Lovely JW Mommies

Hi mummies
another rainy for sleeping in hor? wonder e thread moved so slowly..heheh..

gam xia..popped by to peek at Donmummy's photos oredi..hmm..who's the new girl there?? Another mummy??

shiok sia leh..go Genting..somemore these few days the weather so cooling..can imagine the weather for Genting..much cooler & share w us ur experience!
Hmm..I'm surprised that u hv Cholesterol prob..hmm..u r so slim! But somehow, it seems like slim people are no assurance that they r free frm such probs..
on Thurs... went for my gal checkup..., bro ROM, Friday... MC at home sleeping... Sat... went to Town to pick up stuff then went to my mother place... sun... got afternoon wedding lunch stay over at my in law place.... so many days din log in already......
good afternoon LJWM

anyone has a pre-loved MIM sarong sling to let go? can PM me if you have or sms me if you have my contact. thanks
had a great power nap!

<font color="119911">poshies</font>
wah so packed your weekend! you must be tired now

<font color="0000ff">jenn</font>
i just gave away my littlepods slings, maybe you can try the exchange/free items thread?

hi <font color="ff0000">atm!</font>
<font color="ff6000">soft</font>
i woke up liao.. cannot afford to let my subordinates see me sleep over 1pm..
i think we can open a party people company!

atm can do balloon sculpting, don and some of you mommies can do baking cuppies, i can handle the food catering
<font color="0000ff">Eileen</font>
wah so syiok! i can never sleep til that hour le..
No matter how tired I am, latest 9+ sure wake up

I just leave her alone for the moment and see how long she can keep it from me. Don't wanna keep thinking about it.

Have you souce for your part time or full maid? how much is the part time?
wah u see highly of me ah,no more $ to hire maid la.dun hv such gd life ;( if wan maid,gotta sacrifice car,hb need his car to support the family

accumulated tireness lor... slept ard 2-3am mah... been busy during the weekend cos mu bro in law's wedding last night
<font color="aa00aa">Ti</font>
i saw in FB you caught your helper sleeping..
how did she react to you then?
<font color="ff0000">Eileen</font>
weddings are always a tiring affair, but a fun one to be at. have more rest then
Nor, she react as tho she was just facing down. She was sitting but her eyes was shut. I didnt ask her I cant be bother la... my hse so small and yet she cant finish do her very the slow...i watch her do i am the one who tired!
<font color="ff6000">Ti</font>
I understd what you mean about being tired just by looking at her work.. they do get on our nerves at times don't they?

Hmmm... did she have enough rest?
just a thought, perhaps its the fasting month and having to wake up early and all made her more lethargic?

I let my maid rest after the early morning meal (we wake up around 4.30, done by 5.15) and I told her she can rest til 6+ so that she will not be so tired during the day.

Or is she like this even not during fasting month?
Alah Nor, she forever like that la. Insists wanting to sleep late then during the day like zombie. Keep on reminding her to do her wk fast2 she still do it so slow. entah la, wanna nag pity her, dont nag my eyes the best is just dont look and dont speak.
glad u like the cat. wow you got business mind man. cos I never thought of earning $$ just wish to learn it for fun.

i also like the bee as it is easy and cute. If got chance to meet I can make 1 for your boy.
<font color="0000ff">soft</font>
whoa! thats far man.. travelling must be a chore everyday for you. i can fall aslp driving if i work in the east!
<font color="ff6000">Ti</font>
poor you! you must tell her not to sleep late la.. heart pain sey if you keep it to yourself..

anyway she sleep so late do what? write poems ah?
<font color="119911">atm</font>
Yeah love it! the cat is very nice

I’m just putting our skills together, in case we have another gathering no need to rent/ order from outside sources bah.
<font color="ff0000">soft</font>
i remember almost dozing off when I brought the girls to East Coast beach one time.

Imagine after a nice picnic- full tummy, nice breeze and all – then have to drive back to JW!
Somemore the girls fall aslp with my helper and I have to force myself to stay awake for safety..Ordeal man!!
<font color="0000ff">super super packed weekend... now me still coughing... haiz...

hi atm....
my boy love ballon....... next time must ask u to teach me....</font>

don - i made muffins last wkend. bought a new Cornell $29.90 mixer after my disaster ekekee. the tastes quite ok. but hor....if i had baked it any longer, it will become cookie liao. cos the top become cracked and abit crispy leh. then the bottom of the cup is black color. ekekek

i got pic leh, but havn't dl from my hp yet.

how was last wkend's cupcake session?
