Lovely JW Mommies

I missed the whole thing.. but i took some time going through the moments of pink delivery! Sure brings back that wonderful miracle memory...
take care and enjoy !!

yokogi : its alright cos end up on sun never go for the kite festival cos adora is sick and also its been raining for the whole day also.
what about zheng4 jie2?
yokogi : remembered the thermos straw bottle that we bought from the BP, its back again, think will be getting the replacement straw
is it the forum problem or what huh? how come May also cannot write chinese now?

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">today so little posts? ALL GO WHERE???</font></font>

I tuang today. went work 2hrs den now at home liao. ekekek

snowy, i was thinking of buying for hb to put inside car leh. cos he use the nalgene one quite long already and somemore plastic not good for the heat in the car rite?
yokogi : so good, can awol and go hm, i also want to go on leave and stay at hm
ya lor, plastic no good to put under heat for too long. But the BP price increased already
<font color="0000ff">pinky66,
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Congratulations to you and your family for the new arrival of Jayna! She is so lovely!</font></font>

I saw you and Zorae at the Kite Festival at about 6pm, concentrating hard on the drum. The weather was very nice and the kites were lovely!</font>
<font color="0000ff"><u>Home broadband</u>
Which ISP are you currently using? My contract with StarHub is expiring in 2 days' time and am looking for good deals. Will SingNet or M1 network cut off while browsing coz I do experience websites hanging with StarHub sometimes? Any lobang for good deals?</font>
sharon, u went for the kite fest? got meet any other mummies here? a pity i missed it cos i tink kristy sure v happy to see so many kites. her papa didn't run fast enough for the kite to fly high high the last time we went on a dead-wind morning. ahahhaa

my house using the singtel broadband, i dun think is good leh.... for my case is. whenever residential phone ring, the internet will be cut off and it will take about 5-10 min to recover back. Then i have to close and open the window again. Super pissed when im typing a long message.

i din went for the kite fest.. cos when im wanna go out the kids are all sleeping til 6plus pm. So we din go lor. Charlene keep saying that i lied to her. "mummy, bluff one" " you say wan to bring me go see kite, where got kites" hahahaha... I was ratehr pissed also as she keep repeating a number of times.
<font color="0000ff">babybarney,
ICIC. Have you reflected this problem with SingTel? My brother is also using mio but he's satisfied with it so far. I don't intend to subscribe to mio as we're not having residential line. But, SingNet is one of my considerations.

Regarding Kite Festival, DS also napped quite late until about 5pm. I was worried that the sky would be dark by the time we reached. Alas, the weather was very good and we stayed there until 7pm, enjoying the sea breeze before leaving.</font>
my hm oso using mio.qte okie leh.if u sin mio den e hm lnes all fee leh.

yoko,don buy electrical appliances at shopping malls.mre ex leh.e freezer i bot costs bout 800 at best denki den i oni paid $630 at e shop at 500+.e one along e watsons stretch.near ur buddy bargain leh.she'll give u e best price she cn.u approach a fat aunty wif rough voice wearing specs de.other shops approach all quote me $680.
i tinking of using contraceptives.anybdy on it?any recommendations?my gynae recommend me smeting called copper.but smebdy told me will hav heavy menses.
hw cum today soo quiet?

yoko,my heartburn n gastric came bac wen i was near due gets worse as bb gets bigger.

laz nite shanny bcame Jayna's nanny.wen nana cried,shanny oso woke n pat nana.n kissed her.shanny will wakie n go c nana at her play pen n pat her.den will kiss her wen nana's latched on.funniest of all is...shanny will try to suck my other nipple wen nana's latched on.i rili neary fainted.i gt to entertain 2 princesses in e middle of e nite!!!
harlow all mummies


wahaha, maybe too engrossed with keeping to the rhythm so din take note of anything or anyone else...zorae had a good experience wif the heavy instrumental pot and drum thou...


hi, long time no the forum i mean...timing always not right...and most of the time, i on my laptop juz to do work...then tired liao...haha...oh, the kite flying was quite a good experience...we bought a helium balloon for Zorae to fly coz it was much more interesting and she could expereince it going way up high mah...kites are alittle too much for her to wun get to enjoy much lor...

