Lovely JW Mommies

TMD teacher Jiang just called. still tell me after kristy recover liao, must bring back to doc check again confirm no more den can go back. the 2 cases in kristy's class happened out of a suddenly yesterday. they just puked in class. the virus so powerful.

me box full of it..used to be more hardworking at flashing..but now, no time..cos spending less time w my boy he cant sit still also..:p

Kekeke...ROFL at Manda's comments..employed what i learnt ^_^ for meeting later.
Ya.. Principal also ask me to get Jamie certified fit before going back. Then I tell her, in that case I dun want her to go back tmr. We will go back on Monday then. Walau.. HFMD also doc's letter. This one also doc's letter. This month I spent $400 on doc liao leh. So suay month.. urgh!!

Ur hb good also, can tahan 9mths. I can remember thru out 9mths I only agree abt 5-6 times.

Still asking ur hb to wait ah?

Where is the photo that u going to post?

Ok..raining day.. everyone sleepy hor.. spice up the thread abit..

My hb very spoil mood one, I was looking thru the webby on sex costume and saw those uniforms, then I ask him nice or not. Got pple buy meh, so troublesome to dress up. After wearing, my two gals wake up liao ah. Then he say, no need waste money lar, not cheap also. Do chop chop one, so troublesome.
yes shld keep the passion burning..

Hows ur schedule like?
both long distance runner, wonder one session how long? keke

Wah.. few times a week. I got no enegry or crave for it leh. ahhaha


Yup, i gave him last week when im drowsy. ahhahahaha


Yoga night- got chance again lor. for a baby boy.kekeke * dun hit me *
wow..time week oredi..enjoy your Yoga night! Kekeke,,

Wow..ur hub so onz one..think he wants u to b drunk every night then..kekeke

True to hv a few times per week..but honestly, sometimes too tired & cant be bothered...think those who hv few times a wk are 'young' lovers.. come all my topics on sex huh?? kekeke

Dun think i have the energy to do everyday leh.


Why your topic all on sex huh? becos you have been waiting for your hb mah..... hehe... must put vecky at your mum's place when hb is back so you all have the night for yourselves. kekeke....
may, i also mon den bring kristy back. i also tink no need see doc liao la so many days rite?

haha may, u surprise him la, find a perfect time nobody at home. don't give him chance to reject. make sure he go crazy. ekkeke

manda! oh ya hor, today thurs again! so u every thurs no need to go class liao la. tell teacher home practice.

wa jopep, once a wk v saat liao leh. where to find time........

wendy once again proven she's super, now is super wifey!
once we got too loud. then my gal woke up making a frustrated sound.
then hb quickly hv to go pacify her. Then she sleep again within secs
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa"> Wendy,

You are a SUPER Mommy cum SUPER Wife cum SUPER LOVER cum SUPER COOK</font>

afetr he go pacify her then he still got mood meh? hahahah

Now chloe sleep in her own room or still sleeping with you.
We tot alike ya on Wendy. haha

Chloe sleep in her own room.
We kept our bedroom door open cos she say she will be scare
I only got 26 blanks now. Making 6 sets now. 24 blanks gone then. Pls immediately bring over blanks for me tonite, anyone who's coming over.

*above announcement maybe alien to most of u. but it's ok. just ignore me.*
Our LJWM Super Ultrally Mummiest, Lover, Chef..all in one! promoting u hor...

heheh...i can imagine tat..also curious, she's sleeping tog w u &amp; hub or by herself? Luckily she still dunno what u two r up to hor?
Think i know what u r referring to...aiyah..make me tempted...but i cant bring blanks to u..cos later rushing for trainings :p

How did u manage to make Chloe sleep by herself?
B4 we moved, i as and when will tell her that she will be sleeping in her own room. explaning that she is big enuf to sleep by herself.
She got a lot of barangs on her bed. So i tell her if she wana sleep with us. cant bring all her barang over, just her "pillow" is ok.

Hb or me will take turn to accompany her during her sleeptime. when she asleep then go back to our rm. Her only request is dun close the door

She need her "pillow", a small light, music and one of us during her sleep time
baby, yoko,
she listen to music to sleep since she's baby.
Those lullaby song.
those kids songs remix for sleeping mode. haha..
wendy,no prob.i'll collect for u ur honey dat case will go later so posh cn pass her ur labels den i'll collect together.

iv,u muz be craving for it dats y kip talking bout sex.wahaha

manda,u seem to be high sex drive too!
