Jurong West Mums

yvonne - congrats...

btw, i'm here in south carolina liao, usa...

now in hotel got free netork, but dunno the one at my apt will have or not... *pray*
Hi mummies + 1 daddy

Been so busy lately... Until I Super Blur liao... got no time to log on... Haiz...

RE: Delivery
YT, Congrats on yr successful delivery!

RE: Sick
Alicia's Daddy, sorry to hear abt Alicia. Any updates? Hope tat she's feeling better. Take care

RE: Toys & Playmat
Connz, erm... i also got no idea wat toys to buy leh, i just buy whatever catch my eye loh... Recently bought a Tiny Love Activity Toy for my princess at $79 (after disc). Luckily, she's still playing with it.. otherwise heartpain..
So, yr playmat delivered liao? How is it?

RE: Overseas
Wendy, shiok ya? Neber been to USA before, post some pics for us to see online ya? How's the weather?

Etelle, how's SAHM life so far? Missed working?
Welcome Angela
. Wah.. another weida de mama...quitting job to look after bb...
Hi Blur, and mummies,
Alicia's fever was gone on July 06, but rash appeared on face and chest. Followed up with PD and was told that she had fake measle, but rash should disappear a couple of days. Wife and Me can finally slept through the night.

Her rashes completely disppeared yesterday, and she was back to her mischevious self (bullying Daddy), but we still prefer to stay put at home for the time being despite her telling me to go "kai Kai".

Thanks for all your concerns.

Glad to hear that you safe in US now.

received my bumpermat last sat
was busy pointing n explainaing the counties to my son and he was smiling al e time
as 4 toys, din buy any 4 so long liao.... c hw tis wkend. wil met poshies tis sat 2 collect my son shoes :p
Hi serene,

U bot teh flashcards oso huh?
I went to YT's place to see liao....quality very gd. I ordered a set fr bulk purchase oredi

Saw Javier at the void deck last week...he is sooo cute n cheerful..hee
Hi everyone.. wow.. where to everyone stay? Jus curious... me dun know much ppl in my area lo...

Hi blurblur, no la me no weida lo

Congratulation YT on ur new born
wow so long din post already...
sorry din got the time to read all the posting!!!!

finally is the BP for the Bobux is completed once the shoes reaches today.... me blur blur ... din bring my list back...

anymore gathering....

u bot the bumpermat har..... keke
rite.... organise the last BP coz some of friends say they r keen, any one interested...

blur blur get the boots for ur princess lah...
thanks i am enjoying my time as a SAHM not missing working life ha ha :p

hope to see your birth story and your baby's pic soon

i am staying at Blk 632. How old is ur baby now? or your child? Mine is a 5 mth old baby boy

Welcome Angela & Yuki....looks like this thread is coming alive!!!!
yalor blur.
u know why.. my son cun wear the M size shoes.. thankfully Poshies was able to help me to sell off leh.
So that's why i'm thinking to get a big big pair heehee.. so he confirm can wear 1.
yup... brougt e bumpermap .... world map design
stil gt e orange/white bobux shoes??? hw cm ur supplier dnt hv???
Welcome Mona

Yuki & Etelle
I stay in Blk 620... me sometime blur blur lehz... I dun mind joining ur meet up lo... We live quite near each other... Can also organise gathering (small) 1 at each other hse lehz..

I have a bb boy 6+mths liao... Wat are ur bb's name, boy or gal?

P.S Etelle, thank you for adding me in MSN...I will be joing the SAHM group soon jus 2 more days to go... Can we exchange phne nos.? is it ok? at least when dun have access to PC we can still have contact or even meet up... Me sometimes cockeye lo... ppl infront me also never c...

R there any other mommies in JW area near P.Mall who are also SAHM? would like to get to know more friends lehz...
Angela, Etella
So good hor can be SAHM.
How i wish to be SAHM too.

woh, u also see my son ah.
My hubby always bring him to kai kai.
Thanks for the welcome.

Not a SAHM but am dying to be one. Cannot afford la. Am aiming for it in 2 years time, when I have a 3rd kid....
hi serene, ur bb so cute .... hw i wish my boy cld b like tt....he always cry when bathing time
next time bring him swimming dnt noe wil tear down e pool or nt

Javier so cute in the pix

And whose arm is dat..so muscular..keke

ur hubby very nice..always bring javier n ur doggies gai gai..hee

BTW, are u still breastfeeding?
you can also be one mah ha ha then we sahm can go shopping jurong point together hee hee :p lim kopi also can ha ha
that my hubby arm.
My hubby like to bath him.
Never mind another 2 months to go then u can see ur bb.
BTW ur is girl or boy.
Breastfeeding not sussceful

Hee i still prefer to work as i can go shopping with extra $$.