how r u feeling?? hope u r feeling good...and wen is ur edd??? take care!!!
haha sharon! so innovative u used helium balloon. ;p i also thought u maybe so busy with work after HK trip. u noe, LSH last wk got outbreak of stomach flu. teachers also kena. total 28 count within 3 days. and they finally engaged professional to clean &amp; disinfect the place.

sharon/pink, i heartburn come back liao now. my edd 12 oct leh. still got so long donno how to spend my next 6 wks at work with only 5 days of AL and 7 days of MC left.

pink, u v funny leh! so shanny still like to drink bm ah?
wendy,dat one is wat type?inserted into e cervix or oral or patch or needle?

Yoko,my heartburn was thru out leh!lagi jialat rite.

Me my havin engorgement at my armpits!owaz kena at e arm pit de.2 stones there den cn't close up.cry...
pink- insert de. Also will decrease menstrual flow. V good.

Must massage or press at the stones when feeding else will infect.
Maidenform must place order by tomorrow noon hor. Wendy u wan quickly go trial pamper nehneh today. *lol*

Still got baking session? I'm at work.

Last nite was terrible. Left leg cramp, right leg try to rescue, end up BOTH legs cramp for long long time. My hb do for me long time also cannot relief it, until i was crying already.

I out for mtg half day leh. Later donno got chance to discharge my HP from hospital or not. So handicap w/o it.

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!! Lots of Flowers &amp; Kisses for u.......</font></font>
<font color="119911"> Happy Teacher's Day</font>


Go tuang lar... come baking with us.


Me going at 11.30.
<font color="0000ff">pinky66,
I'm not keen in taking a residential line as most calls are from property agents or persons dialing wrong numbers. Worse! I've even received a call in the middle of the night asking about fishball purchase!</font>
leave sme goodies for me k.keke i wan2 eat!wat u guyz baking nw?

Wendy,thks for e info.

Yoko,dats e part i hate bout pregnancy.e painful n gangkor part.u tk care.i'm gg to bathe later. Buay tahan liao!
ya lor. I sms wendy oso no reply.

Recently thread rili beri quiet leh.y huh?

jayna beri demanding leh!wan2 suckle on my nipple nearly whole day.den don wan2 slp in her play pen.wan2 carry.i bobian gt to use pacifyer liao.else diff to gt rest.rili pengz!!! at nite tk care of 2 n daytime entertain nipples so sore nw.
no choice leh.oso coz I gt blocked latch her to clear lor.else i pump oso cn't leh.den my nipples too sore to pump oso.
pink, remem to massage the little stones hor.

hehe, the 2 gals pengsan after making 3 cakes isit? no sound no news no picture.
ya lor!me wana kepo oso no answer.den oni 2 of us ping pong today...haizz so sad.nw me nt oni gt little stones but oso blocked veins.massage n rub til gg to or cheh liao stil lil blocked.rite armpit stil nt cleared.left one nt so hard liao but stil lil blocked.doo whether isit ystrdy itchy backside wear e wired nursing bra den blocked or wat leh.but for shanny i oso gt blocked on e 3rd day.but tis time nt as serious til cn't close arm pit.heng ah.haha...they do cakes or cuppies?i tot is cuppies?
pink, when u going to start jamu massage? u wanna call for breast massage before u start jamu massage? Mdm Rokiah still personally do breast massages. gg to slp to bring nana for check up tml.

nw i noe y i was upgraded to 2 bedded liao.coz tis is my 3rd bb born in tmc den i'm considered loyalty patient.den den auto upgraded me to 2 bedded as appreciation fm tmc n oso gt a hamper.the staff nurse actually 4gt to mke arrangements til i ask bout it leh.coz i noe 3rd child born gt smeting fm e hospial they actually to shanny was my 3rd child n told me i'm offered sme % off my bill.den tis time i asked lor.haha else my hamper gone. ;p
Yoko and pink,

Haven got time to upload the photo. The baking not really succesful thou the looks of the cake seem okie. Dun know where goes wrong.
