Lovely JW Mommies

nor, i suppose your children are your strength now.
u r a wonderful mummy


Temporary dun go see the cctv first lor. I can understand how you feel.You will fall sick easily if keep thinking abt it. Take Care wor! Worried for you.
Like i heard from some ppl is "is better not to install and see thing which you dun like to see" but again we are human and children are our precious, of cos we will feel uptight when our little ones is in someone else hands.


You are going on 25th sept, im going on 27 oct. one month later than you. hee...I choose so late because Im afraid of hot weather. kekeke



Definiately will stress when you reach there but things will turn out after you adapt to the new enviroment. we singaporean very easy to adapt to new thing de mah, right? Jus like our gov always surprise us with new thing/ruling but soon everyone can follow. I beleive you will enjoy your SAHM there.
Wendy, no wonder so stress. Ur cctv is ur web cam huh? SO she know u spy on her? My prevoius maid aso like tat say she mother of 2 and yet cant handle my mimi tat is y send her back 2 agency.
i stop le.
i stop ALL MY ACTIVITIES and really be a STAY-HOME-MUM now.

just before her nap, i saw a bruise on daphne's chin.
i say waht happen? she told me
'mei mei knock on the floor.'
then auntie where?
auntie talking on her phone. auntie talking to her friend.

i believe my kids 100%.
well, when i listed the above ppl thought she is a young girl

but already 40 and mother of 4.
wanna b beauty queen here meh?

i'm very evil.
mayb before i send her back i force her to cut her preccious long hair.
see our contract got say or not.

in her bio data everything can la.

the last time ask her cut she touch her pony tail and whine 'dun want...' disgusting.
Wendy, hahaha i dont find u evil after u caught her do so many things. I find it is normal to ask her cut hair if her bio says u can!

i believe what your ger say is true also.

did you question your maid after this, regarding the bruises?

I'm going with Charlene only. Not bringing ah mei, I'm not biased but becos my family members say ah mei been to taiwan when she's 6months so no need bring liao that's why only bring elder gal and hb dun like taiwan so he din go.

How are you going to get her cut away her precious hair huh?
Mommies with blogs!!!
All of you can subscibe to twitter.. esp Eileen cos u will be away in malaysia so tat we can keep updated wif u're on going adventurous life..

Twitter works in both ways - u can link in up to ur blog and at facebook ... just like mine in the blog and we can actually follow each other movement. Now the devices(HP) is down so we cant connect to our ph.
i also believe my ger
this morning, on the way to school my son also said
'when meimei n i watch tv, she go inside the playroom and use hp'
'auntie never look after me. she talking to her friends.'

i dunno.
just a thought only.
hb is v bz with work now. i havent seen him since mon

i dun want to confront her skali i really slap her.
so, i wont goreng her YET.

this morning i also purposely pluck eyebrow infront of my ger. then she said
'auntie also have'
we cn say beri untidy den beta cut due to hygiene.hack care la.bring her go to e 10 mins hair cut to cut.say u pay for her.haha


is co trip n colleagues colleagues who went on sat met wif typhoon.den staywed in hotel for 2 daz.pray hard dat weather will be fine wen i go.
Baby, so now ur facebook and blog are link BUT pls if u wanna update on facebook u must click via twitter and not from facebook. Aiya like diff rite actually not. Try an error ..
dats y dey say phili maids r difficult to handle.i gt a fren whose agent is home based de.she bring in phili maids herself n bring hm to train herself.tink her's is mre reliable.i may look for her agent wen my maid goes bac.
wendy,if u rili cn be sahm den maybe get p/t maid to do chores for u weekly lor.dat's wat both my sisters do.den u'll hav mre time for ur kids tis way.
i can be sahm but hb wants me to work.
long story.
i will work a few more years then ka jiao him again.
No wonder u r depressed! Take care ur maid's contract coming to an end soon? Else, either confront her or bear w matter what, she's looking after ur kids & u dun want her to do anything to them when both of u arent around..
honestly, I will also install CCTV if i were fact, even though my boy is in CC, I'm also thinking what he is doing there, whether he got kena bullied etc..but sometimes, ignorance is indeed bliss.

When is ur girl's bd again? Still got time to brainstorm? Heheh..else e Taiwan trip will be like a bd pressie to her

her bday is 20th Oct. Hb is saying "just celebrate in sch can liao anyway she's going taiwan also"

I really wan to give up liao, dun know how to use.

After reading ur post, feel angry for u too.
My colleages recently just send his maid back bcos he cun stand her always on the phone & not looking after his kids.

My colleagues caught her red handed so mant times on many things until he fed up & sent her off 2 weeks ago, he jus told me tis morning tat his new maid coming in tis fri, he hope for the best.

Tat time wif all tis maid issue, he was very fed up too.

R u thinking of sending her off?

Dun laugh at Tee. Frankly speaking, if not that I'm going brunei, I NEVER know that there's another part of M'sia beside Indonesia lor... all along only know M'sia is abv S'pore! Sssshhh... dun laugh hor :p
still got abt a mth to plan..r u intending to do a party or just bring her go jalan? Think most imptly is that they enjoyed themselves loh..
Yup..joined Facebook oredi..I'm also looking to add u leh..heheh..but i still prefer Multiply..very confusing leh Facebook

If u happened to c this, paisey hor..i will ignore e requests..hee..cos dunno how to use..yet to explore

hehehe...i also own up..cos I'm bad w Geography..heheh...not sure where e countries r exactly also..hehehe...

Btw, anyone brought their toddlers/bbs for the competition organised by Channel 8?? Dunno what's e title...My hub & I were at JP last Sun morn & saw a long queue for the toddler boys competition...the queue was so long until it went all the way to the taxi stand (7-11 side!)

muz luff at tee la...coz she oso luff at ppl.and i'm one of dem!!!argh mood to wrk.feel so tired.
Eh, wen i was in sch i never learn history lei. I really tink brunei is one of the cities on malaysia. wa lau eh...hahahaha learn something new each day.