Hee if i don bath him on time he will cry & remind me.

Wow, your hb bath Javier. Impressed :)
I always leave the bathing to my wife because I do not know how to manage. *shy*

29 still young mah.
I am the one updating the details.
But my laptop is down..now can only use my hubby's email. Got to copy the file over to this PC. I will update all of u next time.
Alicia's daddy must try to bathe baby! My hubby bathes both my babies. Good bonding time. He is so much better than I am at bathing them, even my maid say so...
Hi All,

Sorry took so long to come back here...Dunno why my wound is so painful till 2 days ago...Its getting better but who knows yesterday after removing the stitches, near my wound area whenever I sit & get up I always have burning or spicy feeling...Now abit scare to get up...
I even ask hb how come everyone is TMC can walk so happily except me...
so far come back till now i try feeding baby once also xing ku...

Btw, here is 1 of Jayden's photo:

More photos at this link: http://sg.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/yvonneteng81/album?.dir=/4df5scd&urlhint=actn,del%3as,8%3af,0
Hi YT,

When I gave birth to my girl. My wound area was very plainful, and I can't sit or walk properly. When I went back to TMC doing my girl bith cert, I meet the mummy next bed same room with me, she was walking as normal and my husband was saying how come I was walking unusual. Due to inexperience and didn't realise that my wound was infection untill my follow up. End up, I've to do bath treatment, and re-sitch my wound.

So, if u still have the burning & spicy feeling, better go n c doctor. Take care!
Hi YT, did u take e painkiller??? my 1st day also painful til e nurse told me gt painkiller. after taking it, nt muc pain liao...Jayden look so cute

Sept03bride, e water temp ok lah....pat sm on my son chest b4 put him in bt once he in e water he start 2 cry liao....so every time hv 2 bath him v fast.
Welcome back. Glad to know everything is fine.
Jayden is so adorable.
Did your hb get to cut the umblilical cord?

Maybe your hb can conduct lesson for all interested Daddies.

Dun give me pressure leh.
It has always been wife bath gal, and I sneak away to read newspaper because after bath, I got to play with her while my wife start to cook her meal (weekend only).

I think I can manage my gal (2YO), but the "lao er" due end Sept this year, must start training liao.

Sept03 Bride,
Jayden is 3.6Kg when born
(I very kay poh one :p)
Thanks Connz. Anyway, my girl now is already 5.

Suggest that u give him some bath toys, like rubber duckies etc. Also, do not bath him when he is sleepy, cos he will cry.
Thanks Alicia's Daddy.
Wow Jayden is 3.6kg, this is a very good weight.

we will also pat some water on bb's chest 1st then say something to tell him going to put him in the water liao. He's okie.. in fact he looks shiok. Haahaa
Try to distract him with some bath toys like what Yuki has mentioned.
I think it also has something to do with the person bathing the BB. I hv this thinking that if the person dun feel comfortable bathing BB, the BB can sense it and probably dun feel safe and will cry lor. Its jus my thoughts lar..

not me have problems bathing, its Connz.

Thks...Hehehe...Jayden look abit 'round'...

Thks Alicia's Daddy...Yah Jayden is abt 3.5kg when born...

Oh, my hb didn't cut the umblilical cord...I think we are anxious until forgotten...Moreover gynae didn't ask on that day...Anyway hb say he dun dare to also...

Yesterday I hv went back to remove stitches, everything was fine leh...Gynae say my wound recover very good...The pain is not at the wound but abt 5-10cm away leh...Haiz...

Today only 7th day, can't imagine how to survive for 1 mth...The weather is such a killer plus my pain...I cried so badly since day 2 due to the pain...So happy 2 days ago, the pain had reduced but who know yesterday when back to the gynae the pain is back again & this pain seems like no one ever encounter before leh...This pain really make me scare of getting up to walk...
wow... very bz thread....amy more gathering....

nope lah... saw 1 mat love it... so don know whether to get a not... actually i have 2 bumpermat and 1 floormat...
I did not get to cut either when Alicia was borned. Gynae cut and then looked at me, and said "Aiya, forget to let you cut. Next one sure remember".

Rest well and hope the pain will be gone soon. Take care.
