Lovely JW Mommies

serene,i feel its either u don be bothered by e tings u do or point keeping track on wat he's doin.coz he's ur boss.n bosses r usually lidat de.workload is definitely lighter den staffs.n HR scope is basically handling co's general stuffs.last time my co will always look for hr regarding general don be too affected u no good leh.if u so unhappy oso will affect ur personal life.relax...keke

Dono y recently i like blood being sucked dry by my kids...beri breathless n tired.specially shanny is rili a monster!argh!!! Den mal oso owaz wan2 disturb her n it's making me beri frustrated... HELP!!!

Pink ... My blood sucked dry alr !!! Lol

Yes ... Agreed wz pink . Leave or take things easy & bear wz it . If not Ure only making yourself feel worst. End up who suffer? ... U yourself .
Destination in Malaysia for holiday

This looks not bad

Berjaya times sq in kl.
morning mummies

not that i dun want to leave, but i cant find another job.. so i can only complain now & then..

re: berjaya times square
i had a unpleasant experience with the hotel when we went there a few yrs ago.. we took coach and we reached there ard 1+ pm i think. we went to check in and were given key to our room. to our shock, the room was still occupied and the guests had not checked out yet! they told us they were waiting for their luggage to be carried for more than an hour.. and as my boy was young then and it was his milk time, i had to let him drk milk along the room corridor.. like so ke lian.. finally they checked out and we jux put our stuff in and we went out to take a quick bite while they made up the room.. then the same nite, 1 light burst and it took them the next day to fix it..
so i dun hv good impression of the hotel service.. but the room we upgraded was quite big and i liked the bathroom
i havn't do income tax!!

serene, take it easy. that's y he's BOSS. his job is to oversee you, not help u do work. bo bian just accept it and u'll be happier.

Serene, yes hard to work in a place u dun like. Hope u hv luck in a new job.
My ex boss also everyday surf, reading horoscope etc. Sometimes can hear those stretching sound like those just wake up in the am. Boss ar is like that, active during the days of reporting only.

It's tough handling 3 kids. If u tired, let maid handle while u rest.

Poorest chelsi with no blood left. Lol
morning mummies..

my boss also not bad..can play fb games..
the ex boss damm hardworking lor..同样的工作不同命!

chelsi..who suck ur blood dry? mosquito??
Iras so clever, have not submit for 2010, alr sent letter to my Hb saying giro deduction start may11, Pymt est same like last year. Quick in deducting money! Called up to inform them 2010 income less lo. Then they say will still deduct n return later. Like that also can.

Yday Jurong candidate come my house shake hand. Ask any complain, roof got leak etc. I said no, then my Hb quickly responded yes cos he just found out in the afternoon during the heavy rain. Walao sian, my less than 2 years beautiful ceiling leak becos of re-roofing work. Can ask for compensation?
it is like that if u use giro deduction. they will estimate and deduct 1st. refund later.

how come u all got candidates come shake hand de? my side dun hv leh..
hi ladies

felt so angry with a colleague of mine..all along, she's not a gd performer..can still forgive her for her slowness & over look of certain issues..but never expect her to instigate a few other colleagues to resign as well..

so did a hdb officer accompany the hse visit? usually, they will b the one to follow up w u..

i also hv not done my income tax...cant rem whether IRAS got send letter to inform me no need to submit a not..cos everything no change leh.
the opposition guy came once i tink, left a magnet. went to my mama's place 2x cos she got 2 magnets!

erhh..not tt i want to say, so far, i hv not seen our MP visiting us leh..hehehe..i also received the magnet & was rather impressed.

where u all meeting for lunch?
Yoko, I can start joining lunch after may.

Iv, a whole branch of pple are following. He asked them to take note of the issue bought up. Not sure is hdb officer or not. When they came knocking, it was my ger who opened the door. Then I heard some auntie voice asking my ger, Ma Ma you zai ma, Pa Pa ye ke yi. Keep repeating few times. I tot is yakult auntie or some sales people. Tot Hb was in the living so I cont waiting my show. I was bra less so dun wan to answer door. Lol. It was so noisy that I decided to go out take a look.

No magnet for me.
So your coll are resigning together?
just curious..ur this nick got so many posts oredi? hee..but of cos, cant beat Yoko..I'm impressed..11K of posts!

who is the MP for your side? Lim Boon Heng?

So far, 1 had resigned loh...the one who instigated still wonder the turnover so high & she still remains :p
Have been using this accounts since join Ljwm. I just change name. Not new account.
Yoko is doing bp.
Dun know ar. Introduced as a new candiate. I heard Mr Lee. Saw him in the news b4.
Your that kind of coll all leave le, she still will be ard.
well, maybe tis coll doesnt like the rest and instigate them to resign..

i dun know who is my MP.. btw, my constituency is diff fm u all rite?
no wonder..think i too long never explore the functions..hence, forget can change the name.

my tt colleague huh..know how to talk very well loh..but i dun think she dun like them lah..dunno what's up her mind, mabbe want the whole thing to depend on her only..

where r u staying?
well, perhaps ur coll wants to be indispensable in order to feel valuable/value-add to the coy?

i stay @ st 73, diagonally opp west grove pri sch.
if i'm not wrong, ur area is under hong kah north..thus MP is Amy Khor..

really all sorts of people in this world hor..tot it will b better to hv more help rather than do everything by yourself??
I went for hep A & B together de. First they will take blood test to see if u r immune. Report out not immune then take the jab. Total 3 times like the cervical jab. I took in pte clinic. Forget the price. About 100 per jab? Can't rem le
<font color="aa00aa">For RC member, how long after you're appointed as observer before progressing to the next stage?</font>
thanks huitong for the information.. i went polyclinic to take the screen test first.. see if my company got subsidise in jabs
in the news - one mother and daughter fell to death.. is it mother pull daughter to death? if so, really damn, innocent life gone like that
Good noon.

Wendy, go massage n hv a Gd rest.

Jopep, I went both for honeymoon. I try n try to recall but no images of them. It's pretty scary......AHHG!!!
I shld go refresh my memory
I only rem movie world more fun cause I was chasing after all the characters ... Haha
I find sea world abit bored.
But these were like 10 yrs back. Maybe it's diff now

bo lang miss me leh

i'm so tired. whole day never stopped doing things. just seem to be rushing rushing. now brain like cannot tarek handbrake liao. can't sleep.........

klite, yes i saw the news. wonder what really happened?? the poor gal didn't die instantly. so jialat!!
