Lovely JW Mommies

wow! pink can still post comment here even when her waterbag is bursted.. She really steady leh..

Hi all mommies.. I'm back from BKK.. Who is goin for the vertical maraton? My hub is working there too.. but i won't be running.. hehe..
snowy: sorry ya.. me just back from bkk and my son is sick these few days so din log on... ok.. i ask my hub and he say depend on how many boxes we ordered then can give 15% or more discount bah..

pink: u really very steady leh.. 4cm dilated and u dun feel the pain and can post comment.. where are u now? in labour ward?
me in labor ward nw.bout 4-5 pain within 10 mins...haha tink bb cumin out soon. ;p i'm sniffing gas mre frequently nw...maboh liao... Wahaha
pink, u tink of mooncakes den no need sniff gas liao la!

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">加油!! 加油!!!</font></font>
baby/serene - my office got cleaner aunty will do the replacement when empty. but sometimes, in fact alot of times the aunty maybe gone home already. so many men in office, yet all are wearing skirt one. last time i used to replace it if i see. now i can't be bothered. got man will replace if i ask them to, but it's my fav coll and somemore is unker level. all the young men blind one. so now i just scold loudly ask my younger coll in my dept to help, den tell him loudy all the men wear skirt nowadays.

may, really leh. u stupid. hahah

sudoku - last time i work in jap construction co. ka song! $10 per hr job doing nothing. my JD is to jagar the phone in case everyone goes out to site and nobody in site office to ans phonecall. i also make the morning kopi for the project director. they drink premium jap kopi leh. then my job nothing except to help the administrator sort out the receipts should classify under which cost centre. aside from that, i play minesweeper cos too bored ma. den the proj director tell me - come come. u play that brain no good. go photocopy this book and let me mark after u finish. dats the sudoku book lo. *lol*

baby, i going to the kite festival tomorrow afternoon. but see timing how first. dowan picnic leh, cos afternoon likely hot weather. contact u tmr if i go!

pink, u steady la. still can consider wanna take epidural or not. i last wk already reminded my gynae i scared of pain, prefer to take epidural den induce come out. *lol*

alamak candy, u just came back from BKK? earlier know we tompang u to buy &amp; ship back boots milkbag for us liao. kekeke
Pink, can take video de, i took the video when im delverin charmaine. Next time let you all watch. Can take but not directly at the vagina area, hb shoot from my bed.

Pink fill in this-

Baby Jayna is born on 28.08.09
Picture Pls....
yokogi: sorry.. i din know u gals wan to ship what milkbag?

barney: tks for your concern... my boy suddenly high fever on wed wee hours at 2am... fever up and down.. doctor gave 3 days mc but if getting more serious then need 10 days mc.. I'm praying hard that he recover soon.. his sickness make me sick too.. me down with heavy headache..
barney &amp; yokogi: thanks for ur concern... my head was throbbing since i'm back from BKK.. guess i din sleep well there... keep shopping n shopping n shopping.. lots of things to buy this trip.. guess i will go again soon..
pink: hope you give birth to a healthy and happy bb gal
I really saluate you.. steady mommy!
i dono e length etc.too tired n painful to listen to e nurse.haha i had to hold on longer den usual as my gynae is at mount a delivering another patient.haha
wa pink! congratz! can hold on one ah? 3.4kg big leh!

eh tell u secret......i'm watching the LF DVD now. u wan bo? cos i tink u canot check email now.
yoko,LF nice n interestin nt?i nt sure if shanny interested.if alot of singing n dancin den she'll luv try lor.u kip a copy for me.will collect aft my CF.THKS
pink, how, tonite no need to sleep liao le. kekeke jayna feeding well?

i dono interesting or not. kristy watching just now.
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Pink, congratulation to you! Welcome here baby jayna</font></font> She look exactly like you leh. so sweet...

what;s your wards number?
barney,u wan2 cum visit me huh?keke don tel u!wahaha ;p

Yoko,ok i'll gt 1 set.thks

Juz nw beri tired bt nw don feel lke slpin leh...nt used to slp outside.hope i cn dischrg on sun.if bb n me ok den sun cn dischrg liao.

wanna go visit your baby and you mah.hahaha...

You got take video clip?

how long is your delievry?

Better have some sleep.
barney &amp; yokogi: see when u gals can make it.. we go together leh.. i bring u around bkk..

pink: congrats to you!! ur bb still can smile leh.. u really a strong woman to tahan the pain until ur gynae is there with u.. u're my heroine!!!

chinkerina: pls dun spam our thread.. tks.. they will seek my advise if need to...

this Pink mommy really steady.. give birth can still surf net.. she's the first mommy i ever come across.. i think she sure very fast to deliver one.. envy envy.. tell us more when u r better.. take some rest pls..
