Lovely JW Mommies




Huh, she talk back to you. She dun seem to be a person like that leh.


I agree with soft that you are great driver.

wow..super busy weekend for u hor..take care..esp when u r still unwell..
I also busy weekend..but didn't go anywhere on Sat as I was down w a terrible headache!

wow..u did all those balloons?? So nice!

RE: Open House
Erhh..just in case any mummies interested, Taman Jurong CC will be having their Open House on this Sun frm 10am to 1pm..also got balloon sculpturing demo leh..

I want to learn frm ur maid! to talk back to supervisors..hee
hello mummiesss.... ya.. still as busy in the office. =( so hard to cope. Everyday see my colleague kana scold by boss cos he is really too unexperence at work, very poor thing. I think another 2 weeks down the road if I still cant catch the basic I'm gonna kana liao!

*Sat night* got flea market at the BBQ area at Blk 656 here, anyone went? I went pretty late and got some grabs at $2 for some tops and my hubby also bought a bottom for $2! kekekeke
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">MORNING ALL...</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">hi liyun,
u went har... i was back pretty late... so din bother to go by... coz the last time nothing much to see......</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi ivfamily,
thanks.... yup lor... sick still have so much to do..... hope... faster come nov... finish my exam... then it will be ending for me to take long term school already.... now felt the pain... haha</font>
morning ladies,softpillow reporting

thks,can't wait to meet u soon. kekeke,my notti boy will love it.

u so shiok man.i wish im holidaying at somewhr now

the graphic so sweet,
i'm sleepy.. then my colleague made coffee.. smell so good and refreshing!

i'm looking fwd to my power nap..
im on a one day course tmr at orchard,might go taka shopping during lunch.whr u work?

my hb "spoilt" me,whr's ur maid? ask ur maid to help
Morn ladies
tues oredi..time fliess....

Softpillow gd..what type of course u r gg for? Rarely i get to attend courses at Orchard..sooo long neber go Orchard...swakoo oredi

Train ur hub to do housework! Hehehehehh....

take care...bear w it..time I hv said earlier..heheheh..

I passed by the blk party tt night..&amp; actually tot of joining..cos rather sian, no where to go for Lantern festival..but then again, should b resting at home becos of my severe headache..instead of attending e blk party
GST workshop by pricewaterhouse coopers.its at holiday inn parkview hotel,dun call urself swakoo la,after having my boy i also seldom frequent orchard,hb doesnt like to drive there too unless got smth to buy.but if just window-shopping,we won't go thr.always jamm n parking exp.
glad to hear that,better for us. we gotta b financially-independent too,must save up $$ for rainy days

i hv registered my boy for the trial lesson,till now they haven contact me?
wow..must b an expensive teabreak hor? u, I also seldom go Orchard..all the way w my boy in tow, rather diff to do so..unable to shop in peace..hee

hmm..think i also need to b more my hub doing most of the housework..hee..but i'm definitely independent when it comes to taking care of my I hv been single handedly preparing him for &amp; after cc for the past few mths..should b able to cope if my hub goes for overseas work trips..
Baby idea..
u preparing for Charlene's b/d?

oii..see wrongly lah..hee..I'm not the one who commented u as a taitai leh..hee..too stressed liao lah u..
i think don mummy ordered frm birthdaydirect b4,but now dunno if they still ship to s'pore

hahaha...tai tai also got tai tai's stress ah,just look forward to ur overseas stay la.u will b stress-free tai tai over there

Yup.Cracking my brain on how to celebrate.


you mean those party-pack with goodies inside birthday direct got huh?
my hb wont do housework de.
I dun want to train also.

Soft, baby- why the sudden talk about independent? Not happy with something?

Baby, have u brought your 2 girls out on your own? No maid.
we went melaka last 2 weeks.we eat chicken rice balls that babybarney n jopep recommended

cos i feel im too dependent liao,no good

No lar, i just feels that is good to be independant than rely on ppl.

I have never brought two gers out on my own before. Cannot handle leh, This two are difficult babies, will fight for attention.
haha..... so nice to read what had been posted....

talking abt independent, can i don be independent... i had been handling my kids mostly alone on Sunday.... so far so good... but mostly will be screamming at my boy.... think it is my chara.... my hubby say he need to work mainly on weekend..... those... mostly i need to bring my kids out alone.... sometime with the help of my mother n in law.... haha so far the farest bot my kids out alone... will be the collection of my boy grade at his childcare... i carry the mei mei while my boy walk all the way from my place to the childcare..... then my mother wait for me there.... i think my boy is better behave when no other adult at home.... don know y...... he will not try to catch my attention when i bath mei mei or latch her... but when there are other... super difficult for me wanted to feed my gal....
paiseh.... see wrongly.. sorry sorry... heehee...

it's you lah *knock your head*
go over also sure stress too... need to adapt to the new environment, settle down, source for Xavier's sch and enrichment class for the younger ones, conduct home schooling for my kids, learn driving, etc...
wendy,my hb don do hse chores too.b4 i had maid oso i do evryting maid rich 1 wk b4 my gal arrived.wat happened?wat cctv u watched?wat happened?
<font color="0000ff">Soft</font>
wah syok ah you, can kill 2 birds with one stone.
Shopping during lunch time is the most noble thing to do in a mommies life! Hahahah!

I had to rush a few urgent lab testing before lunch so did not post.
Then I had to take my power nap and now I feel rejuvenated!! Yeah!!

hmmm.. sensitive topic.. I think for me it comes naturally as I’m single.
Going out means lugging a stroller, a compact baby bag, hold one girl hand and carry my baby.
I learnt to maximize with the minimum things. Initially was a little kan cheong esp if I go out without my helper but the girls normally cooperate and I can handle them without a fuss.
Financially its tight to juggle but I learn to manage my funds.
Things are looking better for us and hopefully I am able to realize my next goal; to get my own flat
that's the tai tai stress. even damm rich tai tais also hv to go thru that

me also hope it comes faster too cos payday,i love to see $$ in my bank esp on payday

u r a brave n strong mummy.
i feel like slapping my maid who

1) pluck her eyebrow
2) pluck her white hair
3) talk and sms constantly on her hp(despite our warnings)
4) eats my ger lunch while feeding her
5) purposely cover my webcam
6) take pictures of herself wearing different clothes and with makeup
7) lies (and looks very convincing)

she has very simple duties.
just to take good care of my ger at home.
she doesn't event need to cook dinner
can't she just play or read to my ger.


she is a mother of 4.
damn blardy vain.
if i really were to be a tai tai/sahm, my hb TAKES FOR GRANTED that i have to do all that.
plus house spick and span
hot soup+3 dishes waiting for him when he knocked off.
