Now she regreted cos her son cannot keep up with the pace.

I can join lunch by the next invitation.
Enjoying my work this week. Lol.

I tink shld encourage kids to speak up in both languages. Gd to start from young. Reply in full sentence instead of a word nia
fish&amp;co got wat to eat ah? only fish rite. i ok. hahah i need to go post office also.

qualification doesn't matter - seaside kampong / resort life. i hope to put kristy there during sch hol when she's in pri sch and can take care of herself and to know about dangers of the sea.

ya, what is show and tell? now and then, i do try not reading the line in a storybook page but ask her to tell me what she see from the pic. she cannot construct proper sentence leh.
morning mummies..

agree w mgr complaining abt her pri 1 ger..cry everytime whenever she has composition as her homework..
Show n tell is student given an object, then must talk n show it with intro, body n ending. It's like a presentation lo.
Quite common in some kinder

Yoko, maybe u shld finish the story with her first then let her say the pic in her own word.
walao eh! pri sch presentation!!! jin stressed leh! is it common in kinder alredy??

manda, yes that's what i do. but having oral exam is like seeing a photo u never see before rite? hahaha i'm just trying to guide her to say something on her own. she like no confidence on what to do leh.
anyone saw bp for mickey mouse or thomas/chuggington or elmo or pororo trolley bag pls tell me ok! didi is promoting to toddler next week!! and mummy everyday taobao until forget to order bag for him *cry*

It should be common to do show and tell in Kindergarten..

My elder son start this in K1..bring his fav toy or thing to do show and tell..
Yoko, kristy still small. U have still time to slowly guide her. Keep on encouraging her. Can let her understand the story first then she can relay it to the pic.
<font color="aa00aa">yokogi,
LSH didn't have show &amp; tell sessions for Nursery classes? Usually, the English teacher will ask the kid to bring something, e.g. favourite toy, and then "show" the toy to the class and "tell" why s/he like the toy. No other preparation required at their level.</font>

morning mummies

my boy had show &amp; tell session when he was in kinder too.

my MP finally visited our block last nite.. and when she asked us if there is any prob, i told her abt the birds down our block there. it is really a prob and i tend to wakey in the wee hours when the birds wakey.
