Lovely JW Mommies

even if you don own a mixer you can whisk by hand as long as all is dissolved and mixed properly
Cool..... maybe i will bake it someday when im free...

chocolate using what type is better and tastier? hersay?
my girls loves prata too.. but they like egg prata while i love plain prata and cheese prata.. oooohhhh no.. now i'm thinking of changing my menu again!
yes hersheys are the best! sometimes i use their cocoa powder as subsitute, too lazy to break the whole choc and then melt it la
The 6 days CCL applicable to just kids born on or after 17 Aug 08? So for our case, wont able to take the 6 days CCL?
morning mummies...

wat a gd day to be stil slping.haizz...but too bad gt to wrk.

hope i cn mke it to e cupcake session.will try my best to go.cya all later.
those who want to employ maid to look after children, try to make sure there's someone at home to 'jaga' the maid.

my hb company is pro rate (aug 08-dec08= 1 days) the ccl this yrs - 3 days for kids under 7 yrs.
i think the ccl is the mom rule, the company can't just "suka suka" give or don't give.

will join the cupcake later, but don't whether bring my babies or not. if bring 1 baby, no maid with me, then need to jaga myself...
Hi mummies
wow..everyone must b enjoying themselves at Donmummy's cupcake session..pity I cant make it..initially got to work from 6pm onmwards...but my severe headache, or rather migrane, caused me sleepless night yest...& it grew worse this morn until I buay tahan & went to c a doc & was given 2 days MC. Yep! For weekends..MC I told her need to work for these 2 now, after popping e medicine & sleeping for a few hrs..felt much better..keeping my fingers crossed that it wont come back...1st time having such a long & severe headache man..dunno what's wrong!
sometimes its becos of the weather la.. or perhaps you have not had enough sleep/ rest and your body is just reacting to it.

have a good rest, don't go out if not necessary so that you get well and hopefully the headache will not visit again
guess what i'm having for my break fast tonight??

no, not murtabak..

not prata..

mom prepared <font color="ff0000">goreng pisang</font> for sweet treats, <font color="ff0000">sambal prawns and omelette</font> to have with rice. all home-made! yummers!!
Feeling beta? I hate feeling sick esp at weekends.

Paiseh that we gotta leave early.
The cupcakes are getting beta. More delicious and more beautiful too.

Always made pple drool with the food u mentioned hor. Long time din eat goreng pisang liao.
Ti, Manda,
yeah home-cooked food is always the best-est!!! Burp! The beauty of living with mom

i don't like the goreng pisang from outside cos more often not ripe and hard.
and i simply love prawns sambal - best to eat with nasi lemak but that would be extremely sinful! hahaha
i love to eat.. though i'm not so big size, i have to curb my eating spree cos i'm high cholesterol!

thats why i have to balance my eating with exercise.
Hi Ladies
Glad to say that my headache is gone..hopefully for how did all celebrate the Lantern festival? My boy spent his night over at my in laws place..played w his cousin, as for me, nothing much..stay at home &amp; laze..

Hmm..not sure whether was it due to the weather..but these few days, the weather is pretty doubt it was due to the weather..doc also unable to say what was it due to also..:p
Yaloh..u always mention abt food until i also drool..but cannot eat those food u mentioned, too heaty..heheh

RE: Goreng Pisang
those who love goreng pisang can try the stall at Taman Jurong Food market, 3rd floor..very crisy &amp; sweet...not ripe &amp; hard at all! I rarely buy oredi..cos too sinful..rem after eating it once, i got sick the next day..hahah

RE: Cupcake Making
how was the session?? no photos??
Me also high cholesterol. Those food that Doc ask me to cut down are all my fave. haha... If next checkup still high, then advise to take medicine early. haha
I tink becos I stopped my regular excising these few yrs too.
I used to go taman jurong food market for "wu xiang xia bing". Crisy and delicious. once i eat every week after my yoga session. haha... Tat explain where my cholestrol come from too. But after it change hand, i dun tink its as nice and stopped my weekly treat. haha....
I do like the fishball noodles there too.
better jaga your food intake then and if possible to re-start exercise - a little is better than none.
Cholesterol lowering/maintaining medication is a long term and expensive thing.

Manda going to Genting to paktor
hi,so sad i missed e cupcake session...
coz i lost smetin important so had to overturn my stuffs to look for it.luckily i managed to find it...

Lantern festival: my sisters came over for dinner n e kids played lantern n sparks sticks outside my hm.they enjyd demselves beri much.
Ya.. I will pop by this thread more to keep myself awake!

Last night my sis brought me to another Ramadhan Food Bazaar at JW St 71 (I think),
it’s the street after Gek Poh.
bought Chicken Briyani for my break fast.. it was yummy!
so nice to watch children play right?
somehow wish we were young again..

when i bring my girls to the water playground at IMM i also feel like running around the water spouts with them.. but of course i didn't la.

nor,i agree wif u...i missed those daz wen i was young...w/o worries n troubles.i'll play wif my boy too if he wants me to play wif him.
